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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Geleentheid vir Drukker
Geleentheid vir Drukker [boodskap #12528] Sun, 08 February 1998 00:00 na volgende boodskap
VIVIAN  is tans af-lyn  VIVIAN
Boodskappe: 1
Geregistreer: February 1998
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Daar is 'n geleentheid vir iemand met ondervinding van die drukkerybedryf om
'n drukkery in Londen te bestuur. Kontak vir meer
Re: Geleentheid [boodskap #22310 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #12528] Mon, 05 April 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Fred Els  is tans af-lyn  Fred Els
Boodskappe: 6
Geregistreer: March 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
rhino wrote in message ...
> Unreal what a person in hiding can spill out and get away with. South
> African club, for your info does not exist, but the African ( meaning whole
> of Africa ) club does. I also will not have anything to do with your HR ect:
> If you are so bitter about the past, the Afrikaner and appartheid, why don't
> you get of your seat behind the computer,come out and show yourself, stand
> up like Mandella and become someone in live that change what happenned in
> the past and write your name in the next generation history books. Why don't
> you come out of hiding or are you hiding a past ( or your nation ) that is
> to be scruitenized,despized, to be tramped on, are not accepted,done
> terrible wrong to another and I can go on. By standing up and get reconized
> as a leader,a shaker and a mover, people that grew up whith wrong ideas in
> other words different from your own ) will listen and change. Or are you
> just a ankle biter, comming out only when it is save and then if you bite
> get shaken off, and you then run back to your seat behind the computer. Nice
> talking to you, have a great live. End of conversation with you. Rhino
> My bydrae van down under. Enige iemand, (youself, vriend), in Suid Afrika
wat gewillig is om te werk en ander te help. Johannesburg,Pretoria, Port
Elizabeth en Kaap gebiede kan my kontak en ek sal hulle in die regte rigting
stuur. Hulle kan vir hulself besluit na hulle n' presentasie bygewoon het.
Jy ken tog seker iemand wat sonder werk is of is gevorseer om vir minder
inkomste te werk. Hierdie is n' besigheids geleentheid en ek will geen geld
aanvaar nie. My agente in S.A. sal die presentasie demonstreer
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