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'n Suid African bewerking of 'n oud grap [boodskap #86639] |
Sun, 02 November 2003 12:10  |
Andrew Taylor
Boodskappe: 42 Geregistreer: October 2002
Karma: 0
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"Why did the chicken cross the road?"
Such a simple question....
Kindergarden teacher:"To get to the other side."
George Bush:"The chicken is either with us or with them. If it's on
that side then he will be destroyed."
Ronald Reagan:"I forgot."
Martin Luther King:"I have a dream where all chickens will be free to
cross roads without having their motives called in question."
Richard Nixon:"The chicken did not cross the road. I repeat, the
chicken did NOT cross the road."
Jan F.E. Celliers:"Dis die hoender, dis die pad, dis al."
Eugene Terblanche:"Die hoender is die Afrikanervolk se erfenis. Soook
die pad. En iemand moet dit waag om ons daarvan te beroof !"
PW Botha:"It wasn't the road, it was the Rubicon."
Nataniël:"Ek was vreeslik op my nerves vir sy part tot hy anderkant
gekom het. Ek dink dit was stunning !"
Naas Botha:"Aan die einde van die dag maak dit nie saak hoeveel keer
hy oor die straat is nie. Wat saak maak, is die telbord."
Ferdinand Rabie:"He crossed the road to get to me. Me have also been
on the other side. Millions of chickens mos supports me. I will sommer
kicktheir wakka-wakkas if they dont!"
Nelson Mandela:"It was his long walk to freedom. A true Rainbow
Pieter-Dirk Uys:"Was dit 'n he-chicken or a she-chicken?" Does it Pik?
Mangosuthu Buthelezi:"Why did the
chickzzblackzulujargontraditzuluunionzzcrossen the road?".. Actually.
Allan Boesak:"How can the motives of a chicken who had done so much
for chickenhood be questioned? It must have "struggled" to cross the
Dullah Omar:"I am sure the chicken is innocent. He did what he did
because of the apatheid legacy."
Nconde Balfour:"The government will ensure that a fair quota of black
chickens cross the road as well. Why should black chickens remain on
this side of the road?"I only watch black chickens crossing the road
Trevor Manface:"Makes me think: We don't tax chickens crossing roads
Tony Leon:"No matter where the chicken goes, we have the guts to fight
Van Schalkwyk:"Let's join the chicken and cross the road !"
Desmond Tutu:"Weee should have crossed the road with him. Together
weee will make a difference."
Thabo Mbeki:"I don't really have an opinion about this...."
Mark Shuttleworth:"I would have paid a million to see the chicken
cross the road !" (or to take one to Mars with me..)
Bill Clinton:"I did not have any sexual relations with that chicken!"
Mugabe:"Stop that chicken ! It must be repossessed together with the
farm it belongs to. And the farm opposite the road where it was
goingto. And all the chickens on both farms. Repossess it all. And
it'snobody's business what I do in my country. It is the Brittish's
fault for bringingchickens here anyway."
Re: 'n Suid African bewerking of 'n oud grap [boodskap #86767 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #86732] |
Wed, 05 November 2003 17:15  |
Boodskappe: 96 Geregistreer: January 2003
Karma: 0
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Ou dubbel doos, jy is stil oor dir VPI
"DD" skryf in boodskap
> On Tue, 4 Nov 2003 21:07:13 +0200, "Pieter" wrote:
>> Het eerste BB gewen
> O, jy scheme nou dat Koos sy klere (kleure?) vir dié van Pieter Botha
> verruil het, kan jy sommer hier instap en welkom voel:-(((
> Jy sal dit nie so maklik vind om 'n nuwe gewaad aan te trek nie, Koos.
> DD
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