Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Hijackers execute young father
Hijackers execute young father [boodskap #96896] |
Wed, 18 August 2004 17:50  |
Boodskappe: 37 Geregistreer: June 2004
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
Hijackers execute young father
13/08/2004 07:52 - (SA)
Potchefstroom - Hijackers, who placed stones on a road outside
Potchefstroom, executed a young father from North West in cold blood
after they withdrew all his money from an autobank.
The murderers first drove around with Corne van Zyl, 29, from
Klerksdorp in the boot of his own car before they crossed over the
Vaal River and shot him in the head at close range amongst some
trees along the Vermaasdrift road in the Free State.
The murderers overpowered Van Zyl on Saturday night after they
packed stones on a road in the New Machavie/Mooibank area outside
Potchefstroom and he drove over the stones.
When he stopped to check whether his vehicle had been damaged, the
attackers overpowered him.
Van Zyl's body was found in a clump of trees on Wednesday after
police received a tip-off and arrested two suspects in the Khuma
township outside Stilfontein.
Van Zyl's family reported him missing on Sunday after he did not
return home on Saturday night. He had been visiting friends in
Potchefstroom and left for home shortly before midnight.
The murderers allegedly held Van Zyl at gunpoint at the place where
he drove over the stones and drove him to Stilfontein in his Toyota
Here they filled up the car with petrol and apparently drew R1 000
from his bank account. After midnight they allegedly returned to the
autobank to withdraw a further R540.
Van Zyl apparently tried to escape at the filling station, but the
boot was slammed down on him.
Superintendent Louis Jacobs, police spokesperson, said the suspects
crossed over the Vaal River into the Free State early on Sunday
morning. This is where they shot and killed Van Zyl.
Shot him in the back of his head
The murderers apparently forced him to lie on his stomach and shot
him in the back of his head at short range. They left with his
money, cellphone and gun in his car.
Police started their search immediately after Van Zyl was reported
missing. The two suspects were in possession of Van Zyl's cellphone
and car when police arrested them. They took police to the body.
Although Van Zyl's gun is still missing, another gun that was
earlier stolen in the Ikageng township outside Potchefstroom was
found in their possession.
Van Zyl's father, JP van Zyl from Polokwane, is devastated.
"One wants to speak to people, but one does not know what to say.
The incident makes one feel rebellious and angry. At least we now
know where he is."
Van Zyl, a diesel mechanic at Transem milk distributors in
Klerksdorp, turned 29 on August 1.
He is survived by is wife, Zelda, son Wesley, 11, and daughter,
Micaylin, 6.
The suspects will probably appear in the Stilfontein magistrate's
court on Friday on charges of murder and armed robbery.
Police warned that people should be on the lookout for objects
stacked in the road. Motorists should not stop immediately after
driving over such obstacles. Two police officers were stranded on
the R42 route in the same area when they drove over stones wrapped
in black plastic bags.
Re: Hijackers execute young father [boodskap #96902 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #96896] |
Wed, 18 August 2004 21:53   |
Dee Dee
Boodskappe: 50 Geregistreer: August 2004
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
On Wed, 18 Aug 2004 19:50:43 +0200, Just-me wrote:
> Hijackers execute young father
> 13/08/2004 07:52 - (SA)
> Potchefstroom - Hijackers, who placed stones on a road outside
> Potchefstroom, executed a young father from North West in cold blood
> after they withdrew all his money from an autobank.
> The murderers first drove around with Corne van Zyl, 29, from
> Klerksdorp in the boot of his own car before they crossed over the
> Vaal River and shot him in the head at close range amongst some
> trees along the Vermaasdrift road in the Free State.
> The murderers overpowered Van Zyl on Saturday night after they
> packed stones on a road in the New Machavie/Mooibank area outside
> Potchefstroom and he drove over the stones.
> When he stopped to check whether his vehicle had been damaged, the
> attackers overpowered him.
> Van Zyl's body was found in a clump of trees on Wednesday after
> police received a tip-off and arrested two suspects in the Khuma
> township outside Stilfontein.
> Van Zyl's family reported him missing on Sunday after he did not
> return home on Saturday night. He had been visiting friends in
> Potchefstroom and left for home shortly before midnight.
> The murderers allegedly held Van Zyl at gunpoint at the place where
> he drove over the stones and drove him to Stilfontein in his Toyota
> Corolla.
> Here they filled up the car with petrol and apparently drew R1 000
> from his bank account. After midnight they allegedly returned to the
> autobank to withdraw a further R540.
> Van Zyl apparently tried to escape at the filling station, but the
> boot was slammed down on him.
> Superintendent Louis Jacobs, police spokesperson, said the suspects
> crossed over the Vaal River into the Free State early on Sunday
> morning. This is where they shot and killed Van Zyl.
> Shot him in the back of his head
> The murderers apparently forced him to lie on his stomach and shot
> him in the back of his head at short range. They left with his
> money, cellphone and gun in his car.
> Police started their search immediately after Van Zyl was reported
> missing. The two suspects were in possession of Van Zyl's cellphone
> and car when police arrested them. They took police to the body.
> Although Van Zyl's gun is still missing, another gun that was
> earlier stolen in the Ikageng township outside Potchefstroom was
> found in their possession.
> Van Zyl's father, JP van Zyl from Polokwane, is devastated.
> "One wants to speak to people, but one does not know what to say.
> The incident makes one feel rebellious and angry. At least we now
> know where he is."
> Van Zyl, a diesel mechanic at Transem milk distributors in
> Klerksdorp, turned 29 on August 1.
> He is survived by is wife, Zelda, son Wesley, 11, and daughter,
> Micaylin, 6.
> The suspects will probably appear in the Stilfontein magistrate's
> court on Friday on charges of murder and armed robbery.
> Police warned that people should be on the lookout for objects
> stacked in the road. Motorists should not stop immediately after
> driving over such obstacles. Two police officers were stranded on
> the R42 route in the same area when they drove over stones wrapped
> in black plastic bags.
Katryn sê:
Dit is asof julle 'n siek verwronge genot daaruit put om in soveel
detail moontlik ander mense se smart en pyn te kan beskryf. Julle
plaas foto's van julle dooies op die Internet sodat ander kan sien hoe
wreed en barbaars die swartmense dan is. Maar wie is die wreedste?
Wie is die barbare? Wie is die moreel korruptes? Het julle dan geen
respek vir julle dooies nie? Julle het duidelik geen respek vir lewe
> 12/08/2004 Eagan Williamson Pretoria - "He was the most beautiful
> animal, but he would never have been the same after his horrifying
> experience - we had no option but to put him down."
> These were the words of Carlos Fernandez, inspector with the
> Pretoria/Tshwane Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
> after the badly traumatised Staffordshire terrier, which would not
> allow anyone to approach the body of his dead owner, had to be put
> down.
> The dog's owner, Sebastian Venter, 62, was shot dead at the weekend
> by farm attackers at the gate to his smallholding near Cullinan.
> Nothing had been robbed.
> When police arrived, the grieving dog was keeping a protective watch
> over the body of his dead master. He would not allow anybody near
> it.
> Fernandez said the poor animal's condition deteriorated rapidly
> after he had been taken to the SPCA.
> "The dog just stared at the rear wall of his kennel and did not
> react to any commands. "You could snap your fingers next to his ear
> and he did not even bat an eyelid."
> It was clear to Fernandez that the dog, although it had no internal
> injuries, had been severely traumatised by the attack.
> The chief veterinarian at the SPCA said the attack on and murder of
> his owner was just too much for the dog.
> Also, he had been so aggressive initially that he would not have
> adapted to a new home.
Katryn sê:
Dit is asof julle 'n siek verwronge genot daaruit put om in soveel
detail moontlik ander mense se smart en pyn te kan beskryf. Julle
plaas foto's van julle dooies op die Internet sodat ander kan sien hoe
wreed en barbaars die swartmense dan is. Maar wie is die wreedste?
Wie is die barbare? Wie is die moreel korruptes? Het julle dan geen
respek vir julle dooies nie? Julle het duidelik geen respek vir lewe
> Plato sê:
> Ek kan nie sê goeie dag nie...
> Die foto wys die gesig van Alwyn Labuschagne wat net voor die foto
> geneem is die liggaam van sy vriendin gevind het.
Katryn sê:
Dit is asof julle 'n siek verwronge genot daaruit put om in soveel
detail moontlik ander mense se smart en pyn te kan beskryf. Julle
plaas foto's van julle dooies op die Internet sodat ander kan sien hoe
wreed en barbaars die swartmense dan is. Maar wie is die wreedste?
Wie is die barbare? Wie is die moreel korruptes? Het julle dan geen
respek vir julle dooies nie? Julle het duidelik geen respek vir lewe
> Johannesburg - A teenager was killed at her boyfriend's father's home in
> Wilgeheuwel, Honeydew, during an apparent robbery on Wednesday,
> North Rand police reported.
> Spokesperson Paula Nothnagel said an unidentified man answered
> 18-year-old Mart-Marie de Bruin's cellphone when Alwyn Labuschagne
> called her about 11:30.
> "Labuschagne rushed from his workplace in Sandton to his father's house,
> where he and his girlfriend were staying, and found the house ransacked."
> The 23-year-old Labuschagne found his girlfriend missing and went to the
> neighbours who contacted police.
> The teenager's body was eventually found in a bedroom beneath a bed.
> She had multiple injuries to her body. It was not clear yet whether the
> victim was stabbed or shot.
> A post-mortem would be conducted to determine the cause of death.
> The motive for the murder is unclear, although a DVD player and speakers
> were missing from the house.
> Nothnagel said it was not clear how many suspects were involved.
Katryn sê:
Dit is asof julle 'n siek verwronge genot daaruit put om in soveel
detail moontlik ander mense se smart en pyn te kan beskryf. Julle
plaas foto's van julle dooies op die Internet sodat ander kan sien hoe
wreed en barbaars die swartmense dan is. Maar wie is die wreedste?
Wie is die barbare? Wie is die moreel korruptes? Het julle dan geen
respek vir julle dooies nie? Julle het duidelik geen respek vir lewe
En Katryn sê:
> Maar ek verwerp en verag jou tipe van Christen wees. Ek verwerp dit
> totaal. So, laat Plato en Chris en Frikkie en Jonas maar gerus
> antwoord. Mag julle God julle harde harte vergewe, en mag Hy
> vergifnis en liefde aan julle openbaar.
> Katryn:
> Ongelowige of heiden as dit makliker vir jou is, sal ook werk.
> Toegegee, Katryn sê toe ook:
> Jy hoef nie te argumenteer nie. Ons het almal ons eie opinies.
> Jammer dat ek dit so bietjie verloor het vanaand, maar ai...AI! ;-)
Ongelooflike mooi versagting vir haar onbeskoftheid
Kyk haar fantastiese verduideliking:-(
> Die Boedhis sê:
> Met mense soos jy as advertensie, is dit geen wonder
> dat daar mense soos Katryn is wat haar wil dissosieer
> van julle onheilige ketterse verdraaiing van die woorde
> van Christus nie. Jy aanbid 'n god van jou maaksel,
> en verstaan met opset die boodskap van Christus mis.
Letop hoe sy, vir Katryn, vir wie sy jare lank,
geen tyd gehad het nie, in die bresse treë.
Want, sy sien dat Katryn se gelowigheid
en haar eie, op dieselfde vlak is.
Didi antwoord die boedhis toe:
Natuurlik beteken jou valsheid zero, in ag genome dat
dit kom van 'n draaijakkals soos jy. Ek wonder of mense
soos Plato nog so vriendelik met jou sal wees indien hulle
weet hoe jy die Christendomverraai het deur boedhisties
te draai. Ek wonder hoeveel mense op hierdie groep
weet dat jy in 'n boedhistiese tempel die knie buig voor
daardie vet afgod. Hoeveel beelde van Gautama of wat
sy naam ookal is, het jy in jou huis?
************************************************************ *******
> Katryn sê:
> Heeltemal reg, Gloudina. Dit is soos ek dit ook verstaan.
ens. ens. ens.
Julle wat nie die doodstraf voorstaan nie,
weier ook om na feite soos dit is, te kyk.
Mense wat feite voorlê, word beskryf
asof dit gedoen word met 'n verwronge genot.
Die rede daarvoor is dat julle nie die siekheid
waarvoor julle versagting voorstaan wil sien nie,
en gril wanneer julle dit sien, omdat julle gril vir
julle eie siek voorstelle.
Waar julle twee wat geen tyd vir mekaar gehad het nie,
en dit vir etlike jare, sulke hegte vriende geword het,
soos (ten minste ek) dit raak sien, sal nogal
interessant wees, om te hoor. (Nie dat ek werklik
belangstel nie)
Op my verjaardag vandag, met vriende en gesinslede wat
my skakel en mooi wense toewens, het ek ook gewonder
oor hierdie siek groep waarvan ek heelwat jare al lid is.
(Wonder hoe lank regtig, maar seker is dit op pad na 'n dekade)
En besef dat niemand, maar niemand wat lid is hiervan,
normaal kan wees nie.
Of ek enige antwoord hierop gaan lees, weet ek ook nie,
Want heelwaarskynlik gaan ek unsubscribe net na 'send'.
Maar ook gaan ek heelwaarskynlik oor 'n week of twee,
drie, weer subscribe, want ek is deel van die groep wat nie
normaal is nie.
'Just-you', intussen is dit in jou hande. Gee die fokken boedhis
met haar verraaier_van_ Afrikaans_man, 'n harde tyd.
Zuben, ek wou nog 'n gedig skryf met dit titel, 'djy en ek' maar
vir die oomblik is dit op die langebaan.
Re: Hijackers execute young father [boodskap #96903 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #96902] |
Wed, 18 August 2004 21:58   |
Boodskappe: 126 Geregistreer: June 2004
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Dee Dee stelde dit idée voor :
> On Wed, 18 Aug 2004 19:50:43 +0200, Just-me> wrote:
>> Hijackers execute young father
>> 13/08/2004 07:52 - (SA)
>> Potchefstroom - Hijackers, who placed stones on a road outside
>> Potchefstroom, executed a young father from North West in cold blood
>> after they withdrew all his money from an autobank.
>> The murderers first drove around with Corne van Zyl, 29, from
>> Klerksdorp in the boot of his own car before they crossed over the
>> Vaal River and shot him in the head at close range amongst some
>> trees along the Vermaasdrift road in the Free State.
>> The murderers overpowered Van Zyl on Saturday night after they
>> packed stones on a road in the New Machavie/Mooibank area outside
>> Potchefstroom and he drove over the stones.
>> When he stopped to check whether his vehicle had been damaged, the
>> attackers overpowered him.
>> Van Zyl's body was found in a clump of trees on Wednesday after
>> police received a tip-off and arrested two suspects in the Khuma
>> township outside Stilfontein.
>> Van Zyl's family reported him missing on Sunday after he did not
>> return home on Saturday night. He had been visiting friends in
>> Potchefstroom and left for home shortly before midnight.
>> The murderers allegedly held Van Zyl at gunpoint at the place where
>> he drove over the stones and drove him to Stilfontein in his Toyota
>> Corolla.
>> Here they filled up the car with petrol and apparently drew R1 000
>> from his bank account. After midnight they allegedly returned to the
>> autobank to withdraw a further R540.
>> Van Zyl apparently tried to escape at the filling station, but the
>> boot was slammed down on him.
>> Superintendent Louis Jacobs, police spokesperson, said the suspects
>> crossed over the Vaal River into the Free State early on Sunday
>> morning. This is where they shot and killed Van Zyl.
>> Shot him in the back of his head
>> The murderers apparently forced him to lie on his stomach and shot
>> him in the back of his head at short range. They left with his
>> money, cellphone and gun in his car.
>> Police started their search immediately after Van Zyl was reported
>> missing. The two suspects were in possession of Van Zyl's cellphone
>> and car when police arrested them. They took police to the body.
>> Although Van Zyl's gun is still missing, another gun that was
>> earlier stolen in the Ikageng township outside Potchefstroom was
>> found in their possession.
>> Van Zyl's father, JP van Zyl from Polokwane, is devastated.
>> "One wants to speak to people, but one does not know what to say.
>> The incident makes one feel rebellious and angry. At least we now
>> know where he is."
>> Van Zyl, a diesel mechanic at Transem milk distributors in
>> Klerksdorp, turned 29 on August 1.
>> He is survived by is wife, Zelda, son Wesley, 11, and daughter,
>> Micaylin, 6.
>> The suspects will probably appear in the Stilfontein magistrate's
>> court on Friday on charges of murder and armed robbery.
>> Police warned that people should be on the lookout for objects
>> stacked in the road. Motorists should not stop immediately after
>> driving over such obstacles. Two police officers were stranded on
>> the R42 route in the same area when they drove over stones wrapped
>> in black plastic bags.
> Katryn sê:
> Dit is asof julle 'n siek verwronge genot daaruit put om in soveel
> detail moontlik ander mense se smart en pyn te kan beskryf. Julle
> plaas foto's van julle dooies op die Internet sodat ander kan sien hoe
> wreed en barbaars die swartmense dan is. Maar wie is die wreedste?
> Wie is die barbare? Wie is die moreel korruptes? Het julle dan geen
> respek vir julle dooies nie? Julle het duidelik geen respek vir lewe
> nie.
>> 12/08/2004 Eagan Williamson Pretoria - "He was the most beautiful
>> animal, but he would never have been the same after his horrifying
>> experience - we had no option but to put him down."
>> These were the words of Carlos Fernandez, inspector with the
>> Pretoria/Tshwane Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
>> after the badly traumatised Staffordshire terrier, which would not
>> allow anyone to approach the body of his dead owner, had to be put
>> down.
>> The dog's owner, Sebastian Venter, 62, was shot dead at the weekend
>> by farm attackers at the gate to his smallholding near Cullinan.
>> Nothing had been robbed.
>> When police arrived, the grieving dog was keeping a protective watch
>> over the body of his dead master. He would not allow anybody near
>> it.
>> Fernandez said the poor animal's condition deteriorated rapidly
>> after he had been taken to the SPCA.
>> "The dog just stared at the rear wall of his kennel and did not
>> react to any commands. "You could snap your fingers next to his ear
>> and he did not even bat an eyelid."
>> It was clear to Fernandez that the dog, although it had no internal
>> injuries, had been severely traumatised by the attack.
>> The chief veterinarian at the SPCA said the attack on and murder of
>> his owner was just too much for the dog.
>> Also, he had been so aggressive initially that he would not have
>> adapted to a new home.
> Katryn sê:
> Dit is asof julle 'n siek verwronge genot daaruit put om in soveel
> detail moontlik ander mense se smart en pyn te kan beskryf. Julle
> plaas foto's van julle dooies op die Internet sodat ander kan sien hoe
> wreed en barbaars die swartmense dan is. Maar wie is die wreedste?
> Wie is die barbare? Wie is die moreel korruptes? Het julle dan geen
> respek vir julle dooies nie? Julle het duidelik geen respek vir lewe
> nie.
>> Plato sê:
>> Ek kan nie sê goeie dag nie...
>> Die foto wys die gesig van Alwyn Labuschagne wat net voor die foto
>> geneem is die liggaam van sy vriendin gevind het.
> -----
> Katryn sê:
> Dit is asof julle 'n siek verwronge genot daaruit put om in soveel
> detail moontlik ander mense se smart en pyn te kan beskryf. Julle
> plaas foto's van julle dooies op die Internet sodat ander kan sien hoe
> wreed en barbaars die swartmense dan is. Maar wie is die wreedste?
> Wie is die barbare? Wie is die moreel korruptes? Het julle dan geen
> respek vir julle dooies nie? Julle het duidelik geen respek vir lewe
> nie.
>> Johannesburg - A teenager was killed at her boyfriend's father's home in
>> Wilgeheuwel, Honeydew, during an apparent robbery on Wednesday,
>> North Rand police reported.
>> Spokesperson Paula Nothnagel said an unidentified man answered
>> 18-year-old Mart-Marie de Bruin's cellphone when Alwyn Labuschagne
>> called her about 11:30.
>> "Labuschagne rushed from his workplace in Sandton to his father's house,
>> where he and his girlfriend were staying, and found the house ransacked."
>> The 23-year-old Labuschagne found his girlfriend missing and went to the
>> neighbours who contacted police.
>> The teenager's body was eventually found in a bedroom beneath a bed.
>> She had multiple injuries to her body. It was not clear yet whether the
>> victim was stabbed or shot.
>> A post-mortem would be conducted to determine the cause of death.
>> The motive for the murder is unclear, although a DVD player and speakers
>> were missing from the house.
>> Nothnagel said it was not clear how many suspects were involved.
> Katryn sê:
> Dit is asof julle 'n siek verwronge genot daaruit put om in soveel
> detail moontlik ander mense se smart en pyn te kan beskryf. Julle
> plaas foto's van julle dooies op die Internet sodat ander kan sien hoe
> wreed en barbaars die swartmense dan is. Maar wie is die wreedste?
> Wie is die barbare? Wie is die moreel korruptes? Het julle dan geen
> respek vir julle dooies nie? Julle het duidelik geen respek vir lewe
> nie.
> En Katryn sê:
>> Maar ek verwerp en verag jou tipe van Christen wees. Ek verwerp dit
>> totaal. So, laat Plato en Chris en Frikkie en Jonas maar gerus
>> antwoord. Mag julle God julle harde harte vergewe, en mag Hy
>> vergifnis en liefde aan julle openbaar.
>> Katryn:
>> Ongelowige of heiden as dit makliker vir jou is, sal ook werk.
>> Toegegee, Katryn sê toe ook:
>> Jy hoef nie te argumenteer nie. Ons het almal ons eie opinies.
>> Jammer dat ek dit so bietjie verloor het vanaand, maar ai...AI! ;-)
> Ongelooflike mooi versagting vir haar onbeskoftheid
> Kyk haar fantastiese verduideliking:-(
>> Die Boedhis sê:
>> Met mense soos jy as advertensie, is dit geen wonder
>> dat daar mense soos Katryn is wat haar wil dissosieer
>> van julle onheilige ketterse verdraaiing van die woorde
>> van Christus nie. Jy aanbid 'n god van jou maaksel,
>> en verstaan met opset die boodskap van Christus mis.
> Letop hoe sy, vir Katryn, vir wie sy jare lank,
> geen tyd gehad het nie, in die bresse treë.
> Want, sy sien dat Katryn se gelowigheid
> en haar eie, op dieselfde vlak is.
> Didi antwoord die boedhis toe:
> Natuurlik beteken jou valsheid zero, in ag genome dat
> dit kom van 'n draaijakkals soos jy. Ek wonder of mense
> soos Plato nog so vriendelik met jou sal wees indien hulle
> weet hoe jy die Christendomverraai het deur boedhisties
> te draai. Ek wonder hoeveel mense op hierdie groep
> weet dat jy in 'n boedhistiese tempel die knie buig voor
> daardie vet afgod. Hoeveel beelde van Gautama of wat
> sy naam ookal is, het jy in jou huis?
> DD
> ************************************************************ *******
>> Katryn sê:
>> Heeltemal reg, Gloudina. Dit is soos ek dit ook verstaan.
> ens. ens. ens.
> Gevolgtrekking:
> Julle wat nie die doodstraf voorstaan nie,
> weier ook om na feite soos dit is, te kyk.
> Mense wat feite voorlê, word beskryf
> asof dit gedoen word met 'n verwronge genot.
> Die rede daarvoor is dat julle nie die siekheid
> waarvoor julle versagting voorstaan wil sien nie,
> en gril wanneer julle dit sien, omdat julle gril vir
> julle eie siek voorstelle.
> Waar julle twee wat geen tyd vir mekaar gehad het nie,
> en dit vir etlike jare, sulke hegte vriende geword het,
> soos (ten minste ek) dit raak sien, sal nogal
> interessant wees, om te hoor. (Nie dat ek werklik
> belangstel nie)
> Op my verjaardag vandag, met vriende en gesinslede wat
> my skakel en mooi wense toewens, het ek ook gewonder
> oor hierdie siek groep waarvan ek heelwat jare al lid is.
> (Wonder hoe lank regtig, maar seker is dit op pad na 'n dekade)
> En besef dat niemand, maar niemand wat lid is hiervan,
> normaal kan wees nie.
> Of ek enige antwoord hierop gaan lees, weet ek ook nie,
> Want heelwaarskynlik gaan ek unsubscribe net na 'send'.
> Maar ook gaan ek heelwaarskynlik oor 'n week of twee,
> drie, weer subscribe, want ek is deel van die groep wat nie
> normaal is nie.
> 'Just-you', intussen is dit in jou hande. Gee die fokken boedhis
> met haar verraaier_van_ Afrikaans_man, 'n harde tyd.
> Zuben, ek wou nog 'n gedig skryf met dit titel, 'djy en ek' maar
> vir die oomblik is dit op die langebaan.
Swyg,hoe meer vermoordes hoe min ons er ower praat ,dit is nie
bespreekbaar nie,so graaf jullie eie graf door dit nie bespreekbaar te
maak nie
Dit is een automatische handtekening van MesNews.
Site :
Re: Hijackers execute young father [boodskap #96931 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #96902] |
Thu, 19 August 2004 12:10   |
Boodskappe: 1496 Geregistreer: February 2004
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
"Dee Dee"
> Op my verjaardag vandag, met vriende en gesinslede wat
> my skakel en mooi wense toewens, het ek ook gewonder
> oor hierdie siek groep waarvan ek heelwat jare al lid is.
> (Wonder hoe lank regtig, maar seker is dit op pad na 'n dekade)
> En besef dat niemand, maar niemand wat lid is hiervan,
> normaal kan wees nie.
> Of ek enige antwoord hierop gaan lees, weet ek ook nie,
> Want heelwaarskynlik gaan ek unsubscribe net na 'send'.
> Maar ook gaan ek heelwaarskynlik oor 'n week of twee,
> drie, weer subscribe, want ek is deel van die groep wat nie
> normaal is nie.
> 'Just-you', intussen is dit in jou hande. Gee die fokken boedhis
> met haar verraaier_van_ Afrikaans_man, 'n harde tyd.
> Zuben, ek wou nog 'n gedig skryf met dit titel, 'djy en ek' maar
> vir die oomblik is dit op die langebaan.
Baie geluk met jou verjaarsdag. Ek verstaan jou dilemma, hierdie is 'n siek
groep, maar dis ongelukkig die enigste... Moenie worrie nie, nie so lank
nie, dan gaan die oues hier dood en word daar weer nuwes gebore. Solank die
vrot appel in die middel van die mandjie lê sal almal ongelukkig vrot
Maar tyd stap aan...
Re: Hijackers execute young father [boodskap #97022 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #96896] |
Fri, 20 August 2004 11:03  |
Zuben el-genubi
Boodskappe: 29 Geregistreer: August 2004
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
"Couldn't wait to get of that bad news to my door"...
Dit fassineer my dat mens kan prooi op slegte nuus. Wat is die doel? Wie
gaan dit help? Maak dit van ENIGE huis 'n lekkerder plek? Gaan die wêreld
nou skielik ingryp?
Daar was altyd slegte nuus en slegte dinge gebeur oral - meer en meer. In
Amerika, in Australië, in Kanada, in Irak...
Dis seker 'n ellendige dag as daar geen slegte nuus is om mee te deel nie...
Dink hoe 'n kragtige taak jy sou kon vervul as jy ons vertel dat die son
vanoggend mooi opgekom het. Dat die reën lekker ruik. Dat jy 'n vrek snaakse
grap gehoor het. Dat 'n mooi lied jou laat hoendervel kry het. Dat dit
lekker is by die see.
Hoe kan mens aanhou kies om die verspreider van ellende te wees?
"Just-me" skryf in boodskap
> Hijackers execute young father
> 13/08/2004 07:52 - (SA)
> Potchefstroom - Hijackers, who placed stones on a road outside
> Potchefstroom, executed a young father from North West in cold blood
> after they withdrew all his money from an autobank.
> The murderers first drove around with Corne van Zyl, 29, from
> Klerksdorp in the boot of his own car before they crossed over the
> Vaal River and shot him in the head at close range amongst some
> trees along the Vermaasdrift road in the Free State.
> The murderers overpowered Van Zyl on Saturday night after they
> packed stones on a road in the New Machavie/Mooibank area outside
> Potchefstroom and he drove over the stones.
> When he stopped to check whether his vehicle had been damaged, the
> attackers overpowered him.
> Van Zyl's body was found in a clump of trees on Wednesday after
> police received a tip-off and arrested two suspects in the Khuma
> township outside Stilfontein.
> Van Zyl's family reported him missing on Sunday after he did not
> return home on Saturday night. He had been visiting friends in
> Potchefstroom and left for home shortly before midnight.
> The murderers allegedly held Van Zyl at gunpoint at the place where
> he drove over the stones and drove him to Stilfontein in his Toyota
> Corolla.
> Here they filled up the car with petrol and apparently drew R1 000
> from his bank account. After midnight they allegedly returned to the
> autobank to withdraw a further R540.
> Van Zyl apparently tried to escape at the filling station, but the
> boot was slammed down on him.
> Superintendent Louis Jacobs, police spokesperson, said the suspects
> crossed over the Vaal River into the Free State early on Sunday
> morning. This is where they shot and killed Van Zyl.
> Shot him in the back of his head
> The murderers apparently forced him to lie on his stomach and shot
> him in the back of his head at short range. They left with his
> money, cellphone and gun in his car.
> Police started their search immediately after Van Zyl was reported
> missing. The two suspects were in possession of Van Zyl's cellphone
> and car when police arrested them. They took police to the body.
> Although Van Zyl's gun is still missing, another gun that was
> earlier stolen in the Ikageng township outside Potchefstroom was
> found in their possession.
> Van Zyl's father, JP van Zyl from Polokwane, is devastated.
> "One wants to speak to people, but one does not know what to say.
> The incident makes one feel rebellious and angry. At least we now
> know where he is."
> Van Zyl, a diesel mechanic at Transem milk distributors in
> Klerksdorp, turned 29 on August 1.
> He is survived by is wife, Zelda, son Wesley, 11, and daughter,
> Micaylin, 6.
> The suspects will probably appear in the Stilfontein magistrate's
> court on Friday on charges of murder and armed robbery.
> Police warned that people should be on the lookout for objects
> stacked in the road. Motorists should not stop immediately after
> driving over such obstacles. Two police officers were stranded on
> the R42 route in the same area when they drove over stones wrapped
> in black plastic bags.
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