Tuis » Ernstig » Veiligheid & wapens » Wapenamnestie 'n mislukking?
Re: Wapenamnestie 'n mislukking? [boodskap #102954 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #102073] |
Mon, 09 May 2005 17:55  |
Boodskappe: 1165 Geregistreer: June 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
On Mon, 9 May 2005 07:10:51 +0200, "Moira de Swardt" wrote:
> "Jake" wrote in message
>> Good then why are firearm owners blamed for supplying criminals with guns
>> and subsequent crime? Not directly but by implication.
> A friend of mine had a drunk woman step out in front of his car en
> route to Cape Town, but not in or very near to a town. It was a
> national road. He was travelling at about the speed limit. There
> was no way he could have predicted it. He was acquitted of any
> wrongdoing. He still has to live with the consequences that he has
> killed a human being.
> Another friend of mine, actually the brother of my friend, but I
> knew him too, had his firearm taken from him. He was later gunned
> down in his own driveway in front of his wife and one of his
> children, curiously by an identical calibre bullet to the one his
> stolen firearm used. They do not know if it was actually his own
> firearm that killed him. Two weeks ago we commemmorated the sixth
> anniversary of his death.
Moira jy's besig om die grootste kak denkbaar kwyt te raak.
Jy's besig om vir die mense te vertel dat hulle kardiefstal moet
verhoed deur hul karre weg te gee. Dit sal ook ongelukke
voorkom. Ek dink jy is verveeld.
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