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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Mengele alive and ...... Wel, wel!.........
Mengele alive and ...... Wel, wel!......... [boodskap #10645] Tue, 09 September 1997 00:00
andr...  is tans af-lyn  andr...
Boodskappe: 62
Geregistreer: September 1997
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
Ek wil 'n klip in die bos gooi (of is dit die byekorf skud)

Persoonlik het ek niks daarteen dat "mentally" mense gesterilisser word
nie. Doen dit sommer ook aan verkragters, geweldsmisdadigers, moordenaars,
alkoliste en dwelmverlaafdes. Met die wereld bevolking wat die hoogte
inskiet is dit 'n goeie idee om net die beste van die bevolking te laat
oorleef en aan te teel.

Leendert van Oostrum wrote in article
> SA Runner reports:
> August 28 1997 EUROPE
> Austria 'sterilises mentally handicapped women'
> AUSTRIAN politicians yesterday plunged into the heated
> European debate about eugenics, claiming that the country was still forcing
> mentally handicapped women to be sterilised.
> Theresia Haidlmayr, the Green spokeswoman, said that
> there were no legal obstructions in Austria to sterilising certain
> categories of patient. Some 70 per cent of mentally handicapped women had
> been treated in this way, she said, although the party admits there are no
> reliable statistics.
> The comments came as both Switzerland and Norway
> admitted that they had, until the 1970s, also practised compulsory
> sterilisation on mentally handicapped or racially "unsuitable" men and
> women, according to disclosures published yesterday.
> Swedish revelations that 60,000 people had to
> undergo compulsory sterilisation over 50 years have sent historians
> throughout Europe searching their national medical archives for evidence
> incriminating or clearing their own countries.
> While the Swedish sterilisation was part of a
> government campaign to eliminate "inferior" racial types from society, the
> practice in Austria is ostensibly determined by the desire to prevent
> pregnancy among mental patients.
> Volker Schönwiese, assistant professor at the
> Innsbruck Institute for Educational Science, estimated that tens of
> thousands of mentally handicapped women had been sterilised in Austria. Most
> of the sterilisations are carried out before the patients reach the legal
> age of adulthood at 19. Many of them are only ten or 11 when they are
> operated on.
> The Swiss case is regarded as important because the
> Nazis used 1928 sterilisation legislation from the French-speaking canton of
> Vaud to fashion their own 1934 laws.
> "Even Hitler requested a copy of the law from the
> canton and from the Government in Berne as a basis for Nazi Germany's own
> racist laws," said Hans Ulrich Jost, a Lausanne history professor.
> Switzerland, still struggling with revelations that
> its banks profited from the Holocaust, was shocked by Professor Jost's
> documentary proof. He found one recommendation for sterilisation for a young
> woman, two months pregnant, because she was described as "feeble-minded,
> morally weak, idiotic and promiscuous".
> But the deepest concern is in Scandinavia, because
> the evidence is clear that compulsory sterilisation was not merely part of
> the racist prewar climate but became a conscious feature of Social
> Democratic policy after the war. Sweden dropped compulsory sterilisation
> only in 1976, while Finland and Norway also practised it well into the
> 1970s. Norway sterilised about 2,000 people against their will between 1934
> and 1976, according to Nils Rolf-Hansen, a professor in Oslo.
> Most of the victims seemed to have been drawn from
> socially deprived backgrounds or were exhibiting some form of mental
> illness. In some cases, hospital workers refused to carry out abortions
> unless the women agreed to be sterilised.
> But the sterilisation campaign also targeted
> racially "mixed" Swedes, including women from Gypsy families. It was this,
> the fact that the benign welfare state treasured by Swedes for more than 50
> years could continue essentially national socialist eugenics, that has most
> alarmed Swedes and prompted questions about the internal controls within a
> welfare state system. A flood of compensation claims is now expected.
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