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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » "Rock Painting" by JACK COPE
"Rock Painting" by JACK COPE [boodskap #17337] Sa, 05 September 1998 00:00
G.B.  is tans af-lyn  G.B.
Boodskappe: 2179
Geregistreer: Mei 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Jack Cope

A leather-skinned wrinkled old man
old hunter yellow as the stones
from the rock he hears the rain talk
hyena cracking bones

A song with five words has a sway
the lion sees its head in the river
a song is a flame in the thorn-fire
the story is forever

Five words shuffle in the dance ring
five dancers whose feet never tire
they sing of the great grey cat
his tail caught on fire

What is the shadow dance saying
to the hunter? he will not forget
a rain-woman talked in the firelight
the small moon set

The eland is standing just so
thorns in the fireplace piled
the word is an arrow without death
song a sleeping child

Listen to the cough at the waterhole
mantis marks a shadow on the stone
the story is a hunter returning
who does not come alone

His trail is through the stars forever
white ash thrown in the sky
they know, the fire and the dancers
do they know he will die?
Vorige onderwerp: Die aankoms van die herfs
Volgende onderwerp: Ode aan Winnie (The Matches) Mandela
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