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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » PRETORIA ouens wat DUKE3D wil speel
PRETORIA ouens wat DUKE3D wil speel [boodskap #9746] Sun, 08 June 1997 00:00
0ega 2533er  is tans af-lyn  0ega 2533er
Boodskappe: 1
Geregistreer: June 1997
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
If you are in Pretoria and have a modem(du) and ofcourse DUKE3D you are
welcome to send me mail at and we can arrange something.


Ps. I will dial the first time during callmore time.
Vorige onderwerp: SLANG
Volgende onderwerp: (Filosofies) - Selfstandige denkers en rasionaliteit.
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