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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: Afrikaners - RIP
Re: Afrikaners - RIP [boodskap #15916] Thu, 25 June 1998 00:00 na volgende boodskap
Amos  is tans af-lyn  Amos
Boodskappe: 3
Geregistreer: June 1998
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Hierdie pos is in geplaas. Ek het gedink dit is nogal snaaks.
(Verskoon die aap se taalgebruik)

Ian wrote in message ...
> Yesterday I was unfortunate enough to be given a ticket for the test at Free
> State Stadium. I realised that the few times I'd been to either the rugby
> stadium or Springbok Park, I hadn't just been unlucky to be sitting near a
> couple of bad apples - YOU'RE ALL F#CKING ROTTEN!
> Free State Stadium (Loftus probably included, although I haven't had the
> misfortune of going there) is the only ground I know where the crowd knows
> more of the words to the Irish anthem than Nkosi Sikelela, there's a louder
> cheer for a wave or streaker than for a try and more brandy and coke than
> knowledgeable rugby supporters.
> For a people with so much "pride" for their pseudo-culture, it amazes me how
> the 20 odd thousand low browed, shambling, knuckle-dragging homonids that
> stumbled into the ground yestersday can behave with such little self respect
> and dignity. The 60 year old screaming "SES, DIS 'N SES!" every time the
> ball went into touch, the father head-butting a paralytic student in front
> of his teenage daughter, the almost comatose f#ck sitting next to me who
> would shout "GEE ONS 'N FULL MONTY!" whenever the Springbok fullback was in
> earshot, the 12 year old girl throwing up behind the stands, the sexually
> frustrated farmer making fucking witless comments at anything with tits -
> THIS IS THE AFRIKANER! and after 10 years in this shithole, I know no other.
> In less than a century, you've perverted a language, created an enemy,
> hijacked a country and as a people, have not evolved further than the
> ox-cart. What the fuck gives you the right to be arrogant? - you're dying
> minnows - at least do that with pride!
> Ian
> English and fucking proud to be!
Re: Afrikaners - RIP [boodskap #15982 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #15916] Wed, 01 July 1998 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Johan N Potgieter  is tans af-lyn  Johan N Potgieter
Boodskappe: 421
Geregistreer: December 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On Thu, 25 Jun 1998 08:56:54 +0200, "Amos" wrote:

> Hierdie pos is in geplaas. Ek het gedink dit is nogal snaaks.
> (Verskoon die aap se taalgebruik)
> Ian wrote in message ...
>> Yesterday I was unfortunate enough to be given a ticket for the test at Free
>> State Stadium. I realised that the few times I'd been to either the rugby
>> stadium or Springbok Park, I hadn't just been unlucky to be sitting near a
>> ... have not evolved further than the
>> ox-cart. What the fuck gives you the right to be arrogant? - you're dying
>> minnows - at least do that with pride!
>> Ian
>> English and fucking proud to be!

Interessante reaksie hierop sou so 'n bietjie navorsing wees oor die
sokker boewery (kan nie onthou dat daar Afrikaners by betrokke was
nie ?!?!?)
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