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Re: Gloudina se goeie Suid Afrika.... [boodskap #36908] Di, 21 November 2000 00:00 na volgende boodskap
Frikkie Potgieter[2]  is tans af-lyn  Frikkie Potgieter[2]
Boodskappe: 439
Geregistreer: November 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Cash-in-transit robbers nab R1.3m

Dumisane Lubisi

Hazyview - Five cash-in-transit robbers stole R1.3 million when they
forced a Coin Security van off the White River/Hazyview road in
Mpumalanga on Monday afternoon.

The robbers opened fire on the van while overtaking it in a bakkie at
about 2.30pm.

Lowveld police spokesperson Captain Harry Shabangu said on Tuesday
that two of the van's tyres were hit and the driver was forced to

The heavily armed robbers aimed R5 rifles at the two guards and
emptied the van of money containers, which were loaded onto the

The robbers sped off.

None of the guards were injured.

Shabangu said police were following all possible leads to trace the

Meanwhile, Tonga police are searching for three men who shot dead a
shop assistant and robbed the owner of his bakkie and R3 000 on Monday

Shabangu said three armed men entered Good Lucky shop in Langeloop
tribal trust at about 5:30pm and held up Jacobus Petrus le Roux and
his assistant Daniel Fucane.

They demanded money and one of the robbers suddenly shot Fucane,
killing him instantly.

The robbers fled in Le Roux's bakkie, a white Nissan with registration
number CJN 957 MP, which is still missing. - African Eye News Service
Re: Gloudina se goeie Suid Afrika.... [boodskap #36909 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36908] Di, 21 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Frikkie Potgieter[2]  is tans af-lyn  Frikkie Potgieter[2]
Boodskappe: 439
Geregistreer: November 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Outrage as jailbreakers murder elderly woman

Volksrust - Alleged police negligence may have led to eight criminals
escaping from the Volksrust Prison at the weekend after which they
strangled and killed an elderly woman with a television aerial chord.

Four of the men have been re-arrested on Monday.

Gertruida Diedericks, 60, was attacked in a storage room on the farm
Baviaanskloof about 10km outside Volksrust on the Wakkerstroom road.
At the time of the attack her husband Christoffel was not at home.

From the storage room she was taken to the farmhouse where she was
strangled and tied to a chair with a television aerial chord.

The killers fled with about R15 000 in cash, a bag of bananas and a
few containers of canned fruit.

Volksrust police spokesperson Jeanine van Zyl said: "An investigation
has been launched into whether the policemen on duty that night were
negligent by not checking the cells regularly or whether they may have
assisted the inmates to escape."

According to Beeld, an entry into the incident book at the charge
office showed that the last cell inspection was done at 7.00pm on
Saturday night. The escape from the prison cells was only discovered
at 7.00am on Sunday morning. According to police regulations the cells
must be inspected every hour. Attempts to make late entries into the
incident book after the escape were allegedly made.

The murderers were allegedly part of a group of youths - all between
the ages of 14 and 24 - who escaped from police custody in Volksrust
on Saturday night. One of the youngsters - a 14-year-old boy - has
already been found guilty of murder on Natasha van der Merwe (13) of
Volksrust. She was stabbed to death in March this year while she was
one her way home from town.

The other seven who escaped were all awaiting-trial prisoners on
charges ranging from rape to burglary.

Van Zyl says the eight escaped through a hole they had sawed in the
ceiling. They apparently bribed someone to buy them a hacksaw blade
which was passed to them through an outer window of the prison cells.

The Volksrust police, with the help of the local and Amersfoort
commando as well as Secunda police immediately started a manhunt. The
first suspect was arrested a few hours later.

Diedericks returned at about noon from Vukuzakhe outside Volksrust
where he was selling frozen chickens.

When he found the house locked and his wife's broken spectacles on the
floor of the storage room with her nowhere in sight he immediately
called the police. The police broke down the kitchen door found his
wife's body.

A shocked Mr Diedericks said his wife must have gone to the storage
room, where she was packing frozen chickens when she was attacked by
the men.

"When we found her she was tied to a chair in the lounge. Her throat
was covered with scratch marks as she tried to free herself from the
chord they had used to bind her.

Inspector Sibongele Nkozi of the Secunda police said there was also a
break-in at the school across the road from the Diedericks�s farm
house. "Everything indicates that the suspects spent the night at the

A fire was made on the school premises and a cheque from the police
tea club was found lying on the floor.
Re: Gloudina se goeie Suid Afrika.... [boodskap #36910 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36908] Di, 21 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Frikkie Potgieter[2]  is tans af-lyn  Frikkie Potgieter[2]
Boodskappe: 439
Geregistreer: November 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Teenager arrested for farm murder

Youth arrested for farm murder Nelspruit - A 15-year-old boy has been
arrested in connection with the murder of a Volksrust chicken farmer
on Sunday, Mpumalanga police reported on Monday.

Superintendent Izak van Zyl told Sapa that eight male suspects, aged
between 14 and 24, had been linked to the attack on Getruide

All the suspects allegedly escaped from the Volksrust police cells on
Saturday following their arrest in connection with incidents of rape,
housebreaking and robbery. The 14-year-old was arrested in connection
with another murder. Van Zyl said only one, a 15-year-old, had been

The incident was the seventh attack on farmers in Mpumalanga in six

"One doesn't know what their (the attackers') agenda is. We think that
they are trying to frighten farmers into leaving," said Agri Nelspruit
spokesperson Charles du Plessis.

However, police said robbery was the motive in all but one of the

"We have no proof that it's politically related, but the fact can't be
ignored," said Van Zyl.

Diedericks was one of two farmers attacked in Mpumalanga over the
weekend. In the second incident, an 82-year-old farmer was shot by
three men near his farm outside Groblersdal. He is being treated in
hospital and is in a stable condition.

The attacks followed Friday's announcement by Mpumalanga police
commissioner Eric Nkabinde that a national rural safety plan to reduce
the number of farm attacks had been put in place.

The plan, initiated by the police, incorporates the SA National
Defence Force and the departments of Labour, Land Affairs and
Agriculture and farm-workers' unions. - Sapa
Re: Gloudina se goeie Suid Afrika.... [boodskap #36911 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36908] Di, 21 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Frikkie Potgieter[2]  is tans af-lyn  Frikkie Potgieter[2]
Boodskappe: 439
Geregistreer: November 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Gang guns claim toddler's life

Stellenbosch - In a bloody climax to a weekend of gang violence in
Cloetesville, a four-year-old girl died after sustaining a head injury
in the early hours of Monday morning, while she slept in bed behind
her parents' and brother's backs.

Andrea Davids died in the Tygerberg hospital a few hours after a
fusillade of shots were fired at her parentsê house in Eike Street,
Cloeteville at about 2:45 am. One of the seven bullets which hit the
house, penetrated the bedroom's thin wood wall, hit Andrea in the
neck, and lodged in her brain.

According to Andrea's father, Andre, his daughter was scared of
gunfire, and he suspected that she had lifted her head after the first
shots were fired. The police found more than 20 9mm shells in the area
around the house.

Although the motive for the attack was still not known, the
possibility was being investigated that it was connected to two
gang-related shooting incidents earlier in the weekend.

On Saturday at about 05:00, a 29-year-old suspected gang member,
Alexander Olivier, was found dead on an open piece of land, less than
200m from Andrea's parents' house. He had been shot in the head five

Olivier was walking across the land with a friend and a girlfriend
when they were shot at. It is unknown from what distance Olivier was

Two suspected gang members from Cloetesville were later arrested for
the murder. They are due to appear in court soon.

At about 22:00, Patrick Mowers (23) was wounded in the leg when two
suspected gang members opened fire on him outside a block of flats in
Kloof Street. He was treated and later discharged from hospital.
Nobody has yet been arrested in connection with this incident.

Eight people, including Andrea and Olivier, have died in gang violence
in Stellenbosch this year. Andrea is the first young child to die in
gang violence.

A two-year-old boy was seriously wounded in August this year in
Cloetesville, when gangs shot at each other in the same area as
Andrea's parentsê house.

Family and friends who gathered at Andrea's home on Monday, said the
community was sick and tired of the gang violence which caused them to
live in fear.

Andrea's funeral arrangements have not yet been finalised.
Re: Gloudina se goeie Suid Afrika.... [boodskap #36912 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36908] Di, 21 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Frikkie Potgieter[2]  is tans af-lyn  Frikkie Potgieter[2]
Boodskappe: 439
Geregistreer: November 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Union 'won't pacify' farmers

Nico van Burick

The Transvaal Agricultural Union said it can no longer urge its
members to stay calm while they are systematically being wiped out.

The Union was reacting to the murder of a farmer from Martinshoop near
Lydenburg in Mpumalanga on Thursday morning. Johan Botha was shot dead
in his bed at about 2 on Thursday morning. His wife was wounded in the
leg and the liver. Botha was attacked two months ago, but managed to
fend off his attacker.

The Union's president Gert Ehlers said nothing was stolen or missing
from the house. Even the firearms kept in the house were left
untouched. He said it was becoming clearer by the day that robbery and
crime had nothing to do with farm attacks.

Labour and land affairs manager, Jack Loggenberg said an anonymous
caller had phoned Botha last week and had threatened to shoot him.

Botha then set traps around his home, but his attacker made a hole in
a fence, dodged the traps and shot him and his wife in their bed. His
wife was wounded in the leg and the liver.

Ehlers said farm murders were traumatic and his organisation could no
longer urge its members to stay calm.

He said the Union saw the attacks as part of a campaign of
intimidation to drive farmers off their land.

"As farm murders increase and the list of crippled victims, little
orphans and widows grows, the Union is urged to keep emotions in
check," he said.

"We will continue to alert our members and keep them informed."
Re: Gloudina se goeie Suid Afrika.... [boodskap #36913 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36908] Di, 21 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Frikkie Potgieter[2]  is tans af-lyn  Frikkie Potgieter[2]
Boodskappe: 439
Geregistreer: November 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
MONDAY, 20 November 2000 : na001120


A. AFRICAN MIRROR : Visitors to Namibia fleeced.

B. BOER RENAISSANCE : Boer freedom judged differently from

D. RAINBOW REPORT : Leon highlights ANC/Communist corruption and

E. TERROR TRAIL : The killings continue.

F. SA GULAG : Prison escape in Zululand.

G. WITCH HUNT UPDATE : Basson trial not going to London.

H. EMPOVERNMENT GAZETTE : Saldanha Steel in the red.

I. VOX POPULI : Under Verwoerd it was better...

K. APARTHEID LOG : Israel bombards Gaza City.

L. NWO DIARY : Pressure on Democrats to recognize Bush victory.

You are watching Big Brother...


LAGOS. Britain's Serious Fraud Office is investigating the role played
several British banks in handling money plundered from Nigeria by the
country's former leader General Sani Abacha, the Financial Times has
reported. The inquiry follows requests from Nigeria and Switzerland
for help
in tracing more than $4 billion (2.8 billion pounds) looted by the
black dictator. Abacha's successors have voiced concern over lengthy
by British authorities in acting over the scandal. Cynics have
suggested the
reason why they are in such a hurry to get the millions
back is that they themselves now want their turn at the trough...

KAMPALA.Some 180 suspected criminals might have been lynched by mobs
Uganda during the first nine months of this year, according to
reports. Law and order, like health services, have broken down in many
Uganda's outlying areas, many of whom are wracked by terrorist warfare
an outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus.

BUJUMBURA. Two more Hutu terrorists have been killed by Burundian
forces and one soldier was wounded in a fire fight in the Kiriri
neighbourhood near the capital Bujumbura, official sources reported on
Monday. 'The rebels wanted to manifest their presence after their
defeat at
Tenga," Luc Rukingama, Minister of Communications in the Tutsi-led
government said. The new clashes erupted after over a month of calm
followed the fierce fighting at Tega, 10km north of Bujumbura, in
hundreds of Hutu rebels and government soldiers died.

KISANGANI. Two rebel groups fighting to overthrow DRC President
Kabila have exchanged gunfire near a northern gold mine in what
appeared to
be a fight over access to the country's minerals. The war in the Congo
being fought by three rebel movements, supported by Uganda and Rwanda.
Hostilities between the different factions have broken out before,
encouraged by the Kabila Regime eager to divide and rule.

KINSHASA. Three white South Africans were thrown in jail and tortured
in the
southern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The three had
the DRC from Zambia to conclude a deal on maize exports to the
Accused of taking photographs and of being on an espionage mission,
Congolese soldiers allegedly detained and tortured them for four days,
during which time they received only four slices of bread.
They were only released on Friday after a business associate helped
them to
pay a large sum to their captors, - confirming the suspicion that the
case was just another way of robbing them of their money, a normal
occurrence in Black Africa. One of the tortured men, Hans Blunk, is
lying in
the Sandton Clinic's Intensive Care Unit, where he is being treated
traumatic and emotional stress, rather than a physical disorder,
to his wife.
Meanwhile, forces loyal to self-appointed DRC President Laurent
are reportedly struggling to contain the rebel offensive moving up
from the
east. Allied troops from Zimbabwe, supported by their air force, are
a difficult task trying to control the stretched-out front in this
country and military analysts have said the only reason why
Katanga has not fallen yet is the inability of the Tutsi-led rebels to
exploit the situation.

WINDHOEK. Foreign vehicles entering Namibia will be charged a levy of
between 70 and 500 Namibian dollars from 1 December, the Namibian
has said. Sedans and light passenger vehicles carrying fewer than 25
passengers will be charged 70 Namibian dollars, while abnormal load
drivers will have to fork out as much as 500 Namibian dollars.
Most black African governments are milking visiting businessmen and
of everything they can get, from visa, transit- and airport fees to
unofficial bribes, making their countries increasingly unattractive to


The outcome of the upcoming meeting between representatives of the
communist provincial authorities in Kimberley and the white
community in Orania is eagerly awaited not only in Orania, but also in
Boer and Afrikaner communities. Realistic forecasts, based on the
ANC/Communist track record, have not given the small Orania community
hope at a change in the newly laid-down Azanian (New SA) municipal
boundaries, which would force a non-white majority, authority and
mayor on
the few thousand whites in what they would like to see as the embryo
of a

Boers have been asked to take note of a statement made by the
President Thabo Mbeki at the ninth gathering of the Islamic
Mbeki, who is the president of the Movement for unaligned Countries as
not only reiterated his solidarity with the Palestinians in their
against Israel, but he also defended the Palestinians' right to have
own country. He asked the United nations 'to implement all the
regarding this without any avail'. Boer representatives have pointed
out the
inherent schizophrenia in the ruling black, communist Regime : On the
hand they support the creation of apartheid-style independent
homelands in
the Middle East, telling the Israelis to give up land to the
Palestinians, -
and on the other hand they refuse to give up sovereignty over one
square millimetre to Boers and other nations now under their
oppressive rule
in South Africa.
In what is seen as an interesting side-line, some Afrikaans mass
did not report Mbeki's plea for a Palestinian state. Commentators
this is because they do not want Afrikaners and Boers to read it,
since it
could strengthen their aspirations for their own "Volkstaat". It also
to confirm suspicions that the Afrikaans mass media has degenerated to
level of mere mouth pieces and propaganda tools of the ruling Regime.

The Afrikaner Bond (AB), formerly the Broederbond, has denied
accusations of
fawning collaboration with the ruling ANC/Communist Regime. According
Professor Francois Venter, the AB does not consist of a group of 'tame
Afrikaners (ruling Azanian President) Thabo Mbeki can exhibit whenever
suits him'. Venter said the 'close contact' the AB had with Mbeki
would be
continued, and he repeated the offer of assistance made previously to
the national and provincial black, communist governments. The AB wants
8500 members, who consist of experts in various fields, to attend to
many problems facing the ruling Regime due to its oppressive,
policies. In a revealing statement, Venter also dismissed the
principle of
minority rights, saying the solution to Afrikaners' problems lay in,
active participation in the greater whole, unquote. The AB is accused
being the power behind the scenes, which sold out white South Africa
to the
ruling black Regime.


The owner, Solly Lachporia, and the manager of the ESS Chemicals
factory in
Lenasia, south of Johannesburg, where 11 black workers burned to death
Friday after they were allegedly locked into the factory during their
shift, have been arrested and are being held for questioning. Lenasia
is a
traditionally Indian suburb of Johannesburg.

The Muslim terrorist organisation Pagad has been accused of waging a
campaign of intimidation and terror to ensure that witnesses do not
in court against its leaders. Azanian (New SA) deputy director of
prosecutions Jan d'Oliviera made these allegations while giving
reasons why
the trial of Pagad's national co-ordinator Abdus-Salaam Ebrahim and
other men accused of the 1996 lynching of gang boss Rashaad Staggie
be postponed. He told the court the State had intended to rely on
and material evidence, with video material only as a backdrop in the
which was to have started last week.
However, Pagad's "campaign of intimidation and terror" had influenced
witnesses, who were now not prepared to make sworn statements for fear
their lives. This meant that the video footage of the Staggie killing,
garnered from television news footage and apparently also from a
citizen, was now becoming a necessity in the case, and would have to

Heavy downpours in KwaZulu-Natal have resulted in the Richards Bay
being closed temporarily with two yachts in distress outside the port.
also claimed the live of a six-year-old boy who drowned at Hluhluwe
playing near a flooded river. A German couple on holiday in Hluhluwe
narrowly escaped death when their car slid off the road and plunged
down a
gorge. The frightened tourists managed to crawl out the vehicle and
walk to

In what is seen as part of the continuing cover-up, Azanian(New SA)
President Thabo Mbeki has tried to justify the failure of his
Department of
Trade and Industry to distribute millions in national lottery funds to
welfare organisations and NGOs on the brink of closure. According to
'we need to build up a pool of funds before we start dishing it out'.
It is
estimated that the welfare fund accumulated by the ANC/Communist
apparatchiks running the lottery already exceeds many millions of
Rand, not
a cent of which having been spent so far on what was touted as the
cause' of the lottery. Allegations of large-scale behind-the-scenes
and corruption have been made, which have been reinforced by the
unprecedented delay.

Five members of the radical Islamic terror organisation Pagad ('People
Against Gangsterism and Drugs') were on Friday found guilty in the
Cape Town
Regional Court on three of the eight charges that were brought against
following their arrest at a roadblock in the Karoo in February last
Known as the "Oudtshoorn Five", they had allegedly been on their way
Johannesburg to Cape Town to lay bombs when they were arrested. After
protracted trial before magistrate Wilma van der Merwe, they were
guilty only of the illegal possession of firearms and ammunition, and
illegal possession of a police bulletproof vest.
The group includes former National Intelligence agent Ayob Mungalee,
who is
suspected of acting as a link to the ruling Regime. Sentence, which is
expected to be light, is expected on Tuesday.

Officials in KwaZulu-Natal have started the first vaccinations of
animals in
the foot and mouth disease control area. Finally woken up to the fact
they helped to spread the disease by their refusal to apply the same
measures to affected black farmers which had been applied to affected
whites, the relevant government departments' black bosses have now
given the
go-ahead for officials to do the necessary to halt the highly
disease. Inter alia, trucks carrying cloven hoofed animals and produce
or out of the defined foot and mouth vaccination zone in KwaZulu-Natal
been turned away at roadblocks for failing to comply with disease

The KwaZulu-Natal health department has requested additional funds
their Azanian (New SA) national health department to alleviate the
impact of
the cholera epidemic on its budget. 76 new cases of cholera were
reported in
KwaZulu-Natal, with one further death among them.

Staff at the Mangosuthu Technikon in Durban have threatened to strike
the reinstatement of black principal Professor Aaron Ndlovu, who was
suspended in January this year for alleged irregularities. In line
with all
other state-controlled institutions in the New SA, the Manosuthu
has also been 'transformed', blacks replacing whites as a matter of
not based on merit.

Following a public outcry, KwaZulu-Natal housing MEC Dumisani Makhaye
vacated his luxury house in Umhlanga Rocks. More than R22 500 a month
was reportedly being paid for the house, which has raised suspicions
of huge
back-handers and kick-backs. Black politicians have been at the
forefront of
large-scale corruption and fraud at all levels of the Azanian

The ANC/Communist Speaker to the Azanian (New SA) Free State
Joe Mafereka, his driver and his bodyguard have been arrested on
charges relating to the endemic black taxi violence. The ruling black,
communist Regime has rejected a call by Democratic Alliance leader
Tony Leon
to suspend the murder suspect, pending the outcome of the police
investigation, saying they will only do this if their black comrade is
guilty in court. In civilised countries like Europe and the US,
arrested for murder will not only be immediately suspended, but offer
resign themselves. Mafereka, a former taxi owner, became a member of
Azanian Free State legislature after the infamous first Azanian (New
election of 1994.
Meanwhile, Leon told a local election rally there was also evidence
political interference by the African National Congress's mayoral
for Bergriver, Western Cape, Sanet Smit, in the investigation against
another African National Congress murder suspect, Sergeant Karel
Other ANC candidates for local government election implicated in
activities included Elias Mkhize, former KwaZulu-Natal South Council
who was charged with murder in 1998 and was currently on bail. He is
34 on the ANC's Durban list. Leon also reminded his audience that
Landigwe, Cape Metro councillor and number nine on the ANC's Cape
Metro list
and Gladstone Ntamo, ANC councillor for KTC Nyanga and ward 39
were "heavily implicated in the political murders of DP and UDM
Communist comrades implicated in the elimination of their opponents
traditionally been shielded by communist Regimes, according to

The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Anmals (SPCA), has given
ANC/Communist-controlled Northern Province's agricultural development
corporation (ARDC) a week in which to ensure that the condition of
cows at one of its projects improves drastically, or it will remove at
ten of the almost 50 cows. During a visit of personnel from the SPCA
office in Johannesburg, it was found that the Modjadji dairy in
outside Duiwelskloof in the north-eastern Transvaal,
was completely run down, with emaciated cows listlessly plucking at
and more than 40 Holstein cows, all KI bred, high potential dairy
cows, in
such a deteriorated condition that they might never produce milk
Dozens of paid black workers were reportedly sitting around doing
Flip Wessels, the white manager of the project, explained that the
corporation decided years ago to destroy the mango plantation that was
of the project and give the land to black small farmers. Now the farm
who worked on this project are paid R54 per day without actually
having any
work to do, keeping themselves busy with their own vegetables, which
then sell to the community. Wages for the workers on the project
amount to
R750 000 per year, while the ARDC makes no profit.
Dozens of other projects, among which are 23 sisal projects which
the ARDC R32 million annually, have been totally run down by the New
Regime and its 'transformed' agricultural department. Previously
presented as efficient, working models of rural development, these
now operate at a loss, the gross income from these projects amounting
only R800 000. Only 11 projects, among which the Zebediela citrus
estate and
the Gillimberg farm outside Potgietersrus, are still reasonably
well-run and
productive, these being where the ruling Regime's 'transformation' has
yet been implemented too drastically.

East Rand police are investigating a case of sabotage after an
device was found on a railway line near Germiston on Monday morning.
Superintendent Andy Pieke in a statement said a Spoornet worker found
device on the track between the India and Germiston Lake stations.
It is the fifth such device found on this particular railway track,
was reportedly planted to force goods trains onto an alternative
where they might be robbed more easily.


Another white woman has been murdered. Last seen on Tuesday, she was
tied up and strangled in her flat in Springs on the East Rand. It is
believed she is a further victim of the continuing murder spree by
killers robbing 'soft targets'.

Police have identified eight young blacks, aged between 14 and 24, as
killers and rapists of a white farmer's wife, Getruide Diedericks, of
Volksrust. All the suspects allegedly escaped from the Volksrust
cells on Saturday following their arrest in connection with incidents
rape, housebreaking and robbery. Only one, a 15-year-old, had been
re-arrested. The incident was the seventh attack on farmers in the
Tranvaal in six days. Even spokesmen of the normally subservient
(New SA) national agricultural union, AgriSA, by word of their
spokesperson Charles du Plessis, are now saying they 'think' the black
killers, rapists and robbers are trying to frighten farmers into
thereby admitting a political motive. As usual, the 'transformed'
police have denied this, saying robbery was the motive in all but one
of the

In a second incident over the weekend, an 82-year-old white farmer was
by three black robbers near his farm outside Groblersdal. Johan
Ligthelm was
driving home back form church when he stopped at a log dragged across
road. The blacks shot him, dragged him out and sped off in his car,
him bleeding on the side of the road. The latest killings and attacks
Friday's announcement by Azanian 'Mpumalanga' police commissioner Eric
Nkabinde of yet another grand 'anti-crime' plan, the 'national rural
plan', which, like all those before, is supposed to reduce the number
farm attacks.

Two black policemen and a white bystander have been murdered during a
robbery at a Kliprivier south of Johannesburg. They have been
identified as
Sergeant Fox Rapone, 33, and Constable Lesiba Mamamela, 35, who were
stationed at the Kliprivier police station, and a member of the
Victor Elves. A gang of at least seven blacks, who had robbed the
Supermarket of about R50 000 in cash, fired at them, killing all
three. Only
one of the killers was arrested after the robbery and will appear in
Meyerton Magistrates' Court on Monday.

Three young girls have been gang-raped by five black robbers, who
them inside a house in Meyerton in the Vaal Triangle on Saturday. The
aged nine, 11 and 14, were dragged outside and raped repeatedly. The
nine-year-old girl was also stabbed. As usual, the Azanian police
refused to
identify the victims' race, but Meyerton is a traditionally white
town. The
assailants escaped with a television and radio valued at about R5 000.
arrests had been made, once again as usual.

Another elderly white man was shot dead outside his house in
Hurlingham in
Johannesburg on Thursday night. Garth Kelly tried to help his wife who
being hijacked, when he was shot in the chest. He was taken to the
Clinic where he died later. The black killers escaped in two other
cars and
the Kellys' Mercedes Benz.

The 14-year-old white girl who was cruelly raped by a five-man gang in
parents' home in Pretoria on Tuesday night, is so traumatised that she
probably need counselling and support for the rest of her life.
This is what the Reverend Barbara Louw, from the organisation Inter
Nexus (ITN) told the media on Thursday. According to Louw, members of
ITN as
well as members of the police who were at the scene on Tuesday night,
also badly traumatised and have received counselling. The rape was
by hardened policmen as the worst they had ever seen.
The girl was discharged from a Pretoria hospital on Thursday after the
incident in which she was repeatedly raped by five black men in the
of her parents' home.

A 30-year-old white seasonal farmworker and a 16-year-old white youth
appeared in the Kakamas Magistrates' Court on Monday after allegedly
chaining two coloured farmworkers to a tree on the farm Soetap in the
Kakamas area at the weekend. Francois Bruwer and the youth, who may
not be
named, face a charge of murder and another of attempted murder after
one of
the coloureds, 38-year-old Adam Smit, died of his injuries. The motive
the attack is not known.

A Fidelity security guard was in a serious condition in a Bloemfontein
hospital on Saturday afternoon after he was shot by robbers during a
cash heist attempt at the Shell Ultra City outside Kroonstad. Black
gangs are striking vulnerable public places holding cash on an almost
basis, with the police unable to stop the scourge. Many of the more
military-style robberies are linked to the ruling ANC/Communist
former terrorist wing, MK, one of whose leading members, Coling
being called the biggest robber baron of them all.

The Boer-orientated Transvaal Agricultural Union (TAU) says it can no
urge its members to stay calm while they are systematically being
wiped out.
The more conservative and independent TAU has refused to disband in
of new Azanian (New SA) provincial structures, instead going
nation-wide to
recruit new members and try and become more representative of the
white Boer


Three inmates serving two to seven years jail sentences escaped from
Ngwavuma Prison in the northern KwaZulu-Natal around noon on Saturday,
according to a provincial correctional services spokesman. Prison
escapes in
the New SA are blamed on the rampant corruption among 'transformed'


The Pretoria High Court has dismissed the State's application to
evidence from a former Military Intelligence agent in England in the
on-going Wouter Basson trial. Judge Willie Hartzenberg ruled that a
commission to the United Kingdom would be too costly for the State and
taxpayer. He said there was a strong possibility that the witness,
Buffham, would not be completely frank with the court as he was
unwilling to
testify. Dr Wouter Basson, an eminent heart surgeon and former head of
old SA's chemical and biological warfare programme, has been at the
of a drawn-out, witch-hunt-like court battle to find him guilty of all
of charges, ranging from the supply of toxic substances to detained
terrorists to the misuse of state funds.


Saldanha Steel, the multi-billion steel manufacturing project on the
west coast, is losing money. Built to use up some of the huge
quantities of
iron ore shipped out overseas from the country's rich deposits in the
northern Cape, Saldanha Steel is a 50-50 venture between Iscor and the
Industrial Development Corporation (IDC). Trying to explain the yearly
losses of nearly 1 billion Rand, black IDC Chief Executive Khaya
admitted to the 'need to beef up management' as one of the two reasons
more money was needed. Semi-state corporations in the New SA have
'transformed' themselves by pushing more and more blacks into
positions, regardless of experience or merit, thereby hoping to
themselves with the ruling Regime. According to former employees of
formerly successful and profitable organisations, the
changes have placed huge additional financial loads on the
while reducing efficiency at all levels.

The Rand slumped to a second new record low of 7.7750 to the US
While apologists of the ruling ANC/Communist Regime are blaming the
US Dollar, the weak Euro and all sorts of happenings all over the
critics are pointing out the loss of confidence both internally and
among employers and investors, who are shunning the Regime's
policies and the all-pervading terror and insecurity.


"...The consequences (of old SA's Dr Verwoerd's apartheid policies)
unbelievable economic prosperity..." - Tobie le Roux,


JERUSALEM. Israeli gunship helicopters and warships have been
Gaza City in what looked to journalists like something out of a war
Witnesses said rockets were falling at a rate of about one per minute
quote, strategic Palestinian positions, unquote. Terrified residents
running about screaming and shouting, looking for shelter. The number
casualties is unknown.
According to reports, buildings in Gaza City belonging to the
police, the Palestinian preventative security service, the
naval service, the Palestinian military intelligence service, the
Palestinian satellite television station, the headquarters of
leader Yasser Arafat's Fatah faction and his personal guard known as
17 were targeted and hit. The raids followed the explosion of a
bomb which was detonated in the path of an Israeli school bus earlier
Monday, leaving two Jewish settlers dead and nine wounded, five of
children. The total death toll since the beginning of the latest
has risen to over 250, the vast majority of whom young Palestinians
Arabs protesting the continued occupation of what they see as their
Palestinian homeland.

SRINAGAR. India, the occupying power in Kashmir east of the 'Line of
Control', has announced that its forces will not launch combat
against Muslim separatist groups in Kashmir during the holy Islamic
month of
Ramadan. Ramadan starts at the end of November. There was no immediate
reaction from Kashmir's two dozen Muslim separatist groups to the
government's unilateral offer. Muslim separatists have been fighting a
bloody guerrilla war against the Indian military and police in an
attempt to
shake off Indian (Hindu) rule.


ZURICH. A bomb has exploded at the French consulate in Zurich causing
but no injuries, an embassy spokesperson said. At this stage, police
only speculate about the possible motivation behind the bomb.

HANOI. Outgoing US President Bill Clinton has ended his historic state
to communist Vietnam, amid conflicting reports of what it meant and
effects it will have. Western businessmen expect improved trade
with one of Indo-China's most populous and industrious nations, while
hard-line communists are talking of "hostile forces'" plots to
socialism. Clinton himself, a former draft dodger, was received
and expressed his satisfaction with the goodwill he encountered among
ordinary folk.

CANBERRA. Flood-devastated communities in parts of eastern Australia
evacuated on Monday as rivers burst their banks. Emergency services
this was the worst flooding for 40 years.

WASHINGTON. While the US courts are still deliberating over whether
ballot-by-ballot recounts in parts of Florida should be included in
state's official results from the November 7 US presidential election,
pressure is mounting on the Democratic Party establishment to finally
Republican candidate George Bush's narrow election victory. Though
lead in Florida was pushed up to nearly a thousand by late overseas
the Democratic lobby has been fighting tooth and nail to try and
reverse his
slim majority by insisting on controversial hand-counts over and over
The Bush camp has alleged that manual vote recounts in some parts of
state were riddled with extreme irregularities and suggested that
had a hand in the alleged mischief. With the rest of the US evenly
the majority-holder in Florida determines the outcome of the whole
Meanwhile, outgoing US President Bill Clinton has denied that
there is a
crisis in the American system of government. He said a decision will
reached in plenty of time for the new president to take the oath of
Southern Cross Africa News

Presidential office on January 20 next year.

NEW YORK. Two more black suspects have been arrested for the gang rape
of a
13-year-old white mentally challenged girl in the US. So far, 14
blacks are
in custody in connection with the attack. The girl was raped in two
apartments over a 15-hour time period on October 13 by as many
as 25 males, according to the police. A videotape was made by a
during part of the assault.

LIMA. President Alberto Fujimori, whose 10-year authoritarian rule has
crumbled in recent months over corruption scandals, has said in Tokyo
he will resign within 48 hours. Opposition inside Peru has taken on
forms, - from a boycott of the last elections to the failed
insurrection by
a group of soldiers.


According to totally untransformed, politically horribly incorrect and
reactionary Transformanians, the slogan 'Big Brother is watching you!'
not applicable in glorious, transformed and forever transforming
Transformania. With nearly 100% of the population having a TV or
access to
one, 'Big Brother ain't watching you mate, you're...watching him!'...
Re: Gloudina se goeie Suid Afrika.... [boodskap #36990 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36908] Wo, 22 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Ernst v Biljon  is tans af-lyn  Ernst v Biljon
Boodskappe: 257
Geregistreer: Maart 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Wat my dwars in die krop steek is dat hy in die tronk sit met vol
salaris betaaling en voordele. Nie eers 'n opskorting nie.

"Frikkie Potgieter" skryf in boodskap
> Speaker deeper in the stew?
Re: Gloudina se goeie Suid Afrika.... [boodskap #37036 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36908] Do, 23 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Frikkie Potgieter[2]  is tans af-lyn  Frikkie Potgieter[2]
Boodskappe: 439
Geregistreer: November 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Welkom in die nuwe sa ou maat.


On Wed, 22 Nov 2000 09:35:42 +0200, "E Bessinger" wrote:

> Wat my dwars in die krop steek is dat hy in die tronk sit met vol
> salaris betaaling en voordele. Nie eers 'n opskorting nie.
> "Frikkie Potgieter" wrote in message
>> Speaker deeper in the stew?
Re: Gloudina se goeie Suid Afrika.... [boodskap #37037 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36908] Do, 23 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Skunk  is tans af-lyn  Skunk
Boodskappe: 192
Geregistreer: September 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Wat is tussen SA en Cuba aan die gang?

"Frikkie Potgieter" skryf in boodskap
> Speaker deeper in the stew?
> Bloemfontein - Two additional murder charges as well as an array of
> other criminal complaints were being investigated against Free State
> legislature speaker Joel Mafereka, the Bloemfontein Regional Court
> heard on Tuesday.
> Mafereka, who has been charged in connection with the 1989 murder of
> taxi driver Joseph Qesi, has also been accused of conspiring to
> assault and kill members of rival taxi bodies in Welkom, of bribing
> police officers, and of ordering the assassination of a witness due to
> testify against him, the court was told.
> Mafereka, 49, was arrested at Johannesburg International Airport on
> Saturday on his return from an official visit to Cuba, and detained at
> the Lyttleton police cells in Pretoria.
> He is facing a charge of murder, alternatively conspiracy to murder,
> in connection with Qesi's stoning to death at Jammersdrift near
> Wepener.
> Mafereka was a member of the Majakathatha taxi association in Welkom,
> which later merged with another grouping to form the Mahanu-Puso taxi
> association, of which he was still a member.
> Mafereka still owns a single taxi, which generates profits of about R3
> 500 a month, the court heard.
> Facing cross-examination during his bail application on Tuesday,
> Mafereka rejected an array of allegations against him saying they were
> lies by individuals seeking to damage his image, as well as that of
> the African National Congress.
> State prosecutor Louis Pienaar told the court that evidence would be
> led during Mafereka's trial that he had given the order to kill Qesi.
> Witnesses who were allegedly present during Qesi's murder, were
> prepared to identify those of Mafereka's co-accused who did the actual
> stoning.
> These witnesses were also prepared to testify that they have received
> death threats on Mafereka's instructions to prevent them from
> testifying against him. Many were under police protection.
> The court would also hear evidence that while Mafereka was chairman of
> the Majakathatha organisation, he gave an order that members of rival
> taxi bodies "be given a hiding", meaning that they should be killed,
> Pienaar said.
> Witnesses would furthermore testify that Mafereka ordered the
> assassination of a man called Lesole, who was to give evidence against
> him in a case involving the theft of minibus taxis.
> Mafereka is also accused of waiving a R30 000 fee payable by a
> Sergeant Mokoena to the Majakathatha association for operating a taxi
> on the route between the Free State Goldfields and Van Rooyensnek on
> the border between Lesotho and Wepener.
> In return, Mokoena was alleged to have assaulted and robbed taxi
> drivers who were not members of the organisation.
> Pienaar also told the court evidence would be led that Mafereka had
> offered a policeman R10 000 to lose the docket on Qesi's murder.
> Mafereka said the allegations were the work of a certain Moses Nonga,
> who he claimed was out to take revenge for his dismissal from the
> Mahanu-Puso association. Nonga is one of the witnesses in the case.
> The speaker was unable to tell the court who else would want to damage
> his reputation and that of the ANC, or why.
> Mafereka is seeking bail on the basis that he was needed back at work
> urgently, and that he needed to look after his four dependent
> daughters.
> He told the court he would not be able to afford bail of more than R1
> 000, but questioning by Pienaar revealed that he owned two cars - a
> RAV4 and a Camry - and was paying off a further R8 900 a month towards
> a bakkie. He also recently acquired a home in Welkom, in addition to
> his official residence in Bloemfontein.
> Mafereka testified that he did not pose an escape risk, as he had
> returned to South Africa from Cuba well knowing that he would be
> arrested on his arrival.
> Pienaar revealed that, following Mafereka's testimony in court on
> Monday, several taxi drivers had contacted the investigating team
> wishing to come forward as witnesses against him in this case as well
> as others.
> These taxi drivers have indicated that they intended protesting
> outside the court on Tuesday next week to oppose the bail applications
> by Mafereka's six co-accused.
> This public outrage proved that Mafereka's life could be in danger if
> he was freed on bail, Pienaar contended.
> "I do not believe that I am in danger," Mafereka retorted.
> "The allegations are all false, so there is no reason for me to be
> afraid."
> The speaker's six co-accused, including his driver Hendrik Lewalala
> and bodyguard, Joseph Mohlobodi, were arrested on Thursday and
> appeared in the same court on Friday. The case was postponed to next
> Tuesday for a bail application, and they were remanded in custody.
> The other four accused were Joseph Tsie, Aaron Phume, Keneth Molete,
> and John Matlotlo. Except for Mohlobodi, all Mafereka's co-accused
> were taxi owners in Welkom. Molete was chairman of the Mahanu-Puso
> taxi association.
> Magistrate Manie Loubser granted an early adjournment until after 2pm
> to give the prosecution time to confirm whether or not Mafereka had
> any previous convictions. - Sapa
Re: Gloudina se goeie Suid Afrika.... [boodskap #37038 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36908] Do, 23 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Frikkie Potgieter[2]  is tans af-lyn  Frikkie Potgieter[2]
Boodskappe: 439
Geregistreer: November 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Jammer ou maat, dis ongelukkig die nuwe sa hierdie jong.


On Wed, 22 Nov 2000 09:20:57 +0100, "Skunk" wrote:

> Fokkit, Frikkie, is daar geen goeie nuus nie???
> Skunk
> Frikkie Potgieter schreef in berichtnieuws
>> Crime to worsen: expert

>> Cape Town - "It is highly unlikely that the culture of violence and
>> the crime rate will decrease in South Africa over the next ten years,"
>> said Martin Schonteich from the Institute for Security Studies in a
>> report.

>> Various factors, such as the large number of youths and children in
>> the population, HIV/Aids, urbanisation and a poor legal system will
>> contribute to this.

>> From 1994 until 1999, violent crimes increased by 21.6%, and the
>> number of reported crimes last year was the highest thus far. Earlier
>> this year a moratorium was placed on the issuing of crime statistics.

>> In 1999, 32.6% of all reported crimes were of a violent nature, in
>> comparison with 15% in America and 6% in Britain.

>> Interpol statistics in 1997 indicated that South Africa has the
>> highest per capita murder and rape statistics in the world, as well as
>> the highest per capita number of violent robberies and thefts.

>> Schonteich said it was the case world wide that most crimes are
>> committed by youths. In 1995/96, 2 283 out of every 100 000 men
>> between the ages of 18 and 20 years old were found guilty of a crime.

>> The most recent census (1996) revealed that more than a third of the
>> country's population was younger than 15 and 44% was under 20.

>> "According to international data, young people are responsible for the
>> majority of crime. It is therefore highly unlikely that the number of
>> crimes in South Africa will decrease in the next decade," Schonteich's
>> report reads.

>> According to the United Nations' Aids Report, 4.2 million people in
>> South Africa have Aids, and by 2010, 6 million people in the country
>> will have died of the disease. "Children orphaned by Aids will be more
>> predisposed to commit crime," Schonteich said.

>> South Africa's legal system has also worsened. In 1999 fewer people
>> were convicted than in 1949. "In 1999 2.4 million crimes were
>> reported, of which 560 000 ended up in court, but of which only 260
>> 000 were prosecuted. Of these only 200 000 ended in convictions," the
>> report continued.

>> Schonteich argued that it was highly unlikely that the "culture of
>> violence" in the country would decrease in the next ten years.

>> The high crime levels appear to be bringing forth a generation of
>> young people who are coming into contact with violence on an almost
>> daily basis. In addition, within ten years there will be two million
>> children orphaned by Aids, who will turn to violent crime to survive.

Re: Gloudina se goeie Suid Afrika.... [boodskap #37073 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36908] Vr, 24 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Ernst v Biljon  is tans af-lyn  Ernst v Biljon
Boodskappe: 257
Geregistreer: Maart 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Ek hoor hulle stel hom weer aan in sy pos want niemand kan dit uitvoer
nie. Hy is gevorseer om die werk te doen. Hy kon ook nie bail van R1,000
bybring nie hy hy besit net 'n kapitaal portfolia van 'n paar miljoen
Rand. Gelukkig val hof toe nie vir die storie nie en maak die bail toe
maar R10,000 (wonder net of die ANC dit betaal het)


"Frikkie Potgieter" skryf in boodskap
> Welkom in die nuwe sa ou maat.
> Groete
> Frikkie
> On Wed, 22 Nov 2000 09:35:42 +0200, "E Bessinger"
> wrote:
>> Wat my dwars in die krop steek is dat hy in die tronk sit met vol
>> salaris betaaling en voordele. Nie eers 'n opskorting nie.
Re: Gloudina se goeie Suid Afrika.... [boodskap #37130 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36908] Sa, 25 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Reenen van Niekerk  is tans af-lyn  Reenen van Niekerk
Boodskappe: 445
Geregistreer: April 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Ja daar is goie nuus, petrol gaan miskien net met 5 sent op.

Reenen van Niekerk

Frikkie Potgieter skryf in boodskap
> Jammer ou maat, dis ongelukkig die nuwe sa hierdie jong.
> Frikkie
> On Wed, 22 Nov 2000 09:20:57 +0100, "Skunk" wrote:
>> Fokkit, Frikkie, is daar geen goeie nuus nie???
>> Skunk
>> Frikkie Potgieter schreef in berichtnieuws
>>> Crime to worsen: expert
>>> Cape Town - "It is highly unlikely that the culture of violence and
>>> the crime rate will decrease in South Africa over the next ten years,"
>>> said Martin Schonteich from the Institute for Security Studies in a
>>> report.
>>> Various factors, such as the large number of youths and children in
>>> the population, HIV/Aids, urbanisation and a poor legal system will
>>> contribute to this.
>>> From 1994 until 1999, violent crimes increased by 21.6%, and the
>>> number of reported crimes last year was the highest thus far. Earlier
>>> this year a moratorium was placed on the issuing of crime statistics.
>>> In 1999, 32.6% of all reported crimes were of a violent nature, in
>>> comparison with 15% in America and 6% in Britain.
>>> Interpol statistics in 1997 indicated that South Africa has the
>>> highest per capita murder and rape statistics in the world, as well as
>>> the highest per capita number of violent robberies and thefts.
>>> Schonteich said it was the case world wide that most crimes are
>>> committed by youths. In 1995/96, 2 283 out of every 100 000 men
>>> between the ages of 18 and 20 years old were found guilty of a crime.
>>> The most recent census (1996) revealed that more than a third of the
>>> country's population was younger than 15 and 44% was under 20.
>>> "According to international data, young people are responsible for the
>>> majority of crime. It is therefore highly unlikely that the number of
>>> crimes in South Africa will decrease in the next decade," Schonteich's
>>> report reads.
>>> According to the United Nations' Aids Report, 4.2 million people in
>>> South Africa have Aids, and by 2010, 6 million people in the country
>>> will have died of the disease. "Children orphaned by Aids will be more
>>> predisposed to commit crime," Schonteich said.
>>> South Africa's legal system has also worsened. In 1999 fewer people
>>> were convicted than in 1949. "In 1999 2.4 million crimes were
>>> reported, of which 560 000 ended up in court, but of which only 260
>>> 000 were prosecuted. Of these only 200 000 ended in convictions," the
>>> report continued.
>>> Schonteich argued that it was highly unlikely that the "culture of
>>> violence" in the country would decrease in the next ten years.
>>> The high crime levels appear to be bringing forth a generation of
>>> young people who are coming into contact with violence on an almost
>>> daily basis. In addition, within ten years there will be two million
>>> children orphaned by Aids, who will turn to violent crime to survive.
Re: Gloudina se goeie Suid Afrika.... [boodskap #37170 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36908] So, 26 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Tobie  is tans af-lyn  Tobie
Boodskappe: 581
Geregistreer: September 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
NET 5c!!!!!!! sjoe ons IS gelukkig, is ons nie? kon 15c
gewees het


Reenen van Niekerk wrote in message
:Ja daar is goeie nuus, petrol gaan miskien net met 5 sent
:Reenen van Niekerk
Re: Gloudina se goeie Suid Afrika.... [boodskap #37171 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36908] So, 26 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Skunk  is tans af-lyn  Skunk
Boodskappe: 192
Geregistreer: September 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid

"Reenen van Niekerk" skryf in boodskap
> Ja daar is goie nuus, petrol gaan miskien net met 5 sent op.
> Reenen van Niekerk
> Frikkie Potgieter wrote in message
>> Jammer ou maat, dis ongelukkig die nuwe sa hierdie jong.
>> Frikkie
>> On Wed, 22 Nov 2000 09:20:57 +0100, "Skunk" wrote:
>>> Fokkit, Frikkie, is daar geen goeie nuus nie???
>>> Skunk
>>> Frikkie Potgieter schreef in berichtnieuws
>>>> Crime to worsen: expert
>>>> Cape Town - "It is highly unlikely that the culture of violence and
>>>> the crime rate will decrease in South Africa over the next ten years,"
>>>> said Martin Schonteich from the Institute for Security Studies in a
>>>> report.
>>>> Various factors, such as the large number of youths and children in
>>>> the population, HIV/Aids, urbanisation and a poor legal system will
>>>> contribute to this.
>>>> From 1994 until 1999, violent crimes increased by 21.6%, and the
>>>> number of reported crimes last year was the highest thus far. Earlier
>>>> this year a moratorium was placed on the issuing of crime statistics.
>>>> In 1999, 32.6% of all reported crimes were of a violent nature, in
>>>> comparison with 15% in America and 6% in Britain.
>>>> Interpol statistics in 1997 indicated that South Africa has the
>>>> highest per capita murder and rape statistics in the world, as well as
>>>> the highest per capita number of violent robberies and thefts.
>>>> Schonteich said it was the case world wide that most crimes are
>>>> committed by youths. In 1995/96, 2 283 out of every 100 000 men
>>>> between the ages of 18 and 20 years old were found guilty of a crime.
>>>> The most recent census (1996) revealed that more than a third of the
>>>> country's population was younger than 15 and 44% was under 20.
>>>> "According to international data, young people are responsible for the
>>>> majority of crime. It is therefore highly unlikely that the number of
>>>> crimes in South Africa will decrease in the next decade," Schonteich's
>>>> report reads.
>>>> According to the United Nations' Aids Report, 4.2 million people in
>>>> South Africa have Aids, and by 2010, 6 million people in the country
>>>> will have died of the disease. "Children orphaned by Aids will be more
>>>> predisposed to commit crime," Schonteich said.
>>>> South Africa's legal system has also worsened. In 1999 fewer people
>>>> were convicted than in 1949. "In 1999 2.4 million crimes were
>>>> reported, of which 560 000 ended up in court, but of which only 260
>>>> 000 were prosecuted. Of these only 200 000 ended in convictions," the
>>>> report continued.
>>>> Schonteich argued that it was highly unlikely that the "culture of
>>>> violence" in the country would decrease in the next ten years.
>>>> The high crime levels appear to be bringing forth a generation of
>>>> young people who are coming into contact with violence on an almost
>>>> daily basis. In addition, within ten years there will be two million
>>>> children orphaned by Aids, who will turn to violent crime to survive.
Re: Gloudina se goeie Suid Afrika.... [boodskap #37172 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36908] So, 26 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Davie Davis[2]  is tans af-lyn  Davie Davis[2]
Boodskappe: 133
Geregistreer: November 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On Sat, 25 Nov 2000 16:14:17 +0200, "Reenen van Niekerk"

> Ja daar is goie nuus, petrol gaan miskien net met 5 sent op.
> Reenen van Niekerk

Die soort van humor wat waardeer word Reenen.

Vorige onderwerp: Re: Dit is hoekom ons jongmense loop !
Volgende onderwerp: By die see.
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