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Liefde as 'n phylum in Ewolusie [boodskap #25846] Fri, 03 September 1999 00:00 na volgende boodskap
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Uit “Human Energy” van Teilhard de Chardin.

The phenomenon of Christianity seems to me to have been
obscured by the way in which men have often tried to define
it by certain characteristics which are only accidental or
secondary to it. Simply to present the teaching of Christ as an
awakening of man to his personal dignity or as a code for purity,
gentleness and resignation, or again as a starting point for our
western civilization, is to mask its importance and make its
success incomprehensible by ignoring its characteristically new
content. The essential meaning of Christ, I should say, is not to
be sought in the Sermon on the Mount, nor even in the drama
of the Cross; it lies wholly in the proclamation of a ‘divine
fatherhood’ or, to translate, in the affirmation that God, a personal
being, presents Himself to man as the goal of a personal union…
communion beyond sacrifice; God as love, and only to be finally
reached in love; this is the psychological revolution, and the
secret of the triumph of Christianity….under the influence of rare
passions like those of Paul, Augustine or Teresa, the theory and
practice of total love have ever since Christ been continually
clarified, transmitted and propagated. So, as a result of the two
thousand years of mystical experience that support us, the contact
we can make with the personal centre of the universe has gained
as much in manifest riches as our possible contact with the world’s
natural spheres after two thousand years of science. Christianity,
I would dare to say, is neither more nor less than a ‘phylum’ of
Love in nature…
Re: Liefde as 'n phylum in Ewolusie [boodskap #25896 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #25846] Sun, 05 September 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
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Boodskappe: 645
Geregistreer: July 1999
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Senior Lid
In article ,
> Uit =93Human Energy=94 van Teilhard de Chardin.
> I would dare to say, is neither more nor less than a =91phylum=92 of
> Love in nature=85

Gloudina, dankie vir Chardin se bydraes. Maak nie saak
watter pad ons na Rome/Omega neem nie, ons kom beide by
dieselfde punt uit. Kwotasie vanuit 'n "daily affirmations"
boek, die volgende van Chardin:

Some day, after we have mastered the winds, the waves, the
tides and gravity, we shall harness the energies of love.
Then, for the second time in the history of the world, man
will have discovered fire.

Hierdie vuur is die krag van die hart. Of soos Ghandi gesê
het: Our armaments have failed. We shall therefore proceed
with the power of love.

Dit sê alles. Ons uitdaging is om dit in die praktyk toe te
pas. Onvoorwaardelike liefde is wat hiervan gepraat word.
Eintlik is dit baie maklik - aanvaar andere soos hulle is,
en wees lief vir hulle net soos hulle is.

Vorige onderwerp: Die Koei
Volgende onderwerp: hands
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