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Tuis » Ernstig » Rekenaars & selfone » Internet Stemmery
Internet Stemmery [boodskap #24000] Wed, 16 June 1999 00:00 na volgende boodskap
ProPacem  is tans af-lyn  ProPacem
Boodskappe: 320
Geregistreer: January 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Vanaf die webbladsy

Of the thousands of South Africans who cast their vote in the special virtual voting booth, more than 58% voted for the Democratic Party.
The New National Party drew 13,6%, the United Democratic Movement pulled almost
5% and the ANC attracted only about 4% of the "foreign" vote.

A total of 4 500 votes were recorded. By far the most votes came from the
United Kingdom (2 045), followed by the USA (429) and Australia (130), Canada,
Germany and France.

South Africans living or travelling abroad also voted from as far afield as
Bahrain, Bangladesh, Burundi and Vietnam, to Israel, India, Hong Kong, Dubai
and Ethiopia.


A total of 4 500 votes had been cast in the virtual voting booth by
the time it closed at 9pm on election day.

This is how they voted:

Democratic Party: 2 619 (58,2%)
New National Party: 612 (13,6%)
United Democratic Movement: 218 (4,85%)
African National Congress: 183 (4,0%)
African Christian Democratic Party: 156 ( 3,4%)
Freedom Front: 64
Federal Alliance: 63
Abolition of Income Tax and Usury Party: 57
Inkatha Freedom Party : 39
The Government by the People Green Party : 39
Afrikaner Eenheids Beweging : 29
United Christian Democratic Party : 23
Pan Africanist Congress of Azania : 9
Minority Front: : 9
Azanian People's Organisation : 3
The Socialist Party of Azania : 2
Spoilt and Invalid papers 375 (8,3%)
Re: Internet Stemmery [boodskap #24026 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #24000] Thu, 17 June 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Leendert van Oostrum  is tans af-lyn  Leendert van Oostrum
Boodskappe: 1880
Geregistreer: July 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
In article , (ProPacem) wrote:
> Vanaf die webbladsy

> Spoilt and Invalid papers 375 (8,3%)

Hmmmm..... 8.3% bedorwe stembriewe is _baie_ hoog.

'n Hoë % bedorwe stembriewe word beskou as teken van ongeletterdheid,
nie waar nie?

Onder internetgebruikers? Dalk bevestig dit iets wat mens lankal
vermoed :-)

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