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Riana Otto (was: Vir Gloudina) [boodskap #15291 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #15292] Do, 28 Mei 1998 00:00 na volgende boodskap
Hjalmar Gerber  is tans af-lyn  Hjalmar Gerber
Boodskappe: 72
Geregistreer: November 1997
Karma: 0
Volle Lid

Ek is nie Gloudina nie.

Wat gebeur het, is tragies en hartverskeurend. So-iets maak groot
opspraak in hierdie deel van die wêreld. Vandag se Edmonton Sun
het Riana se foto op die hele voorblad. Dis ook die hoofnuus in die
Edmonton Journal.

Die gemeenskap van High Prairie is in rou. Dit was vir hulle 'n
geweldige harde slag. Hulle sukkel deurentyd om geneeshere vir
plattelandse gemeenskappe in Alberta te werf, en hierdie voorval,
hoe raar dit ookal mag wees, gaan beslis nie hulle saak bevorder

Plaaslike vriende van die Otto's in High Prairie beskryf Riana as
'n "engel", en sy laat 'n onvervangbare leegte in die gemeenskap.

> Ek will jou 'n guns vra. Ek weet nie of jy kan help nie maar as jy kan
> sal ek dit waardeer.

Hier is die hoofberig uit die Sun:

May 28, 1998

Hunt goes on for murderer

Suspect released in High Prairie killing

By KIM BRADLEY -- Staff Writer
A 32-year-old High Prairie man
being questioned in connection with
the slaying of doctor's wife Riana
Otto was released last night without
being charged.
"We have to establish if there is
enough evidence to lay a charge and
at this time we feel there isn't," said
Staff. Sgt. Doug Mercer, who was
brought in from Peace River to work
on the case.
"He may be charged in an unrelated
matter that arose during a search of
his residence," Mercer added. "But
until such time he will be released."
The suspect was picked up by
RCMP late Tuesday, only a few
hours after a Grande Prairie RCMP
dog and handler found Riana's body in a wooded area about 15
metres from the gravel road where she disappeared while
Family friend Roche Rossouw, who met the Ottos in South
Africa several years ago, said the couple's children - Marius, 14
months, Johan, 3, and Anri, 5 - are trying to deal with the loss of
their mom in their own way.
"Marius slept with me last night and I could tell he was looking
for her," said Rossouw, from the beautiful garden of the Ottos'
posh home.
"She left such a legacy behind. She was like a saint to us."
Another friend, Liske De Waal, praised Riana's devout
Christianity and dedication to her family.
"If there was anyone I could have picked as a mother for my
own children it would have been her," she said.
"She was an angel, a soft-spoken, compassionate angel, who
didn't deserve to die like this. I couldn't think of anyone who
would be her enemy."
Riana had left her home around 7:15 a.m. for her regular
six-kilometre jog along Township Road 744, past the local
cemetery, and was on her way home when she met with death.
"For the past three months she ran a regular route - one she
established with her husband," Mercer said.
"She would jog roughly three kilometres to the (telephone) tower
and then turn around. She was on her way home when she was
When the 32-year-old mother of three hadn't returned home by
9 a.m. her husband, Dr. Johan Otto, became worried and began
calling her friends.
"Johan called me and asked if I would come and sit with the kids
while he went to look for her," said Rossouw.
"He drove the route that she jogged and when he couldn't find
her he went to see his friend in the RCMP."
A massive search was launched immediately and about 10 hours
later her body was found, partially buried beneath some shrubs in
woods on the northeast outskirts of town.
Mercer said because Riana was found fully clothed, less one
shoe, they have ruled out sexual assault.
"Confirmation of that is pending on the autopsy tomorrow," he
Yesterday, about a dozen members of the Lesser Slave Lake
Regional Police and High Prairie fire department spent hours
searching the area where Riana's body was found.
Red surveyors' flags, marking everything from cigarette butts to
empty beer cans, lined the ditches on either side of the gravel
All the evidence was sent to the RCMP crime lab in Edmonton
for DNA analysis.
Mercer said the searchers were not able to find Riana's missing
shoe - a brown Nike cross-trainer with cream and black laces -
during their hunt for clues.
Investigators are still trying to determine if Riana was killed in the
woods or if the killer dumped her body at the scene after death.
"At least one, possibly two, witnesses said they saw a vehicle in
the area," said Mercer, refusing to provide a description of that
RCMP said they have ruled out relatives as suspects.
Riana immigrated to Canada with her husband of 13 years from
Pretoria, South Africa, in 1991. The dedicated mom
concentrated on raising her children while Johan furthered his
career at the High Prairie medical centre.
The family was planning a trip home before tragedy struck.
Riana's death and the eerie circumstances surrounding it have
shocked residents of this town, 365 km northwest of Edmonton.
Results of an autopsy are expected today. There was no word
on funeral plans.

Hier is die URL vir verdere nuus:

> My niggie is dinsdag in kanada vermoor. Sy het in High Prairie, Alberta
> gewoon. Ek kan nerens 'n "on-line" berig vind op die internet nie, behalwe
> in die beeld. As jy my inligting kan gee oor waar om te kyk sal ek dit
> opreg waardeer.

My leedwese met julle familie in hierdie tye. Die skok en medelye word
ook in 'n stad soos Edmonton gevoel.

Laat weet asseblief as daar verder inligting is wat julle verlang.


Hjalmar Gerber
Re: Riana Otto (was: Vir Gloudina) [boodskap #15292 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #15291] Do, 28 Mei 1998 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
IRQ0  is tans af-lyn  IRQ0
Boodskappe: 52
Geregistreer: Mei 1998
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
Beste Hjalmar,

Dankie vir die berig. Dit was vir die familie net so 'n groot skok as vir
die inwoners van High Prairie. Dankie ook vir jou woorde van leedwese. Ek
sal dit vir my ouers e-mail en hulle sal dit aan haar vader en moeder
oordra. Soos jy kan dink is hulle in sak en as. Dit is hulle 2de kind wat
hulle aan die dood afgestaan het. Hulle oudste(Ida) is 'n paar jaar gelede
in 'n motor ongeluk dood. Nogmaals dankie en ek is seker hulle sal jou
woorde waardeer.

As jy so voel kan ek hulle adres vir jou e-mail as jy 'n persoonlike
boodskap wil stuur.


Riana Otto: Reaksie [boodskap #15296 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #15291] Do, 28 Mei 1998 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Hjalmar Gerber  is tans af-lyn  Hjalmar Gerber
Boodskappe: 72
Geregistreer: November 1997
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
Uit vandag se Edmonton Sun:

Death rattles doctors

By TONY BLAIS -- Staff Writer
The Alberta Medical Association says it is unsure whether the
killing of the wife of an expatriate South African doctor in High
Prairie will deter other foreign physicians from coming to work in
the province.
David Kay, project manager with the Alberta Rural Physician
Action Plan, recently had 19 South African doctors here to
check out the province but said he isn't sure if the death of Riana
Otto will have an effect on foreign doctor recruitment.
"The short answer is I don't know what kind of impact this may
or may not have on any kind of physician looking at Alberta,"
said Kay yesterday.
"The rate of murder in Alberta is certainly a lot lower than in
most parts of the world so I think that would have to be
considered," he said.
The South African doctors who applied to set up shop in
Alberta heard about the need for rural doctors here through word
of mouth and advertisements in their local papers.
In early May, they met with representatives of several
communities to talk about setting up practices and have since
returned to South Africa and are waiting to hear if their plans to
work in Alberta will be accepted.
Provinces across Canada are having difficulty getting physicians
to move to rural areas and between 60 and 70 rural doctors are
still needed in Alberta, said Kay.
He said he had heard of Riana's husband, Dr. Johan Otto, but
wasn't sure if he was part of the AMA's rural doctor recruitment
program, which started in 1991.
The couple moved to Canada from Pretoria, South Africa, about
five years ago.
AMA spokesman Terri Taylor said the doctors' group is
saddened by the death.
"It's a tragic situation and our sympathies go to the physician and
the family," said Taylor yesterday.
Re: Riana Otto (was: Vir Gloudina) [boodskap #15338 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #15292] Vr, 29 Mei 1998 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Hjalmar Gerber  is tans af-lyn  Hjalmar Gerber
Boodskappe: 72
Geregistreer: November 1997
Karma: 0
Volle Lid

> . . . woorde van leedwese. Ek sal dit vir my ouers e-mail
> en hulle sal dit aan haar vader en moeder oordra.


> As jy so voel kan ek hulle adres vir jou e-mail as jy 'n
> persoonlike boodskap wil stuur.

Dis nie nodig nie. Die omstandighede in hulle lewens is
huidiglik so pynlik en stormagtig dat ek hulle nie met nog
besonderhede wil oorlaai nie.

Indien julle dit nie reeds het nie, vanoggend se hoofberig:
(Edmonton Sun)

May 29, 1998

Mom beaten, choked in sexual slaying

By KIM BRADLEY -- Staff Writer
HIGH PRAIRIE -- Yesterday's autopsy on Riana Otto's body
showed that the mother of three was severely beaten before
being strangled with a foreign object.
Police have not found the object used.
Another horrific detail of the crime revealed yesterday by
RCMP suggests that the motive for the slaying was sexual in
nature. Investigators came to the conclusion because the clothing
on her upper body was in "a state of disarray," said Staff Sgt.
Doug Mercer.
Deep, severe bruises found on the
32-year-old's head suggest she was hit
several times, added the Mountie.
Riana's body was found fully clothed -
less one Nike cross-trainer - in woods just
off the gravel road where she disappeared
early Tuesday morning.
Yesterday an RCMP dog and handler
found the missing shoe about 50 metres
from the scene. It's a vital piece of
evidence that has been sent to the RCMP
Crime Lab in Edmonton for analysis, along with several other
Dr. Johan Otto, Riana's husband, flew to Edmonton on an
RCMP airplane yesterday to make arrangements to have her
body released from the medical examiner's office.
"She will be flown back to South Africa to her parents and
buried there," said family friend Roche Rossouw.
"That is where she would want to be."
Friends here in the town 365 km northwest of Edmonton have
finalized plans for a local service and vigil walk today in memory
of a woman who clearly touched many lives. More than 500
people are expected to flock to St. Paul's Roman Catholic
Church - the only church in this town big enough to hold the
expected number of mourners - at 1 p.m.
Loudspeakers are being set up outside in case there are more
mourners than the church can hold.
Karen Moss, wife of the pastor of the Baptist church the Ottos
attended, said the overwhelming community support is evidence
of how loved Riana was.
"The whole town is so emotional right now," said Moss.
Johan Otto's colleagues and patients are planning the walk in
Riana's memory at 6 p.m. from the health centre to the widower's
home to lay flowers on the lawn.
Gordon Sinclair, one of the last people to see Riana alive, said
he will be at today's memorial service.
On Tuesday Sinclair slowed down as he passed Riana jogging
her usual route on the gravel road near his work.
He said he was crushed when he learned later that day she had
been murdered less than 300 metres from the High Prairie school
division garage where he works.
"It's frustrating when it's that close," he said.
"I can't help thinking that if I was 10 minutes later I may have
seen something.
"I guess fate just took over."
The day Riana died she was to meet Brent and Colleen
Trenholm to discuss her new job as an aerobics instructor at their
fitness studio that opens Monday.
------------------------------------------------------------ -------

Hjalmar Gerber
Re: Riana Otto (was: Vir Gloudina) [boodskap #15339 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #15292] Vr, 29 Mei 1998 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
IRQ0  is tans af-lyn  IRQ0
Boodskappe: 52
Geregistreer: Mei 1998
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
Ag ja, die storie raak al slegter en slegter. Ek het so iets verwag maar
gehoop ek is verkeerd.

Vorige onderwerp: Re: Volksliedere
Volgende onderwerp: Johan, die manlike chauvinistiese vark.
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