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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: Azania - The Revolution
- Re: Azania - The Revolution [boodskap #89515] Fri, 23 January 2004 15:49 na volgende boodskap
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
En waaraan het ons hierdie opstel uit die bloute te wyte?

"Sue Morton" skryf in boodskap news:MP5ID3I838009.3452199074@anonymous.poster...
> By the Amilcar Cabral/Paul Robeson Collective (selected extracts)
> The southern tip of Africa, in the area around the Cape, was
> originally inhabited by two groups of people. They were the
> Khoikhoi (Hottentot is the derisive name used by the Dutch) and
> the San (Bushmen), sometimes collectively called the Khoisan
> people. They are said to have migrated from the north 3,000
> years ago. The Khoikhoi developed a society based on hunting and
> the gathering of wild fruit and grains. The San were cattle
> raisers. Also in the area were various Black peoples from the
> north known as the "bantu". This name comes from a number of
> languages spoken throughout eastern and southern Africa. These
> migrants from the north were made up of various tribal groups
> who reached the south approximately 2,000 years ago. They
> developed an agricultural and pastoral society and worked iron
> and other metals. They settled all over the region and as far
> south as the eastern Cape. They are the ancestors of the Sotho,
> Xhosa, Zulu, Ndebele and Tswana, among others.
> There were peaceful relations between the Khoisan and the iron-
> age Blacks, with many intermarriages recorded. They engaged in
> trade with one another as well. The history reveals no major
> antagonisms that were reflected in military actions.
> NOTE: The Afrikaner rulers grossly distort this history to
> justify the settler regime they created and maintain today. They
> claim that they, a European people, found land in southern
> Africa that was not inhabited by anyone, and that therefore they
> have just claims to it. They further state that the ancestors of
> today's 25 million Black majority arrived in the area at about
> the same time or maybe after they did. These historical
> distortions are the basis for modern Afrikaner claims that South
> Africa is a country of many nations, including the white
> Afrikaner nation, with equal claims on the wealth and political
> control.
> The "Great Trek"
> NOTE: The Boers, as the Dutch settlers were known, were afraid
> of losing their source of labor and were opposed to British
> rule. Beginning in 1835 they undertook what became known as the
> "Great Trek". They moved 10,000 settlers and their slaves over
> 500 miles north-east to avoid British domination. Along the way
> they met resistance from many African leaders, whom they were
> able to defeat. They created the "independent republics" of the
> Orange Free State and the Transvaal. In this process, they stole
> more African land and subjugated the people. They developed an
> intense nationalism based on white supremacy.
> British settlers arrived in the Natal area during the following
> period. They set up farms and sugar plantations in the region.
> The plantation owners were short of workers and brought in
> Indians as contract laborers beginning in 1860. Most remained in
> the country and are the ancestors of the present Indian
> population in South Africa, most of whom now live in and around
> Durban.
- Re: Azania - The Revolution [boodskap #89522 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89515] Sat, 24 January 2004 05:56 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
PietR  is tans af-lyn  PietR
Boodskappe: 3341
Geregistreer: July 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Kyk na die oorsprong en jy sal sien dis maar net weer die Kaalgatstoper wat
'n ander paadjie vat vir sy stront.

"Annette" skryf in boodskap news:burh9t$c5p$
> En waaraan het ons hierdie opstel uit die bloute te wyte?
> --
> Annette
> "Sue Morton" wrote in message
> news:MP5ID3I838009.3452199074@anonymous.poster...
>> By the Amilcar Cabral/Paul Robeson Collective (selected extracts)
>> The southern tip of Africa, in the area around the Cape, was
>> originally inhabited by two groups of people. They were the
>> Khoikhoi (Hottentot is the derisive name used by the Dutch) and
>> the San (Bushmen), sometimes collectively called the Khoisan
>> people. They are said to have migrated from the north 3,000
>> years ago. The Khoikhoi developed a society based on hunting and
>> the gathering of wild fruit and grains. The San were cattle
>> raisers. Also in the area were various Black peoples from the
>> north known as the "bantu". This name comes from a number of
>> languages spoken throughout eastern and southern Africa. These
>> migrants from the north were made up of various tribal groups
>> who reached the south approximately 2,000 years ago. They
>> developed an agricultural and pastoral society and worked iron
>> and other metals. They settled all over the region and as far
>> south as the eastern Cape. They are the ancestors of the Sotho,
>> Xhosa, Zulu, Ndebele and Tswana, among others.
>> There were peaceful relations between the Khoisan and the iron-
>> age Blacks, with many intermarriages recorded. They engaged in
>> trade with one another as well. The history reveals no major
>> antagonisms that were reflected in military actions.
>> NOTE: The Afrikaner rulers grossly distort this history to
>> justify the settler regime they created and maintain today. They
>> claim that they, a European people, found land in southern
>> Africa that was not inhabited by anyone, and that therefore they
>> have just claims to it. They further state that the ancestors of
>> today's 25 million Black majority arrived in the area at about
>> the same time or maybe after they did. These historical
>> distortions are the basis for modern Afrikaner claims that South
>> Africa is a country of many nations, including the white
>> Afrikaner nation, with equal claims on the wealth and political
>> control.
>> The "Great Trek"
>> NOTE: The Boers, as the Dutch settlers were known, were afraid
>> of losing their source of labor and were opposed to British
>> rule. Beginning in 1835 they undertook what became known as the
>> "Great Trek". They moved 10,000 settlers and their slaves over
>> 500 miles north-east to avoid British domination. Along the way
>> they met resistance from many African leaders, whom they were
>> able to defeat. They created the "independent republics" of the
>> Orange Free State and the Transvaal. In this process, they stole
>> more African land and subjugated the people. They developed an
>> intense nationalism based on white supremacy.
>> British settlers arrived in the Natal area during the following
>> period. They set up farms and sugar plantations in the region.
>> The plantation owners were short of workers and brought in
>> Indians as contract laborers beginning in 1860. Most remained in
>> the country and are the ancestors of the present Indian
>> population in South Africa, most of whom now live in and around
>> Durban.
- Re: Azania - The Revolution [boodskap #89540 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89515] Sat, 24 January 2004 23:29 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
basjan[1]  is tans af-lyn  basjan[1]
Boodskappe: 315
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
In die verlede: "Regeer of word regeer" / "Oorwin, of word oorwin"
(Australië, Nieu-Seeland, Amerika, meeste van Europa, ens.)

Nou: Val in by die groepsgevoel, maw, as die swakkere in die meerderheid is,
moet hulle mos in swakheid kan lei?

"Sue Morton" skryf in boodskap news:MP5ID3I838009.3452199074@anonymous.poster...
> By the Amilcar Cabral/Paul Robeson Collective (selected extracts)
> The southern tip of Africa, in the area around the Cape, was
> originally inhabited by two groups of people. They were the
> Khoikhoi (Hottentot is the derisive name used by the Dutch) and
> the San (Bushmen), sometimes collectively called the Khoisan
> people. They are said to have migrated from the north 3,000
> years ago. The Khoikhoi developed a society based on hunting and
> the gathering of wild fruit and grains. The San were cattle
> raisers. Also in the area were various Black peoples from the
> north known as the "bantu". This name comes from a number of
> languages spoken throughout eastern and southern Africa. These
> migrants from the north were made up of various tribal groups
> who reached the south approximately 2,000 years ago. They
> developed an agricultural and pastoral society and worked iron
> and other metals. They settled all over the region and as far
> south as the eastern Cape. They are the ancestors of the Sotho,
> Xhosa, Zulu, Ndebele and Tswana, among others.
> There were peaceful relations between the Khoisan and the iron-
> age Blacks, with many intermarriages recorded. They engaged in
> trade with one another as well. The history reveals no major
> antagonisms that were reflected in military actions.
> NOTE: The Afrikaner rulers grossly distort this history to
> justify the settler regime they created and maintain today. They
> claim that they, a European people, found land in southern
> Africa that was not inhabited by anyone, and that therefore they
> have just claims to it. They further state that the ancestors of
> today's 25 million Black majority arrived in the area at about
> the same time or maybe after they did. These historical
> distortions are the basis for modern Afrikaner claims that South
> Africa is a country of many nations, including the white
> Afrikaner nation, with equal claims on the wealth and political
> control.
> The "Great Trek"
> NOTE: The Boers, as the Dutch settlers were known, were afraid
> of losing their source of labor and were opposed to British
> rule. Beginning in 1835 they undertook what became known as the
> "Great Trek". They moved 10,000 settlers and their slaves over
> 500 miles north-east to avoid British domination. Along the way
> they met resistance from many African leaders, whom they were
> able to defeat. They created the "independent republics" of the
> Orange Free State and the Transvaal. In this process, they stole
> more African land and subjugated the people. They developed an
> intense nationalism based on white supremacy.
> British settlers arrived in the Natal area during the following
> period. They set up farms and sugar plantations in the region.
> The plantation owners were short of workers and brought in
> Indians as contract laborers beginning in 1860. Most remained in
> the country and are the ancestors of the present Indian
> population in South Africa, most of whom now live in and around
> Durban.
- Re: Azania - The Revolution [boodskap #89582 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89515] Mon, 26 January 2004 09:44 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Werner  is tans af-lyn  Werner
Boodskappe: 37
Geregistreer: November 2003
Karma: 0
Volle Lid

Is dit regtig jy wat hier onder geskryf het?. Hoe is jy genees van jou
tonnel visie. Stuur asb daai medisyne vir Antie Gloudina ASAP, en stuur vir
my die rekening

Ferdi Greyling skryf in boodskap
> You forget to mention that the "bantu" people were herders and
> planerts and the San were hunter gatherers.
> And that there were clashes for controll of land in those clashed the
> San were mostly killed off and their land taken.
> That is of course colonisation by the black tibes. But do not expect
> that to be mentioned all that freely.
> On 23 Jan 2004 14:17:07 -0000, Anonymous-Remailer@See.Comment.Header
> (Sue Morton) wrote:
>> By the Amilcar Cabral/Paul Robeson Collective (selected extracts)
>> The southern tip of Africa, in the area around the Cape, was
>> originally inhabited by two groups of people. They were the
>> Khoikhoi (Hottentot is the derisive name used by the Dutch) and
>> the San (Bushmen), sometimes collectively called the Khoisan
>> people. They are said to have migrated from the north 3,000
>> years ago. The Khoikhoi developed a society based on hunting and
>> the gathering of wild fruit and grains. The San were cattle
>> raisers. Also in the area were various Black peoples from the
>> north known as the "bantu". This name comes from a number of
>> languages spoken throughout eastern and southern Africa. These
>> migrants from the north were made up of various tribal groups
>> who reached the south approximately 2,000 years ago. They
>> developed an agricultural and pastoral society and worked iron
>> and other metals. They settled all over the region and as far
>> south as the eastern Cape. They are the ancestors of the Sotho,
>> Xhosa, Zulu, Ndebele and Tswana, among others.
>> There were peaceful relations between the Khoisan and the iron-
>> age Blacks, with many intermarriages recorded. They engaged in
>> trade with one another as well. The history reveals no major
>> antagonisms that were reflected in military actions.
>> NOTE: The Afrikaner rulers grossly distort this history to
>> justify the settler regime they created and maintain today. They
>> claim that they, a European people, found land in southern
>> Africa that was not inhabited by anyone, and that therefore they
>> have just claims to it. They further state that the ancestors of
>> today's 25 million Black majority arrived in the area at about
>> the same time or maybe after they did. These historical
>> distortions are the basis for modern Afrikaner claims that South
>> Africa is a country of many nations, including the white
>> Afrikaner nation, with equal claims on the wealth and political
>> control.
>> The "Great Trek"
>> NOTE: The Boers, as the Dutch settlers were known, were afraid
>> of losing their source of labor and were opposed to British
>> rule. Beginning in 1835 they undertook what became known as the
>> "Great Trek". They moved 10,000 settlers and their slaves over
>> 500 miles north-east to avoid British domination. Along the way
>> they met resistance from many African leaders, whom they were
>> able to defeat. They created the "independent republics" of the
>> Orange Free State and the Transvaal. In this process, they stole
>> more African land and subjugated the people. They developed an
>> intense nationalism based on white supremacy.
>> British settlers arrived in the Natal area during the following
>> period. They set up farms and sugar plantations in the region.
>> The plantation owners were short of workers and brought in
>> Indians as contract laborers beginning in 1860. Most remained in
>> the country and are the ancestors of the present Indian
>> population in South Africa, most of whom now live in and around
>> Durban.
- Re: Azania - The Revolution [boodskap #89593 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89582] Mon, 26 January 2004 15:39 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Ferdi Greyling  is tans af-lyn  Ferdi Greyling
Boodskappe: 1232
Geregistreer: May 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On Mon, 26 Jan 2004 11:44:59 +0200, "Werner" wrote:

> Ferdi
> Is dit regtig jy wat hier onder geskryf het?. Hoe is jy genees van jou
> tonnel visie. Stuur asb daai medisyne vir Antie Gloudina ASAP, en stuur vir
> my die rekening

Les 1 vir Werner: As Verwoerd swart mense se regte afvat is dit
verkeerd en moet hy gestop word.
Hoekom? Omdat die afvat van regte verkeerd is.
Dus: As Mugabe mense se regte wegvat is hy ook verkeerd.

Nice ne?

Welkom by non-racialism.
- Re: Azania - The Revolution [boodskap #89607 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89593] Tue, 27 January 2004 05:50 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Werner  is tans af-lyn  Werner
Boodskappe: 37
Geregistreer: November 2003
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
Dankie vir die lessie Ferdietjie, Kan les 2 asb handel oor regstellende
aksie, want ek verstaan dit ook nie mooi nie. Verduidelik asb vir my of dit
'n vorm is van omgekeerde rassisme of nie

> Les 1 vir Werner: As Verwoerd swart mense se regte afvat is dit
> verkeerd en moet hy gestop word.
> Hoekom? Omdat die afvat van regte verkeerd is.
> Dus: As Mugabe mense se regte wegvat is hy ook verkeerd.
> Nice ne?
> Welkom by non-racialism.
- Re: Azania - The Revolution [boodskap #89635 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89607] Tue, 27 January 2004 14:52 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Ferdi Greyling  is tans af-lyn  Ferdi Greyling
Boodskappe: 1232
Geregistreer: May 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Hoekom se jy nie wat jy daarvan dink nie?

Wat dink jy is die beginsel inherent daaraan?
Watter optrede vereis daardie beginsel?

Pas dit dan op almal en alle situasies toe.

On Tue, 27 Jan 2004 07:50:14 +0200, "Werner" wrote:

> Dankie vir die lessie Ferdietjie, Kan les 2 asb handel oor regstellende
> aksie, want ek verstaan dit ook nie mooi nie. Verduidelik asb vir my of dit
> 'n vorm is van omgekeerde rassisme of nie
>> Les 1 vir Werner: As Verwoerd swart mense se regte afvat is dit
>> verkeerd en moet hy gestop word.
>> Hoekom? Omdat die afvat van regte verkeerd is.
>> Dus: As Mugabe mense se regte wegvat is hy ook verkeerd.

>> Nice ne?

>> Welkom by non-racialism.

- Re: Azania - The Revolution [boodskap #89651 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89635] Wed, 28 January 2004 06:06 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Werner  is tans af-lyn  Werner
Boodskappe: 37
Geregistreer: November 2003
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
LES 1 aan Ferdi

Moenie 'n vraag met 'n vraag beantwoord nie. In jou geval moenie 'n vraag
met 3 vrae beantwoord nie.

Ferdi Greyling skryf in boodskap
> Hoekom se jy nie wat jy daarvan dink nie?
> Wat dink jy is die beginsel inherent daaraan?
> Watter optrede vereis daardie beginsel?
> Pas dit dan op almal en alle situasies toe.
> On Tue, 27 Jan 2004 07:50:14 +0200, "Werner"
> wrote:
>> Dankie vir die lessie Ferdietjie, Kan les 2 asb handel oor regstellende
>> aksie, want ek verstaan dit ook nie mooi nie. Verduidelik asb vir my of dit
>> 'n vorm is van omgekeerde rassisme of nie
>>> Les 1 vir Werner: As Verwoerd swart mense se regte afvat is dit
>>> verkeerd en moet hy gestop word.
>>> Hoekom? Omdat die afvat van regte verkeerd is.
>>> Dus: As Mugabe mense se regte wegvat is hy ook verkeerd.
>>> Nice ne?
>>> Welkom by non-racialism.
- Re: Azania - The Revolution [boodskap #89665 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89651] Wed, 28 January 2004 14:04 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
bouer  is tans af-lyn  bouer
Boodskappe: 4791
Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
"Werner" wrote

> LES 1 aan Ferdi
> Moenie 'n vraag met 'n vraag beantwoord nie. In jou geval moenie 'n vraag
> met 3 vrae beantwoord nie.

Jy ken blykbaar nie die beginsels
van goeie onderwys nie.

Tant Hessie met die roede
- Re: Azania - The Revolution [boodskap #89668 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89665] Wed, 28 January 2004 14:59 Na vorige boodskap
Werner  is tans af-lyn  Werner
Boodskappe: 37
Geregistreer: November 2003
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
Dit mag waar wees aangesien ek nie 'n onderwyser was, is of ooit sal wees
nie. Maar ek ken die beginsel van as iemand jou 'n vraag vra, antwoord die
ding so goed moontlik, nie met 1 of meer teenvrae nie.

Moenie jou daaroor kwel nie Gloudina, jou reputasie van vrae ontwyk op die
nuusgroep is wel bekend. wrote in message
news:2kPRb.34600$ .com...
> "Werner" wrote
>> LES 1 aan Ferdi
>> Moenie 'n vraag met 'n vraag beantwoord nie. In jou geval moenie 'n vraag
>> met 3 vrae beantwoord nie.
> Jy ken blykbaar nie die beginsels
> van goeie onderwys nie.
> Tant Hessie met die roede
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