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Re: Mugabe heeft gelijk, blanken moeten het land teruggeven [boodskap #80473] Mon, 14 July 2003 16:38 na volgende boodskap
Grantland[1]  is tans af-lyn  Grantland[1]
Boodskappe: 2
Geregistreer: July 2003
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
"Willem-Jan Markerink" wrote:

> "R.Wereldsman" wrote in
> news:beuc9h$fqv$
>> Afrikanen hebben het recht op hun gestolen land van de blanke boeren.
>> En het Westen heeft de plicht om genoegdoening aan de Afrikanen
>> te betalen voor de miljoenen mensen die zij hebben vermoord en gekidnapt
>> van Afrika voor de slavenhandel.

>> In Kenia, bezit 10% van de bevolking waarvan het grootste deel blanken
>> zijn 73% van de bouwgrond. In Zuid-Afrika bezit 16%
>> van de bevolking bestaande uit blanken 87% van de bouwgrond
>> en in Zimbabwe bezitten 4500 blanke boeren
>> oftewel 0,3% van de bevolking 73% van de bouwgrond.
> Betekent dat nou ook een streep door jouw 'uplifting' plan, van allochtonen
> in NL?
> Die zouden dan ook getalsmatig niet meer hoge banen mogen bezetten dan ze
> demografisch kunnen verantwoorden....toch? Toch??
> You can't have the cake and eat it, pathetic sucker.
> Overigens is 80% van de Zimbabwaanse grond *na* 1980 van eigenaar
> veranderd, op welk moment de overheid telkens wettelijk de kans kreeg om
> het zelf aan te schaffen, en daar dus evident van afgezien heeft.
> 80% van die eigenaren hebben gewoon land gekocht sukkel.
> Niets afgepakt van arme zwartjes.
> (arme zwartjes, die, frappant genoeg, nog geen eeuw daar de overhand
> hadden, na die grond *zelf* van de (veel lichter gekleurde) echte
> autochtonen te hebben geroofd....maar ja, zwart vs mokka levert niet zo'n
> mooi racistisch handvat op als zwart vs blank, he opperracist?)
> PS: welk Afrikaans land *met* politcal-correcte demografische
> bezitsverhoudingen kent geen hongersnood of is zelfs voedsel-exporteur,
> zoals Zimbabwe dat altijd was?
>> Lees het stuk van Wamwere:
>> Wamwere, a Kenyan political activist and former presidential
>> candidate, now lives in Norway.
>> He wrote this essay in April 2000 and it first appeared
>> in The East African newspaper.

>> Mugabe is Right, Whites Must Give Up the Land!
>> by Koigi Wamwere

>> Today, Europeans own almost all the land in the Americas,
>> almost all the good land in Australia, New Zealand, and Tasmania,
>> and most of the best land in many African countries like
>> South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Kenya. To acquire this land
>> outside Europe, Europeans did not use law, justice or money.

>> They took it with the gun.

Hej Willem; don't inhibit the hypnotized self-destruction! Marxism
was designed for self-destruction, dont'cha know? We "good" whites
have run out of patience. Let them persue their child-like folly.
The compassion is gone.

Re: Mugabe heeft gelijk, blanken moeten het land teruggeven [boodskap #80474 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #80473] Mon, 14 July 2003 16:43 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Grantland[1]  is tans af-lyn  Grantland[1]
Boodskappe: 2
Geregistreer: July 2003
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
>>> Wamwere, a Kenyan political activist and former presidential
>>> candidate, now lives in Norway.
>>> He wrote this essay in April 2000 and it first appeared
>>> in The East African newspaper.
>>> Mugabe is Right, Whites Must Give Up the Land!
>>> by Koigi Wamwere
>>> Today, Europeans own almost all the land in the Americas,
>>> almost all the good land in Australia, New Zealand, and Tasmania,
>>> and most of the best land in many African countries like
>>> South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Kenya. To acquire this land
>>> outside Europe, Europeans did not use law, justice or money.
>>> They took it with the gun.
> Hej Willem; don't inhibit the hypnotized self-destruction! Marxism
> was designed for self-destruction, dont'cha know? We "good" whites
> have run out of patience. Let them persue their child-like folly.
> The compassion is gone.
> Grantland

The Mood

There's a new wave of barbarism
Washing round the world
As the spinning-wheel of cycles spins again.
There's a sense of savage places
And a fear in people's faces
And a folly in the wickedness of men.

There's an empty formless feeling
Of the night-watch tower pealing
While the shadow-shapes swing reeling
Through the air.
Like a dream in black and red
Creatures underneath your bed
And when was it last you said
A simple prayer?

There's a new age of barbarism
Sweeping round the world
There are helmets being burnished
And old battle-flags unfurled.
Another age of fright
From the shadows in the night
As the spinning-wheel comes spinning round again.


Zuid Afrika
Re: Mugabe heeft gelijk, blanken moeten het land teruggeven [boodskap #80482 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #80473] Mon, 14 July 2003 19:12 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Willem-Jan Markerink  is tans af-lyn  Willem-Jan Markerink
Boodskappe: 331
Geregistreer: May 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
"R.Wereldsman" wrote in

> Afrikanen hebben het recht op hun gestolen land van de blanke boeren.
> En het Westen heeft de plicht om genoegdoening aan de Afrikanen
> te betalen voor de miljoenen mensen die zij hebben vermoord en gekidnapt
> van Afrika voor de slavenhandel.
> In Kenia, bezit 10% van de bevolking waarvan het grootste deel blanken
> zijn 73% van de bouwgrond. In Zuid-Afrika bezit 16%
> van de bevolking bestaande uit blanken 87% van de bouwgrond
> en in Zimbabwe bezitten 4500 blanke boeren
> oftewel 0,3% van de bevolking 73% van de bouwgrond.

Betekent dat nou ook een streep door jouw 'uplifting' plan, van allochtonen
in NL?
Die zouden dan ook getalsmatig niet meer hoge banen mogen bezetten dan ze
demografisch kunnen verantwoorden....toch? Toch??

You can't have the cake and eat it, pathetic sucker.

Overigens is 80% van de Zimbabwaanse grond *na* 1980 van eigenaar
veranderd, op welk moment de overheid telkens wettelijk de kans kreeg om
het zelf aan te schaffen, en daar dus evident van afgezien heeft.
80% van die eigenaren hebben gewoon land gekocht sukkel.
Niets afgepakt van arme zwartjes.
(arme zwartjes, die, frappant genoeg, nog geen eeuw daar de overhand
hadden, na die grond *zelf* van de (veel lichter gekleurde) echte
autochtonen te hebben geroofd....maar ja, zwart vs mokka levert niet zo'n
mooi racistisch handvat op als zwart vs blank, he opperracist?)

PS: welk Afrikaans land *met* politcal-correcte demografische
bezitsverhoudingen kent geen hongersnood of is zelfs voedsel-exporteur,
zoals Zimbabwe dat altijd was?

> Lees het stuk van Wamwere:
> Wamwere, a Kenyan political activist and former presidential
> candidate, now lives in Norway.
> He wrote this essay in April 2000 and it first appeared
> in The East African newspaper.
> Mugabe is Right, Whites Must Give Up the Land!
> by Koigi Wamwere
> Today, Europeans own almost all the land in the Americas,
> almost all the good land in Australia, New Zealand, and Tasmania,
> and most of the best land in many African countries like
> South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Kenya. To acquire this land
> outside Europe, Europeans did not use law, justice or money.
> They took it with the gun.
> But the West does not want Africans to mention either this fact,
> or the fact that white people are wrong in wanting to own
> all the land and everything else in Africa.
> And the West is the champion of free speech in the world!
> When Africans in Kenya, South Africa, Zimbabwe and elsewhere
> fought for their independence, it meant two things to
> them - land and freedom. But when Europe conceded
> independence to African countries it was self-rule without land and
> freedom. And so most Africans continue to be landless while Europeans
> continue to own millions and millions of hectares of the best land in
> Africa.
> In Kenya, 10 percent of the population, both black and
> white farmers, owns 73 percent of all arable land.
> In South Africa, 16 percent of the population, made up
> of whites, owns 87 percent of all arable land. And in
> Zimbabwe, 4,500 white farmers - or a mere .03 percent
> of a population of 13 million Africans - own 12 million
> hectares or 73 percent of all arable land.
> The African majority in South Africa, Zimbabwe and
> Kenya live under this situation not because they like it
> or because it is right, moral, fair or just, but only because
> they are powerless to change it.
> There can be no greater proof of lack of independence for,
> say, Zimbabwe, than this situation where a mere .03 percent
> is allowed to own 73 percent of all arable land, totally
> control the nation's agriculture, and own half the country's economy.
> Mugabe is a great freedom fighter who fought for the independence
> of his country but at the behest of the West turned his back on
> socialism and stayed too long in power.
> At last, Mugabe has realised that he too is a victim
> of neo-colonialism and has decided not just to
> say "no" to the West but to redistribute land in his own country.
> Whatever Mugabe's past mistakes, we must agree that on this
> one question of finally redistributing African land to African
> people, he is 100 percent right. Mugabe's only fault is that he
> took too long to do it.
> But now that he is finally doing it, all people who believe
> in fairness and justice must support him.
> From what one hears from CNN, BBC and other
> Western news media, the West stands as one
> against Mugabe.
> They accuse him of violating the spirit of reconciliation,
> and perpetrating racism against white people in Zimbabwe.
> Rather than prove anything against Mugabe,
> the West's accusations only prove how little it thinks
> of Africans' right to own anything or have meaningful independence.
> Could one even imagine a situation in which 4,500 Zimbabwean
> Africans were allowed to own 12 million hectares of land
> in Britain, France or any other country in Europe?
> The West also accuses Mugabe of violating the spirit
> of reconciliation between white colonisers and black
> colonised that was agreed upon at the time of independence.
> But did this reconciliation mean that colonisers would
> continue to own everything they had grabbed before independence,
> and that the Africans who had been robbed of everything
> would continue to own nothing?
> Finally, the very West that is restoring all the money, properties
> and works of art that it stole from the Jewish people and paying
> reparations for all the slave labour Jewish people did during
> the Second World War, is asking that colonial white farmers
> be paid compensation by Africans.
> The British government admits that at the time of
> independence it made a promise which it never kept, to provide
> the money necessary to buy out the white farmers.
> Now it claims that the reason for its failure to keep its own
> promise is Mugabe's mismanagement of Zimbabwean economy.
> But the real reason is the British desire that the Zimbabwean
> and African economies be controlled by British companies
> and British citizens.
> What then must Africans do? Starve to death until the British
> agree to keep their promises?
> I am truly surprised at the clamour that I hear for British farmers
> to be compensated for any loss of land in Zimbabwe.
> Between Africans who have been working for starvation wages
> on white farms and white farmers who have made millions
> of pounds out of their colonial ownership of land in Zimbabwe,
> it is the white farmers who should compensate Africans.
> Africans are entitled to recover their stolen lands from
> white farmers. And the West has a moral duty to pay not
> just compensation to white farmers who will lose land, but
> to pay reparations to Africans now for all the millions of
> people they killed and kidnapped from Africa during the slave trade.
> What is good for the Jewish goose is good for the African gander.
> Rule of law must mean rule of just law. Sooner or later, colonial
> wrongs must be corrected all over Africa. And they will not be
> corrected by substituting white robbers with black robbers.
> Colonial injustice will be corrected by giving land and freedom
> not only to Africans in power and government, but to
> all the people to whom God gave land.
> Whether leaders like Moi like it or not, today it is Zimbabwe,
> tomorrow it will be Kenya, the day after it will be South Africa,
> and after that it will be the entire continent.
> The river of freedom and justice is unstoppable.
> If white and black people of Africa are to live
> peacefully in future, the West must stop imposing white people
> as saviours of black people using arguments that in effect
> paint white citizens of Africa as either more able technically
> or less corrupt morally.
> Going by the opposition from the West, Mugabe may not
> survive this war against neo-colonialism.
> But he is right, and he is bearing the standard for all Africans.
> Should he fall, other Africans must take up the mantle and fight on to
> victory.


Willem-Jan Markerink

The desire to understand
is sometimes far less intelligent than
the inability to understand

[note: 'a-one' & 'en-el'!]
Re: Mugabe heeft gelijk, blanken moeten het land teruggeven [boodskap #80489 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #80482] Mon, 14 July 2003 19:36 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Elaine  is tans af-lyn  Elaine
Boodskappe: 2948
Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Erens het iemand hard op sy kop geval!


"Willem-Jan Markerink" wrote:
>> Afrikanen hebben het recht op hun gestolen land van de blanke boeren.
>> En het Westen heeft de plicht om genoegdoening aan de Afrikanen
>> te betalen voor de miljoenen mensen die zij hebben vermoord en gekidnapt
>> van Afrika voor de slavenhandel.
Re: Mugabe heeft gelijk, blanken moeten het land teruggeven [boodskap #80497 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #80474] Mon, 14 July 2003 21:12 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Peter Stuyvesant  is tans af-lyn  Peter Stuyvesant
Boodskappe: 1
Geregistreer: July 2003
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
"Grantland" schreef in bericht

> Zuid Afrika

Where from South Africa?
Re: Mugabe heeft gelijk, blanken moeten het land teruggeven [boodskap #80505 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #80489] Tue, 15 July 2003 11:08 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Suidwester  is tans af-lyn  Suidwester
Boodskappe: 1579
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Ja die donner sit in in seker in Holland en het sy bek vol [in Nederlands!
op 'n Afrikaanse nuusgroep] oor dinge wat hy duidelik nie lekker verstaan
nie.....maar hy het dan nog ook so 'n snotty sêding aan die onderkant van sy
store oor intelligensie. Wat 'n pragtige voorbeeld is hy nie van die
teenoorgestelde nie? Het hy enige werklike voeling met dit wat in Afrika
aan die gang is en wat gebeur het, dan sal hy weet dat meeste van die
landbougrond definitief nie gesteel was van Afrikane nie. Hoe kan jy iets
steel wat iemand nie besit nie? Verder projekteer hy vandag se Afrika se
miljoene mense in 'n land waar daar baie, baie minder mense geleef het
vroeër jare en daar genoeg grond beskikbaar was vir almal en niemand het 'n
klagte gehad nie. Miskien moet hy so 'n paar eeue teruggaan en kyk waar
het die swart Afrikane van die dag geleef in daardie jare en dan sal hy tot
sy skok uitvind dat hulle heel logies plekke uitgekies het waar maklik gebly
kan word. 'n Baie groot deel van die landbougrond is ontwikkel uit gebiede
waar voorheen nooit landbou was nie.
Hier kan ek vir jou 'n mooi storietjie vertel. 'n Oom vertel dat hy
vir homself 'n stuk grond op die rand van die Namib gekoop het [waar
wragtag g'n mens eers gehoop het om te kan bly nie want daar is geen
beskikbare water nie]. 'n Paar 1 000voet boorgate verder, het hy die
nodige water gehad en hy het sy plaas begin ontwikkel. So 'n jaar of wat
later kom die predikant huisbesoek doen op die plaas en oom Herman gaan wys
vir hom die plaas en alles wat hy daarop verrig het. Hy wys vir hom waar
hy geboor het, waar hy dam gebou het en waar hy kraal gebou
skapies, besies, en alles.
"Stadig broer," vermaan die predikant hom. "Jy moet darem onthou dat
jy nie alles self vermag het nie. Die Here se hand was ook betrokke."
Die oom het die predikant so skuins aangekyk: "Dominie moes gesien het
hoe hierdie plaas gelyk het toe die Here alleen hier geboer het!"

"Elaine" skryf in boodskap news:3f130624$0$
> Erens het iemand hard op sy kop geval!
> E
> "Willem-Jan Markerink" wrote:
>>> Afrikanen hebben het recht op hun gestolen land van de blanke boeren.
>>> En het Westen heeft de plicht om genoegdoening aan de Afrikanen
>>> te betalen voor de miljoenen mensen die zij hebben vermoord en gekidnapt
>>> van Afrika voor de slavenhandel.
Re: Mugabe heeft gelijk, blanken moeten het land teruggeven [boodskap #80517 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #80505] Tue, 15 July 2003 16:56 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Sterrenkijker  is tans af-lyn  Sterrenkijker
Boodskappe: 654
Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On Tue, 15 Jul 2003 12:08:18 +0100, "Suidwester" wrote:
> jy nie alles self vermag het nie. Die Here se hand was ook betrokke."
> Die oom het die predikant so skuins aangekyk: "Dominie moes gesien het
> hoe hierdie plaas gelyk het toe die Here alleen hier geboer het!"

..En wat het daardie predikant toe as antwoord gegee?

Norbert (uit Vlaandere)
Re: Mugabe heeft gelijk, blanken moeten het land teruggeven [boodskap #80540 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #80517] Wed, 16 July 2003 06:49 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Suidwester  is tans af-lyn  Suidwester
Boodskappe: 1579
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Maar net gelag. Wat kón jy op so iets antwoord?

"Sterrenkijker" skryf in boodskap
> On Tue, 15 Jul 2003 12:08:18 +0100, "Suidwester"
> wrote:
>> jy nie alles self vermag het nie. Die Here se hand was ook betrokke."
>> Die oom het die predikant so skuins aangekyk: "Dominie moes gesien het
>> hoe hierdie plaas gelyk het toe die Here alleen hier geboer het!"
> ..En wat het daardie predikant toe as antwoord gegee?
> Norbert (uit Vlaandere)
Re: Mugabe heeft gelijk, blanken moeten het land teruggeven [boodskap #80545 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #80540] Wed, 16 July 2003 11:26 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Sterrenkijker  is tans af-lyn  Sterrenkijker
Boodskappe: 654
Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On Wed, 16 Jul 2003 07:49:04 +0100, "Suidwester" wrote:

> Maar net gelag. Wat kán jy op so iets antwoord?

Jy is inderdaad reg.. Ek het my eie gedurende die laaste dae ook al
afgevra watter antwoord 'n mens sou kan gee in die plaas van die
dominee en ek vind ook geen antwoord nie.

Norbert (uit Vlaandere)
Re: Mugabe heeft gelijk, blanken moeten het land teruggeven [boodskap #80559 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #80545] Wed, 16 July 2003 19:20 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Speedy Gonzales  is tans af-lyn  Speedy Gonzales
Boodskappe: 197
Geregistreer: July 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On Wed, 16 Jul 2003 13:26:39 +0200, Sterrenkijker

> On Wed, 16 Jul 2003 07:49:04 +0100, "Suidwester"
> wrote:
>> Maar net gelag. Wat kán jy op so iets antwoord?
> Jy is inderdaad reg.. Ek het my eie gedurende die laaste dae ook al
> afgevra watter antwoord 'n mens sou kan gee in die plaas van die
> dominee en ek vind ook geen antwoord nie.
> Norbert (uit Vlaandere)

Ek sal nou nou besluit of ek die brief gaan pos,
of slegs met myself praat. Eintlik gesels ek dikwels
met myself want ek waardeer goeie geselskap ten werklik.
So, as die brief op jou skerm veskyn, het ek definitief
gedink dat die onderwerp 'n forumwaardig is.

Interessante vertelling slégs in die opsig
dat ek myself vra, Kan mens so iets vertel?"

Bes moontlik (heel waarskynlik) het dit nooit gebeur nie
en was dit iemand se grapskepping.

Afgesien daarvan:

Kon nie help om te lag toe ek dit lees nie, en toe moes ek aan myself
vrae antwoord. Want ek is vreeslik eng en versigtig wannneer dit oor
grappe van die aard kom.
Vrae wat opgepop het vir atwoorde was ondermeer:

Is dit sondiger om by 'n kerk te steel as om by 'n huis langs die
straat in te breek? 'n Vraag wat ek Woensdag by die kerk gevra het.

Is dit sondiger om 'n grap te vertel oor 'n profeet as oor Winnie?

Is dit sondiger om 'n grap (dieselfde klas) te vertel oor die hemel
as oor Waterval Boven?

En toe lag ek saam met jou, Suidwester, want somtyds (slegs somtyds:-)
is ek skynheilig. En God het defnitief ook 'n sin vir humor:-)

Speedy Gonzales
Re: Mugabe heeft gelijk, blanken moeten het land teruggeven [boodskap #80563 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #80559] Wed, 16 July 2003 21:56 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Sterrenkijker  is tans af-lyn  Sterrenkijker
Boodskappe: 654
Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On Wed, 16 Jul 2003 21:20:24 +0200, Speedy Gonzales

> Interessante vertelling slégs in die opsig
> dat ek myself vra, Kan mens so iets vertel?"
> Bes moontlik (heel waarskynlik) het dit nooit gebeur nie
> en was dit iemand se grapskepping.
> Afgesien daarvan:
> Kon nie help om te lag toe ek dit lees nie, en toe moes ek aan myself
> vrae antwoord. Want ek is vreeslik eng en versigtig wannneer dit oor
> grappe van die aard kom.

Geagte Speedy,

Ek glo hierdie kom van Felix Timmermans, dis een van ons bekendste
Vlaamse skrywers. Hy het gesê:"Wat niet al lachend kan verteld worden
is de waarheid niet!" (Jy praat die waarheid slegs as jy die sake al
laggend kan vertel!)

Norbert (uit Vlaandere)
Re: Mugabe heeft gelijk, blanken moeten het land teruggeven [boodskap #80607 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #80559] Fri, 18 July 2003 08:30 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Sandvlooi  is tans af-lyn  Sandvlooi
Boodskappe: 484
Geregistreer: July 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Glo my, dit het rêrig gebeur want die oom wat dit gedoen het, het dit self
vertel en dit het gebeur voor ander mense. Die man [nou oorlede] was
bekend vir sy lekker sin vir humor en het die lewe deur gelag. Hy was ook
een van die eerste mense wat ek geken het wat dwarsdeur die skynheilige
'vrees' van die Afrikaner vir sy predikant gesien het.

"Speedy Gonzales" skryf in boodskap
> On Wed, 16 Jul 2003 13:26:39 +0200, Sterrenkijker
> wrote:
>> On Wed, 16 Jul 2003 07:49:04 +0100, "Suidwester"
>> wrote:
>>> Maar net gelag. Wat kón jy op so iets antwoord?
>> Jy is inderdaad reg.. Ek het my eie gedurende die laaste dae ook al
>> afgevra watter antwoord 'n mens sou kan gee in die plaas van die
>> dominee en ek vind ook geen antwoord nie.
>> Norbert (uit Vlaandere)
> Ek sal nou nou besluit of ek die brief gaan pos,
> of slegs met myself praat. Eintlik gesels ek dikwels
> met myself want ek waardeer goeie geselskap ten werklik.
> So, as die brief op jou skerm veskyn, het ek definitief
> gedink dat die onderwerp 'n forumwaardig is.
> Interessante vertelling sl�gs in die opsig
> dat ek myself vra, Kan mens so iets vertel?"
> Bes moontlik (heel waarskynlik) het dit nooit gebeur nie
> en was dit iemand se grapskepping.
> Afgesien daarvan:
> Kon nie help om te lag toe ek dit lees nie, en toe moes ek aan myself
> vrae antwoord. Want ek is vreeslik eng en versigtig wannneer dit oor
> grappe van die aard kom.
> Vrae wat opgepop het vir atwoorde was ondermeer:
> Is dit sondiger om by 'n kerk te steel as om by 'n huis langs die
> straat in te breek? 'n Vraag wat ek Woensdag by die kerk gevra het.
> Is dit sondiger om 'n grap te vertel oor 'n profeet as oor Winnie?
> Is dit sondiger om 'n grap (dieselfde klas) te vertel oor die hemel
> as oor Waterval Boven?
> En toe lag ek saam met jou, Suidwester, want somtyds (slegs somtyds:-)
> is ek skynheilig. En God het defnitief ook 'n sin vir humor:-)
> Speedy Gonzales
Re: Mugabe heeft gelijk, blanken moeten het land teruggeven [boodskap #80645 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #80607] Fri, 18 July 2003 19:41 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Sterrenkijker  is tans af-lyn  Sterrenkijker
Boodskappe: 654
Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On Fri, 18 Jul 2003 09:30:28 +0100, "Sandvlooi"

> Glo my, dit het rêrig gebeur want die oom wat dit gedoen het, het dit self
> vertel en dit het gebeur voor ander mense. Die man [nou oorlede] was
> bekend vir sy lekker sin vir humor en het die lewe deur gelag. Hy was ook
> een van die eerste mense wat ek geken het wat dwarsdeur die skynheilige
> 'vrees' van die Afrikaner vir sy predikant gesien het.

Asseblief, laat ons weet as jy nog sulke herinneringe het van jou oom.

Re: Mugabe heeft gelijk, blanken moeten het land teruggeven [boodskap #80650 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #80607] Fri, 18 July 2003 20:35 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Speedy Gonzales  is tans af-lyn  Speedy Gonzales
Boodskappe: 197
Geregistreer: July 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On Fri, 18 Jul 2003 09:30:28 +0100, "Sandvlooi"

> Glo my, dit het rêrig gebeur want die oom wat dit gedoen het, het dit self
> vertel en dit het gebeur voor ander mense. Die man [nou oorlede] was
> bekend vir sy lekker sin vir humor en het die lewe deur gelag.

Laat ek jou ook 'n ware gebeurtenis vertel, Sandvlooi.

Dit was enkele dekades gelede wat oom Martiens reg langs die
Vaalrivier gewoon het. Sy huis was, afgesien van ervare advies, reg
langs die wal van die Vaalrivier gebou. Tog redelik hoog, en dit het
oom Martiens gerus gestel.

Toe kom die groot vloed. Die vloed wat alles meegesleur het
wat in die pad daarvan gekom het! En oom Martiens se huis, het soos
julle raai, ook in die pad van die kolkende water gestaan.

Hy het 'n paar dinge probeer red, maar dit kon daartoe bygedra het
dat oom Martiens in die woeste malende massa water beland het. In
se gryp na enigiets wat tasbaar was, het oom Martiens toe 'n jong
boomstomp beetgekry. En met sy arms om 'n tak, het hy homself op
die stomp gehys, en daar gaan oom Marties, stroomaf oor die diep water
en sommige plekke tussen rotse deur, teen 'n verbysterende spoed!

'n Uur en 'n half, en vyftien kilometer verder, skuur sy stompboot
teen 'n wal, en oom Martiens spring na die kant en trek homself na
veiligheid op met die hulp van grasspriete en biesiie stengels.

Daar is hy gehawend gehaal na sy huis.

Dit was in die gemeenskap waar oom Martiens gewoon het, en nie veel
voorblad dinge gebeur nie, die nuus van die eeu! En wanneer 'n
besoeker, hetsy gas of verteenwoordiger, daar aanland, was een van die
eerste vrae: "Het jy van Oom Martiens gehoor?" En dan word hy na oom
Martiens geneem, wat weer en weer die storie van sy ervaring vertel.

Heelwat jare later, is Oom Martiens toe oorlede. En toe hy anderkant
aanland, het hy sommer die eerste dag al, van 'n geleentheid gebruik
gemaak om daarvan te vertel.

En toe op 'n dag, sê een van die groot manne daar aan hom, dat hulle
'n spesiale dag gaan reël, waartydens 'n massa mense bymekaar gaan
kom, en aan wie hy dan kan vertel van sy hele uur en 'n half plus
vyftien kilosmeter afstand oor die malende kolkende bruisenda massa

En die dag het aangebreek. Oom Martiens was al so gewoond was om dit
aan mense te vertel, was nie gewoond daaraan om dit aan so 'n massa
mense te vertel nie. En hy was so bietjie senuweeagtig. En dit het nie
gehelp toe 'n 'n profeet aan hom, net voor hy op die verhoog klim om
met sy vertelling te begin, fluister: "Weet jy wie is in jou gehoor?

Re: Mugabe heeft gelijk, blanken moeten het land teruggeven [boodskap #80660 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #80650] Sat, 19 July 2003 02:58 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
bouer  is tans af-lyn  bouer
Boodskappe: 4791
Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
"Speedy Gonzales" > wrote in message

> Toe kom die groot vloed. Die vloed wat alles meegesleur het
> wat in die pad daarvan gekom het!
> oom Martiens in die woeste malende massa water beland het. In
> se gryp na enigiets wat tasbaar was, het oom Martiens toe 'n jong
> boomstomp beetgekry. En met sy arms om 'n tak
> 'n Uur en 'n half, en vyftien kilometer verder, skuur sy stompboot
> teen 'n wal, en oom Martiens spring na die kant en trek homself na
> veiligheid op met die hulp van grasspriete en biesiie stengels.
> Daar is hy gehawend gehaal na sy huis.

Baie oulike storie. Maar vir enigiemand wat langs die Grootrivier
grootgeword het, is hierdie soort ding nou nie vreeslik van 'n
insident nie. Want sien, in my kleindae was daar 'n ou, met die
snaakse naam Orange Valentine, wat gereeld as die vloed daar
by Kakamas en Marchand verbykom, vir homself op 'n boomstomp
aan die een kant van die rivier ingegooi het en dan met die siedende
water af is, totdat hy aan die ander kant van die rivier uitgespoel
het. En dit was nou sommer vir die sports, so met 'n tikkie bravado.

Re: Mugabe heeft gelijk, blanken moeten het land teruggeven [boodskap #80668 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #80660] Sat, 19 July 2003 06:50 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Speedy Gonzales  is tans af-lyn  Speedy Gonzales
Boodskappe: 197
Geregistreer: July 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On Sat, 19 Jul 2003 02:58:41 GMT, "" wrote:

> "Speedy Gonzales" > wrote in message
>> Toe kom die groot vloed. Die vloed wat alles meegesleur het
>> wat in die pad daarvan gekom het!
>> oom Martiens in die woeste malende massa water beland het. In
>> se gryp na enigiets wat tasbaar was, het oom Martiens toe 'n jong
>> boomstomp beetgekry. En met sy arms om 'n tak
>> 'n Uur en 'n half, en vyftien kilometer verder, skuur sy stompboot
>> teen 'n wal, en oom Martiens spring na die kant en trek homself na
>> veiligheid op met die hulp van grasspriete en biesiie stengels.
>> Daar is hy gehawend gehaal na sy huis.
> Baie oulike storie. Maar vir enigiemand wat langs die Grootrivier
> grootgeword het, is hierdie soort ding nou nie vreeslik van 'n
> insident nie. Want sien, in my kleindae was daar 'n ou, met die
> snaakse naam Orange Valentine, wat gereeld as die vloed daar
> by Kakamas en Marchand verbykom, vir homself op 'n boomstomp
> aan die een kant van die rivier ingegooi het en dan met die siedende
> water af is, totdat hy aan die ander kant van die rivier uitgespoel
> het. En dit was nou sommer vir die sports, so met 'n tikkie bravado.
> Gloudina

Dit kan slegs vergelyk word
indien Orange Valentine ook
oor sy wedervaringe op die
water gespog het, en dan
nie oranje nie maar rooi
gekleur het by die aanhoor
dat Oom Noag deel van
sy gehoor uitmaak.

Speedy Gonzales
Re: Mugabe heeft gelijk, blanken moeten het land teruggeven [boodskap #80696 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #80473] Sat, 19 July 2003 19:10 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Andries Joubert  is tans af-lyn  Andries Joubert
Boodskappe: 5
Geregistreer: July 2003
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
From: "John Smith"

Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2003 17:57:01 +0200


Is the term "White Man" an abomination, forbidden, a curse or a sin?
When did the responsibility for the 'evolution', help, provision and
development of the native African people (and the other primitive races)
become the responsibility of the First World, and the Whites in particular?
Anyone who knows of the disparity that existed when the first settlers
landed in Africa, or other primitive areas, will realise that this
disadvantage is not the result of colonization, or anything else, other than
difference in creation and the genetic make-up (identity), meaning radical
difference in race or (sub)species. Their lack of intelligence, progress or
inventiveness since the dawn of mankind is proof enough of that.
Their stunted (by European standards) 'evolutionary' path is now blamed
on the Whites, and a concerted attempt is being made to instill a guilt
complex on the Whites, under the pretext the natives would be on a par
if it were not for colonization and slavery.

When in truth, while left undisturbed by White colonists for millions of
years, their rate of progress or change was insignificant. The wheel was
unknown to them, they had no written language nor any agricultural or
scientific processes. Primitive methods which they stumbled across, such
as ore extraction, were never refined or improved. In contrast, since Adam
(created only six thousand years ago) appeared on the earth, the White,
Civilized Western World also suddenly appeared and progressed in leaps
and bounds. Even these earthly native's primitive shelter construction
techniques were borrowed from the nest building methods of the local birds
without ever improving on the design. They just do not have enquiring or
inventive characteristics. Nor do they have an industrious or charitable
bone in their bodies. Before they met the White Man they also never heard
of the Bible or the Ten Commandments, not to mention civilized morals and

It is alledged that the cradle of the early hominids is in Southern Africa,
and it is no coincidence that the further away you move from Africa, the
more progress took place. It is because the genetically and intellectually
more advanced and hence more inventive, inquisitive, and industrious
members of mankind [the Adamites or Whites] originated, explored and
migrated not from Africa but from central Asia and Europe. While the
dormant native races [Pre-Adamic Hominids - Created long before Adam]
remained where they were, sudden civilizations were built by the Adamic
Race in the north, (six thousand years ago) who continued onwards from
there. The current Pre-Adamic (native) inhabitants are merely nomads
who stumbled across remnants of these civilizations - they are nothing
more than squatters claiming credit for White Adamic achievements.
The well-known biological fact that any species (kind) only reproduce
identically, destroys the liberal fallacy that all the (different) races
originated with Adam. Adam's identity could only have been of one race,
- which includes his pure descendants. The word "Adam" also means
"to blush" and only one race can blush. Only Adam was the pinacle of
creation (created last), created in the image of God, making only him
and his kind the most intelligent and civilized beings on earth.

The current inhabitants of Egypt had nothing to do with the creation of its
constructions (mathematical wonders). Which is why they have no
knowledge of their creation. In fact it is Western (White) Man who has
provided the most insight into their mysteries, including the ancient
languages. Do you think that their 'ancestors' just forgot to mention an
achievement of that scale and significance ? Did they forget to write
down the details despite also having invented some of the first known
written languages ? If it were not for White colonists the natives of
Africa would still be ignorant of the technological and scientific
achievements of the First World, which they now envy, but fail to
understand and are generally unable to achieve. Primitive (animal)
instincts of reproduction, lack of sexual control, intolerance, violence,
brutality, and self-interest, are natural for their position on the
(Pre-Adamic) timeline of creation.

In the environment that would prevail in Africa, if it were not for Western
influence / interference, they would be attributes essential to survival.
The time and nature of their creation has made them more adapted to
survival and related physical activities. Their natural attrition from
famine, plague etc. which nature uses to maintain a balance, has been
disrupted by Western technology and influence, and even throughout this
modern period of time, the control of their natural reproductive rate could
not take place.
It is by means of western medicine, agriculture, peacekeeping efforts, aid,
etc. coupled with their inability to overcome primitive reproductive
instincts, that they have multiplied to the point that the continent can no
longer support their massive numbers, but still our white liberal, humanist
traitors are treating their countless natives (fellow primates) in such a
manner that is way superior to that of endangered (or extinct) species or
game !

This is not to say that one evolutionary path of development is better than
the other. However, the path taken by the White and Eastern races has
resulted in them establishing an environment and culture tailored to their
own development, and the African races for theirs. Thousands of years
of evolutionary progress and technological advancement was thrust on
them in the blink of an eye on the timeline of development's evolution.
This has resulted in the 'Fish Out Of Water' syndrome, which we see
today with respect to Africa, the African people and other tribes of
primitive and native origin, when they are trying to impersonate and
adapt to the western way of life.
The more advanced along the evolutionary curve a native race or tribe was
when the western world arrived on their doorstep, the better they are able
to assimilate into our environment and culture. It is also the reason that,
as soon as the environment shifts / deteriorates back to what is more
suitable to the skills, characteristics and 'morals' of the indigenous
people, the Whites / settlers become the 'Fish Out Of Water', and are
unable to survive, and generally migrate to environments more compatible
with their cultural evolution and concept of morals and ethics. This then
results in a faster regression (also meaning the return to normality and
suitability for the indigenous people).

The difference between their concept of morals and ours is vast. We have
western governments trying to force 'democracy' on them, regardless of the
fact that they do not understand, and cannot adopt to this principle, as can
be seen by the civil wars which erupt after every (usually rigged) election.
Why would they embrace democracy ? - When naturally and historically
their lives and cultures have been controlled by autocratic kings and chiefs
- and still are, regardless of the veil of 'democracy' put in place to
appease the West. This superficial 'democracy' is only tolerated because
it is seen as a requirement to access the aid, wealth and trappings of the
western cultures. When combined with the rampant bribery, corruption
and incompetence of their elected officials (elected through intimidation
and vote rigging, easily accomplished with this underlying structure) it is
farcical. The quality of a democracy is proportional to the collective
intelligence of the electorate. 'Democracy' in Africa is the election of
the incompetent and corrupt by the ignorant and illiterate.
We prop up, enforce and subsidise systems which are foreign to them,
just because it offends our civilized 'White' principles and morals. Recent
native tradition was / is such that if you wanted / needed something, which
another chief / tribe had, you simply gathered your army and conducted a
raid. The cattle, women, food, etc. were then yours. (These being the
prized possessions of their 'evolutionary' period - and generally still
are). Savagery, selfishness, brutality, murder, violence, theft, corruption
etc. (these are our 'White', civilized definitions) are not faults in their
natural indigenous environment, but are essential components of the
survival skills that they have evolved in order to cope in their harsh and
unforgiving natural environment, which existed when they were discovered
by the Western world. Ignorant Whites who still believe that they can
'protect ' their future by voting [for 'the (white) opposition'] will soon
face the hard and brutal facts of Baboon-Africa.

Why do we have more concern for their suffering than their own people do ?
The images of starving or homeless children etc. are paraded in front of our
eyes as a means to access our eager (gullible, naïve) generosity - while
they themselves care very little. Somehow there is always an abundance of
money and aid [provided by our white liberal, humanist traitors] for food,
medicine, arms, corruption and bribery etc. to ensure that they stay in
power, because the natives of Africa cannot govern, or look after their own
people in these modern times. Most of their children have been abandoned
or orphaned as a result of their primitive characteristics (brutality,
self-interest, violence, etc.). Any aid received is usually stolen, sold on
the black market, wasted or misappropriated. They constantly wail and
moan about human rights, equality, discrimination, apartheid etc. when they
themselves rule through savagery, brutality, violence, intimidation and
corruption. They are so intolerant that it extends down to deadly tribal
clashes - even existing today between many tribes. They do not share the
generosity or charity of the Whites especially in times of shortages
(a permanent feature of Africa now, due to overpopulation).

They have however become masters at the art of manipulating the
weaknesses (naïve, eager generosity) of the Whites by making full use
of our charitable 'religious principles' and the much-misunderstood notion
of 'equality'. Any notion of the equality of man, race, species or anything
else in nature is absurd. Not even identical twins are born equal.
If equality were a reality, then God would not have created different races,
kinds and species. Even more absurd is the misconception that this
'equality' between races can be achieved through education. If education
could override evolved creation, then anyone could be 'taught' to be a
Da Vinci, Newton, Einstein, Von Braun, Mozart or Beethoven etc. or
one could 'teach' a Donkey to eventually become a Racehorse.
Education will never be the 'remedy' or 'substitute' for less intelligent
races ! The (false) concept of 'religious equality' has been subverted,
distorted and (mis)used as a successful tool mainly by communists and
liberals (who also completely infiltrated and influenced the churches),
to de-stabilize the colonies and mixed societies (the so-called freedom
struggles etc.) so they themselves could secretly gain a strategic
advantage in order to attain power in government (conquer by
subversion and revolution). This misconstrued and unbiblical version
of 'equality' was eagerly embraced by the indoctrinated populace,
namely : by the ignorant, the gullible, the naïve, by humanists, by
liberals, the selfish and the greedy. Pre-Adamites
(created before Adam) and Adamites are not equal before God.
No Pre-Adamites will be judged, - but only Adam's descendants.

Another misconstrued and abused concept created by communists and
liberals is the term 'Racism'. It is very natural for groups, with similar
backgrounds, cultures and interests, to have an affinity for each other and
to congregate and associate along these lines. Natural seperation occurs as
much amongst a group of mixed nationality or mixed interest white group as
it does amongst a mixed native or white / native group. However, when
seperation happens between Whites and other races, then suddenly it is no
longer natural, but racist ! Why are there no quotas, affirmative action
etc. for Whites or for the other nationalities, races and ethnic groups ?
Why only for blacks ?
A joke may be made about the Irish, Australian, French, etc. - in fact
anyone other than a black race or nationality - this is then suddenly
racist ! This is just another component of the concerted effort to instill
a guilt complex on the Western / White race, to disguise the inability of
the primitive native races to cope in the developed western environment
and to force us to alter our environment so that they can cope, or to give
them the benefits regardless of whether they cope or contribute or not.
Why is it acceptable to have black unions, black business associations etc,
or for blacks to dominate certain sports such as basketball ? (Rightly so,
since they have the best attributes and skills for these activities - just
as it is right for other groups with different attributes and skills to
dominate their fields which suit them). They are suspiciously quiet about
the teams not being representative of the USA etc. - no quotas asked for
here ! Louis Farrakan is entitled to such opinion (ask any black) but a
white person is not entitled to these same opinions. This would suddenly
be called racist. - Why ?! As soon as any similar situation is reversed,
then it is suddenly labeled Racist ! What happened to OUR rights to
freedom of association ?
Just as the disabled person requires a permit / sticker to get preferential
parking, access etc. - So should anyone else, requiring preferential
treatment in the modern educated Western world, admit that they cannot
cope with the normal western environment - and fairly also wear the
badge of their disability (inferior intelligence) ! If they were truly
equal then this would not be necessary after all !

At first, slavery / racism was to blame for an inability to cope and/or
achieve in the technologically advanced environment of the western world.
When 'racism' was substituted and they were granted 'equal access' or
'equal opportunity' (the only right anyone naturally should have) and still
could not cope, the cry suddenly changed to 'affirmative action'. Now,
those that have equal access, affirmative action and education, but still
fail to achieve, demand that they be given the qualifications / positions /
benefits etc. regardless (Quota's etc.), or that the standards suddenly
be revised / reduced, resorting to violence, arson and destruction etc.
(animal instinct) to enforce their absurd demands, or simply obtain
'credentials' / 'certificates' through fraudulent means. The proliferation
of fraudulent certificates, degrees, diplomas, driver's licenses and now
even pilots licenses is ample proof, while in S.A. our honest White
matriculants cannot find any jobs because our white liberal traitors will
see to it that their 'disadvantaged' (dumb) fellow primates get the jobs
first by any means possible !

The Soccer World Cup bid by South Africa is another example of the
strategy of using guilt to achieve their goals. With claims of "it is our
turn", 'racism', etc. and a total disregard for the technical quality of the
other bids, they try to force acceptance of theirs. England lost out
through a few hooligans, but the World is expected to ignore the violence,
murderous anarchy and high crime in Southern Africa. Even a halfwit can
see where the projections of current trends of crime, violence, rape, aids,
instability and corruption etc. lead to in 2010.
Only a fool would commit to an event of this scale in the distant future in
such an unstable, deteriorating and mismanaged environment. Just as after
any other lost election, there is no acceptance of the process or outcome,
nor any dignity in defeat. We should be grateful however, that they have
not initiated an armed ('freedom') struggle against the world soccer body,
Germany or New Zealand for that matter. The attacks on busses by the
taxi associations (and on each other) are another example of Baboon-
African 'Free Enterprise'. Who needs advertising or competition when
you have got an AK 47 ?
The quality of government is a reflection of the collective intelligence of
the electorate - Just a cursory look around Africa will explain what you
are dealing with. After demanding 'freedom' etc. they destroy their own
country, kill some Whites and then flood illegally into other countries to
screw them up as well (usually Western countries run by the Whites which
they despise and so eagerly call 'racist'). I may have equal access and
rights to the Arctic, but I will never be an Eskimo ! If I should try, and
not be able to cope with the demands of the arctic environment - do I have
the right to demand that the environment be changed to compensate for my
inabilities ? Or that other competent Eskimos be excluded so that I may
appear to be excelling. Then if this is not done - to claim that I am then
the victim of racism, discrimination or otherwise been unfairly

Should I contract AIDS through my inability to control my sexual urges,
or when I am a drug addict - do I then have the right to demand free
medication and treatment - paid for with hard earned tax money ?
What about those with other illnesses, which are not self-inflicted,
- will this benefit be extended to them as well, or are they now happy to
again blatantly discriminate, as long as it benefits them ? Are the
pharmaceutical companies going to give the same consideration to all
the ill people of the world, or do they consider the lives and health of
non-Aids sufferers to be of lesser value ? Aids is a self-inflicted and
self eradicating disease. Nature is cleansing the planet of deviants,
evolutionary retards and parasites by restoring the balance which we
have disturbed. Just let nature run its course ! Yet we still find a pile
of loathsome (white) liberals who insist to continually save as many as
possible of their dark, native 'fellow (sub)human beings' (baboon-friends)
as they can, even if their numbers run far into the hundreds of millions,
while the Whites in Africa are only a few million.
While many White children are becoming poorer each day, our typical
white liberal traitor only chooses to adopt and feed yet another Aids-
Infected native infant ! Liberals are quick to lecture about your 'moral
duties' - about giving your money to their 'valid cause' ! Why are our
spineless liberal 'Aids activists' not instructing their ('equals' /
'beloved') Aids-Infected native women (endangered game) not to get
pregnant, instead of demanding that millions more of our tax money
are wasted on free Aids treatment ?!

If I insisted on working in a nuclear physics research environment but
understood little of nuclear physics - should I demand that they revise
their entrance requirements or maybe restrict all research only to the basic
elements ? Why then, when certain groups fail to score as high as other
groups, on the tests designed to access suitability for the technological
Western environment, such as I.Q. etc. - do they claim that these tests are
discriminatory and racist, and demand that they be revised ?! The same
applies to Western educational institutions designed to prepare one for the
demands of an advanced technological age. The list of examples of these
anomalies is endless, yet we accept them daily without question. Just
imagine your life in the (incompetent) hands of a so-called 'qualified'
black (HIV+) paramedic !
It is amazing how frequently the term 'DEMAND' is used by groups that
have contributed little to, or even hindered the progress of Modern
Civilization. Even more unbelievable is how willing we are to consent to
such demands, no matter how ludicrous ! Thereby hindering our own
progress even further. Instead of moving forward with our own culture
and development, our time and efforts are being consumed by efforts to
alter our society / environment to accommodate those who are foreign
to it, and who do not contribute to it. Is this an attempt to slow down
our progress, in the hope that primitive ('less evolved' / less intelligent)
groups can catch up ? Any environment or group, to which they are
not suited or are unable to achieve in, is simply and conveniantly
branded as discriminatory and racist.

Consider the following scenario : A genetically similar, but
technologically superior alien race arrives on our planet and promptly
replaces all our familiar technology with theirs and alter our environment
with new transport, construction and farming techniques etc.
Our language and written communication is replaced with telepathy.
This technology works on principles which we are not yet able to
conceptualize. All control is achieved by means of mental telepathy etc.
and a careless thought results in damage or catastrophe. They also
replace all the familiar laws, rules and religious principles with their
own, the transgression of which results in swift retribution.
All the necessary educational institutions are provided - where all
lectures are presented telepathically on the assumption that we have
evolved sufficiently to grasp their concepts. They then unanimously
decide that we are their 'equals' and charge us with the responsibility
for this new environment. If anyone of them suddenly protests that we
are not prepared (developed) for the task, the complainants are then
told that they are simply 'racist'. How competent would we actually
be in such a new advanced environment ? How frustrated ?
-- 'Fish Out Of Water' perhaps ? - Such is the equivalent experience
of the primitive native groups.

Unless we accept that we are naturally created different, (even
genetically - hence the easy identification of race by forensics) that we
have different needs and that we are not all comfortable, suited to, or
able to cope in the same environment - we cannot hope to avoid conflict.
We need to stop forcing a foreign environment on others and above all
stop trying to adopt a culture which is unnatural, and then complain that
they are disadvantaged. All the valid genetic, physiological and
psychological studies that have been done which highlight and prove the
differences between the races have been covered up as 'discriminatory'
and 'racist' by our (white) liberal 'educators'. How much longer are we
going to paint over hard facts (and the truth) with the filthy brush of
liberalism, humanism and 'political correctness' ?!

There will always be 'exceptions' in any ethnic group. Usually these are
paraded as proof of 'equality' without focusing attention on the amount of
hidden white (intelligent) blood already secretly flowing through the veins
of these so-called 'black achievers'. Most of them are in fact not so 'pure
black' as they claim to be. However, neither nature, race, species nor
evolution is governed by exceptions. Which exception or oddball's
characteristics would determine the environment for the rest of us ?
The Whites do not hold up Da Vinci, Newton, Einstein, Mozart nor
Beethoven, etc. as examples of Joe Average ! Who can the native
races hold up as equal great achievers of their time ?!

Any suitable environment will always be governed by, and evolve to the
average requirements of a particular group or species. Forced adaptation
of our environment in an attempt to accommodate these primitive native
races will simply retard western progress. Just consider the contribution
to western progress and lifestyle the trillions of dollars (squandered in
Africa in the futile attempts to drag them into the modern era) could have
made, - these were our tax dollars ! Any attempt to create a single
environment for everyone will of necessity be a retrograde step, and
result in it not being ideally suited to anyone - resulting in feelings of
discrimination and eventually conflict. Only a fool defies the laws of
nature. If they insist on trying to impersonate the western culture then it
must simply be a case of 'swim or sink' or 'fit in or F.O'. We must not
sacrifice our identity or allow our race / identity to be swamped by
foreign entities because of our generosity !
We must not allow our unique race / identity to become extinct /
hybridized by means of interbreeding with other races.
The mixing of race is always eagerly glorified by our liberal 'leaders'.
We must now apply our efforts to cultivate our inborn White
Nationalism so that we may re-claim our own land, improve our own
environment and culture for ourselves and not allow our progress and
future to be hijacked by filthy, shrewd humanistic (white) liberals who
are in fact the hidden power source behind their beloved primitive
sub-human, parasitic masses. How much longer are we going to
tolerate the loathsome (white) humanist liberal scum amongst us ?!

The concept of 'racism' was created to avoid the myth of 'equality' being
exposed. Remember this document the next time you see a strike / march
or demonstration by a (parasitic) 'disadvantaged' group, trying to force
their demands and opinion on you, or demanding that you hand over your
resources for them to squander, while they refuse to pay for basic services,
- dragging municipal councils into millions rands of debt. It is Western
exploration, science and conquest that have revealed the world to itself.
Native races feel like subjects of western power long after colonialism,
imperialism, and slavery have disappeared. The charge of racism puzzles
Whites who feel not hostility, but only baffled good will, because they
don't grasp what it really means, namely humiliation. The White Man
presents an image of superiority even when he isn't conscious of it -
and superiority excites envy, which is exploited behind the scenes by
liberal forces.

Slowly destroying White (Christian) Civilization [by promoting 'equality'
(interbreeding), 'freedom' (moral decay - the degradation of the White Race)
and the secret incitement of Blacks against Whites (conquer by revolution)]
is the innermost desire of the satanic league of the Illuminati [the secret
One-World Government], by making use of all their planted (selected)
liberal agents (white race-traitors) in every level of our society [namely :
politicians and law makers, churches and ministers, bankers and
businessmen, entertainers and musicians, television, radio, the media,
editors, universities and lecturers, schools, headmasters and teachers,
cultural and religious groups, social and religious leaders] to create,
install and indoctrinate the Universal Fallacy (liberal motto) into every
mind (including our children), namely : "Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood
and Democracy" - This became one of the major universal (satanic)
slogans of our age.

Liberals are/cause the rot in society by eagerly preaching the concepts of
Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood, One (rainbow) Nation, One in Christ,
shamelessly glorifying race-mixing even in the churches - done 'in the name
of Jesus', while Christ Himself hates the teaching of Baalam (race-mixing)
in Rev. 2:14 referring to Num. 25:1-8 and Num. 31:9-17. Liberals are
very eager to help, support, sponsor, feed and care for any other race
except poor Whites which they despise. A liberal will nail you when you
injure or kill a black criminal by accusing you of assaulting his/her
'fellow man' without just cause. Liberals will see to it that you spend
your money on all their 'valid' causes. Liberals are the secret source
of financing, power, intellect, organisation and invention behind
Communism, Humanism, Corrupt Laws, Liberal Politics, 'Black
Struggles', Black Upliftment, Affirmative Action, 'Human Rights', Riots,
Anti-Aids (save-the-baboon) Campaigns, Liberal Propaganda in the
Media and Advertising, Liberal Education, Liberal 'Freedom'
(moral decay) and the (liberal) Christian Churches [who they influenced,
infiltrated and conquered long-ago] preaching Liberal Theology
(Unity Doctrine), being bigots by refusing to preach and act
(actively campaign) against the rampant moral decay. Being a direct
cause of all the crime it is now our spineless, two-faced liberals
(who also voted "YES" twice) who legally practice 'apartheid' by
suddenly developing closed-off security residential villages, living
inside their secure castles, surrounded by walls, barbed wire and
electrical fences - trying to keep out their barbaric black 'fellows'.

It is high time to use your own superiour brain and to start thinking for
yourself by asking questions about the future of your children, instead of
being told what to believe and how and what to think - blindly accepting
liberal trash as truth ! Wake up White Man, for it is you who are truly
being misled, victimized and oppressed ! Look out and learn to identify all
the humanist liberal traitors (baboon-lovers) amongst you. Then write down
their names and addresses, keep it in a safe place to be used for exposing
them in the future, for they are your (and your children's) true and
foremost hidden enemy and the real reason behind your oppression ! It is
not a question IF a civil war will break out, but WHEN ! Only our naïve,
spineless liberals wouldn't ever expect a civil war in their 'New Rainbow
Paradise' where they will be rounded up and rooted out like weeds !

We, the White Colonists wish to make a confession ; We confess our sins
against the black people of Africa (and those of our forefathers), which are
outlined in detail below :
1. We apologize for introducing civilization to them, for giving them
doctors, hospitals, medical services, immunization and modern medicine that
enabled them to survive famine, plagues, disasters and caused them to
multiply into uncountable numbers.
2. We apologize for teaching them to read and write an European language
and even for putting their own languages down in writing for them. We even
taught them science and mathematics (we tried), and built hundreds (if not
thousands) of schools for them, even rebuilding and repairing same again and
again, when they burnt them down or vandalized them too many times.
3. We apologize for designing and building factories and shops, which gave
them work. We apologize for taking them into our homes to work, giving
them food and even paying, helping, providing and accomodating them and
their families.
4. We apologize for building farms out of barren bush and vegetable
gardens from which we fed them - things they never had before.
5. We apologize for giving them decent clothes and shoes instead of leaving
them in their animal skins they wore before we found them wandering
aimlessly around the plains, mountains and valleys not having evolved /
developed sufficiently to invent even the wheel or the written language or
money or how to cultivate the soil.
6. We apologize for (providing the knowledge of) extracting minerals from
below the earth, minerals which had always been there but
were unknown to these native inhabitants. We apologize for creating mining
jobs and for paying them to work in these mines.
7. We apologize for those among us who established charities to feed and
clothe them while they themselves never knew, and still not know, the
meaning of charity, not forgetting the Bible and the Ten Commandments
which we tried to teach them (all in vain).
8. We apologize for designing and building a network of modern roads all
over the country which they now (mis)use to give Africa one of the highest
road accident rates in the world. We also apologize for the automobile
which we introduced to them.
9. We apologize for designing and building huge dams which keep them
supplied with fresh water, even in times of drought.
10. We apologize for introducing them to modern construction techniques
which enabled them to move out of the mud and grass structures which they
copied from bird's nests, not forgetting radio, television and modern
communication which we gave them too.
11. We apologize for paying the lion's greatest share of our country's tax
burden while spending the least of it upon ourselves.
For all these above 'evil sins' we most humbly beg forgiveness, and if they
will only accept our apologies, we will gladly take back all of the
abovementioned 'evil gifts' and leave these 'clever', dark races where and
as we found them ages ago !
Re: Mugabe heeft gelijk, blanken moeten het land teruggeven [boodskap #80697 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #80696] Sat, 19 July 2003 20:35 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Sterrenkijker  is tans af-lyn  Sterrenkijker
Boodskappe: 654
Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On Sat, 19 Jul 2003 21:10:02 +0200, "Andries Joubert"

> From: "John Smith"
> Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2003 17:57:01 +0200
> &
> Is the term "White Man" an abomination, forbidden, a curse or a sin?
> When did the responsibility for the 'evolution', help, provision and
> development of the native African people (and the other primitive races)
> become the responsibility of the First World, and the Whites in particular?
---etsetera, etsetera---

Hé, ou dier, sou jy nie 'n bietjie Afrikaans kan praat nie?
Ek het probleme met jou teks, ou.., probleme!!! Dit lees nie lekker

Norbert (uit Vlaandere)
Afrikaans lees en skryf [boodskap #80701 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #80697] Sun, 20 July 2003 07:18 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Ron McGregor  is tans af-lyn  Ron McGregor
Boodskappe: 24
Geregistreer: August 1998
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Sterrenkijker wrote (aan iemand anders!!)

> Hé, ou dier, sou jy nie 'n bietjie Afrikaans kan praat nie?
> Ek het probleme met jou teks, ou.., probleme!!! Dit lees nie lekker
> nie!

Kan enige iemand vir my aub verduidelik hoe om kappies, deeltekens, ens te
tik? Of is my keyboard net Engelsmagtig? Hoort nie so te wees nie, want dis
erens in die Verre-Ooste vervaardig.

Antwoord aub direk aan my e-pos , want ek is nie by
bovernaamde nuusgroepe ingeteken nie. Ek sien net die "cross-postings" wat
op soc.culture.zimbabwe verskyn.

Dankie by voorbaat.

Ron McGregor
Re: Mugabe heeft gelijk, blanken moeten het land teruggeven [boodskap #80715 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #80697] Sun, 20 July 2003 14:19 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
bouer  is tans af-lyn  bouer
Boodskappe: 4791
Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
"Sterrenkijker" wrote in message

>> From: "John Smith"
>> Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2003 17:57:01 +0200
>> &

> H�, ou dier, sou jy nie 'n bietjie Afrikaans kan praat nie?
> Ek het probleme met jou teks, ou.., probleme!!! Dit lees nie lekker
> nie!
> Norbert (uit Vlaandere)

Ja-nee, Norbert, so gaan dit nou maar aan in die kringe van die
mense wat dink hulle pienk velle met bruin spikkeltjies op gee
hulle die reg om te dink dat hulle so die uitverkore volk is. Die
snaaksste van die hele sakie is dat hulle knaend Engels wil praat,
al kla hulle steen en been van hoe die Engelse hulle grond afgevat
het en hulle taal probeer uitroei het aan die begin van die
twintigste eeu, en hoe die huidige regime in SA ook vir Afrikaans
probeer uitroei. Maar die enigste bedreiging kom van hulself
af, wat gedurig Engels praat, en as hulle Afrikaans skryf, dit met
sulke swak spelling en grammatika doen, dat mens moet glo dat
Afrikaans sal uitsterf as jy kyk na hoe Afrikaans gehandhaaf
word deur die wit rassiste in SA.

Tant Hessie (uit Kanada)
Re: Afrikaans lees en skryf [boodskap #80722 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #80701] Sun, 20 July 2003 17:14 Na vorige boodskap
Sterrenkijker  is tans af-lyn  Sterrenkijker
Boodskappe: 654
Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On Sun, 20 Jul 2003 09:18:35 +0200, "Ron McGregor"

> Kan enige iemand vir my aub verduidelik hoe om kappies, deeltekens, ens te
> tik? Of is my keyboard net Engelsmagtig? Hoort nie so te wees nie, want dis
> erens in die Verre-Ooste vervaardig.
> Antwoord aub direk aan my e-pos , want ek is nie by
> bovernaamde nuusgroepe ingeteken nie. Ek sien net die "cross-postings" wat
> op soc.culture.zimbabwe verskyn.
> Dankie by voorbaat.
> Ron McGregor

Ek weet nie of dit by jou sou kan werk. Ek het 'n Belgies toetsbord en
dit is baie universeel (behalwe Noorse en Sweedse tekens). Maar daar
bestaan ook 'n programma in Windows waaruit jy daai tekens direk uit
kan kopieer. Hierdie programma heet by my "Speciale Tekens" (in
Nederlands) dus ek glo dit sal by jou wel 'Special Characters' wees.
Daar is ook 'n moontlikheid om dit regstreeks te doen. Moet eens
ALT + 0234 ; dit gee ê
ALT + 0235 ; dit gee ë
ALT + 0233 ; dit gee é
ALT + 0232 ; dit gee è
Jy sal wel sien: daar is 'n ganse reeks van tekens. Soek maar uit
welke jy nodig het.


Norbert (uit Vlaandere)

(Sit jy rêrig "behind bars"? Agter die tralies? In die tronk? Hoe is
die lewe daar?)
Vorige onderwerp: Dankie tog vir die aartappel
Volgende onderwerp: Solidariteit en die SAKP
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