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Tuis » Lekker » Musiek & liriek » 'n Lied vir BEGINNER-STUDENTE van Afrikaans
- 'n Lied vir BEGINNER-STUDENTE van Afrikaans [boodskap #8981] Thu, 03 April 1997 00:00
Izak Bouwer  is tans af-lyn  Izak Bouwer
Boodskappe: 463
Geregistreer: January 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid

Siembamba, mama se kindjie,
Siembamba, mama se kindjie -
draai sy nek om, gooi hom in die sloot ;
trap op sy kop, dan is hy dood.

Traditional (with further verses by Langenhoven,
turning the song into a tale of courtship.) However,
the traditional words of the first verse have also been
used extensively by other poets and songwriters. The
most famous is the poem by C. Louis Leipoldt about
the suffering of the children during the Anglo-Boer
War. The title of Leipoldt's poem is " 'n Nuwe
Liedjie op 'n Ou Deuntjie" and he quotes the old
song as a "Lokasieliedjie." (Lokasie: location -
a place where non-whites had to live in the olden

Siembamba, Siembamba,
Mame se kindjie, Siembamba!
Vou jou handjies same
en sê ame,
Mame se kindjie, Siembamba.

Draai sy nek om: wring his neck
Gooi hom in die sloot : throw him in the ditch
Trap op sy kop: Step on his head
dan is hy dood: then he will be dead

I always thought that the word "siembamba"
was something like the "hush" that you say to a
child. Much to my surprise I found that Bosman
and van der Merwe translates it as "simbamba -
- a picnic dance.") I wonder where the word sim-
bamba as the name of a picnic dance then comes
from. The best guess is probably that it comes
from Malay-Portuguese, unless it already existed
in the Dutch brought to the Cape by the original
Dutch settlers. I do not have an etymological
dictionary at hand. I wish someone could look it
up, either in Dutch or in Afrikaans.

Gloudina Bouwer
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