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Twee derde meerderheidstem van die ANC [boodskap #15750] Fri, 12 June 1998 00:00
M.Kruger  is tans af-lyn  M.Kruger
Boodskappe: 91
Geregistreer: March 1997
Karma: 0
Volle Lid

Uitsprake oor die twee derde meerderheid en die verandering van klousules
in die Grondwet is deur die volgende persone gemaak:

1. Kgalema Motlanthe, ANC Secretary-General, in a Sunday Times report of
3 May 1998, said the ANC would review the power held by the independent
institutions if it won a two-third majority in next year's elections. He
said such a majority would enable the ANC to form a government "unfettered
by constraints".
2. James Motlatsi, NUM President, said the NUM would press the ANC to
amend the constitution's property-rights clause; provincial powers; and
strengthen workers' rights in the bill of rights if the ANC secured more
than a two-thirds majority. Business Day, 27 March 1998.
3. Deputy Tourism and Environmental Affairs Minister Peter Mokaba said in
King William's Town on the 27 April 1998: "The Government must take
resolute steps and move forward without the white community." He called on
people to vote ANC and to help it get a two-thirds majority in the 1999
general elections so that some clauses of the constitution could be
changed. Business Day, 28 April 1998.
4. Haroon Aziz, SACP KwaZulu-Natal provincial executive member said he
wanted Amichand Rajbansi to "come over to the ANC with his constituency".
This would bolster the ANC's chances of winning two-thirds of the national
vote in elections - Business Day, 19 January 1998.

5. Sisusiko Bengu, Minister of Education at a NCOP meeting on June
11, 1998
stated that he could not exercise his responsibility unless the current
provincial educational powers were transfered to him. It could only be made
possible with a two-thirds majority vote in the 1999 elections, in which
the constitution can be amended.

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