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Ons heremeesters [boodskap #16817] Fri, 14 August 1998 00:00 na volgende boodskap
Leendert van Oostrum  is tans af-lyn  Leendert van Oostrum
Boodskappe: 1880
Geregistreer: July 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Uittreksels uit twee berigte in eBeeld - sien

The African National Congress' response to Justice William de Villiers'
judgment in the South African Rugby Football Union (Sarfu) case was a clear
attempt to deflect attention away from the damaging criticisms made by the
judge, the Democratic Party said on Thursday.

Questioning Judge De Villiers' integrity and suggesting there was a
political motive behind his decision was a despicable tactic, DP justice
spokesman Douglas Gibson said in a statement.

The DP would call for a parliamentary debate on the matter.

De Villiers released a 1158-page document on Wednesday explaining the
reasons for his ruling in favour of Sarfu - in April this year - when he set
aside President Nelson Mandela's appointment of a commission of inquiry into
Sarfu's management of rugby.

Gibson said De Villiers' had found in his judgment that: - the credibility
of Mandela's evidence was subject to serious doubt; - he had attempted to
intimidate the cross-examiner; - he had "addressed unbridled insults at the
cross-examiner"; and, - part of his evidence was "so far-fetched and
inconceivable that it can have no credibility".

"Given these criticisms, we cannot - and should not attempt to - escape a
critical debate on the president's honesty and conduct on the witness
stand," Gibson said.
A constitutional democracy which set its president above the law was
courting disaster.

De Villiers het vandeesweek sy redes in 'n lywige dokument van 1'159 bladsye
bekend gemaak.

Hy het pres. Nelson Mandela se geloofwaardigheid as getuie in die hof
De Villiers het voorts gesê die president was ''redekawelend'' en het
''volstrek geweier'' om sekere vrae te beantwoord.


Aldus eBeeld.

Nou wonder ek. As die president, 'n lid van sy kabinet en 'n amptenaar in
die ope hof sou lieg oor 'n simpel speletjie - hoeveel waarde is daar in hul
protestasies en getuienis oor ander sake? Hoeveel waarde heg hulle aan die
grondwet wat hulle veronderstel is om te beskerm en onderhou?

Het ons enigsins dan nou 'n beter bedeling as tevore?

Groete, Leendert
Re: Ons heremeesters [boodskap #16871 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #16817] Sun, 16 August 1998 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
WAC  is tans af-lyn  WAC
Boodskappe: 8
Geregistreer: August 1998
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Vorentoe is daar 'n skrywer wat beweer dat indien mens die huidige swart
regering kritiseer (weens hul onbeholpenheid en oneerlikheid) dat "haat" 'n
rol speel. Dit is mos gewoonweg snert.
Moet 'n mens 'n anc werfbobbejaan wees om guns te werf? Soos die vele
politici en gister se nasionaliste wat nou by die anc gatkruip.
Ons heremeesters, soos Leendert hulle noem, is besig om Suid-Afrika leeg te
melk en in die afgrond in te jaag teen 'n dolle vaart met hul dwaasheid en
gebrek aan bestuursinsig.
Re: Ons heremeesters [boodskap #17043 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #16817] Mon, 24 August 1998 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Ding!  is tans af-lyn  Ding!
Boodskappe: 320
Geregistreer: December 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Leendert van Oostrum wrote:
> Gibson said De Villiers' had found in his judgment that: - the credibility
> of Mandela's evidence was subject to serious doubt; - he had attempted to
> intimidate the cross-examiner; - he had "addressed unbridled insults at the
> cross-examiner"; and, - part of his evidence was "so far-fetched and
> inconceivable that it can have no credibility".

> "Given these criticisms, we cannot - and should not attempt to - escape a
> critical debate on the president's honesty and conduct on the witness
> stand," Gibson said.
> A constitutional democracy which set its president above the law was
> courting disaster.

Ferdi???? Hmm jy is nou vreeslik stil ou maat??

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