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Special vir ANCloudina - die doodtrap van die skerpioene(2) [boodskap #116124] |
Wed, 30 January 2008 18:21  |
Boodskappe: 1165 Geregistreer: April 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Ook uit vandag se Daily Dispatch. Jy kan self elke dag die Daily Dispatch
lees, ANCloudina, by . Onthou gerus die Editor is 'n
swart vrou wat ook teen apartheid gestruggle het. Jy sal dit dalk minder
aangenaam vind om te lees dat die ANC-regering die DD nie kan verdra nie
omdat dit telkens hulle mislukkings aan die kaak stel.
The ANC's dastardly priority
In these dark and dismal days as share prices crumble, the economy totters,
power generation shudders to a halt, a criminal elite assumes control of our
polity, crime continues to extract its vicious toll, our roads fall apart
while traffic snarls up on every highway and byway, HIV-Aids continues
rampant, public health and education are in tatters and those fancy weapons
we bought rot away in their containers, to what urgent business do our
leaders turn their attention?
Why, of course, to the desperate need to do away with the National
Prosecuting Authority's Directorate of Special Operations, more romantically
known as the Scorpions and our version of the United States' FBI.
This is the crucial issue with which Jacob Zuma's new African National
Congress, as, incompetent and corrupt a political party as exists in a
democracy, is now, as the lawyers put it, seized.
This is a party which has mysteriously amassed some R1.75 billion in assets,
making it among the world's richest political entities in any democratic
Of course, in dictatorships it is the norm to conflate party and state, an
aim which the Zuma camp appears assiduously to be pursuing.
This munificent treasure chest comes from undisclosed sources. Those public
accountants charged with auditing it may run up against some moral, as well
as accounting dilemmas. Its size was leaked at the Polokwane conference by
ANC delegates but, interestingly, not officially made available to the
It was, thus, not difficult for it to return, which it has said it has done,
that notorious R11 million donation from one its "disciplined cadres", Sandi
Majali, who had, in turn, conned PetroSA into advancing the money to him as
part of a R15m payment for oil condensate which was, in fact, never
Odd, is it not, that the party did not find it prudent in this FICA age to
determine the source of such a large amount?
In line with its glorious traditions it will, such as in the case of the
useless former CEO of Eskom, Thulani Gcabashe, a man with zero credentials
for the task but a "disciplined cadre", no doubt "deploy" its faithful
"cadre" Majali to some or other lucrative posting.
Something we can be sure of is that it is unlikely that the Scorpions will
be allowed to be let loose on Majali. He is now royal game.
His status in the ANC is reflected in the fact that he is mentioned by the
United Nations in a 2005 report as colluding with the government of the late
Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein, on oil deals when this was illegal.
He employed the names of Thabo Mbeki and then ANC secretary general, Kgalema
Motlanthe, in negotiations with the then Iraqi deputy prime minister, Tariq
Aziz, later executed and good buddy of our deputy foreign minister, Aziz
At the time of the UN report, foreign affairs spokesperson Ronnie Mamoepa
said government would give a "comprehensive response" once it had studied
the report. As far as I can gather, we are still waiting.
Then there is the shadowy Chancellor House, an ANC front company that is the
beneficiary, it is difficult to believe, of a R20bn Eskom contract. That
deal, too, would be something into which the Scorpions could sink their
We will never know what the cadres have looted. But with the Scorpions we
stood at least a slim chance of curbing them.
Stephen Mulholland also writes for Finweek
Re: Special vir ANCloudina - die doodtrap van die skerpioene(2) [boodskap #116143 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #116141] |
Fri, 01 February 2008 06:50   |
Boodskappe: 1165 Geregistreer: April 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
"Hessie" < wrote
> Ek neem aan sy het vandag se "Our Opinion"
> geskryf. Dis alles lokale politiek. Pos asseblief
> iets relevants op die nuusgroep, as sy haar
> uitspreek oor haar opinie van nasionale politiek.
> Dan sien ons.
O, ek sal, maar jy kan maar so bietjie deur die argiewe gaan blaai, dan sal
jy self sien hoe die ANC haar en die DD soos gif haat omdat die DD hulle
mislukkings veral op gesondheidsgebied telkens aan die kaak stel. Ook Thabo
Mbeki was hoogs ontstoke teen die DD omdat hulle die gemors in Frere
Hopsitaal se maternity ward onthul het wat gelei het to die afdanking van
die adjunk-minister van gesondheid, Madlala-Routledge.
Natuurlik is die DD se nuus meer plaaslik, dis immers 'n streekskoerant,
maar is deel van die Times Media groep, en is as sulks netso in die regering
se spervuur as die Sunday Times wat Tshabalala-Msimang se drankprobleempie
en die ware oorsaak vitr haar lewer-oorplanting aan die grootr klok gehang
Het jy kennis geneem van Thabo se pogings om d.m.v. sy pellies Times Media
te koop, sodat "His Masters Voice" kan word.
Re: Special vir ANCloudina - die doodtrap van die skerpioene(2) [boodskap #116167 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #116161] |
Sat, 02 February 2008 06:15  |
Boodskappe: 3341 Geregistreer: July 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
"Hessie" wrote in message
"Torreke" skryf
> Dis eintlik jou onderrok wat uithang - jou verskriklike vooroordeel ten
> gunste van die ANC wat niks verkeerd in jou oë kan doen nie.
Hou op met jou gesanik oor my en die ANC,
Ek kritiseer die ANC al lank vir Mbeki se
konserwatiewe Margeret Thatcher fiskale
beleide. Wat veroorsaak dat die vyf miljoen
voorheen bevoordeeldes nog altyd in hulle
lekker woonhuise bly, terwyl daar derduisende
plakkers die oop haai vlakte hulle tuiste moet
----Nou hoekom bou jou plakkers nie vir hulle huise nie? Wat keer hulle?
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