Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Strydomplein
Strydomplein [boodskap #43116] |
Thu, 31 May 2001 22:21  |
David in Dallas
Boodskappe: 1 Geregistreer: May 2001
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
"Max" wrote:
> Iemand het nou die dag gesê dat daar nog niks met die Strydiomplein gebeur
> het na die afskaffing van apartheid!!!
> Verkeerd, hoor!!!
> ________________________________________________________
Mmmmmm, is dit ons voorvaders wat nou in hulle grafte omdraai?
Re: Strydomplein [boodskap #43125 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #43116] |
Fri, 01 June 2001 04:36   |
Boodskappe: 723 Geregistreer: January 2004
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Since the news report that the Strydom Square next to the State Theatre
collapsed, there has been a spate of theories about what really happened.
Here are a few:
Strydom Square was built on a pyramid, and has now finally collapsed.
It was a guerrilla attack by the AWB (Artists Without Bucks) representing
the host of companies which had potential funding withheld, so the State
Theatre could also apply.
Meridy Wixley lost her temper (again) while excavating the remnants of the
slush fund.
Even Strydom decided that he no longer wanted to be associated with the
State Theatre.
It was a case of Strydom's bust being reduced. A storm in a D-Cup(itation).
One of the applicants for the post of CEO at the State Theatre, who got
turned down for the job, was responsible.
Someone who was offered the job, did it.
They're clearing the way to make room for a bust of Edmund Radebe. (Thanks,
To avoid its creditors, the State Theatre has gone underground.
The foundations of the State Theatre are built on sand. (So is PACOFS come
to think of it - hence the Sand du Plessis)
When they re-opened the State Theatre, they forgot to un-mothball the
This is part of the strategy to make the State Theatre more open.
Strydom collapsed when he heard how much the State Theatre debt actually
It was a PANSA division that did it. (Thanks, Nigel)
Actually, more like a Phantsi Division.
The State Theatre and surrounds were built by an Israeli company.
It was Cyril Ramaphosa, Tokyo Sexwale and Mathews Phosa who did it.
The parking garage needed better ventilation. They got in an accountant to
do the job.
Mike van Graan
The Cultural Weapon
Re: Strydomplein [boodskap #43128 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #43125] |
Fri, 01 June 2001 04:47   |
Boodskappe: 11112 Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid |
Very funny - and I believe every reason could be true:))))
Vanoggend juis in Die Burger - Nou sal daar 'n meer verteenwoordigende
monument gevou kan word.
TJ wrote in message ...
> Since the news report that the Strydom Square next to the State Theatre
> collapsed, there has been a spate of theories about what really happened.
> Here are a few:
> Strydom Square was built on a pyramid, and has now finally collapsed.
> It was a guerrilla attack by the AWB (Artists Without Bucks) representing
> the host of companies which had potential funding withheld, so the State
> Theatre could also apply.
> Meridy Wixley lost her temper (again) while excavating the remnants of the
> slush fund.
> Even Strydom decided that he no longer wanted to be associated with the
> State Theatre.
> It was a case of Strydom's bust being reduced. A storm in a D-Cup(itation).
> One of the applicants for the post of CEO at the State Theatre, who got
> turned down for the job, was responsible.
> Someone who was offered the job, did it.
> They're clearing the way to make room for a bust of Edmund Radebe. (Thanks,
> Sharl)
> To avoid its creditors, the State Theatre has gone underground.
> The foundations of the State Theatre are built on sand. (So is PACOFS come
> to think of it - hence the Sand du Plessis)
> When they re-opened the State Theatre, they forgot to un-mothball the
> foundations.
> This is part of the strategy to make the State Theatre more open.
> Strydom collapsed when he heard how much the State Theatre debt actually
> was.
> It was a PANSA division that did it. (Thanks, Nigel)
> Actually, more like a Phantsi Division.
> The State Theatre and surrounds were built by an Israeli company.
> It was Cyril Ramaphosa, Tokyo Sexwale and Mathews Phosa who did it.
> The parking garage needed better ventilation. They got in an accountant to
> do the job.
> Mike van Graan
> The Cultural Weapon
Re: Strydomplein [boodskap #43140 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #43128] |
Fri, 01 June 2001 07:29   |
Boodskappe: 488 Geregistreer: May 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Annette, het hy gevou nog voor hy bebou is? Te minste het Strydom darem 'n
paar jaar gestaan.
"Annette" skryf in boodskap news:9f77e0$6ms$
> Very funny - and I believe every reason could be true:))))
> Vanoggend juis in Die Burger - Nou sal daar 'n meer verteenwoordigende
> monument gevou kan word.
> Annette
> TJ wrote in message ...
>> Since the news report that the Strydom Square next to the State Theatre
>> collapsed, there has been a spate of theories about what really happened.
>> Here are a few:
>> Strydom Square was built on a pyramid, and has now finally collapsed.
>> It was a guerrilla attack by the AWB (Artists Without Bucks) representing
>> the host of companies which had potential funding withheld, so the State
>> Theatre could also apply.
>> Meridy Wixley lost her temper (again) while excavating the remnants of the
>> slush fund.
>> Even Strydom decided that he no longer wanted to be associated with the
>> State Theatre.
>> It was a case of Strydom's bust being reduced. A storm in a
> D-Cup(itation).
>> One of the applicants for the post of CEO at the State Theatre, who got
>> turned down for the job, was responsible.
>> Someone who was offered the job, did it.
>> They're clearing the way to make room for a bust of Edmund Radebe. (Thanks,
>> Sharl)
>> To avoid its creditors, the State Theatre has gone underground.
>> The foundations of the State Theatre are built on sand. (So is PACOFS come
>> to think of it - hence the Sand du Plessis)
>> When they re-opened the State Theatre, they forgot to un-mothball the
>> foundations.
>> This is part of the strategy to make the State Theatre more open.
>> Strydom collapsed when he heard how much the State Theatre debt actually
>> was.
>> It was a PANSA division that did it. (Thanks, Nigel)
>> Actually, more like a Phantsi Division.
>> The State Theatre and surrounds were built by an Israeli company.
>> It was Cyril Ramaphosa, Tokyo Sexwale and Mathews Phosa who did it.
>> The parking garage needed better ventilation. They got in an accountant to
>> do the job.
>> Mike van Graan
>> The Cultural Weapon
Re: Strydomplein [boodskap #43150 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #43140] |
Fri, 01 June 2001 09:11   |
Boodskappe: 11112 Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid |
Daardie tyd het hulle mos nog goeie materiaal gebruik:)))
Nee, weereens ek wat die stuur knoppie te gou gedruk het - jammer.
Maar regtig, hier oorkant Tygervallei 'n gebou wat nog skaars 'n jaar staan,
en die plek lyk sleg - nat kolle wat to bo by die dak uitslaan.
Ek het mos maar my bedenkinge oor geboue wat in die winter hier so gou gebou
Sakkie wrote in message ...
> Annette, het hy gevou nog voor hy bebou is? Te minste het Strydom darem 'n
> paar jaar gestaan.
> "Annette" wrote in message
> news:9f77e0$6ms$
>> Very funny - and I believe every reason could be true:))))
>> Vanoggend juis in Die Burger - Nou sal daar 'n meer verteenwoordigende
>> monument gevou kan word.
>> Annette
>> TJ wrote in message ...
>>> Since the news report that the Strydom Square next to the State Theatre
>>> collapsed, there has been a spate of theories about what really happened.
>>> Here are a few:
>>> Strydom Square was built on a pyramid, and has now finally collapsed.
>>> It was a guerrilla attack by the AWB (Artists Without Bucks) representing
>>> the host of companies which had potential funding withheld, so the State
>>> Theatre could also apply.
>>> Meridy Wixley lost her temper (again) while excavating the remnants of
> the
>>> slush fund.
>>> Even Strydom decided that he no longer wanted to be associated with the
>>> State Theatre.
>>> It was a case of Strydom's bust being reduced. A storm in a
>> D-Cup(itation).
>>> One of the applicants for the post of CEO at the State Theatre, who got
>>> turned down for the job, was responsible.
>>> Someone who was offered the job, did it.
>>> They're clearing the way to make room for a bust of Edmund Radebe.
> (Thanks,
>>> Sharl)
>>> To avoid its creditors, the State Theatre has gone underground.
>>> The foundations of the State Theatre are built on sand. (So is PACOFS
> come
>>> to think of it - hence the Sand du Plessis)
>>> When they re-opened the State Theatre, they forgot to un-mothball the
>>> foundations.
>>> This is part of the strategy to make the State Theatre more open.
>>> Strydom collapsed when he heard how much the State Theatre debt actually
>>> was.
>>> It was a PANSA division that did it. (Thanks, Nigel)
>>> Actually, more like a Phantsi Division.
>>> The State Theatre and surrounds were built by an Israeli company.
>>> It was Cyril Ramaphosa, Tokyo Sexwale and Mathews Phosa who did it.
>>> The parking garage needed better ventilation. They got in an accountant
> to
>>> do the job.
>>> Mike van Graan
>>> The Cultural Weapon
Re: Strydomplein [boodskap #43246 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #43116] |
Sun, 03 June 2001 09:47   |
Oorspronklik gepos deur: (Ferdi Greyling)
On Fri, 1 Jun 2001 13:24:37 +0200, "Annette" wrote:
> Strydom het mos niks met die Republiek te doen gehad nie;)))
Just for the record, hy was 'n groot vegter vir 'n Republiek.
Re: Strydomplein [boodskap #43279 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #43116] |
Mon, 04 June 2001 08:29   |
Wouter Plaasvark
Boodskappe: 1004 Geregistreer: May 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
> Annette : Die Tygervallei Inkopiesentrum - voorheen bekend as The Centre Of
The Universe:)))
Danielle : Dis wat ek gedink het, maar wou net seker maak. Jy sê mos
gereeld vir my dat my inligting oud doos en in die verlede is, so...nou VRA
ek eers! :-)))
Wouter : Tygervallei is deesdae baie meer as a "mall", Danielle. Dis 'n
groeipunt, baie soos Sandton destyds, met kantoorblokke, Olimpiese
sportstadion, gim, winkels, restaurante vir Afrika, die MacDonalds waarteen
jy onsuksesvol betoog het en 'n waterfront wat aan die kom is (in die dam
waar die ou gruisgat was). My kantoor is een van daardie kantoorparke.
Durbanville het ook sterk gegroei, maar Tygervallei het ontplof.
Die Lobster Pot bestaan nog, maar het noord getrek, is nou naby . . . . . .
. . . . .Tygervallei, natuurlik.
Re: Strydomplein: Oorsaak van "invalling/opvouing" bekend! [boodskap #43438 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #43330] |
Thu, 07 June 2001 21:17  |
Boodskappe: 5 Geregistreer: May 2001
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
Miskien die "Wit Wolf" se spoke wat nou daar breek en tekere gaan!
Davie Davis skryf in boodskap
> On Tue, 5 Jun 2001 16:09:44 +0300, "DarkMan"
>>> DD
>> Presies, Strijdom was 'n klipkop :-)
>> DM
> DarkMan, jy klink blêddie dark.
> DD
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