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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: Sweden had granted temporary visas to two cuban doctors who had defected
Re: Sweden had granted temporary visas to two cuban doctors who had defected [boodskap #32031] Ma, 10 Julie 2000 00:00
Joggie Mentz  is tans af-lyn  Joggie Mentz
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Geregistreer: Julie 2000
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Subject: Sweden had granted temporary visas to two cuban doctors who had
Date: 8 juillet, 2000 16:22
maawhich is responsible for Zimbabwe, that the pair had left Harare.

``The status is that the doctors have now been freed,'' he said.

They were released on Friday after spending nearly two months in jail in
Harare. They were immediately escorted by Zimbabwean government officials to
Harare airport and put on a flight out of the country.

Gustavsson said she did not know whether the two had arrived in Sweden.

``The people turned to the UNHCR in Zimbabwe for help and the UNHCR asked
Sweden for assistance,'' she said.

``They (the Swedish authorities) granted them temporary visiting visas...for
humanitarian reasons.''


The United States has offered the two asylum. In Stockholm U.S. embassy
spokesman Viktor Sidabras said the case was now resolved, but declined to
comment further.

The plight of Cordova and Pena has drawn international concern since they
sought refuge in the Canadian embassy in Harare on May 23 seeking political

Zimbabwean security agents arrested them the next day and tried to send them
back to Cuba.

But an Air France crew in Johannesburg, South Africa, refused to carry them
any further after they managed to slip a note to the pilot saying they had
been kidnapped after they denounced Cuba President Fidel Castro.

South African authorities sent them back to Harare where they have been held

Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, whose ruling ZANU-PF party narrowly held
on to power in an election last month, is a long-standing ally of Castro.

The pair were not charged with an offence in Zimbabwe.

``We are glad this saga is over,'' said one Zimbabwean immigration official
in Harare. ``The case of the Cubans had been very embarrassing and it took a
final decision from the president to free them.''

The Cuban government has condemned Pena and Cordova for their ``shameful and
immoral conduct'' but said they would not be persecuted if they returned to

The man and woman were among a group of 107 medics giving free services
a Cuban government programme to provide health aid to Africa, Latin America
and the Caribbean.

They had been in Zimbabwe for about a month when they sought refuge at the
Canadian embassy in Harare.
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