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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » 'n Ingelsman se mening oor mandela se bedmaatjie
'n Ingelsman se mening oor mandela se bedmaatjie [boodskap #17744] Mon, 21 September 1998 00:00
andr...  is tans af-lyn  andr...
Boodskappe: 62
Geregistreer: September 1997
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
Motion in poetry
DP whip in the NCOP responded to a rhyming motion by an ANC member which
criticised the DP. He gave the following reply:

I am the very model of a counter-revolutionary
liberal professional and ultra-right reactionary;
My caucus plots in dead of night with figures dark and sinister
The rigging of a scandal or the downfall of a Minister.

We boycott talks by bearded fools and aging revolutionaries
whose failed ideas have proved to be quite counter-evolutionary.
While Cubans take to inner tubes to cross shark-filled oceans
The ANC indulges in absurd Comrade Fidel devotions.

And all the while South Africans grow poorer and afraid;
The Rand is falling every day and debts can�t be repaid.
Crime, corruption, joblessness and nepotism reign,
but we all know its apartheid and the opposition that�s to blame.

I am the very model of a counter-revolutionary
liberal, intelligent, I don't react emotionally;
I analyse and offer help and therefore must be racist
for I always tell the ANC: don't run from truth but face it.
Vorige onderwerp: Re: PC Afr. persoon v.d. jaar.
Volgende onderwerp: Re: Open Letter
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