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Tuis » Lekker » Musiek & liriek » 'n Lied vir BEGINNER-STUDENTE van Afrikaans
'n Lied vir BEGINNER-STUDENTE van Afrikaans [boodskap #8671] Fri, 28 February 1997 00:00
Izak Bouwer  is tans af-lyn  Izak Bouwer
Boodskappe: 463
Geregistreer: January 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid

Trippe trappe trone,
die varkies in die bone,
gansies op die groene gras,
eendjies in die water-plas,
ek wens dat kindjie groter was
om Ouma se eendjie op te pas.

Trippe, trappe, trone : nonsense lines
(trap: staircase, to step)
(troon : throne troon/trone/troontjie)
Because the first line of the song is basically
foreign to an Afrikaans child's ear, you get
all kinds of variations. I always thought it
was "trippe trap patrone." - putting your foot
down and making patterns with it.
Varkies : piglets vark/varke/varkies
bone: beans. Boon/bone is archaic Afrikaans.
Modern Afrikaans boontjie/boontjies/boontjietjies
gansies: geese gans/ganse/gansies
eendjies: ducks eend/eende/eendjie
wens: wish
groter:bigger groot/groter/grootste
Ouma: grandmother
oppas : look after - Ek pas die gans op
- Ek het die gans opgepas.

The Afrikaans poet D. J. Opperman put this
children's rhyme to ironic use in a long poem
"Joernaal van Jorik:"
Trippe trappe trone
kanontjies en atome
ek wens dat kindjie groter was
om al die dinge op te pas.
This rhyme is almost surely part of the Dutch
heritage of Afrikaans, yet it sounds almost foreign
to an Afrikaans child's ear. It may be that the
cadence of Afrikaans is radically different from that
of Dutch. Yet Afrikaans is basically just seventeenth
century Dutch from the southern part of Holland,
where the families Van Riebeeck and Van der Stael
came from.Their way of talking Dutch set the standard
for the rest of the settlement, because they were the
leading lights in the society at the Cape in the first years
of the refreshment station. It is interesting to note that
the French Huguenots as they proceeded to assimilate,
talked the same brand of Dutch from the southern part
of Holland. It is therefore clear that Afrikaans must have
gotten its typical character before 1688, when the French
Huguenots arrived.

Gloudina Bouwer
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