Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Grudge: Still hating afrikaans?
Grudge: Still hating afrikaans? [boodskap #9585] |
Thu, 29 May 1997 00:00  |
Grove Erasmus[1]
Boodskappe: 12 Geregistreer: November 1996
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
Jy's 'n klein pisgesiggie en jy weet dit!
You have probaly for convenience sakes forgot how you have oppressed
the blacks in 90% of africa. yes, you the English!.
Now how convenient you are washing your hands in innocense in SA.
Ahhh, you know. Thats how life is. You coneveniently forget about your
own faults.
100 years ago you tried and eventually succeeded in opressing us, the
"low life" afrikaans people. Tell me, now that I am such a complete
asshole. Just becoz I am Afrikaans. And I didn't choose to be that
way. I was born that way. And I am *NOT* gonna give up my identity, I
must trash my language and say it shit??
The Germans then must then not be allowed to speak german, nor the
Japanese, the Italians and also the Russians. BUT: no-one pisses all
over ANY of them
You see, you are the problem. Ek is afrikaans en ek doen alles in my
vemoee hoe klein ook al om vesoening te berwrkstellig. Deur swartes 'n
"lift" te gee vanaf die plaas dorp toe, gee kos en klere waar ek kan.
Fuckos like you try to screw us Afrikaans people. Yes, there are in
fact Afrikaans people who try to do something to heal the wounds. It
doesnt necasserily mean we open our houses. We give clothes, food and
garden jobs. Yes, jobs which people need to get to buy food to
survice. But you fucko just go screw it.
But fuckos like YOU want to totally screw it for ME. I admit apartheid
was wrong, but how long will you go on and shit and crap yaself about
this huh?
*Furthermore, I pay tax*. Becoz I pay tax I demand my child to be
educated in a Afrikaans medium school. Becoz I pay tax, I want my son
to attend an Afrikaans medium University. Becoz I pay tax, I want to
go to a state hospital an receive Wester First World medical
attention. Becoz you use *MY* hard-earned tax money and go waste it on
shit like Sarafine. That money you could've used to build 200 houses.
Becoz of the fact that I pay your parasatic salary I demand that my
language, Afrikaans gets its legitimate place in South Africa.
Please, people like you should learn to use your brains. Or, if I
wanna be racist as you imply I am then no good can come from Afrikaans
people. We are shit, is that what you think?
Which means germans are ashholes, so are you English. Ahh plllease.
get real and wake up. I am Afrikaans and I am proud of it.
Asseblief my liewe vriend, word wakker. Ek is gatvol vir julle soort.
En verbied asseblief nou afrikaans vanaf die planeet. Wens dit weg.
verwens dit. Kotz op my, grroooot asseblief. EK is mos afrikaans. En
ek gee boggerol om vir my mede swart broer.
Ek betaal belasting en omdat ek belasting betaal dring ek aan op my
taal in skole, universiteite en staatsdiens. Waar MY belastingeld
gebruik word. Waar ek nie geregtig is op dinge waarvoor EK betaal nie.
Ek sal met NIKS minder tevrede wees nie.
Mike Erasmus
Contact me NOW if you need a Visual Basic/SQL Server/Access programmer.
Re: Grudge: Still hating afrikaans? [boodskap #9631 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #9585] |
Sat, 31 May 1997 00:00  |
Boodskappe: 33 Geregistreer: July 1996
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
Mike wrote
> Jy's 'n klein pisgesiggie en jy weet dit!
> (etc. etc.)
> Contact me NOW if you need a Visual Basic/SQL Server/Access programmer.
dis die mooiste aanhef wat ek nog tot 'n pitch vir 'n job gelees het.
hoop die ou is groot genoeg en gee vir jou die pos.
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