Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Ons veg vir vrede??
Ons veg vir vrede?? [boodskap #22392] |
Sun, 11 April 1999 00:00  |
Eugene Terreblanche
Boodskappe: 9 Geregistreer: April 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
Mense, Boere, Afrikaners ek wil net vir julle se dat julle kan
gaan kak as julle dink dat ons net n klomp ou doose is.
Ons veg vir vrede, of wat ook al (deesdae is ons nie heeltemal
seker nie)!
Fok die vyand, fok almal...
Dankie vir u aandag.
Eugene Lerriuqs Terreblanche
Re: Ons veg vir vrede?? [boodskap #22408 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #22392] |
Mon, 12 April 1999 00:00   |
Hjalmar Gerber
Boodskappe: 72 Geregistreer: November 1997
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
| [E.T.] kraai:
> Ons veg vir vrede, of wat ook al (deesdae is ons nie heeltemal
> seker nie)!
Dis seker nou soos naai vir maagdelikheid. ;-)
Re: Ons veg vir vrede?? [boodskap #22409 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #22392] |
Mon, 12 April 1999 00:00   |
Boodskappe: 10 Geregistreer: August 1996
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
> Date: 11 Apr 1999 14:00:03 -0000
> Subject: Ons veg vir vrede??
> Newsgroups: soc.culture.south-africa.afrikaans,za.politics
> From: (Eugene Terreblanche )
> Comments: Please report problems with this automated remailing service to
> . The message sender's identity
> is unknown, unlogged, and not replyable.
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> Xref: soc.culture.south-africa.afrikaans:18223 za.politics:25120
On 11 Apr 1999 14:00:03 -0000, (Eugene
Terreblanche ) wrote:
> Mense, Boere, Afrikaners ek wil net vir julle se dat julle kan
> gaan kak as julle dink dat ons net n klomp ou doose is.
> Ons veg vir vrede, of wat ook al (deesdae is ons nie heeltemal
> seker nie)!
> Fok die vyand, fok almal...
> Dankie vir u aandag.
> Eugene Lerriuqs Terreblanche
------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ --------
Die onderstaande juweel van (on)wysheid is op 'n reeks ander
nuusgroepe deur ons geagte gespreksgenoot Squirrel geplaas.
Ek plaas die volledige boodskappe, insluitende die 'header' informasie
sodat die gespreksgenote self kan oordeel oor die egtheid van hierdie
boodskappe. Gevolglik vra ek om verskoning oor die lang boodskap.
Hoe meer dae, hoe meer dinge.
------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ --------
Date: 11 Apr 1999 19:40:09 -0000
Newsgroups: talk.politics.misc,alt.conspiracy,alt.activism
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What's all of this talk about NATO? Where is their
constitution, or charter? Who elected the Secretary General, or
the rest of that bogus operation? Could this be a new world army
in disquise, controlled by international bankers, and
multinational corporations? Why are our tax dollars and military
being used to serve in this fraud? I don't see where the
Constitution provides for such a deception? Could the global
gangsters be guilty of Treason against their respecitve
countries? Are they trying to create their own army?
My understanding of NATO is that it is a treaty organization
created under the charter of the UN, and that the participating
nations retain their national sovereignty.
The international community is really a euphemism for the
Zionist Conspiracy. I would like to remind the military, that when
the Zionist took power in Russia; they along with the Bolsheviks
purged the entire senior officer corps. And what about that oath
you took to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution against
enemies both foreign and "DOMESTIC"!!!
The North Atlantic Treaty, signed in Washington on 4 April
1949, created an Alliance for collective defence as defined in
Article 51 of the United Nations Charter. The Alliance links
fourteen European countries with the United States and Canada.
The treaty is an alliance of independent countries with a common
interest in maintaining peace and defending their freedom through
political solidarity and adequate military defence to deter
and, if necessary, repel all possible forms of aggression
against them. Created within the framework of Article 51 of
the United Nations Charter, which reaffirms the inherent right
of individual or collective defence, the Alliance is an
association of free states united in their determination to
preserve their security through mutual guarantees and stable
relations with other countries.
NATO is the Organisation which serves the Alliance. It is an
inter-governmental organisation in which member countries
retain their full sovereignty and independence. The
Organisation provides the forum in which they consult together
on any issues they may choose to raise and take decisions on
political and military matters affecting their security. It
provides the structures needed to facilitate consultation and
cooperation between them, not only in political fields but
also in many other areas where policies can be coordinated in
order to fulfil the goals of the North Atlantic Treaty.
NATO's essential purpose is thus to safeguard the freedom and
security of all its members by political and military means in
accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter.
Based on common values of democracy, human rights and the rule
of law, the Alliance has worked since its inception for the
establishment of a just and lasting peaceful order in Europe.
This Alliance objective remains unchanged. NATO also embodies
the transatlantic link by which the security of North America
is permanently tied to the security of Europe. It is the
practical expression of effective collective effort among its
members in support of their common interests.
The fundamental operating principle of the Alliance is that of
common commitment and mutual cooperation among sovereign
states based on the indivisibility of the security of its
members. Solidarity within the Alliance, given substance and
effect by NATO's daily work in political, military and other
spheres, ensures that no member country is forced to rely upon
its own national efforts alone in dealing with basic security
challenges. Without depriving member states of their right and
duty to assume their sovereign responsibilities in the field
of defence, the Alliance enables them through collective
effort to enhance their ability to realise their essential
national security objectives.
Member Countries.
Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland,
Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain,
Turkey, United Kingdom and United States.
PUBLIC ENEMY #1: David Rockefeller, 2. Henry Kissinger, 3. Pete
Peterson, 4. Alan Greenspan, 5. George Soros, 6. Robert Rubin,
7. George Bush, 8. Warren Christopher, 9. Bill Clinton, 10. William
S. Cohen.
I would like you to imagine that the Mafia had taken control of our
federal gov't, and most of our local gov'ts. America would be in
dire circumstances, wouldn't it? Well, this is exactly what has
happend; except a far more sinister organization has taken control.
It is David "the devil" Rockefeller, and his Luciferian travellers,
the CFR. These people are responsible for the slaughter of 100s
of thousands of people in their "banker wars." Through the Federal
Reserve they have corrupted our gov't, and stolen trillions of
dollars from the American people. They are now in the process of
turning our Constitutional Republic into a Dictatorship. They intend
to enslave us, and put the survivors of the coming genocide on their
"global plantation."
Pete Peterson is the current head of the CFR and the Concord Coali-
tion. This man is currently waging war against the poor and the
elderly: by robbing them of their pension benefits (Social Security),
and cutting back on Medicare. He believes that these proceeds should
be used to enrich his globalist friends.
This is a Zionist/Freemason conspiracy, and dates back to the founding
of the Illuminati in 1776. This elitist organization was financed by
the Rothschilds, and is responsible for most of the world's misery
since it's founding.
Your only chance of surviving: is to network with your local law-
enforcement, have your Sheriff deputize you, and demand that your
state sovereignty be observed -- this means keeping the "baby killers"
out! Also, demand that David Rockefeller, his gang of killers and
thieves (the CFR) be arrested, before they murder anymore of our sons
and daughters (Bosnia, Kosovo, etc.). I would also advise the English
to do the same with the Rothschilds and the RIIA.
At the end of the 1000 years Satan is released, and he seduces the
nations of the earth, prior to the end of the world -- rv.20:7-15,
ez.38, 39, 40.
Re: Ons veg vir vrede?? [boodskap #22536 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #22392] |
Wed, 21 April 1999 00:00  |
Hans Malherbe
Boodskappe: 25 Geregistreer: April 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
Eugene Terreblanche wrote in message
> Mense, Boere, Afrikaners ek wil net vir julle se dat julle kan
Hahahaha! Goeie probeerslag, nikswerd - en ek is Vader Kersfees.
Kyk eers of jy die deeltjie "The message sender's identity is unknown,
unlogged, and not replyable." uit jou poshoof kan kry en probeer dan weer.
Pous Paulus Aromatikus
Pontifex Maximus
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