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Tuis » Ernstig » Rekenaars & selfone » VIRUS - LEES ASB
VIRUS - LEES ASB [boodskap #38607] Sat, 27 January 2001 10:41
Elaine  is tans af-lyn  Elaine
Boodskappe: 2948
Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Goeidag almal

Ek kan myself mos nie help nie, moet altyd alwat 'n "attachment" is oopmaak.
Ek het die volgende direk van McAfee af "gecopy" en ek vra vir almal wat die
virus van my af gekry het omverskoning. Die virus copy al jou gif, jpg,
.zip en mp3 lêers (al sê hulle dis net jou jpg en .zip files wat verander,
dit is nie, ek het nou net my masjien skoongemaak) na die root directory
toe. Wees asb. baie versigtig.

As julle die virus het, kan julle die "clean-up files" by tml kry, die
virus is nog redelik nuut.




Dear Dispatch Subscriber:

W32/ProLin@MM is an Internet worm that spreads via email. McAfee AVERT has
given it a risk assessment of MEDIUM TO HIGH-RISK. The email comes with an
attachment named CREATIVE.EXE, which carries the icon of a Shockwave Media
Player application.
You may receive the email in this format:

Subject = A great Shockwave flash movie
Body = Check out this new flash movie that I downloaded just now ... It's
Attachment = creative.exe
If you run CREATIVE.EXE, it finds and alters all .JPG and .ZIP files on your
system and forwards a copy of itself to everyone in your email address book.
Please do not run the attachment.

Check out:
Vorige onderwerp: nuwe virus
Volgende onderwerp: JPG-lêers verklein
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