Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: Die Afrikaner, Afrika en Afrikaans
Re: Die Afrikaner, Afrika en Afrikaans [boodskap #7162] |
Sat, 31 August 1996 00:00  |
Boodskappe: 745 Geregistreer: January 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
XOLI <> wrote:
<<. But I would rather stay away from farters
>(Whites) because I think Blacks and Whites have very fundamentally
>irreconciliable differences. Anyway, I'll continue trying to learn
>Afrikaans until I can not only read it but speak it fluently.>>>
It is a pity you do not understand Afrikaans as the original posters
share the exact same view as you do.
You will have a lot to say to each other. You will probably become
soul mates.
Re: Die Afrikaner, Afrika en Afrikaans [boodskap #7163 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #7162] |
Sat, 31 August 1996 00:00   |
Izak Bouwer
Boodskappe: 463 Geregistreer: January 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
In article , says...
what I was really doing with the ten full years of Afrikaans
> classes. Is it maybe because I'm dumb or is it maybe because of some lack
> of interest? Is it because I, like most other black scholars in South
> Africa, never really cared a damn about my prelimary schooling years? And
> this is too bad because I now realize I really would love not just to
> read but talk genuine Afrikaans; and it's also too bad that this
> realization only strikes me now, only ten years too late. If I were Jesus
> Christ I can imagine I would now be shouting "Afrikaans, Afrikaans, Why
> hast though forsaketh me?" ha ha ha ha....!!!!
> But perhaps if I were a farter I would not be experiencing this
> difficulty with Afrikaans, though I was surprised one day to hear that
> there are some farters who cannot say a word in Afrikaans! But this was
> not as shocking as my recent discovery here in the United States that
> there are "Mexican areas" full of people who were born and bred here in
> America but who cannot speak English! And this is not just a rumour
> because I experienced it myself the other day when I was trying to have
> my way with one cashier in one grocery store in one of these Mexican
> areas. The cashier apparently only could speak Spanish and no English,
> but I didn't know that until later on as she kept on smiling at me
> instead of letting me know of her ununderstanding of what I was saying as
> I was busy throwing one English word after another. Her smiles really
> misled me because as I was talking I was busy telling myself "She is
> smiling, she is smiling, she likes you." But that was one hell of a lady,
> too bad she could not speak English! But she was a farter, though a very
> nicely shaped farter, indeed. But I would rather stay away from farters
> (Whites) because I think Blacks and Whites have very fundamentally
> irreconciliable differences. Anyway, I'll continue trying to learn
> Afrikaans until I can not only read it but speak it fluently.
I read your lament for your lack of Afrikaans on
the Afrikaans newsgroup. You would break any
Afrikaans teacher's heart. (I used to be an Afrikaans
teacher, before I emigrated to Canada long time ago.
I taught in Healdtown, Kilnerton, Adams College.
I taught Stella Sigcau Afrikaans one year.)
When they told you Afrikaans was the language
of the oppressor, you should not have listened to
them. Afrikaans is also the language of the descen-
dants of the Khoi and the San. And with a knowledge
of Afrikaans, you are home free in Holland and Belgium.
By the way, both of us are using the language of the real
oppressor, the English, the people who did not ask for
permission to march into the South African subconti-
nent but just took it over.
They, and their equals in arrogance, the French, did
the same thing here in Canada. But do not worry. Us
farters are now on our way out. In Toronto there are
whole areas where they can only speak Chinese. And
more than half of the successful authors in Canadian
literature at the moment (winning all the prizes) come
from the Indian subcontinent (India and Pakistan.)
Gloudina Bouwer
Re: Die Afrikaner, Afrika en Afrikaans [boodskap #7164 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #7162] |
Sat, 31 August 1996 00:00   |
Boodskappe: 4 Geregistreer: August 1996
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
Herstigte Nasionale Party/ Die Afrikaner wrote:
> Die nuutste uitgawe van Die Afrikaner is beskikbaar by:
> ************************************************************ **
> Laerskooldogter van Volksrust deur Swartes gemolesteer
> PIONIERSPARK LAERSKOOL op Volksrust smeer 'n saak toe van 'n
> laerskooldogter wat deur twee Swart leerlinge op die skoolterrein
> gemolesteer is. Die Swartes is veel ouer as die dogtertjie. Na
> wat verneem word, is die dogtertjie in standerd drie of vier.
> Die twee Swartes het 'n kledingstuk van die dogter verwyder.
> In die proses het hulle haar ook met 'n mes gedreig. Die ouers
> het die dogtertjie na 'n mediese dokter geneem, maar dit is nie
> bekend in welke mate sy beseer is nie. Die ouers het die saak
> by die polisie aangemeld en is van voorneme om daarmee hof toe
> te gaan.
> Die een Swarte is bekend as 'n ou moeilikheidmaker. Hy het al
> by geleentheid 'n Blanke seun in die gesig geslaan. Toe hy op
> 'n stadium deur 'n prefek gekonfronteer is, het hy hom in die
> gesig gespoeg. Hy het selfs nie gehuiwer om vir 'n onderwyseres
> obsene vingertekens te wys nie.
Ha ha ha..., No, I give up! You know you beat me, when it comes to
Afrikaans I just cannot make anything possible. I look at myself and
wonder what I was really doing with the ten full years of Afrikaans
classes. Is it maybe because I'm dumb or is it maybe because of some lack
of interest? Is it because I, like most other black scholars in South
Africa, never really cared a damn about my prelimary schooling years? And
this is too bad because I now realize I really would love not just to
read but talk genuine Afrikaans; and it's also too bad that this
realization only strikes me now, only ten years too late. If I were Jesus
Christ I can imagine I would now be shouting "Afrikaans, Afrikaans, Why
hast though forsaketh me?" ha ha ha ha....!!!!
But perhaps if I were a farter I would not be experiencing this
difficulty with Afrikaans, though I was surprised one day to hear that
there are some farters who cannot say a word in Afrikaans! But this was
not as shocking as my recent discovery here in the United States that
there are "Mexican areas" full of people who were born and bred here in
America but who cannot speak English! And this is not just a rumour
because I experienced it myself the other day when I was trying to have
my way with one cashier in one grocery store in one of these Mexican
areas. The cashier apparently only could speak Spanish and no English,
but I didn't know that until later on as she kept on smiling at me
instead of letting me know of her ununderstanding of what I was saying as
I was busy throwing one English word after another. Her smiles really
misled me because as I was talking I was busy telling myself "She is
smiling, she is smiling, she likes you." But that was one hell of a lady,
too bad she could not speak English! But she was a farter, though a very
nicely shaped farter, indeed. But I would rather stay away from farters
(Whites) because I think Blacks and Whites have very fundamentally
irreconciliable differences. Anyway, I'll continue trying to learn
Afrikaans until I can not only read it but speak it fluently.
Re: Die Afrikaner, Afrika en Afrikaans [boodskap #7168 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #7162] |
Sun, 01 September 1996 00:00   |
Ant Man
Boodskappe: 41 Geregistreer: January 1996
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
XOLI wrote:
> Herstigte Nasionale Party/ Die Afrikaner wrote:
>> Die nuutste uitgawe van Die Afrikaner is beskikbaar by:
>> ************************************************************ **
>> Laerskooldogter van Volksrust deur Swartes gemolesteer
>> PIONIERSPARK LAERSKOOL op Volksrust smeer 'n saak toe van 'n
>> laerskooldogter wat deur twee Swart leerlinge op die skoolterrein
>> gemolesteer is. Die Swartes is veel ouer as die dogtertjie. Na
>> wat verneem word, is die dogtertjie in standerd drie of vier.
etc. That's enough to make the point: blacks have sex with children.
If anyone in this NG feels like debating this, let him first read
about the black schoolgirl who gave birth to a child in the lavatory
of her school. And no, I don't mean some of them are pedophiles, to
blacks sex with children is culture. As it is with bonobos.
> ha ha..., No, I give up! You know you beat me, when it comes to
> Afrikaans I just cannot make anything possible. I look at myself and
> wonder what I was really doing with the ten full years of Afrikaans
> classes. Is it maybe because I'm dumb You said it, not I, but yes, I suppose you're right.
> , like most other black scholars Scholars? You, a scholar?? Really? Ag no, man, you're having me on!!
> in South Africa, never really cared
> a damn about my prelimary schooling years?
"Preliminary school"? And you had YEARS of it? So when did you
eventually go to a proper school?
> this is too bad because I now realize I really would love not just to
> read but talk genuine Afrikaans; and it's also too bad that this
> realization only strikes me now, only ten years too late. If I were Jesus
> Christ I can imagine I would now be shouting "Afrikaans, Afrikaans, Why
> hast though forsaketh me?" ha ha ha ha....!!!! Never fear! Jesus Christ, somehow, I don't think you'll ever be.
> But perhaps if I were a farter I would not be experiencing this
> difficulty with Afrikaans, though I was surprised one day to hear that
> there are some farters who cannot say a word in Afrikaans!
> "She is smiling, she is smiling, she likes you." But that was one hell of a lady,
Yes, making out with a white woman, even though she may look like a
dog to a white man, is a big thing to you, isn't it? Makes you feel
you've ARRIVED, doesn't it? It makes you feel like a white man,
doesn't it? I've got news for you, Shamus, you're trying to catch the
wind. You'll run, and grab, and rape... but ultimately your hand will
always be full of nothing. To feel like a white man you have to BE a
white man. For you that's impossible.
> farters (Whites) because I think Blacks and Whites have very fundamentally
> irreconciliable differences. Anyway, I'll continue trying to learn
> Afrikaans until I can not only read it but speak it fluently.
Forget it! Until the day you can say "jakkals" instead of "giakalas"
you will not speak Afrikaans, thank heavens. And yes, this is partly
because there are irreconcilable (note the spelling, cunt) differences
between whites & blacks, mainly about 200 000 years that blacks
evolved to sapiens from erectus later than whites. Bad words are like
dog turds on a clean street: easy to see and remarkable. I'm sure they
make you feel good to say them, and that your brudders over there know
a lot more of them, really MACHO dirty words. Words that make you feel
like bucks, that make you feel that if through them you could sully
the white man's children and women, you would somehow have the Grail
in your hands. It's a hell of a life and I pity you for it.
Re: Die Afrikaner, Afrika en Afrikaans [boodskap #7180 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #7162] |
Tue, 03 September 1996 00:00   |
Boodskappe: 4 Geregistreer: August 1996
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
> etc. That's enough to make the point: blacks have sex with children.
> If anyone in this NG feels like debating this, let him first read
> about the black schoolgirl who gave birth to a child in the lavatory
> of her school. And no, I don't mean some of them are pedophiles, to
> blacks sex with children is culture. As it is with bonobos.
Is this guy saying something or is he just farting?
> Yes, making out with a white woman, even though she may look like a
> dog to a white man, is a big thing to you, isn't it? Makes you feel
> you've ARRIVED, doesn't it? It makes you feel like a white man,
> doesn't it? I've got news for you, Shamus, you're trying to catch the
> wind. You'll run, and grab, and rape... but ultimately your hand will
> always be full of nothing. To feel like a white man you have to BE a
> white man. For you that's impossible.
Boy I just took my time and read other articles in this newsgroup. It seems to
me that you are a man of many identities, and some people of your own seem to
appear as if they want to disown you. Unfortunately, my response here is
directed to all those of your race, be they "good" enough to patronize or be
they as expressive as you are.
First of all I have no desire whatsoever to be "white"; why in this universe
would I desire to be that shade of pink that you are.
And I don't attach any extra value to a white woman; to me a woman is a woman
for what she is, that is, if one look at her sees my sexual desires going wild,
that woman is a woman. And if you had eyes to see you would have noticed by now
that it's not only white women who can be this attractive; black women can and
are indeed incredibly irresistible as well, and frankly I sometimes have a
problem with white women's plain freeway back.
The reason you say a white woman can be like a "dog" to a white man is probably
because you, like many other white men, cannot satisfy a woman in bed. It's not
a secret that many white women are depicted as lacking orgasm because of you
white men, putting too much attention in need for control and personal value
instead of just loving your women the ordinary common-man way. Many white women
I have talked to have unanimously told me that being in love with a white man
is at its best an ordeal; "These people want us to always show them they are
such important beings on earth, looking to be coexed each time and disregarding
women's feelings like they throw their small balls down to sleep, yet when it
comes to bed it's shameful!"
Which then brings me back to the point of who really is jealous of whom, between
Blacks and Whites. You mentioned in this rubbish you wrote above that Blacks
hate Whites; if they do, did they just hate them? Would that 'hating' not borne
purely out of need for retaliation? If Whites were not jealous and feel
threatened by us Blacks they would not have laboured hard to suppress us, to
silence us right from the beginning. In fact, it is conceivable that if there
was a way you farters would have long ago relegated us Blacks into another
planet entirely; don't you always whine about having your own homeland with your
own things?
Let us face it: Black people are here and they are here to stay. It seems to me
that this God they praise while you smart guys look at them with mocking eyes,
seeing only people with minds too shallow to understand what they are doing, did
reserve them a wonderful destiny. And that's yet to be seen.
>> farters (Whites) because I think Blacks and Whites have very fundamentally
>> irreconciliable differences. Anyway, I'll continue trying to learn
>> Afrikaans until I can not only read it but speak it fluently.
> Forget it! Until the day you can say "jakkals" instead of "giakalas"
> you will not speak Afrikaans, thank heavens. And yes, this is partly
> because there are irreconcilable (note the spelling, cunt) differences
> between whites & blacks, mainly about 200 000 years that blacks
> evolved to sapiens from erectus later than whites. Bad words are like
> dog turds on a clean street: easy to see and remarkable. I'm sure they
> make you feel good to say them, and that your brudders over there know
> a lot more of them, really MACHO dirty words. Words that make you feel
> like bucks, that make you feel that if through them you could sully
> the white man's children and women, you would somehow have the Grail
> in your hands. It's a hell of a life and I pity you for it.
> Albert
Re: Die Afrikaner, Afrika en Afrikaans [boodskap #7181 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #7162] |
Tue, 03 September 1996 00:00   |
Waldo van Hoving
Boodskappe: 9 Geregistreer: September 1996
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
A.R.Gus wrote:
> XOLI wrote:
>> Herstigte Nasionale Party/ Die Afrikaner wrote:
>>> Die nuutste uitgawe van Die Afrikaner is beskikbaar by:
>>> ************************************************************ **
>>> Laerskooldogter van Volksrust deur Swartes gemolesteer
>>> PIONIERSPARK LAERSKOOL op Volksrust smeer 'n saak toe van 'n
>>> laerskooldogter wat deur twee Swart leerlinge op die skoolterrein
>>> gemolesteer is. Die Swartes is veel ouer as die dogtertjie. Na
>>> wat verneem word, is die dogtertjie in standerd drie of vier.
> etc. That's enough to make the point: blacks have sex with children.
> If anyone in this NG feels like debating this, let him first read
> about the black schoolgirl who gave birth to a child in the lavatory
> of her school. And no, I don't mean some of them are pedophiles, to
> blacks sex with children is culture. As it is with bonobos.
>> ha ha..., No, I give up! You know you beat me, when it comes to
>> Afrikaans I just cannot make anything possible. I look at myself and
>> wonder what I was really doing with the ten full years of Afrikaans
>> classes. Is it maybe because I'm dumb
> You said it, not I, but yes, I suppose you're right.
>> , like most other black scholars
> Scholars? You, a scholar?? Really? Ag no, man, you're having me on!!
>> in South Africa, never really cared
>> a damn about my prelimary schooling years?
> "Preliminary school"? And you had YEARS of it? So when did you
> eventually go to a proper school?
>> this is too bad because I now realize I really would love not just to
>> read but talk genuine Afrikaans; and it's also too bad that this
>> realization only strikes me now, only ten years too late. If I were Jesus
>> Christ I can imagine I would now be shouting "Afrikaans, Afrikaans, Why
>> hast though forsaketh me?" ha ha ha ha....!!!!
> Never fear! Jesus Christ, somehow, I don't think you'll ever be.
>> But perhaps if I were a farter I would not be experiencing this
>> difficulty with Afrikaans, though I was surprised one day to hear that
>> there are some farters who cannot say a word in Afrikaans!
>> "She is smiling, she is smiling, she likes you." But that was one hell of a lady,
> Yes, making out with a white woman, even though she may look like a
> dog to a white man, is a big thing to you, isn't it? Makes you feel
> you've ARRIVED, doesn't it? It makes you feel like a white man,
> doesn't it? I've got news for you, Shamus, you're trying to catch the
> wind. You'll run, and grab, and rape... but ultimately your hand will
> always be full of nothing. To feel like a white man you have to BE a
> white man. For you that's impossible.
>> farters (Whites) because I think Blacks and Whites have very fundamentally
>> irreconciliable differences. Anyway, I'll continue trying to learn
>> Afrikaans until I can not only read it but speak it fluently.
> Forget it! Until the day you can say "jakkals" instead of "giakalas"
> you will not speak Afrikaans, thank heavens. And yes, this is partly
> because there are irreconcilable (note the spelling, cunt) differences
> between whites & blacks, mainly about 200 000 years that blacks
> evolved to sapiens from erectus later than whites. Bad words are like
> dog turds on a clean street: easy to see and remarkable. I'm sure they
> make you feel good to say them, and that your brudders over there know
> a lot more of them, really MACHO dirty words. Words that make you feel
> like bucks, that make you feel that if through them you could sully
> the white man's children and women, you would somehow have the Grail
> in your hands. It's a hell of a life and I pity you for it.
> Albert
You are scum!! Please stay away from this newsgroup. You are dragging
the language (Afrikaans) and people (Afrikaners) I love through the mud.
I am Sure that Xoli is a much better person than you. I salute him in
his quest to learn Afrikaans.
Geniet die dag!
Waldo van Hoving
0135-932473 (faks)
Re: Die Afrikaner, Afrika en Afrikaans [boodskap #7196 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #7162] |
Mon, 09 September 1996 00:00  |
Andries du Toit
Boodskappe: 8 Geregistreer: August 1996
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
Social Change Assistance Trust wrote:
> Dankie tog!
> Vir jare moes ek skuldig voel omdat daar namens my dinge ge-eis is en
> namens my stellings gemaak is wat my laat cringe het van skaamte. Sedert
> die Natte nie meer rule nie is ek wonderbaarlik bevry van
> mede-aandadigheid aan ander mense se optrede NAMENS my. Nou kan die
> regering pretty much doen wat hy (dis ongelukkig nog nie SY nie) wil....
> Hulle doen dit immers vir die people wat algemeen geneog is om my nie
> spesifiek in te sluit nie. (nou nie dat ek 'n insel is nie, maar darem)
I don't know. Can the NGOs wash their hands of responsibility for
present Government action? Can we all pass the buck to Thabo?
The Americans we will always have with us.
Andries du Toit
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