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Tuis » Lekker » Reis & vakansie » Lekker by die see
Lekker by die see [boodskap #55117] Fri, 04 January 2002 06:13 na volgende boodskap
Wouter Plaasvark  is tans af-lyn  Wouter Plaasvark
Boodskappe: 1004
Geregistreer: May 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Tobie het gister vir my kom kuier, hier in die Plaasvark se paradys langs
die see by Jongensfontein. Met sy mouterbaaik, al die pad van Riversdal af,
op 'n heerlike sonskyndag. Ons het lekker lank gesels en julle almal
behoorlik ontleed en bespreek :-)

By die sandstrand hier naby ons het gister 'n 14-jarige seun tragies
verdrink, 'n dag of wat na sy familie in die karavaanpark langs ons aangekom
het. Hy het klaarblyklik 'n maat probeer help, wat deur 'n stroom gepla is.
Die maat is deur 'n branderplankryer uitgebring, maar hy het onder die water
verdwyn. Hulle het die hele middag na sy lyk gesoek met 'n motorboot, maar
dit nog nie gekry nie. Dis jammer, tragies, en die ergste is dat dit
waarskynlik onnodig was. Ek ken daardie see goed, as hy net saam met die
stroom gegaan het sou hy waarskynlik sowat 100 meter verder uitgespoel het.

Ek loer steeds net so af en toe in by die nuusgroep, ek sal hopelik weer
volgende week uit die Kaap saamgesels. 'n Baie voorspoedige 2002 vir julle
almal, mag die voorspoed so oorvloedig wees dat dit vervelig word...

En nou praat ek nie van geld nie, meisie in Athens ;-)

Wouter Plaasvark
Re: Lekker by die see [boodskap #55134 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #55117] Sat, 05 January 2002 02:12 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Waaierstertmuis  is tans af-lyn  Waaierstertmuis
Boodskappe: 1592
Geregistreer: October 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On Fri, 4 Jan 2002 08:13:11 +0200, "Wouter Plaasvark"

> Tobie het gister vir my kom kuier, hier in die Plaasvark se paradys langs
> die see by Jongensfontein. Met sy mouterbaaik, al die pad van Riversdal af,
> op 'n heerlike sonskyndag. Ons het lekker lank gesels en julle almal
> behoorlik ontleed en bespreek :-)

M.a.w julle het GESKINDER!! Sies!! :-))

> By die sandstrand hier naby ons het gister 'n 14-jarige seun tragies
> verdrink,

Dit is darem baie tragies. :-(

> Ek loer steeds net so af en toe in by die nuusgroep, ek sal hopelik weer
> volgende week uit die Kaap saamgesels. 'n Baie voorspoedige 2002 vir julle
> almal, mag die voorspoed so oorvloedig wees dat dit vervelig word...
> En nou praat ek nie van geld nie, meisie in Athens ;-)

Dankie meneer Plaasvark, en dieselfde vir jou hoor.
(Terloops, "meisie in Athens" klink darem SOVEEL beter as "feeks van
Athene" wat Gloudina my verlede jaar genoem het!) :-))
Die jaar begin goed! :-))
Re: Lekker 31° C <--- vir die Noordelike Halfrond se inwoners. [boodskap #55138 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #55117] Sat, 05 January 2002 08:04 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Tobie  is tans af-lyn  Tobie
Boodskappe: 581
Geregistreer: September 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Dit is ook my eerste posstuk van die nuwe jaar en wil ek ook aan alle
vriende en minder vriendelike vriende en Gloudina die beste toewens vir
2002. Mag julle almal baie gesêen word deur ons Vader. Bly onder Sy
"sambreel" van beskerming en vrees nie. Daar's hy......., ek het my sê gesê.
Alles waar wat Wouter daar sê oor die kuiery. Nog nooit 'n otterjasie gesien
met blou oë nie, ewenwel, ek het toe so 'n ou fototjie 'gesteel' en sal dit
binnekort na ontwikkeling, dit op die ng. sit sodat almal kan sien hoe
Wouter lyk, dis nou te sê as Wouter nie sal omgee nie :-)
Sy vrou ook ontmoet en sy is in alle opsigte mooier as hy.
wat sou sy in die vark gesien het?
Meskien sy oulike wielletjie_neus. ;-)
Dit is partykeer moeilik om naamlose skenkings te doen,
net so moeilik soos om nooit die fotos te sien wat jy geneem het nie.
Re: Lekker lieg ek nou .......... [boodskap #55139 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #55134] Sat, 05 January 2002 08:28 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Tobie  is tans af-lyn  Tobie
Boodskappe: 581
Geregistreer: September 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
"Wouter sê:
>behoorlik ontleed en bespreek :-)

Dani sê:
: M.a.w julle het GESKINDER!! Sies!! :-))

ekke sê:
nooit gasiennie ....... nerri waarhyt, niks anners assie waarhyt nie
jô_ônner, tru as nannies.
vra ma' vir Jack .........
Re: Lekker 31° C <--- vir die Noordelike Halfrond se inwoners. [boodskap #55140 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #55138] Sat, 05 January 2002 11:45 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Arthur  is tans af-lyn  Arthur
Boodskappe: 609
Geregistreer: September 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Hoi Tobie, ook de beste wensen.

Mij maak je niet jalours met die 31 graden :)

Hier is het lekker 23 graden in de huiskamer, maar buiten is het een nog
lekkerder minus 2 graden en lekker zonnig, zodat ik voor het eerst in tijden
weer eens reden heb om mijn schaatsen uit het vet te halen!

Re: Lekker 31° C <--- vir die Noordelike Halfrond se inwoners. [boodskap #55141 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #55138] Sat, 05 January 2002 13:41 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Oorspronklik gepos deur:

Tobie wrote:

wil ek ook aan alle
> vriende en minder vriendelike vriende en Gloudina die beste toewens vir
> 2002.

Dankie, Tobie, dat jy besef dat ek in 'n kategorie

op my eie is. Jy begin die jaar 2002 goed. Dis nou
eers nadat die jaar 2001 verby is, en ek nou die
dag gekyk het na 'n stukkie van " 2001 - A Space
Odessey" - dat ek besef dat ons nou verby al die
mylpale is wat futuristiese skrywers vir ons gestel
het. Eers 1984 van Orwell, en nou die 2001 van
Kubrick. En die ou wêreld is eintlik ook nog maar
baie dieselfde as toe ek jonk was. Dit is nie 'n
dramatiese "ander wêreld" nie.

Gloudina, uit die binneshuis-subtropiese Kanada.
Plaasfoto? [boodskap #55148 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #55138] Sat, 05 January 2002 21:34 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Wouter Plaasvark  is tans af-lyn  Wouter Plaasvark
Boodskappe: 1004
Geregistreer: May 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
"Tobie" skryf in boodskap news:a16c40$ekl$
Alles waar wat Wouter daar sê oor die kuiery. Nog nooit 'n otterjasie gesien
met blou oë nie, ewenwel, ek het toe so 'n ou fototjie 'gesteel' en sal dit
binnekort na ontwikkeling, dit op die ng. sit sodat almal kan sien hoe
Wouter lyk, dis nou te sê as Wouter nie sal omgee nie :-)
Sy vrou ook ontmoet en sy is in alle opsigte mooier as hy.

Laat waai papegaai :-)

Wouter Plaasvark
Re: Lekker 31° C <--- vir die Noordelike Halfrond se inwoners. [boodskap #55156 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #55140] Sun, 06 January 2002 07:12 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Tobie  is tans af-lyn  Tobie
Boodskappe: 581
Geregistreer: September 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Arthur Hagen sê:
buiten is het een nog
lekkerder minus 2 graden en lekker zonnig, zodat ik voor het eerst in tijden
weer eens reden heb om mijn schaatsen uit het vet te halen!
Hoi Arthur
pasop vir gly op die ys, jou rugwerwels mag meskien nie 'n tweede skok
weerstaan nie. Dit sal meskien goed wees om 'n kussing aan die agterstewe
vasmaak te maak net ingeval nè! ;-)
Re: Lekker 31° C <--- vir die Noordelike Halfrond se inwoners. [boodskap #55162 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #55141] Mon, 07 January 2002 04:56 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
O wee Gloudina - dit is werklik 'n dramatiese ander wêreld - dit is net jy
wat agtergebly het;((

skryf in boodskap
> Tobie wrote:
> wil ek ook aan alle
>> vriende en minder vriendelike vriende en Gloudina die beste toewens vir
>> 2002.
> Dankie, Tobie, dat jy besef dat ek in 'n kategorie
> op my eie is. Jy begin die jaar 2002 goed. Dis nou
> eers nadat die jaar 2001 verby is, en ek nou die
> dag gekyk het na 'n stukkie van " 2001 - A Space
> Odessey" - dat ek besef dat ons nou verby al die
> mylpale is wat futuristiese skrywers vir ons gestel
> het. Eers 1984 van Orwell, en nou die 2001 van
> Kubrick. En die ou wêreld is eintlik ook nog maar
> baie dieselfde as toe ek jonk was. Dit is nie 'n
> dramatiese "ander wêreld" nie.
> Gloudina, uit die binneshuis-subtropiese Kanada.
Re: Lekker 31° C <--- vir die Noordelike Halfrond se inwoners. [boodskap #55175 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #55162] Mon, 07 January 2002 13:49 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Oorspronklik gepos deur:

Annette wrote:

> O wee Gloudina - dit is werklik 'n dramatiese ander wêreld - dit is net jy
> wat agtergebly het;((
> Annette

In watter opsig is dit 'n "dramatiese
ander wêreld." Beweeg ons nou deur die
lug met ons eie klein masjientjie soos
ons gedink het ons gaan in die toekoms
doen? Nee, ons ry nog maar in motorkarre
rond meeste van die tyd. Eet ons ons kos
as pilletjies, soos hulle vir ons vertel
het? Nee, ons eet nog net soos ons voor-
ouers ge-eet het. Dwaal ons ver in die
ruimte op ons ruimteskippe? Nee, ons gaan
nie eens meer maan toe soos hulle in die
sewentigerjare gedoen het nie. So wat is
so verskillend, Annette?

Oud, lank en ENGELS.... [boodskap #55183 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #55175] Mon, 07 January 2002 16:26 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Waaierstertmuis  is tans af-lyn  Waaierstertmuis
Boodskappe: 1592
Geregistreer: October 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Annette skryf:
> O wee Gloudina - dit is werklik 'n dramatiese ander wêreld - dit is net jy
> wat agtergebly het;((

Gloudina vra:
> In watter opsig is dit 'n "dramatiese
> ander wêreld."

En toe grawe ek hierdie interessante artikel op wat ek sommer weet
Annette sal geniet! :-))

------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------

Copyright 2000 The New York Times Company

The Third Millennium: So Far, So Good

For me, and I assume for most of you -- since whatever I'm thinking so
too is the nation -- it was difficult to know exactly what to
celebrate on Dec. 31, 1999. Do I celebrate the end of the year, the
end of the 20th century or the end of the millennium? I chose the one
remaining option, and therefore I assume so did most of you: the end
of the day. This made for significantly reduced partying intensity.
However, waking up on Saturday, knowing that Friday was now over, I
felt compelled to write about the past 2,000 years and the changes
that would be wrought in this new age. This was indeed a
challenge to me as I desired to write the history of humankind, past,
present and future, without bothering to do any research.

A Short History of Thought

It is of course impossible to offer anything but a cursory look at the
history of thought in the few paragraphs I'm allotted here.

For more elaborate study see my book "The Long History of Thought" or,
for the enthusiast, "The Very Long and Heavy History of Thought, So
Long You Can't Believe It."

Before Jan. 1, 0000, thought did not exist. Yes, there were Socrates,
Plato and Aristotle, but their one-word names keep them from being
taken seriously as philosophers. Think of them as the early Greek
equivalent of Cher, Liberace and Madonna: great entertainers, but
their views on the nature of the universe are somehow not sticking. Of
course Plato can't be faulted for naïvely thinking of the world in
terms of forms and shadows; technology was not advanced enough for him
to have known that the universe is composed of tiny particles called
"futons." And think of poor Socrates, with his simple answer to the
question "What is justice?" There was just no way for him to
have foreseen a jury's $3 million payout to a McDonald's customer who
spilled a cup of too-hot coffee in her lap.

Aristotelian thought dominated culture for 1,500 years and was
immediately dumped when it was discovered that the center of the
universe was not earth, as Aristotle had claimed, but was actually
Donald Trump. Aristotle's metaphysics were then succeeded by the
religious philosophy of the Roman Catholic Church, which created a
fervor that resulted in the creation of many great paintings and
sculptures, and inspired men to turn casual comments like "I need a
little something over the sofa" into monumental works of art. In fact,
it was Pope Sixtus IV who remarked to Michelangelo upon seeing the
Sistine Chapel for the first time, "I said paint the ceiling, not go

The dogma of the church was challenged in the mid-17th-century by
RenÀe Descartes's famous pronouncement "Cogito ergo sum" ("I am
nervous about having to add"), and the age of rationalism began.
Rationalism then gave way to empiricism, and David Hume declared that
it was impossible to know if anything existed at all, though later he
recanted when he stubbed his toe on a doorjamb.

Thought continued unchanged until the end of the second millennium,
except for a brief moment in the early 20th century when Ludwig
Wittgenstein destroyed the foundation of all philosophical thought,
and people didn't know what to believe anymore, causing them to feel
lost, hopeless and fearful. This resulted in the biggest
clothes-buying spree the world has ever seen.

The third millennium, now well into its second day, appears to have
taken thought to new and unexpected extremes. The first of such
extremes appears to be that the fundamental philosophical belief of
the 1990's, the personal tattoo statement, is no longer tenable, and
200,000 indelibly inked young people will be shipped off to a special
holding farm in Java. Out of concern for them, they will be kept in
the dark about the fact that the fad has passed.

Morality Through the Centuries

The history of thought not only deals with philosophy but ethics and
morality as well. I offer the advanced student of moral history the
following summary:

Roman era: anything goes

Medieval era: nothing goes

Renaissance: anything goes

17th-century Spain: nothing goes

18th-century France: anything goes

19th-century England: nothing goes

1920's America: anything goes

1950's America: nothing goes

1990's America: anything goes

Even as rhythmic as these statistics are, it is impossible to predict
the moral tenor of even the next few years, because of the Elvis
factor. The Elvis factor is the tendency of an era with one consistent
and rigid moral philosophy to be upset and radically altered by a
simple, uneducated hillbilly with a new idea.

Communication in the Third Millennium

Communication has changed so rapidly in the last 20 years, it's almost
impossible to predict what might occur even in the next decade.
E-mail, which now sends data hurtling across vast distances at the
speed of light, has replaced primitive forms of communication such as
smoke signals, which sent data hurtling across vast distances at the
speed of light. Let's suppose that you want to say, "I am a jerk." In
the 18th century, you would have to go around person to person and
utter the phrase individually to each one of them. However, here in
the third millennium, with our advances in telephone communication, it
is possible to say, "I am a jerk" to a thousand people at a time by
forgetting to turn off your cell phone and having it ring during a
performance of "Death of a Salesman."

Also, there is now a sophisticated communication technique used
between men
and women that eases marital strain and opens wide the doors of
understanding between the sexes. This new technique, developed by
psychologists and sociologists, is called "listening." It will be
interesting to see if the new technique lasts or whether it will
and be replaced by older, more traditional methods, such as "leaving

Art in the Third Millennium

I sometimes wonder if a 19th-century artist could have imagined a
Picasso. I
wonder if Raphael didn't one day scratch out a nice Cubist doodle and
it in the fireplace, or if Goya ever conjured up a de Kooning,
dismissed it
and went on with his work. I think not. It seems logically impossible
for a
thought to be dreamed up before its time, even with the obvious catch
once it is thought up, it is, by definition, its time. All this means
nothing for the real world except that the art of the third millennium
unknowable by us, just as the art of Picasso was unknowable to Manet,
Cézanne might have, on one odd night, dreamt it.

But it is clear -- mayors aside -- that art will continue. The great
in art history occur when the hitherto unthinkable thought coalesces
in the
brain of someone capable of manifesting it. Yes, something is waiting
there in the misty future, with "unknown" as its caption, that we
cannot, no
way, imagine. Once the new art is created, however, it is up to us to
its rightful place in the pantheon of art history by persecuting and
denouncing it.

It is interesting to note that the current art scene, with its bent
video works, installations and performance, has devastated the picture
industry. In fact, one C.E.O. of a popular picture hook company, who
used to
vacation yearly in New York, Paris and Venice, is now spending his
at the New York, Parisian and Venetian casinos in Las Vegas.

Our Wonderful New Millennium

The third millennium, with its exciting parties and fireworks, puts to
the incredibly dull first millennium and already outshines the violent
second millennium with a significantly reduced statistic of accidental
deaths by longbow. The parties and celebrations surrounding the birth
this newest and best millennium also point to its importance. There
was no
celebration at the start of the first millennium, as it was not known
it had begun, and the celebration at the end of the year 999 was muted
because the rotating, mirrored party ball had not yet been invented.

We can measure the impact and value of each age by looking at a brief
history of its inventions and accomplishments. It is lamentable that
have been only three millenniums, and the poor folk who lived before
"age of millenniums" thought they were having a good time but are
condemned to hell.

Pre-first-millennium inventions:

First-millennium inventions:
The windmill

Second-millennium inventions:
Eggplant parmigiana
The Chinese finger trap

Third-millennium inventions, since Jan. 1, 2000:
Nine bug fixes on Windows 98

My Dream for the Future

My dream is simple. It is that this millennium, nay, even this decade,
be the first in which we stop referring to centuries by the one-off
How many schoolboys have been perplexed forever because we refer to
1900's as the 20th? Why are the 1800's the 19th century? After all,
when we
are 39 years old and someone asks us our age, we don't say, "I'm
starting my
40th year!" Why must we pause and recalculate every time we mention a
century and have to figure out that the 17th century, even though it
with a 16, is not really the 16th century because the 1st century,
which has
no "1" in front of it, actually counts as a century and the century
that has
a "1" in front of it is really the 2nd century?

So right now let's start calling the third millennium the second
After all, doesn't this millennium start with a 2? You ask, so how
will we
refer to the first millennium, the one that begins with all the zeros?
We will not refer to it. We will pretend it never existed. There is no
referring to an era whose biggest accomplishment was the windmill, and
know what? We'll get along fine without it. Problem solved.

A Sad Note

I hesitate to point out that by the end of this, the second
millennium, we
will all be dead. This is especially sad to me, as my life seems to be
more valuable than other people's, what with my special love of
flowers and

Worse, it is discomforting to think that once I'm gone, all my things
be owned by someone else.

There will be people living in my house, wearing ridiculous hairdos,
will think of me and my age as hideously old-fashioned and moronically
stupid, and who will look at our newspapers and see ads for
shrink-wrap suction machines that will make them roar with laughter.

On the other hand, it is comforting to note that these people will
also be
frighteningly stupid, sitting on their "sunflower" chairs, wearing
"wigwam" slippers and eating brain-enhancing toad power-pellets just
embarrassing as anything we ever sat on, wore or consumed. And perhaps
and I will be a few atoms in the raindrops that fall on them and ruin

A Final Thought

When I was a boy, I calculated how old I would be in the year 2000. I
shocked to see that when the millennium arrived, I was fully 10 years
younger than I expected to be. But then, I'm in show business. Some of
are beginning our lives, some are in the middle, and some are at the
end (I
have a proof of this statement, but it will not fit in the margins).
But it
is wonderful to think that if one day all of us humans, regardless of
or creed, could lay down our differences and create a human chain by
circling the globe and holding hands, we would all come down with
the same cold.

------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------
Re: Lekker 31° C <--- vir die Noordelike Halfrond se inwoners. [boodskap #55186 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #55156] Mon, 07 January 2002 19:58 Na vorige boodskap
Arthur  is tans af-lyn  Arthur
Boodskappe: 609
Geregistreer: September 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
"Tobie" schreef...
> Arthur Hagen sê:
> buiten is het een nog lekkerder minus 2 graden en lekker zonnig,
> zodat ik voor het eerst in tijden weer eens reden heb om mijn
> schaatsen uit het vet te halen!
> ~~
> Hoi Arthur
> pasop vir gly op die ys, jou rugwerwels mag meskien nie 'n tweede skok
> weerstaan nie. Dit sal meskien goed wees om 'n kussing aan die agterstewe
> vasmaak te maak net ingeval nè! ;-)
> --

Hm, mijn schaatsen heb ik weer opgeborgen. Zaterdag was het ijs hier nog wat
te dun en zondag dooide het :( Het wordt weer zo'n oer-Hollands
kwakkelwinter; belooft veel, geeft weinig (behalve waarschijnlijk regen
dan). Overigens vind ik vallen nogal een dwaze bezigheid waarmee ik me zo
min mogelijk bezig wens te houden!

Nou ja, niet gezeurd, nog 4 nachtjes slapen en dan zoek ik de sneeuw op!
Geen stootkussens nodig daar; sneeuw is lekker zacht :)

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