Tuis » Ernstig » Emigrasie & buiteland » Oppad terug na SA
Oppad terug na SA [boodskap #4441] |
Fri, 24 March 2006 10:03  |
Boodskappe: 71 Geregistreer: March 2006
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
Wel, dis sulke tyd. Ons gesin is DV uiteindelik oppad terug na SA
middel-Junie. Ons was nou amper 8 jaar oorsee en het Amerika vreeslik geniet
en België "ervaar". Ons het aangeneem dat "veiligheid" die aspek is wat ons
na Amerika t.o.v. S.A. trek, maar met al die veiligheid in België is
algemene lewenskwaliteit weer tekort! Al word mens 'n fantastiese werk hier
aangebied, het ek en my vrou besluit ons sal vir geen geld in die wêreld
hierdie spesifieke 1ste wêreld samelewing op langtermyn wil beleef nie. En
dit was my 'n baie interessante persoonlike vurk in die pad: Ons gaan VEEL
eerder terug na SA waar ons kultuur, mense, vryheid, natuur en so aan is, as
om in 'n sogenaamde veilige 1ste wêreld land te bly. Dit het vir my 'n
duidelike balans-effek uitgelig, dat ons saam met baie van SA se "foute" sal
kan leef eerder as om van ons inherente S-Afrika-persoonlikheid op te gee.
In die VSA sou ons gebly het sonder om te skroom, al het ons nooit SA
verlaat met die gedagte om nie weer terug te gaan nie. Ons is gelukkig daar
(SA) weg om vir twee jaar verder te gaan swot. Twee jaar het ses geword en
ons het besef dat jy in die VSA alles van SA kan beleef, min die Afrikaanse
kultuur en familie. In kort, ons het 'n fantastiese land in Suid-Afrika,
soveel so dat as mens net iets aan misdaad kan doen, sal dit een van die
mees gesogte plekke op aarde wees. Maar selfs met misdaad, bied dit 'n
lewenskwaliteit wat selfs in baie "gevorderde" lande altyd iets van 'n droom
sal bly.
Groete aan al die sonsproete
Re: Oppad terug na SA [boodskap #4450 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #4441] |
Fri, 24 March 2006 13:54   |
Boodskappe: 274 Geregistreer: March 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
On Fri, 24 Mar 2006 11:03:02 +0100, "Basjan" wrote:
verlaat met die gedagte om nie weer terug te gaan nie. Ons is gelukkig daar [/color]
> (SA) weg om vir twee jaar verder te gaan swot. Twee jaar het ses geword en
> ons het besef dat jy in die VSA alles van SA kan beleef, min die Afrikaanse
> kultuur en familie. In kort, ons het 'n fantastiese land in Suid-Afrika,
> soveel so dat as mens net iets aan misdaad kan doen, sal dit een van die
> mees gesogte plekke op aarde wees. Maar selfs met misdaad, bied dit 'n
> lewenskwaliteit wat selfs in baie "gevorderde" lande altyd iets van 'n droom
> sal bly.>>
Twee faktore in ons misdaad wat algemeen nie raakgesien word nie:
1. Geweld wat lank reeds ingemeng is in ons samelewing. In Suid-Afrika
word goed nou al baaaaie lank met geweld gedoen. Dit is die voorbeeld
vir jonger mense van watter velkleur ookal.
2. Vigs. Dit is na my mening 'n faktor wat baie misgekyk word. Wanneer
iemand hoor hy het vigs, weet hy hy het so 8 jaar oor om te lewe. As
hy dan arm is, hoekom sal hy nie 'n bank gaanj probeer beroof nie?
Ons gaan almal dood, maar ons leef almal met die illusie dat ons nie
gaan doodgaan nie. As mens hoor jy het vigs, reken ek kom die besef
van jou dood waarskynlik hard tuis. En as jy dan nog kwaad en werkloos
ook is...
Wat beteken op pad terug in terme van geografie?
Re: Oppad terug na SA [boodskap #4452 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #4441] |
Fri, 24 March 2006 14:03   |
Alwyn Nel
Boodskappe: 174 Geregistreer: March 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Basjan, "good on ye mate". Ek hoop julle geniet goeie ou Suid Afrika.Ek was
in Desember daar en dit was lekker. Baie lekker.
Suidwester, ek hoor wat jy se. Ek het 'n jaar of wat terug 'n goeie paar
reise onderneem na die UK in een enkele jaar ( so vier trips van 3 weke
lank) en mens, dis goed om op eie bodem weer te land. Baie goed.
"Suidwester" wrote in message
> Laat ek die eerste wees om vir jou te sê: 'Welkom terug in Afrika'. Ek
> het nog nooit oorsee gebly nie, maar was 'n paar keer al daar en na so 'n
> paar weke van die gejoeg van die Europese stede, die nou paaie en die
> enorme verkeersprobleme, toe ek my voete weer op Namibiese grond sit en 'n
> vriendelike Owambo glimlag vir my en groet my, toe't ek lus en soen hom!
> Dis dan dat jy weet jy's terug by die huis. Eenvoudige ou Afrika, met sy
> politiek en stryery, maar met MENSE nog, nie net nommers nie......
> "Basjan" wrote in message
> news:e00g43$23u$
>> Wel, dis sulke tyd. Ons gesin is DV uiteindelik oppad terug na SA
>> middel-Junie. Ons was nou amper 8 jaar oorsee en het Amerika vreeslik
>> geniet
Re: Oppad terug na SA [boodskap #4459 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #4451] |
Fri, 24 March 2006 22:05   |
Boodskappe: 4791 Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Alwyn Nel skryf
> Gloudina, dis nogal baie interessant. Watse tipe werk doen hy? Was hy in
> Suid Afrika gebore, en het hy SA burgerskap? Hoe maklik is dit vir 'n ekspat
> om terug te keer Suid Afrika toe? Indien hy 'n Amerikaanse burger by
> geboorte is, hoe verkry hy verblyfreg in SA? Ek weet hoe moeilik dit is om
> bv. 'n Aussie visa te kry, dis hoekom ek vra.
Hy is in Kanada gebore, het 'n VSA green card, maar
sal heelwaarskynlik 'n werkpermit moet kry van SA
voordat hy kan begin werk. ( Hy het gelukkig 'n MBA
van die Universiteit van Kaapstad, dus hoop ek hulle
is goedgesind. ) Hy is 'n computer engineer, op die
oomblik in verkope, en baie suksesvol in sy werk,
waar hy kort-kort bevorder word. Maar dit maak dit
eenvoudig onmoontlik vir hom om 'n familielewe te
hê, en die interim oplossing is om ten minste sy
vrou en kinders by haar familie in Kaapstad te kry.
Sy vrou is nog SA burger, en dit maak seker die
aankoop van die huis moontlik. ( Ek is egter geskok
oor die prys van die huis. Dit kos net 'n bietjie
minder as die huis wat hulle nou in San Jose
verkoop het, maar waarop hulle darem 'n goeie
profyt gemaak het. )
Re: Oppad terug na SA [boodskap #4487 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #4486] |
Sun, 26 March 2006 16:17   |
Boodskappe: 962 Geregistreer: July 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
"Jonas" skryf:
> Ek het 'n paar jaar in Afrika state gewoon - suid van die Sahara. En
> nie in een van die lande wat ek ervaar het (vroeg 80's) het ek die
> geweldsaspek van misdaad so ernstig ervaar soos in Suid-Afrika nie. (In
> daardie state is armoede baie groter as in Suid-Afrika. Misdaad kom wel
> voor - maar geweld ontbreek.)
> Nou wonder mens hoekom?
'n Interessante artikel wat ek so ruk gelede raakgeloop het uit die
Washington Post:
"Apartheid left an interminably long legacy of social trauma -- a
constant devaluation of what it is to be human, a ruthlessly planned
decimation of family and community. Out of the horrific structures of
apartheid, a new government rebuilt the economy but neglected new,
thriving epidemics.
Primary among them was HIV, and national negligence furthered
infections and denied millions access to care and treatment. Though I
have often recorded with disgust infection rates higher than 50
percent for pregnant women at some clinics, I've learned that violent
crime competes with AIDS for first place among terrifying and
untreated afflictions in South Africa."
Die hele artikel:
A Scream of South Africa's Pain
By Nora Kenworthy
CAPE TOWN, South Africa -- One night last month, just past midnight,
in a small South African rural town outside Johannesburg, I awoke
suddenly to the realization that five young men had entered my room
through a window to rob the guesthouse in which I was staying. In an
instant they had two pistols pressed against my forehead in the dark,
their faces close to mine, whispering in butchered English to shut up.
After a year spent providing field-based and administrative assistance
to an HIV-AIDS organization from Cape Town, I somehow thought my love
for this country and all my late nights spent working against its
infections would insulate me from its violence. But my experience was
neither singular nor rare: I encountered, that night, a plague of
another sort whose infection rates are just as rampant and for which
there is also no cure in sight.
The half-hour they spent with me -- shuffling through my things,
threatening me repeatedly and then guarding me as some of them went to
pillage other rooms -- is the sort of worst-case experience that no
one, even in South Africa, can imagine happening until it does. Soon
after they entered, my hands and feet were tied, and I was forced to
lie, in my underwear, on the bed while they argued over whether to
rape me. One of the older men in the group wouldn't let them, putting
his own gun in another's face to keep him
from hurting me. As they finally got ready to leave, I was again
threatened, this time as one of them pointed a gun at my forehead and
pulled the mattress up in front of it as a silencer. Again I somehow
stayed calm, and again the same man defended me, pushing the rest of
them out the window. He gently pulled the covers up over me, placed
the subscriber identity module card from my cell phone in my bound
hands, turned out the lights and quietly closed the window. My luck
borders on the miraculous.
Though I know I was silent and complicit throughout the entire
episode, my pulse rate doubles when I replay the scene in my head now,
and I hear not their voices or mine but a loud, prolonged wail. The
silence I had to maintain during the event has left a retroactive
scream in my mind that I cannot stifle.
I am no wide-eyed tourist to the constant, droning tragedy of violence
in South Africa. I have learned -- slowly, mournfully, sometimes the
hard way
-- how one of the world's highest rates for violent crime translates
into the dialogues of daily tragedy in this country. Ten minutes into
my first counseling appointment to talk about the event, the quiet,
safe street below erupted into screams as a woman was forced from her
car at gunpoint in broad daylight.
But the crimes we witness -- or those we survive -- in the verdant,
high-walled, segregated compounds of this city are minuscule compared
with those committed in the dusty shantytowns and townships where the
vast majority of South Africa's black population lives. There, the
crimes occur not only without investigation but with blame heaped upon
the victims:
People aren't murdered, they just disappear; girls aren't raped, they
just become HIV-positive at the age of 11.
Apartheid left an interminably long legacy of social trauma -- a
constant devaluation of what it is to be human, a ruthlessly planned
decimation of family and community. Out of the horrific structures of
apartheid, a new government rebuilt the economy but neglected new,
thriving epidemics.
Primary among them was HIV, and national negligence furthered
infections and
denied millions access to care and treatment. Though I have often
with disgust infection rates higher than 50 percent for pregnant women
some clinics, I've learned that violent crime competes with AIDS for
place among terrifying and untreated afflictions in South Africa.
In my guesthouse room that night, I saw both plagues intertwined in
young, panicked life of the man left to guard me. He spent most of his
not watching me but trying to muffle multiple bouts of the telltale
fits of tuberculosis. He was too slim and had scars from sores on his
which later helped the police to identify him. I felt during those
minutes both a gasping fear that he would rape me and a blossoming
pity and
concern for him. I thought of referring him for treatment; at another
I impulsively reached for my water bottle to offer him a drink, and
escaped a blow to the face with a crowbar, which glanced off the
behind me.
We live here in Cape Town underneath the shadow of a great and ancient
mountain, blanketed by its clouds, buffeted by its winds. But we also
under the invisible burden of millions of lives whispering their fears
sorrows across the airwaves of humanity. A sound so close to silence
and so
often ignored that it is drowned out by the cafe noise, the beachfront
waves, the long summer days of a European city perched on the tip of a
troubled continent.
The scream I hear inside my head now, I think, is not just my own but
of my attackers, of their families, their grandfathers and communities
girlfriends and wives: all those who have suffered far more loss of
and dignity than that 30 minutes caused me. I am thankful to hear it
at all.
The writer works with an independent organization that provides
support to HIV-positive mothers in South Africa.
Re: Oppad terug na SA [boodskap #4488 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #4486] |
Sun, 26 March 2006 18:31   |
Boodskappe: 962 Geregistreer: July 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
"Jonas" skryf:
> Ek het 'n paar jaar in Afrika state gewoon - suid van die Sahara. En
> nie in een van die lande wat ek ervaar het (vroeg 80's) het ek die
> geweldsaspek van misdaad so ernstig ervaar soos in Suid-Afrika nie.
Het een van julle dalk al Paulo Lins se "City of God" gelees, of die
fliek gesien wat daarvan gemaak is? Dit was versprei as "Cidade de
Deus" in Brazilië, en het sowat 3 jaar gelede die res van die wereld
bereik as "City of God". Jonas, doen jouself 'n guns en gaan kry die
video in jou video winkel en kyk dit.
Dis net dat ek dink soms dink mense dat die probleem (armoede, misdaad
ens) is slegs op swart mense van toepassing. En soms raak mens so
gefrustreerd as almal net altyd sit en knor oor Afrika en Afrika se
probleme, en gerieflik vergeet wat in die res van die wereld aangaan.
Elkgeval wat vir my opvallend en interessant was, was die favelas en
die armoede van die favelados wat in hierdie favelas gewoon het - so
heeltemal dieselfde as die shanty towns daar by julle en al die
squatters ens,. Die misdaad, drugs ens, en hoe ongelooflik moeilik
dit is vir iemand wat in daardie omstandighede grootword, om daaruit
te kom.
Re: Oppad terug na SA [boodskap #4526 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #4513] |
Thu, 30 March 2006 04:31  |
Boodskappe: 377 Geregistreer: March 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Waar gaan jy werk In PTA of meer na JHB se kant toe
"Basjan" wrote in message news:e0aotu$1u5$
> "Otterkop" wrote in message
>> Waar in PTA kom julle bly ?
> Ons is nog maar aan't huis soek - ons kyk maar of na Pretoria-Oos,
> of -Noord. Tyd sal leer!
> Basjan
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