Re: Nuusgroep FAQ? [boodskap #49637] |
Thu, 06 September 2001 13:00  |
Oorspronklik gepos deur:
Daar is 'n FAQ vir hierdie nuusgroep, opgestel toe
die nuusgroep gebore is. Wie weet dat hierdie nuusgroep
gebore is deur die arbeid van 'n Nederlander wat Afrikaans
op die hart gedra het, die petisie ge-organiseer het wat
ingedien moes word met genoeg name om dit moontlik te
maak vir die nuusgroep om te begin. Ek wonder of
enigiemand nog daardie Nederlandse ou se naam kan
onthou. Ek dink hy het by Leiden se Universiteit gewerk,
en vir 'n ruk eiehandig die poste van die Afrikaanse
epos-lys op die nuusgroep geplaas, totdat die volume van
die eposlys hom oorweldig het.
Re: Nuusgroep FAQ? [boodskap #49648 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #49637] |
Thu, 06 September 2001 15:45  |
Boodskappe: 609 Geregistreer: September 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
"Danielle" schreef...> Weet jy, ek sit die afgelope paar dae en speel met
die idee dat ons
> miskien 'n FAQ moet opstel vir hierdie groep? Iemand kan dit dan
> weekliks pos.
Miskien kan jy gaan kyk op
Daar vind jy die etiket vir die groep.
Of iemand kan inderdaad gereeld die charter post (miskien kan jy dit eerst
(ek het net die "proposed charter" kan vind)
CHARTER: soc.culture.south-africa.afrikaans
In this proposed charter, the term 'Afrikaans speakers' will be taken
to include all people who speak Afrikaans, regardless of race, colour,
creed or national origin, whether they consider themselves to be
'Afrikaners' or not. This includes both mother-tongue speakers and
others, including those who speak 'alternative' Afrikaans.
The proposed newsgroup soc.culture.south-africa.afrikaans is intended
as a platform for all information about speakers of the Afrikaans
language all information and discussion about speakers of the
Afrikaans language and the language itself. This means all discussions
about social, cultural, political, economical, historical,
geographical and other issues that are, in one way or the other,
related to Afrikaans speakers, Afrikaans or the southern African
region are welcome in this newsgroup.
Also, it is hoped that soc.culture.south-africa.afrikaans will be a
meaningful means for contact between Afrikaans speakers at home and
abroad, and between the Afrikaans speakers, including those who speak
'alternative' Afrikaans, and and all other persons interested in the
Afrikaans language.
Soc.culture.south-africa.afrikaans will be an unmoderated newsgroup,
so anyone will be able to post to this newsgroup. Being free to post
should also mean being responsible for what you post. All articles
posted should have 'something' to do with southern Africa, Afrikaans
or Afrikaans-speaking people, however remotely. Insults, "flames" or
unnecessary criticism of a group or a person is strongly discouraged.
Please read the netiquette rules in news.announce.newusers before
posting your first article to any newsgroup, and try to stick to them
whenever posting articles.
Primarily, postings in Afrikaans (also in 'alternative' Afrikaans),
Dutch and English can be expected. However, postings in any other
language are also welcome to facilitate the exchange of information
with the largest possible audience.