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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Nuusgroepe
- Nuusgroepe [boodskap #37842] Fri, 15 December 2000 06:22 na volgende boodskap
Frik  is tans af-lyn  Frik
Boodskappe: 43
Geregistreer: May 2000
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
Wie kan help. Ek vra nou sommer so uit nuuskurigheid. Hoe kan 'n mens 'n
newsgroup begin? Waarheen kan ek aan as ek 'n nuusgroep wil begin ?

- Re: Nuusgroepe [boodskap #37847 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #37842] Fri, 15 December 2000 10:57 Na vorige boodskap
Skunk  is tans af-lyn  Skunk
Boodskappe: 192
Geregistreer: September 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Frik, as jy dit snap, en regkry, laat weet ons!!! Watse nuusgroep wil jy

Danielle Jackson schreef in berichtnieuws
> On Fri, 15 Dec 2000 08:22:08 +0200, "Frik"
> wrote:
>> Wie kan help. Ek vra nou sommer so uit nuuskurigheid. Hoe kan 'n mens 'n
>> newsgroup begin? Waarheen kan ek aan as ek 'n nuusgroep wil begin ?
>> Dankie
> Subject: Re: How do I start a newsgroup? ---- Here's how exactly
> If you really want to start your own newsgroup, without going through
> all
> the crap it is really simple. Here's how.
> You must send a newsgroup command message to the server you are on. I
> would
> pick a newsgroup that every news server has. Something like alt.config
> You
> have to be able to change your headers in your news message as well.
> I
> would recommend a program called news express since it will allow you
> to
> customize the header information. I'll follow with a newsgroup message
> example:
> From: {email address of person sending this message}
> Newsgroups: {name of newsgroup being created}
> Control: newgroup {name of newsgroup being created}
> Subject: cmsg newgroup {name of newsgroup being created}
> Summary: discussed in alt.config, substantial interest, appropriate
> name
> Expires: {this should be left empty, in a newgroup message}
> Approved: {email address of person sending this message}
> Sender: {email address of person or administrator sending this
> message}
> Followup-To: poster {followups default to emailing you, instead of
> posting}
> Reply-To: {email address of person requesting creation of the group}
> Distribution: {this header should be empty except for a single space
> character;
> especially don't use "Distribution: world"}
> Organization: {your organization or institution may be named here}
> Keywords: {here you may include keywords related to the topic of the
> group}
> Cc: {you may specify email addresses to send a copy of this message
> to}
> Comments:
> State the dates (e.g. "during 1/96") was discussed in alt.config, and
> who
> you are in relation to the proposal (especially if you aren't the
> original
> proponent).
> For your newsgroups file:
> newsgroup name a few words describing the
> newsgroup
> {You must follow the format above exactly; copy the first line
> verbatim, and
> on the second line give the name of the newsgroup, followed by one or
> more
> spaces or tabs, followed by a few words describing the group. Do not
> run
> over the end of the line!}
> Charter:
> The purpose of the charter is to define what topics are (or are not)
> appropriate for the newsgroup, and to state any applicable policies of
> the
> newsgroup (for example, if the group is "retro-moderated", you should
> explain the criteria that will be applied by the moderator or
> moderation
> software.
> Justification of Readership:
> Here you should include numerical evidence that there is substantial
> online
> interest in the topic of the newsgroup. If the topic is covered by an
> existing newsgroup, mailing list, or other discussion forum, you
> should also
> explain why the existing forum is no longer adequate for the purpose.
> This also applies to creating a specialized subgroup of a more general
> newsgroup; you will need to explain why the split is necessary ("we
> don't
> want to use the general group" is not considered an adequate reason--
> only a
> high volume of traffic in the general group, and/or a high percentage
> of
> that traffic being on this specific sub-topic, is considered a valid
> justification for a split).
> And just to top things off, if someone doesn't like the newsgroup you
> created it can be RMGROUP (remove grouped).
> I hope this answers your question.
> -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =-----
> - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
> -----== Over 80,000 Newsgroups - 16 Different Servers! =-----
> -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =-----
> - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
> -----== Over 80,000 Newsgroups - 16 Different Servers! =-----
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