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Die Afrikaner: Bolger weier om verskoning te vra vir 27 000 [boodskap #7007] Fri, 16 August 1996 00:00 na volgende boodskap
Herstigte Nasionale P[1]  is tans af-lyn  Herstigte Nasionale P[1]
Boodskappe: 38
Geregistreer: June 1996
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
Vanuit die nuutste uitgawe van Die Afrikaner, die mondstuk van die
Herstigte Nasionale Party van Suid-Afrika.

Die volledige Internetuitgawe is by

************************************************************ ***********

Bolger weier om verskoning te vra vir 27 000

MNR. JIM BOLGER, die Nieu-Seelandse premier, wat op besoek aan
Suid-Afrika was om die All Black rugbyspan te sien speel, het
nes mev. Elizabeth Windsor, die Britse koningin, geweier om
verskoning te vra vir die dood van 27 000 vrouens en kinders
in die konsentrasiekampe tydens die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog.
Nieu-Seelandse troepe was deel van die Britse Ryk se
oorweldigende oormag van bykans 500 000 troepe vanuit alle
uithoeke van die Britse Ryk wat teen die 60 000 Boere van die
twee eertydse republieke kom veg het.
Tydens 'n TV-onderhoud het Marx du Preez mnr. Bolger gevra
of hy nie van voorneme is om die Afrikaner vir hierdie onreg
verskoning te vra nie. Hy het gegryp na 'n emosionele kreet
van apartheid, en probeer om dit met 'n verwysing na die Tutu-
kommissie af te maak.
In die lig daarvan het mnr. Jaap Marais, die leier van die
HNP, die volgende persverklaring oor die aangeleentheid
"Die Herstigte Nasionale Party het kennis geneem van 'n
uitlating deur mnr. Jim Bolger, Eerste Minister van Nieu-
Seeland op 7 Augustus op die TV-program, FOKUS, na aanleiding
van 'n vraag deur mnr. Max du Preez of die tyd nie aangebreek
het dat Nieu-Seeland die Afrikanervolk moet om verskoning vra
vir die leed en lyding wat hy tydens die Anglo-Boere-oorlog
aangedoen is aan die hand van die Britse magte, waarvan sy
land deel was nie.
"Mnr Bolger se antwoord daarop was dat om die gebeure van
die Anglo-Boere-oorlog in dieselfde asem te noem met dit
waaroor die huidige 'Waarheid en Versoeningskommissie'
betrekking het, net 'n verskoning is vir wat onder apartheid
in Suid-Afrika aangerig is.
Die Herstigte Nasionale Party wil weet of mnr. Bolger se
standpunt ook die standpunt is van die regering waaraan hy
vroe‰r ondergeskik was? Dat die saak bespreek moes gewees het
tydens 'n Statebondskonferensie (veral di‚ een in Nieu-Seeland
verlede jaar) ly geen twyfel nie. Toe het die Nieu-Seelandse
Parlement 'n wet aangeneem wat deur die Britse koningin
onderteken is, waarin om verskoning gevra is aan die Waikato
Maori-stam weens 'n verbreking van 'n ooreenkoms in 1840, as
gevolg waarvan daar Britse aggressie teen die betrokke stam
was. Mnr. Bolger moes derhalwe die Britse regering beweeg het
om daardie verskoning te onderteken, wat die betrokkenheid van
die koningin verklaar.
"Dit is net logies dat daar by di‚ geleentheid ook oorweging
geskenk is aan 'n soortgelyke verklaring aan die
Afrikanervolk. Ons maak die afleiding dat wat die Britte en
die Statebond betref, die veel geringer aksie in verband met
die Waikato-stam vir mnr. Bolger baie belangriker is as die
smart en ellende wat die Afrikanervolk aangedoen is tydens die
Engelse Oorlog. Tydens di‚ oorlog is 30,000 plase in ons land
deur die gesamentlike Britse magte tot die grond toe
afgebrand. Twee en twintigduisend (22,000) van ons kinders en
meer as 5,000 vrouens is dood in konsentrasiekampe. Die
Afrikaners het hulle vryheid verloor en die land en volk is
verarm en moes uit die grond weer opstaan.
"Met hierdie uitlating het mnr. Bolger die Afrikanervolk
gruwelik te na gekom en toon dit opnuut weer die
onsensitiwiteit vir die Afrikaner. Die HNP maak die afleiding
dat mnr. Bolger niks weet van daardie geskiedenis nie, of dat
hy totaal vyandig is teen die Afrikanervolk. Wat ookal die
geval is, het hy geen reg om op ons bodem so minagtend na die
Afrikanervolk se geskiedenis te verwys nie.
"Die Herstigte Nasionale Party eis dat mnr. Bolger aan die
Afrikanervolk 'n openbare verskoning aanbied vir sy optrede.
"Die HNP sal in geen onduidelike taal nie van mnr. Bolger
persoonlik 'n verskoning vra. So 'n brief is reeds op pad na
(Die ope brief aan mnr. Boger verskyn hiernaas)

9 August 1996


Mr Jim Bolger
Prime Minister of New Zealand
c/o The Office of the President
Fax: (021) 461-4987

Dear Mr Bolger

7 AUGUST 1996

The Herstigte National Party (HNP), has taken cognizance of
your remarks to Mr Max du Preez' question put to you on the
above TV programme the other night, as to whether the time had
not arrived for New Zealand to apologise to the Afrikaner
nation for the incalcuable loss of life, devastation of the
country and utter misery wrought by Britain's barbarous
methods of warfare, during the Anglo-Boer War, in which your
country as a British colony also participated.
Your reply was that to mention the events of the Anglo-Boer
War in the same breath as the testimonies presently being
heard by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was
merely an excuse for what was committed in South Africa under
What we as Afrikaners should like to know is whether your
sentiments reflect that of the British government regarding
the Anglo-Boer War. There is little doubt that this matter
was discussed during the Commonwealth Conference held in New
Zealand last year when the New Zealand Parliament adopted an
act, signed by the British queen, wherein an apology was made
to the Waikato Maori tribe for the breach of an agreement in
1840, which resulted in aggression by Britain against the
relevant tribe. You must, therefore, most probably have
persuaded the British government to sign that apology, which
testifies to the queen's involvement in this New Zealand
It is logical to suppose that at this conference
consideration was also given to a similar apology to the
Afrikaner for the British aggression of sixty years later, and
we deduce from your remarks that as far as Britain and the
Commonwealth are concerned the rather more insignificant
matter regarding the Waikato tribe is of greater consequence
to them than the holocaust and devastation inflicted on the
Afrikaner nation during the Anglo-Boer War.
During this war 30,000 farmsteads were razed to the ground
by the united British forces, 22,000 children and more than
5,000 women perished in their concentration camps. The
Afrikaners lost their independence and their country. As a
result of Lord Kitchener's "scorched earth policy" the nation
was impoverished and had to pull itself up by its bootstraps
after the war.
Let me remind you of how this war was seen by British
leaders. Henry Campbell-Bannerman in June 1901 asked: "When
is a war not a war?" And he answered it by saying: "When it
is carried on by methods of barbarism, as in South Africa".
It would seem more likely that you see the present TRC as an
excuse for forgetting the travesty committed against the White
Christian nation that wrested this country from the
wilderness, brought civilization to indigenous peoples, and
built it to the strongest state in Africa. But perhaps you
may have forgotten what really happened in that war.
Apart from what Campbell-Bannerman said, there was the
remark by David Lloyd George, namely: "A policy of
extermination of children in South Africa".
During the war in September 1901 Alfred Milner wrote: "The
country is quiet... only it is a complete wreck... the
farmhouses are all gone". I make bold to say that whatever
the British did to the Waikato tribe, it cannot compare to
what they did to the Afrikaners. Genl Jan Smuts, a renowned
political leader who served in the British Cabinet in the
World War I, described the British methods as "an attempt to
massacre the Afrikaner people".
If you were aware of these facts when you made the relevant
remark, suggesting that these terrible injustices,
constituting a blot on the civilised British nation, it must
rank as the height of political callousness and as a grievous
insult to the Afrikaner nation.
In all decency you should offer an apology to the
Afrikaners, not only for your most insensitive remark, but
also for the part played by your country in the war crimes
committed by British and Colonial forces in an effort to
extinguish the Afrikaner people.

Re: Die Afrikaner: Bolger weier om verskoning te vra vir 27 000 [boodskap #7043 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #7007] Mon, 19 August 1996 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Graeme Hunt  is tans af-lyn  Graeme Hunt
Boodskappe: 1
Geregistreer: August 1996
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
> Bolger weier om verskoning te vra vir 27 000

> MNR. JIM BOLGER, die Nieu-Seelandse premier, wat op besoek aan
> Suid-Afrika was om die All Black rugbyspan te sien speel, het
> nes mev. Elizabeth Windsor, die Britse koningin, geweier om
> verskoning te vra vir die dood van 27 000 vrouens en kinders
> in die konsentrasiekampe tydens die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog.
> Nieu-Seelandse troepe was deel van die Britse Ryk se

Please, would some one translate that entire article for me. I
shudder, however, to guess what it says!

> 9 August 1996


> Mr Jim Bolger
> Prime Minister of New Zealand
> c/o The Office of the President
> Fax: (021) 461-4987

> Dear Mr Bolger

> 7 AUGUST 1996


Many New Zealanders feel ashamed concerning the statement our Prime
Minister made during his recent visit to South Africa. My own personal
assessment is that he degraded himself to the point of boot-licking.

Unfortunately, like many other polticians here, Jim Bloger has
demonstrated a closed mind toward South Africa's recent history. I
personally know people who have presented well-documented evidence to
him and he simply rejects it. Like I say, he seems to be an ANC
Re: Die Afrikaner: Bolger weier om verskoning te vra vir 27 000 [boodskap #7068 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #7007] Tue, 20 August 1996 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Peter Wilman  is tans af-lyn  Peter Wilman
Boodskappe: 1
Geregistreer: August 1996
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Herstigte Nasionale Party/ Die Afrikaner wrote in
article ...

For goodness sake, Jaap. Get past it. The war is over, a long time ago.
There were two world wars since, the motor car has been invented as well as
air travel.You have a (dare we tell him) a black president.

Hello, welcome to the end of the twentieth century.
Re: Die Afrikaner: Bolger weier om verskoning te vra vir 27 000 [boodskap #7094 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #7007] Fri, 23 August 1996 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Barry  is tans af-lyn  Barry
Boodskappe: 18
Geregistreer: August 1996
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Antonie Kotze wrote:

> Why should he get past it. This whole uproar of Jaap was due to the fact that
> Jim Bolger says he is sorry for some thing that happened in 1840.
> If New Zealanders can look that far back into the past, why can't we?

> Antonie

Read the postings.
Read the postings again, carefully.
Read your response.

Barry /\/~~~~\/\ C.T.
Re: Die Afrikaner: Bolger weier om verskoning te vra vir 27 000 [boodskap #7095 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #7007] Fri, 23 August 1996 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
AntMan  is tans af-lyn  AntMan
Boodskappe: 10
Geregistreer: April 1996
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Peter Wilman wrote:
> Herstigte Nasionale Party/ Die Afrikaner wrote in
> article ...
> For goodness sake, Jaap. Get past it. The war is over, a long time ago.
> There were two world wars since, the motor car has been invented as well as
> air travel.You have a (dare we tell him) a black president.
> Hello, welcome to the end of the twentieth century.

Why should he get past it. This whole uproar of Jaap was due to the fact that
Jim Bolger says he is sorry for some thing that happened in 1840.
If New Zealanders can look that far back into the past, why can't we?

Re: Die Afrikaner: Bolger weier om verskoning te vra vir 27 000 [boodskap #7127 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #7007] Tue, 27 August 1996 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
AntMan  is tans af-lyn  AntMan
Boodskappe: 10
Geregistreer: April 1996
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Barry wrote:
> Antonie Kotze wrote:
>> Why should he get past it. This whole uproar of Jaap was due to the fact that
>> Jim Bolger says he is sorry for some thing that happened in 1840.
>> If New Zealanders can look that far back into the past, why can't we?
>> Antonie
> Read the postings.
> Read the postings again, carefully.
> Think.
> Read your response.

Well, you got me. What are you trying to say?

Re: Die Afrikaner: Bolger weier om verskoning te vra vir 27 000 [boodskap #7144 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #7007] Thu, 29 August 1996 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
XOLI  is tans af-lyn  XOLI
Boodskappe: 4
Geregistreer: August 1996
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Peter Wilman wrote:
> Herstigte Nasionale Party/ Die Afrikaner wrote in
> article ...
> For goodness sake, Jaap. Get past it. The war is over, a long time ago.
> There were two world wars since, the motor car has been invented as well as
> air travel.You have a (dare we tell him) a black president.
> Hello, welcome to the end of the twentieth century.

Not only we have a black president, we have blacks dominating many other
areas. It seems that these blacks have a resolute tendency to rise from
the dust and fight their way to the top, where they then stand
unchallengeable; don't they?
Vorige onderwerp: Demokrasie: Wat presies beteken dit?
Volgende onderwerp: Re: Die Afrikaner: Francois Pienaar, Morn du Plessis verleentheid vir Blankes
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