Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Thotmes
Thotmes [boodskap #9345] |
Wed, 14 May 1997 00:00 |
Boodskappe: 182 Geregistreer: April 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Hello Mich
Klaarblyklik weet ons held net so min oor Egipte en sy geskiedenis as van Suid Afrika.
Wag, laat ek eers diep asemhaal en my elemente balanseer, voor ek my bloedig vererg.
Shame, hy probeer darem lees, maar dis begrip wat kortkom. ("None so blind as those who
_Will_ not see").
Verskoon asb., maar nou móét ek eers so bietjie na Engels oorslaan, want Afrikaanse woorde
ontgaan my -
> The Nubian state was centered in Lower (Northern) Nubia. The
> Nubian name for this area is unknown, but the Egyptians called it "Ta
> Sety,"
Wrong! Under the Pharaohs the land was called Kush/Cush.
Sety I was an Egyptian king of the 19th dynasty who campaigned in Syria, Libya etc. The
hieroglyph of the bow symbolized the might of the Egyptian nation over its enemies. 19th
dynasty military expansion is also represented in art by surrendering enemies/captives being
shown as holding their bows above themselves , symbolically placing themselves beneath the
dominance of the victorious Egyptian king. See the image of the captive Libyan in the mural of
Seti I, temple of Amun, Karnak.
The Egyptian word for bow is "iunet" or "pedjet", and doesn't even remotely sound like "Sety".
> the Egyptians called it "Ta
> Sety," the 'Land of the Bow,' in reference to the famed Nubian archers.
> he he he he he
> In (ca.747 B.C. ) King Piye (Piankhy) marched into Thebes with his Nubian
> troops and conquered Memphis and restored UNITY to Egypt. This period of
> rule by the NUBIANS in Egypt is referred to as the XXV Dynasty.
Wrong again.
Egyptians made a habit of invading and occupying Kush, the earliest record being of King Snefru
(c.2613 BC). Pharaoh Thutmose I occupied it way beyond Abu Hamad, at which point they
decided they may as well incorporate it into Egypt. A viceroy was dispatched to ensure Nubian
tribute was paid to Egypt. Kashta managed to conquer upper Egypt, where Piankhi ruled for a
very short while, before he was forced to evacuate. Nubians had _Absolutely NOthing_ to do
with Unification in Egypt. What a flagrant display of ignorance! The legendary Menes, in about
3100 BC, was responsible for this feat. When speaking about the conquering of Egypt and
subsequent occupation, we can mention the Persian Cambyses, the Hyksos, Alexander the Great
and the Roman Empire, Muslims, but definitely Not Nubians!
> So you see, the Nubians did in fact rule the Egyptian empire and the
> information given here is taken from several books in which I could
> provide for your reference.
This quotation indicates the mind of one who concentrates on the drop, ignoring the ocean. Like
Chicken Licken who screamed "the sky is falling down" when an acorn fell on his head.
>> **No way Mich---they ALWAYS painted their GODS BLACK. And you are
>> half-correct, only SOME of the Gods were half-animals. BUT the
>> human-headed GODS were in fact painted BLACK---as night.
Need I say it? WRONG! - as usual.
The only one ever depicted as jet black was Anubis, who was associated with death and the
cf.: Isis - pearly white; Horus - pigmented with red ochre, as was customary for the male form;
Amon, Osiris, Khons, etc., etc., etc., - the list goes on and on.
"Empty barrels make the most noise" en díe kêrel maak baie lawaai op hierdie NG.
Dankie vir julle geduld met my uitbarsting. Kon dit nie meer inhou nie, maar nou moet ek liewer
terugkeer na my werk. Genoeg tyd spandeer op die onosele ........... met sy King Pie,
Pyramidpaté, en tot-Mes wat net wag "tot" dit in iemand ingesteek kan word.
Re: Thotmes [boodskap #9346 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #9345] |
Wed, 14 May 1997 00:00  |
Boodskappe: 3 Geregistreer: May 1997
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
Subject: Thotmes
From: (V)
Date: Wed, 14 May 97 08:06:54 GMT
ThotmesIII wrote>
> The Nubian state was centered in Lower (Northern) Nubia. The
> Nubian name for this area is unknown, but the Egyptians called it "Ta
> Sety,"
Vira spewed::
::Wrong! Under the Pharaohs the land was called Kush/Cush.
Sety I was an Egyptian king of the 19th dynasty who campaigned in Syria,
Libya etc. The hieroglyph of the bow symbolized the might of the Egyptian
nation over its enemies. 19th dynasty military expansion is also
represented in art by surrendering enemies/captives being shown as holding
their bows above themselves , symbolically placing themselves beneath the
dominance of the victorious Egyptian king. See the image of the captive
Libyan in the mural of
Seti I, temple of Amun, Karnak.
**Vira, vira, vira...I am NOT wrong on this. Yes, Nubia was ALSO called
the name Kush or Cush, but as I stated: The Egyptians referred to this
land as Ta-Sety.
The Egyptian word for bow is "iunet" or "pedjet", and doesn't even
remotely sound like "Sety". (??????)
**Ta-Sety means "land of the bow"...were are you getting your terminology
from? Please supply me with the references for your assertion and I'll be
happy to debate with you further...but the terminology is really NOT as
important as the fact that the NUBIANS were very much a part of the
Egyptian civilization. Actually, I wrote an article on the Nubians that I
will place on the newsgroup. Gotta find my diskette...
> In (ca.747 B.C. ) King Piye (Piankhy) marched into Thebes with his Nubian
> troops and conquered Memphis and restored UNITY to Egypt. This period of
> rule by the NUBIANS in Egypt is referred to as the XXV Dynasty.
Wrong again. Egyptians made a habit of invading and occupying Kush, the
earliest record being of King Snefru (c.2613 BC). Pharaoh Thutmose I
occupied it way beyond Abu Hamad, at which point they decided they may as
well incorporate it into Egypt. A viceroy was dispatched to ensure Nubian
tribute was paid to Egypt. Kashta managed to conquer upper Egypt, where
Piankhi ruled for a
very short while, before he was forced to evacuate. Nubians had
_Absolutely NOthing_ to do with Unification in Egypt. What a flagrant
display of ignorance! The legendary Menes, in about 3100 BC, was
responsible for this feat. When speaking about the conquering of Egypt
and subsequent occupation, we can mention the Persian Cambyses, the
Hyksos, Alexander the Great and the Roman Empire, Muslims, but definitely
Not Nubians!
**You idiot! Notice (use some glasses if you need them...) the timeline
that I wrote and then re-read the timelines you mention above. I
mentioned ca. 747 B.C. and here you come screaming about 3100 - 2613 B.C.
When speaking of conquering Egypt and subsequent occupation, the NUBIANS
were in fact included.
I may not know too much about South African history, but I've studied
Egyptian culture and history....much!! I'll run circles around you and
make you look foolish in front of everybody. So, when I do have more time
to answer you specifically, I'll do that. Running short on time this
> So you see, the Nubians did in fact rule the Egyptian empire and the
> information given here is taken from several books in which I could
> provide for your reference.
This quotation indicates the mind of one who concentrates on the drop,
ignoring the ocean. Like Chicken Licken who screamed "the sky is falling
down" when an acorn fell on his head.
**What do you know about my mind? NOTHING...
>> **No way Mich---they ALWAYS painted their GODS BLACK. And you are
>> half-correct, only SOME of the Gods were half-animals. BUT the
>> human-headed GODS were in fact painted BLACK---as night.
Need I say it? WRONG! - as usual.
The only one ever depicted as jet black was Anubis, who was associated
with death and the Underworld. cf.: Isis - pearly white; Horus -
pigmented with red ochre, as was customary for the male form; Amon,
Osiris, Khons, etc., etc., etc., - the list goes on and on.
**Wrong-wrong-wrong. You are sooooo wrong on this. I'll supply you with
all the names later...until then, be stupid.
"Empty barrels make the most noise" en díe kêrel maak baie lawaai op
hierdie NG.
**Empty barrels make the most ironic. I was thinking the same
thing when I read your post.
Re: Thotmes [boodskap #9347 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #9345] |
Wed, 14 May 1997 00:00  |
Elmar Deysel
Boodskappe: 3 Geregistreer: May 1997
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
Ja nee, ek het hom al 'n e-pos briefie gestuur, nogal in Engels, om hom
mooi te vertel dat hy vandaar in America nie die vaagste begrip van
dinge wat hier aangaan, het nie. En is die man nie arrogant nie! As ek
tyd het, sal ek die "onderonsie" forward na die NG. Ek dink hy soek net
aandag...en nugter weet allen waarom hy dit by ons soek...ons
AFRIKKANERS :) - ek laaik daai dubbel K!! Dit laat my dink aan die
uitdrukking Dubbel K middel A...iets wat hy GOED praat!
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