Tuis » Ernstig » Rekenaars & selfone » Afrikaanse Woordeboek?
Afrikaanse Woordeboek? [boodskap #7683] |
Wed, 20 November 1996 00:00  |
Boodskappe: 9 Geregistreer: November 1996
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
Beste vriende
Ek is op soek na 'n Afrikaanse elektroniese woordeboek wat onder Word vir
Windows sal werk. Kan enigiemand my help?
Murray L. Steenkamp
Eendrag k111, Stellenbosch, 7600, Suid-Afrika
Tel. +27-21-8873773
Re: Afrikaanse woordeboek [boodskap #10705 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #7683] |
Wed, 10 September 1997 00:00  |
Boodskappe: 1 Geregistreer: September 1997
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
KnersIs stel voor:
>> Ek wil graag weet of daar nie iemand hier rond is wat 'n *volledige*
>> afrikaanse woordeboek in rekenaar formaat het vir MS Word of
>> WordPerfect. Dit kom mos gewoonlik in 'n leer met die agtervoegsel
>> *.dic . Ek weet ook nie of daar dalk so iets erens van die net
>> afgelaai kan word nie, maar ek is seker ons sal almal by so iets kan
>> baat vind.
>> Laat weet ons asseblief! Alle hulp sal baie waardeer word! :)
Spellcheck in Afrikaans
An Afrikaans Spellchecker for Microsoft Word for Windows 6.0 has been
developed by the Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education in
collaboration with Microsoft SA earlier in 1995. 4853 copies have already
been sold to a variety of big organisations such as universities and
private companies. Approximately 140 000 words have been electronically
collected and obtained from other universities as well as the private
sector and checked with current and recognised dictionaries. Afrikaans
consists of a practically unlimited number of words thanks to its mechanism
to create new words. New words can be created by combining existing words
or with the use of pre- and/or post- morphemes. No dictionary, however
complete, contains all such words. It was thus a difficult task to find a
suitable list of words and users must please understand that no Afrikaans
dictionary could ever be complete. As the Afrikaans Spellchecker works in
exactly the same way as the spellchecker that is included in Word for
Windows 6.0, it also has the function that enables you to add words from
your own environment to your customized dictionary. By doing this your
spellchecker will eventually contain all the words you may wish to use. A
new version for Windows '95 is currently under construction.
For only R49.95 you can buy a copy of the Afrikaans spellchecker which is
available on order from the Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher
For more information:
Email: Nelmarie Scheepers.
Fax: (0148) 299-2799
Tel: (0148) 299-2145
An Afrikaans Spellchecker for Microsoft Word for Windows 6.0 has been
developed by the Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education in
collaboration with Microsoft SA earlier in 1995. 4853 copies have already
been sold to a variety of big organisations such as universities and
private companies. Approximately 140 000 words have been electronically
collected and obtained from other universities as well as the private
sector and checked with current and recognised dictionaries. Afrikaans
consists of a practically unlimited number of words thanks to its mechanism
to create new words. New words can be created by combining existing words
or with the use of pre- and/or post- morphemes. No dictionary, however
complete, contains all such words. It was thus a difficult task to find a
suitable list of words and users must please understand that no Afrikaans
dictionary could ever be complete. As the Afrikaans Spellchecker works in
exactly the same way as the spellchecker that is included in Word for
Windows 6.0, it also has the function that enables you to add words from
your own environment to your customized dictionary. By doing this your
spellchecker will eventually contain all the words you may wish to use. A
new version for Windows '95 is currently under construction.
For only R49.95 you can buy a copy of the Afrikaans spellchecker which is
available on order from the Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher
For more information:
Email: Nelmarie Scheepers.
Fax: (0148) 299-2799
Tel: (0148) 299-2145
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