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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » "New" South Africa.
"New" South Africa. [boodskap #14388] Thu, 07 May 1998 00:00 na volgende boodskap
bi...  is tans af-lyn  bi...
Boodskappe: 100
Geregistreer: June 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
In article #1/1,
"SAKKIE" wrote:
> wrote:
>> Dear Volk of South Africa,
>> How are things in the "new" South Africa? Blah Blah Blah..............
>> We want to hear from you. Please write to .
>> South Africa can do without more of this kind of self-serving journalism.
> --------------------------------------------
> You are not interested in the truth about anything in either the "new" or
> old South Africa beyond what you wish to gain for yourself with your
> disrespectful sensationalism. Your e-mail address contains the truth about
> this kind of reporting. Wind. Hot, foul wind.
> Billy.
> --------------------------------------------
> For decades international reporters have used facts, twisted and distorted
> it
> to suite their needs, and made a lot of money through increased sales of
> the
> CRAP they printed. Why should we talk to Jeff?
> somewhere else. Try the Racial problems in Britain and/or the USA, or are
> you
> not man enough to face a real challenge. People like you really piss me
> off.
> Askuus vir die taal Gloudina (en ander), maar verslaggewers soos die ou
> maak
> my die donner in.
> Sakkie
> Ek is so bly iemand stem met my saam oor die soort van joernalistiek.

Self sogenaamde ordentlike lande (ek praat van n soetsappige plek in noord
amerika,) maak hulle hieraan skuldig. Ek weet persoonlik van n groep
verslaggewers wat reggestaan het met hulle kameras en n klompie swart kinders
afgeneem het vir die oorseese pers. Hulle het toe handevol lekkergoed op n
walglike puinhoop gegooi sodat die kinders daar moes inhol en woes soek na
die eetgoed. Dit het die joernaliste natuurlik afgeneem sodat dit lyk of die
arme bloetjies waansinnig van die honger daar rondskarrel vir lavenis. Soos
julle seker weet, dit is maar net een van die soort insidente. Die mense is
sogenaamd besorgd oor die kinders wat hulle daar afneem, maar ek vind die
vernedering is onbeskryflik.


-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
Re: "New" South Africa. [boodskap #14562 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #14388] Tue, 12 May 1998 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Jennifer Lynne  is tans af-lyn  Jennifer Lynne
Boodskappe: 54
Geregistreer: May 1998
Karma: 0
Volle Lid

Hoe kan jy soiets se sonder feite, ne?
Die aanhef in sy "Dear Volk.. mag dan ietwat arrogant lyk, maar sy organisatie
is 'n Christelyke nuusagentskap wat genuine om nuus vra. Is jy lief vir die
ANC? Is jy onder die indruk van die Nuwe Suid Afrika? Is die lewe in Suid
Afrika beter anno 1998 dan in 1988? As die antwoord op slegs een van die drie
vrae "NEE" is, gaan dan 'n bietjie hier lees... Miskien word jy tog nog
wakker... Jy moet van jou blinkers ontslaan raak en 'n bietjie verder kyk dan
jou eie anti-sensatie-neus lank is.

Jennifer wrote:

> In article #1/1,
> wrote:
>> Dear Volk of South Africa,
>> How are things in the "new" South Africa? Has life gotten better for
>> everyone under "democracy"? Journalists are seeking true stories from
>> real South Africans on the realities of life under the new system. Do
>> you know what has REALLY happended to your country? Can you describe
>> the complex international agenda that has subjugated your people? We
>> want to hear from you. Please write to .
>> South Africa can do without more of this kind of self-serving journalism.
> You are not interested in the truth about anything in either the "new" or
> old South Africa beyond what you wish to gain for yourself with your
> disrepectful sensationalism. Your e-mail address contains the truth about
> this kind of reporting. Wind. Hot, foul wind.
> Billy.
> -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==-----
> Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
Re: "New" South Africa. [boodskap #14563 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #14388] Tue, 12 May 1998 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Jennifer Lynne  is tans af-lyn  Jennifer Lynne
Boodskappe: 54
Geregistreer: May 1998
Karma: 0
Volle Lid

Hoe kan jy soiets se sonder feite, ne?
Die aanhef in sy "Dear Volk.. mag dan ietwat arrogant lyk, maar sy organisatie
is 'n Christelyke nuusagentskap wat genuine om nuus vra. Is jy lief vir die
ANC? Is jy onder die indruk van die Nuwe Suid Afrika? Is die lewe in Suid
Afrika beter anno 1998 dan in 1988? As die antwoord op slegs een van die drie
vrae "NEE" is, gaan dan 'n bietjie hier lees... Miskien word jy tog nog
wakker... Jy moet van jou blinkers ontslaan raak en 'n bietjie verder kyk dan
jou eie anti-sensatie-neus lank is.

Jennifer wrote:

> In article #1/1,
> wrote:
>> Dear Volk of South Africa,
>> How are things in the "new" South Africa? Has life gotten better for
>> everyone under "democracy"? Journalists are seeking true stories from
>> real South Africans on the realities of life under the new system. Do
>> you know what has REALLY happended to your country? Can you describe
>> the complex international agenda that has subjugated your people? We
>> want to hear from you. Please write to .
>> South Africa can do without more of this kind of self-serving journalism.
> You are not interested in the truth about anything in either the "new" or
> old South Africa beyond what you wish to gain for yourself with your
> disrepectful sensationalism. Your e-mail address contains the truth about
> this kind of reporting. Wind. Hot, foul wind.
> Billy.
> -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==-----
> Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
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