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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Ek stel aan julle voor: 'n MOORDENAAR
Ek stel aan julle voor: 'n MOORDENAAR [boodskap #7156] Fri, 30 August 1996 00:00
gal...  is tans af-lyn  gal...
Boodskappe: 191
Geregistreer: May 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Laat ek julle voorstel aan Eugene De Kock (nou deur die hof skuldig
bevind aan moord):

"Witnesses and evidence implicated his team in gruesome series of
covert crimes, including bombing, poisoning, torturing and burning
to death of anti-apartheid activists in South Africa and abroad.

He led a ruthless hit-squad based at Vlakplaas, near Pretoria,
which targeted opponents of apartheid.

De Kock's speciality was using torture, blackmail or other means
to persuade captured black guerillas from the ANC to work for him.

By the time he was arrested early in 1994, he had eight passports
and had deposited big sums of money in offshore banks. FW De Klerk's
government contributed to De Kock's wealth with a golden handshake
of about $336000 in 1993."

West-Australian - 28/8/1996
Vorige onderwerp: Re: Ek stel aan julle voor: TWEE VERRAAIERS
Volgende onderwerp: Die Afrikaner: Swartes molesteer Laerskooldogter -- Hoof swyg!
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