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Tuis » Lekker » Humor & grappe » grappie
- grappie [boodskap #74114] Fri, 28 February 2003 12:42
Threeships Mcduck  is tans af-lyn  Threeships Mcduck
Boodskappe: 244
Geregistreer: June 2002
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
One morning while making breakfast, Gatiep walked up to Maraai and
klapped her on her boud and said, "Ek se, ou Dikkes, if you firmed
this up we could get rid of your girdle, ne?"
She just gave him the evil eye and replied with silence.
The next morning Gatiep woke Maraai with a pinch on the breast and
said,"Dolly Parton, if you firmed these up we could get rid of your
This was beyond a silent response, so she rolled over and grabbed him
by his manhood. With a death grip in place she said, "Jy weet ou
Slappes, if you firmed this up we could get rid of the postman, the
gardener, your neighbour, the plumber, the pool man en jou broer,n

Threeships Mcduck
Vorige onderwerp: Growwe Grap - Onder 18's hou verby
Volgende onderwerp: Grappie
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