kyk wat wil die staat maak [boodskap #51992] |
Fri, 19 October 2001 20:05 |
Boodskappe: 379 Geregistreer: September 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
net so kort stukkie waaroor dit gaan
The idea behind the proposal is that all citizens contribute a
portion of their income to the national retirement fund during
their working years.
All citizens would be entitled to withdraw a minimum pension from
the fund at a set retirement age whether they contributed to the
fund or not.
Re: kyk wat wil die staat maak [boodskap #52033 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #51992] |
Sat, 20 October 2001 02:56 |
Boodskappe: 1070 Geregistreer: September 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
"A slave is a man with a slave's mentality...."
Ons verdien die heersers wat ons het - ons (regdenkende mense) laat hierdie
ANC-hofnarre toe om te doen net wat hulle wil. Benewens die feit dat hulle
onbevoeg is om hierdie land en al sy mense te regeer, sal so aftreefonds
waarskynlik weer die geleentheid bied aan die ANC-amptenare om daaruit te
steel. (Dit is seker maar deel van "ubuntu" ?)
"Tobie" skryf in boodskap news:9qq13i$nko$
> net so kort stukkie waaroor dit gaan
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> The idea behind the proposal is that all citizens contribute a
> portion of their income to the national retirement fund during
> their working years.
> All citizens would be entitled to withdraw a minimum pension from
> the fund at a set retirement age whether they contributed to the
> fund or not.
> --
Re: kyk wat wil die staat maak [boodskap #52108 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #52033] |
Sun, 21 October 2001 07:09 |
Wouter Plaasvark
Boodskappe: 1004 Geregistreer: May 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Ai, Tobie en Jonas, waar val julle nou uit?
Alles op die Internet is nie waar nie, en selfs wanneer 'n berig naastenby
waar is (soos hierdie een) is dit dikwels net die idee van enkelinge en
ongetoets by die mense wat saak maak. Voeg daarby dat die berig waarskynlik
reeds meer as 30 maande oud is (die storie dateer hier uit laat 1998 of
1999 as ek reg onthou) en dat dit sedertdien nog nie ernstige aandag gekry
het nie, na hewige kritiek uit verskeie oorde.
"Jonas" skryf in boodskap news:9qqp2c$nin$
"A slave is a man with a slave's mentality...."
Ons verdien die heersers wat ons het - ons (regdenkende mense) laat hierdie
ANC-hofnarre toe om te doen net wat hulle wil. Benewens die feit dat hulle
onbevoeg is om hierdie land en al sy mense te regeer, sal so aftreefonds
waarskynlik weer die geleentheid bied aan die ANC-amptenare om daaruit te
steel. (Dit is seker maar deel van "ubuntu" ?)
"Tobie" skryf in boodskap news:9qq13i$nko$
> net so kort stukkie waaroor dit gaan
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> The idea behind the proposal is that all citizens contribute a
> portion of their income to the national retirement fund during
> their working years.
> All citizens would be entitled to withdraw a minimum pension from
> the fund at a set retirement age whether they contributed to the
> fund or not.
> --