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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: Crime and South Africa
Re: Crime and South Africa [boodskap #20744] Sat, 06 February 1999 00:00 na volgende boodskap
Errol Back-Cunningham  is tans af-lyn  Errol Back-Cunningham
Boodskappe: 1029
Geregistreer: August 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On Sat, 06 Feb 1999 12:44:05 GMT, (Frikkie
Potgieter) wrote:

|Why are this americans write on South African groups.
|Go and sort out your own country with all the niggers and shit....
|We have got our own problems to sort out, and we dont need your help,
|couse your country have part in the shit our country are in now.
|Go and surf on sex sites all those intenational left wing bastards who
|think they know all about south africa.
Sies man, dis die soort "optrede" en houding van regse SAners wat
hulle en hulle idees so in die voet skiet. Julle sal dalk baie meer
volgelinge kry as julle ook leer om soos ordentlike mense op te tree.
Re: Crime and South Africa [boodskap #20745 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #20744] Sat, 06 February 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Errol Back-Cunningham  is tans af-lyn  Errol Back-Cunningham
Boodskappe: 1029
Geregistreer: August 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On Sat, 06 Feb 1999 00:05:35 GMT, nospam@home.please (stefan) wrote:
|> "THE Canadian High Commissioner to South Africa,
|> James Bartelman, was beaten and robbed of R1 000 at a Sea
|> Point hotel on Friday morning. Police said Bartelman (60)
|> suffered a fracture to his nose after being assaulted with
|> a stun device. The attack ended his plans to attend the
|> opening of Parliament and he is returning to Johannesburg
|> after being treated in a Cape Town hospital."
|Here in the U.S. a Gambian (?) immigrant was shot in the Bronx at his
|apartment with 41 bullets by two cops for no apparent reason. He was
|unarmed, with no drugs/alcohol in his body, and had no previous
|criminal record. Cops are dangerous everywhere...
|/stefan, valley of the sun

Stefan, dis maar 'n baie swak vergelyking wat jy probeer tref:
Jy vergelyk kriminele in SA met 'n hoogs uitsonderlike geval in
270miljoen mense???????!!!!!!!!!!!!

Neewat, niemand op hierdie nuusgroep is onnosel genoeg om vir so 'n
argument te val nie.

Re: Crime and South Africa [boodskap #20777 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #20744] Sun, 07 February 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Frikkie Potgieter[2]  is tans af-lyn  Frikkie Potgieter[2]
Boodskappe: 439
Geregistreer: November 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Reg geraai...
Darem iets wat jy hierdie keer reg geraai het dat ek regs en REG is.
Ek is regser as Gene De Kock en Cliffie Barnard saam...
Niks met ordentlike mense te doen nie, want dis presies wat in die
verlede gebeur het toe ons met sogenaamde ordentlike mense soos JY
gemeng het


On Sat, 06 Feb 1999 15:22:31 GMT, (Johan (In oortje
gehapt!)) wrote:

> On Sat, 06 Feb 1999 12:44:05 GMT, (Frikkie
> Potgieter) wrote:
> |Why are this americans write on South African groups.
> |Go and sort out your own country with all the niggers and shit....
> |We have got our own problems to sort out, and we dont need your help,
> |couse your country have part in the shit our country are in now.
> |
> |Go and surf on sex sites all those intenational left wing bastards who
> |think they know all about south africa.
> |
> Sies man, dis die soort "optrede" en houding van regse SAners wat
> hulle en hulle idees so in die voet skiet. Julle sal dalk baie meer
> volgelinge kry as julle ook leer om soos ordentlike mense op te tree.
Re: Crime and South Africa [boodskap #20993 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #20744] Thu, 11 February 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
bra...  is tans af-lyn  bra...
Boodskappe: 7
Geregistreer: October 1998
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
In article ,
nospam@home.please (stefan) wrote:
> On Mon, 8 Feb 1999 22:01:53 +0200, "Alwyn Van Rooyen"
> wrote:
>> Thanks to the poor training and the useless cops. I'm happy with them since
>> between eating donuts and being racists they do actually capture a serial
>> killer now and again and also some other vile people.
> And as long as they kill some innocent people in the process it's
> alright with you? Unless it's one of your relatives of course...
> --
> /stefan, valley of the sun
Laat my onwillekeurig terug dink aan 'n liedjie van David Kramer in die vroee
'80's: "I'm a staff sergeant in the SAP. You and the press point your fingers
at me. But when the black man crawls through your window at night, then you
call for me quickly, cause then I'm all right."

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Re: Crime and South Africa [boodskap #21151 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #20744] Tue, 16 February 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Sorrel Jakins  is tans af-lyn  Sorrel Jakins
Boodskappe: 4
Geregistreer: February 1996
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
>> I think that one of the answers may be that we have lived with the problem
>> for so long that we are no longer concious

I have often wondered how come so many Jews stayed in Germany before the
holocaust. Hitler made no bones about his intentions.

>> Humans are pretty adaptable creatures - for example, I would not care to
>> live in close proximity to the San Andreas Fault but there are millions who
>> are well aware of what the possible implications could be and yet go about
>> there day to day lives, knowing this at the back of their minds, but not
>> letting it affect them at all.

I live on the Wasatch fault. Every time the San Andre' shakes, millions of
blerrie californians come pouring over the mountains, bringing their drugs and
kak with them. The joke is that the Wasatch is a lateral fault, so it doesn't
shake, but when it goes it will make saint andre's look like a picnic.

Staan stil broek, jou baas is mos nie bang nie.
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