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Tuis » Taal » Afrikaans, ons taal » Idioom: BUNDU
- Idioom: BUNDU [boodskap #8861] Sun, 23 March 1997 00:00 na volgende boodskap
Izak Bouwer  is tans af-lyn  Izak Bouwer
Boodskappe: 463
Geregistreer: January 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Idioom: In die bundu (boendoe).
"Hy leef in die bundu, weg van alle beskawing."

He lives in back of beyond, in the sticks, back
of Bourke, the bush. He therefore lives far
from the mainstream, far from the socalled
civilizing presence of urban life.

I have always associated the word "bundu" (which
is also extensively used in SA English) with forested
areas. I was therefore surprised to learn that the word
comes from the Shona word for "grasslands."
Although the languages of the various black tribes of
southern Africa did not exert as much influence on the
vocabulary of Afrikaans as did the Khoisan group of
languages, there are many words from these languages
in common use all over South Africa. Here are a few
widely used ones:
bonsella/pasella/basela: a present, token of gratitude
(Zoeloe: ibhanselo, Xhosa: ukubasele
indaba: a tribal meeting (North American pow-wow)
now come to mean a meeting between two
political or power groups.
hamba: "go!" usually used offensively. Like Canadian
"mush" (from French "marchez.")
khaya/kaia : basically just used by Africans for "house,"
but in Afrikaans come to mean a humble make-
shift house.
mampoer: home distilled spirits (from Sotho "mampuru"
for "strongest man.")
muti : medicine, African medicine, witchcraft)

There are many more such words from African languages
in Afrikaans. They are spoken with greater frequency in
certain parts of South Africa, especially in the Eastern Cape
and in Natal and parts of the north. I would think that we
will also see a greater influx of these words into Afrikaans
in the next few decades, as the Afrikaans of the "Coloured"
people of South Africa becomes more widely used by the
general Afrikaans speaking population. I suspect that the
non-white speakers of Afrikaans during the apartheid years
borrowed much more liberally from the black languages
than the "officialê Afrikaans that had to toe the party line.

Gloudina Bouwer
- Re: Idioom: BUNDU [boodskap #8866 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #8861] Mon, 24 March 1997 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Willem  is tans af-lyn  Willem
Boodskappe: 6
Geregistreer: January 1997
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Izak Bouwer wrote:
> Idioom: In die bundu (boendoe).
> " Hy leef in die bundu, weg van alle beskawing."
> He lives in back of beyond, in the sticks, back
> of Bourke, the bush. He therefore lives far
> from the mainstream, far from the socalled
> civilizing presence of urban life.
> I have always associated the word "bundu" (which
> is also extensively used in SA English) with forested
> areas. I was therefore surprised to learn that the word
> comes from the Shona word for "grasslands."


I once heard that it was a localised form of *boondocks*.

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