Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Glas, glas, glas ...
Glas, glas, glas ... [boodskap #71284] |
Sat, 04 January 2003 10:58 |
Boodskappe: 723 Geregistreer: January 2004
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Glas, glas, stukke glas orals.
Gebreekte bottels (ex-misielle) in Hillbrow,
glas op ons strande, in ons parke en zoos (sommige parke is zoos),
glas in my (woongebied) straat (roekeloos uitgegooi vanaf 'n verbygaande
Hoekom het hierdie alkoholiese drank houers nie 'n terugkeer (deposito)
waarde nie? Daar moet 'n ekonomiese waarde wees vir gebruikte (herwinbare)
glas? Daar is suksesvolle besighede wat kuns en funksionele glas voorwerpe
skep van afval.
Hoekom nie die bottel fabriek (verskaffers/bemarkers) skuldig maak nie? Vir
die ekonomiese (opruiming vir toerisme), fisies (beserings) en omgewings
Wat van strenger toegansbeheer by publieke areas - GEEN glas houers! Daar is
'n wet teen die drink (van alkohol) in die publiek, maar niks word gedoen
oor die aksie/s daarna nie wat op wetelose vandalisme (breek van
glasbottels) ly nie.
Waar sal ons begin? Vergeet die opvoedingsaksie. Prosedeer die varke! OF hou
bottels heel, gee dit in vir 'n deposito vir hergebruik of herwinning.
People think of glass as one of the "true recyclables" along with newspapers
and aluminum and steel cans, but changes in the economics of recycling and
recycling collection systems have removed glass from that list in many
American communities.
Rather than let glass bottles return to the waste stream, some communities
are trying other means of glass recovery. While bottle-to-bottle recycling
may not be feasible in some areas, crushed bottle glass is being used in
asphalt, concrete, septic system filters, flooring material and other
engineering and building applications.
Reduce, re-use and recycle. Recycle waste material into useable products.
Glass is 100 percent recyclable. Household bottles and jars are made from a
melted mixture of silica (sand), soda ash and limestone. Glass manufacturers
can use your old glass in this process.
Sources: Internet
glass recycling : an industry perspective
The recovery and recycling of used glass containers has always been of
critical importance to Consol Glass. Over the past years it has invested a
great deal of finance and staffing in ensuring that glass recycling moves
forward from strength to strength. As part of its social responsibility and
community development programmes Consol is committed to ensuring that
recycling of glass continues to benefit entrepreneurs throughout Southern
Africa. The reasons for this are both environmental and financial as
outlined below:
Conserves our irreplaceable natural resources
Although the ingredients of glass are plentiful they cannot be replaced.
Cullet allows the glass manufacturers to supplement these raw materials at
rates varying between 25 - 70 %. Glass is 100% recyclable.
Saves energy through lower melting temperatures
Reduction in energy costs as cullet melts at a lower temperature. The
factories therefore require less oil etc to melt the same quantities of
Conserves landfill space
Reduction in energy costs as cullet melts at a lower temperature. The
factories therefore require less oil etc to melt the same quantities of
Conserves landfill space
Glass is estimated at comprising 4.5% of the waste stream. Recycling this
valuable product allows for the better management of landfill sites, which
in turn will benefit the lifespan of the site.
Reduces litter
Entrepreneurs collect glass containers off the street which have been
improperly disposed of by the user.
Has educational value
Our children will grow up in the recycling way - caring for their
environment and fellow mankind.
Is linked to job creation and income generation
Unemployed persons are able to provide an informal income by way of
collecting and selling the glass to the processor. No capital outlay or
formal qualifications are necessary to collect this glass.
Generates funding for charities, schools, and welfare organisations
These organisations are remunerated for glass collected from their depots.
This funding is often utilised to purchase much needed computers and other
An amazing fact about using cullet (recycled glass) is that there are no
fusion losses in the melting process. In other words one ton of cullet will
generate the ability to remake one ton of bottles. In contrast it takes
approximately 1.2 tons virgin batch material to manufacture 1 ton of glass.
What is Recyclable Glass?
In essence all glass bottles and jars are recyclable through the glass
packaging furnaces. Plate/Flat glass is recyclable through other companies.
Materials that are not recyclable through Consol are:
Ceramic cups, plates and pottery
Clay garden pots
Laboratory glass
Crystal and opaque drinking glasses
Mirrors, windshields and window glass
Heat-resistant ovenware (for example, Pyrex or Visionware)
Light bulbs
Before recycled glass is melted, the following contamination is removed
through processing:
Ceramic and wire caps for beer bottles
Lead collars from wine and champagne bottles
Stones and dirt
Metal caps, lids and neck rings
Glass is collected throughout Southern Africa and bought by the Glass
Packaging Industry. For further information on your local collector/agent
please contact the Glass Recycling department on 011 874 0000. Collections
are performed through appointed agents. As part of an awareness initiative
stakeholders in glass recycling have invested in 1,200 bottle banks in urban
towns throughout South Africa to assist in domestic recoveries.
Consol's Involvement Consol Glass has many planned activities to aid in
increasing the volumes of recycled glass. Some of these are highlighted
Township Growth
There are currently 40 formal glass collecting agents in Gauteng townships
collecting no less than 500 tons per month. Through further investment and
links with government department Consol intends on providing more
entrepreneurial opportunities in growing this market to even greater
heights. Expansion into the Western Cape and Greater Durban areas are to be
Kerbside Collections
Consol will be analysing the possibility of performing domestic kerbside
collections. With the possibility of government legislation being imposed
onto glass separation at source may be implemented to assist.
Statistical Performance
Currently the Glass Packaging Industry, Consol Glass and Nampak Glass,
produces glass sales of 540,000 tons per annum. Of this around 105,000 tons
(20%) is recovered and recycled. A statistical graph at shows the historical trend
over the past 16 years.
Re: Glas, glas, glas ... [boodskap #71297 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #71284] |
Sat, 04 January 2003 17:32 |
Boodskappe: 2948 Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Jy kan jou bier bottels weer gaan inruil by die drankwinkel as jy wil, en
Consol Glass herwin glas, jy kan jou glas bottels bymekaar vat en dan na die
fabrieke vat waar hulle jou per kilogram betaal vir die glas wat jy aandra -
ongelukkig is ons net te lui, en dis te veel moeite. Moenie die fabrieke
blameer nie, blameer die lui Suid-Afrikaners.
Op die einde van die dag is dit elke ou se verantwoordelikheid om sy eie
rommel op te ruim as hy klaar gekuier het, daar's oral dromme beskikbaar, en
as daar nie is nie, tel jy nog steeds jou gemors op en gooi dit dan maar by
die huis weg. Dis tyd dat Suid-Afrikaaners (soos die Amerikaners) leer van
sortering en herwinning van rommel. Glas een kant, plastiek daai kant,
papier hierdie kant, as jy nie jou rommel sorteer nie, word jy beboet.
"TJ" Hoekom het hierdie alkoholiese drank houers nie 'n terugkeer (deposito)[/color]
> waarde nie? Daar moet 'n ekonomiese waarde wees vir gebruikte (herwinbare)
> glas? Daar is suksesvolle besighede wat kuns en funksionele glas voorwerpe
> skep van afval.
> Hoekom nie die bottel fabriek (verskaffers/bemarkers) skuldig maak nie? Vir
> die ekonomiese (opruiming vir toerisme), fisies (beserings) en omgewings
> skade.
Re: Glas, glas, glas ... [boodskap #71316 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #71284] |
Sun, 05 January 2003 02:24 |
Boodskappe: 2211 Geregistreer: February 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
TJ - jy wen my stem vir 'n praktiese en uitvoerbare voorstel.
(Waak egter teen die gebruik van die woordtjie "vark" - jy kan jou dalk in
slegte geselsskap bevind! ; -)) )
"TJ" skryf in boodskap news:3e16bea6$0$
> Glas, glas, stukke glas orals.
> Gebreekte bottels (ex-misielle) in Hillbrow,
> glas op ons strande, in ons parke en zoos (sommige parke is zoos),
> glas in my (woongebied) straat (roekeloos uitgegooi vanaf 'n verbygaande
> voertuig).
> Hoekom het hierdie alkoholiese drank houers nie 'n terugkeer (deposito)
> waarde nie? Daar moet 'n ekonomiese waarde wees vir gebruikte (herwinbare)
> glas? Daar is suksesvolle besighede wat kuns en funksionele glas voorwerpe
> skep van afval.
> Hoekom nie die bottel fabriek (verskaffers/bemarkers) skuldig maak nie? Vir
> die ekonomiese (opruiming vir toerisme), fisies (beserings) en omgewings
> skade.
> Wat van strenger toegansbeheer by publieke areas - GEEN glas houers! Daar is
> 'n wet teen die drink (van alkohol) in die publiek, maar niks word gedoen
> oor die aksie/s daarna nie wat op wetelose vandalisme (breek van
> glasbottels) ly nie.
> Waar sal ons begin? Vergeet die opvoedingsaksie. Prosedeer die varke! OF hou
> bottels heel, gee dit in vir 'n deposito vir hergebruik of herwinning.
> TJ
> ---
> People think of glass as one of the "true recyclables" along with newspapers
> and aluminum and steel cans, but changes in the economics of recycling and
> recycling collection systems have removed glass from that list in many
> American communities.
> Rather than let glass bottles return to the waste stream, some communities
> are trying other means of glass recovery. While bottle-to-bottle recycling
> may not be feasible in some areas, crushed bottle glass is being used in
> asphalt, concrete, septic system filters, flooring material and other
> engineering and building applications.
> Reduce, re-use and recycle. Recycle waste material into useable products.
> Glass is 100 percent recyclable. Household bottles and jars are made from a
> melted mixture of silica (sand), soda ash and limestone. Glass manufacturers
> can use your old glass in this process.
> Sources: Internet
> ---
> glass recycling : an industry perspective
> The recovery and recycling of used glass containers has always been of
> critical importance to Consol Glass. Over the past years it has invested a
> great deal of finance and staffing in ensuring that glass recycling moves
> forward from strength to strength. As part of its social responsibility and
> community development programmes Consol is committed to ensuring that
> recycling of glass continues to benefit entrepreneurs throughout Southern
> Africa. The reasons for this are both environmental and financial as
> outlined below:
> Conserves our irreplaceable natural resources
> Although the ingredients of glass are plentiful they cannot be replaced.
> Cullet allows the glass manufacturers to supplement these raw materials at
> rates varying between 25 - 70 %. Glass is 100% recyclable.
> Saves energy through lower melting temperatures
> Reduction in energy costs as cullet melts at a lower temperature. The
> factories therefore require less oil etc to melt the same quantities of
> glass.
> Conserves landfill space
> Reduction in energy costs as cullet melts at a lower temperature. The
> factories therefore require less oil etc to melt the same quantities of
> glass.
> Conserves landfill space
> Glass is estimated at comprising 4.5% of the waste stream. Recycling this
> valuable product allows for the better management of landfill sites, which
> in turn will benefit the lifespan of the site.
> Reduces litter
> Entrepreneurs collect glass containers off the street which have been
> improperly disposed of by the user.
> Has educational value
> Our children will grow up in the recycling way - caring for their
> environment and fellow mankind.
> Is linked to job creation and income generation
> Unemployed persons are able to provide an informal income by way of
> collecting and selling the glass to the processor. No capital outlay or
> formal qualifications are necessary to collect this glass.
> Generates funding for charities, schools, and welfare organisations
> These organisations are remunerated for glass collected from their depots.
> This funding is often utilised to purchase much needed computers and other
> equipment.
> An amazing fact about using cullet (recycled glass) is that there are no
> fusion losses in the melting process. In other words one ton of cullet will
> generate the ability to remake one ton of bottles. In contrast it takes
> approximately 1.2 tons virgin batch material to manufacture 1 ton of glass.
> What is Recyclable Glass?
> In essence all glass bottles and jars are recyclable through the glass
> packaging furnaces. Plate/Flat glass is recyclable through other companies.
> Materials that are not recyclable through Consol are:
> Ceramic cups, plates and pottery
> Clay garden pots
> Laboratory glass
> Crystal and opaque drinking glasses
> Mirrors, windshields and window glass
> Heat-resistant ovenware (for example, Pyrex or Visionware)
> Light bulbs
> Before recycled glass is melted, the following contamination is removed
> through processing:
> Ceramic and wire caps for beer bottles
> Lead collars from wine and champagne bottles
> Stones and dirt
> Metal caps, lids and neck rings
> Collections
> Glass is collected throughout Southern Africa and bought by the Glass
> Packaging Industry. For further information on your local collector/agent
> please contact the Glass Recycling department on 011 874 0000. Collections
> are performed through appointed agents. As part of an awareness initiative
> stakeholders in glass recycling have invested in 1,200 bottle banks in urban
> towns throughout South Africa to assist in domestic recoveries.
> Consol's Involvement Consol Glass has many planned activities to aid in
> increasing the volumes of recycled glass. Some of these are highlighted
> below:
> Township Growth
> There are currently 40 formal glass collecting agents in Gauteng townships
> collecting no less than 500 tons per month. Through further investment and
> links with government department Consol intends on providing more
> entrepreneurial opportunities in growing this market to even greater
> heights. Expansion into the Western Cape and Greater Durban areas are to be
> initiated.
> Kerbside Collections
> Consol will be analysing the possibility of performing domestic kerbside
> collections. With the possibility of government legislation being imposed
> onto glass separation at source may be implemented to assist.
> Statistical Performance
> Currently the Glass Packaging Industry, Consol Glass and Nampak Glass,
> produces glass sales of 540,000 tons per annum. Of this around 105,000 tons
> (20%) is recovered and recycled. A statistical graph at
> shows the historical trend
> over the past 16 years.
> Source:
Re: Glas, glas, glas ... [boodskap #71318 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #71297] |
Sun, 05 January 2003 02:31 |
Boodskappe: 2211 Geregistreer: February 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Elaine - hier in Pretoria gebeur die sortering van rommel op 'n ander
Op vullisverwyderingsdag kom tientalle ouens met hulle supermarktrollies en
gaan hulle deur elke vullistrollie op die sypaadtjie - hulle haal dan die
karton en papier daar uit.
Ek stem - twee of drie aparte rommelhouers kan baie help om herwinbare
materiaal te prosesseer.
"Elaine" skryf in boodskap
> Jy kan jou bier bottels weer gaan inruil by die drankwinkel as jy wil, en
> Consol Glass herwin glas, jy kan jou glas bottels bymekaar vat en dan na die
> fabrieke vat waar hulle jou per kilogram betaal vir die glas wat jy aandra -
> ongelukkig is ons net te lui, en dis te veel moeite. Moenie die fabrieke
> blameer nie, blameer die lui Suid-Afrikaners.
> Op die einde van die dag is dit elke ou se verantwoordelikheid om sy eie
> rommel op te ruim as hy klaar gekuier het, daar's oral dromme beskikbaar, en
> as daar nie is nie, tel jy nog steeds jou gemors op en gooi dit dan maar by
> die huis weg. Dis tyd dat Suid-Afrikaaners (soos die Amerikaners) leer van
> sortering en herwinning van rommel. Glas een kant, plastiek daai kant,
> papier hierdie kant, as jy nie jou rommel sorteer nie, word jy beboet.
> Groete
> Elaine
> "TJ" > Hoekom het hierdie alkoholiese drank houers nie 'n terugkeer (deposito)
>> waarde nie? Daar moet 'n ekonomiese waarde wees vir gebruikte (herwinbare)
>> glas? Daar is suksesvolle besighede wat kuns en funksionele glas voorwerpe
>> skep van afval.
>> Hoekom nie die bottel fabriek (verskaffers/bemarkers) skuldig maak nie?
> Vir
>> die ekonomiese (opruiming vir toerisme), fisies (beserings) en omgewings
>> skade.
Re: Glas, glas, glas ... [boodskap #71320 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #71318] |
Sun, 05 January 2003 06:11 |
davie davis[1]
Boodskappe: 696 Geregistreer: March 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
> "Elaine" wrote in message
>> Jy kan jou bier bottels weer gaan inruil by die drankwinkel as jy wil, en
>> Consol Glass herwin glas, jy kan jou glas bottels bymekaar vat en dan na
> die
>> fabrieke vat waar hulle jou per kilogram betaal vir die glas wat jy
> aandra -
Jy laat my dink Elaine, aan die ou wat by my gekla het omdat hy
R12000 per maand verdien, sy vrou 'n ander vyf duisend rand
en daarby kry hy ook vyf honderd rand per maand van die
drankwinkel vir empties. Steeds sukkel hy finansieël.
Re: Glas, glas, glas ... [boodskap #71324 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #71297] |
Sun, 05 January 2003 07:45 |
Boodskappe: 11112 Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid |
Ek hou baie van glas - ek versamel dit;))
Ry Nuwejaar op die pad van Hermanus terug Kaap toe en daar langs die pad
staan 'n bierbottel ewe netjies langs nie pad. Iemand moes dit goedgedink
het om die bottel daar te gaan plaas en miskien sou hy later terugkom om te
sien of iemand die bottel omgery het.
Glas is mooi en goed, en uistekende herwinbare materiaal.
Dis net die gebruikers wat van vooraf geskool moet word wat om met die
produk na gebruik te maak.
Daar is bitter baie mense wat se enigste inkomste is om lêe bottels in te
gee. Maar hulle kan niks doen as dit stukkend is nie., en
Dit is ook werklik onprakties om van mense te verwag om na Consul te ry om
die glasgoed daar af te lewer.
Veel eerder moet Consul en ander dergelike besighede houers by alle
straathoeke beskikbaar stel en 'n glasmonitor vergoed.
Sodoende is daar meer mense wat 'n inkomste het, daar is minder glas om TJ
te vervies, en die glasplekke kry baie meer glas in om te herwin.
"Elaine" skryf in boodskap
> Jy kan jou bier bottels weer gaan inruil by die drankwinkel as jy wil, en
> Consol Glass herwin glas, jy kan jou glas bottels bymekaar vat en dan na die
> fabrieke vat waar hulle jou per kilogram betaal vir die glas wat jy aandra -
> ongelukkig is ons net te lui, en dis te veel moeite. Moenie die fabrieke
> blameer nie, blameer die lui Suid-Afrikaners.
> Op die einde van die dag is dit elke ou se verantwoordelikheid om sy eie
> rommel op te ruim as hy klaar gekuier het, daar's oral dromme beskikbaar, en
> as daar nie is nie, tel jy nog steeds jou gemors op en gooi dit dan maar by
> die huis weg. Dis tyd dat Suid-Afrikaaners (soos die Amerikaners) leer van
> sortering en herwinning van rommel. Glas een kant, plastiek daai kant,
> papier hierdie kant, as jy nie jou rommel sorteer nie, word jy beboet.
> Groete
> Elaine
> "TJ" > Hoekom het hierdie alkoholiese drank houers nie 'n terugkeer (deposito)
>> waarde nie? Daar moet 'n ekonomiese waarde wees vir gebruikte (herwinbare)
>> glas? Daar is suksesvolle besighede wat kuns en funksionele glas voorwerpe
>> skep van afval.
>> Hoekom nie die bottel fabriek (verskaffers/bemarkers) skuldig maak nie?
> Vir
>> die ekonomiese (opruiming vir toerisme), fisies (beserings) en omgewings
>> skade.
Re: Glas, glas, glas ... [boodskap #71329 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #71316] |
Sun, 05 January 2003 10:04 |
Boodskappe: 306 Geregistreer: November 2002
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
> TJ
> Glas, glas, stukke glas orals.
> Vergeet die opvoedingsaksie. Prosedeer die varke! OF hou
> bottels heel, gee dit in vir 'n deposito vir hergebruik of herwinning.
TJ - jy wen my stem vir 'n praktiese en uitvoerbare voorstel.
(Waak egter teen die gebruik van die woordtjie "vark" - jy kan jou dalk
in slegte geselskap bevind! ; -)) )
Nee, daardie varke kan jy maar gerus prosedeer.
Ons plaasvarke distansieer ons van hulle :-)
Re: Glas, glas, glas ... [boodskap #71338 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #71316] |
Sun, 05 January 2003 14:22 |
Boodskappe: 193 Geregistreer: October 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
"Jonas" skryf in boodskap news:...
> TJ - jy wen my stem vir 'n praktiese en uitvoerbare voorstel.
> (Waak egter teen die gebruik van die *woordtjie *"vark" - jy kan jou dalk in
> slegte geselsskap bevind! ; -)) )
KinkY: dit moet woorjie wees, Jonas. En phark!
Maar ek stem dat daar gerus meer houers vir herwinbare weggooigoed kan
wees. Die vraag sou net wees hoe mens die stelsel implementeer kan
kry. Wie moet daarvoor verantwoordelik wees?
Hier in Newcastle is sulke houers vir die herwinnig van glas opgesit
en ek sien gereeld dat die houers oorloop! Dit word dus gebruik.
Re: Glas, glas, glas ... [boodskap #71339 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #71316] |
Sun, 05 January 2003 14:25 |
Boodskappe: 193 Geregistreer: October 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
"Jonas" skryf in boodskap news:...
> TJ - jy wen my stem vir 'n praktiese en uitvoerbare voorstel.
> (Waak egter teen die gebruik van die woordtjie "vark" - jy kan jou dalk in
> slegte geselsskap bevind! ; -)) )
KinkY: Skuus vir die vorige verkeerde boodskap. Net toe ek my ook
slim wil hou! Dit moet lees: WoorDjie! ;-)
Re: Glas, glas, glas ... [boodskap #71348 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #71318] |
Sun, 05 January 2003 15:52 |
Boodskappe: 2948 Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Ons het ook van hulle hier. Baie mense kla oor hulle, maar dis 'n manier van
geldmaak vir die arme skepsels wat nie werk het nie.
"Jonas" skryf in boodskap news:3e17995b$0$
> Elaine - hier in Pretoria gebeur die sortering van rommel op 'n ander
> grondslag.
> Op vullisverwyderingsdag kom tientalle ouens met hulle supermarktrollies en
> gaan hulle deur elke vullistrollie op die sypaadtjie - hulle haal dan die
> karton en papier daar uit.
> Ek stem - twee of drie aparte rommelhouers kan baie help om herwinbare
> materiaal te prosesseer.
Re: Glas, glas, glas ... [boodskap #71349 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #71320] |
Sun, 05 January 2003 15:53 |
Boodskappe: 2948 Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Jislaaik, as hy R500 vir empties kry drink hy vreeslik baie!!
"Davie Davis" wrote:
> Jy laat my dink Elaine, aan die ou wat by my gekla het omdat hy
> R12000 per maand verdien, sy vrou 'n ander vyf duisend rand
> en daarby kry hy ook vyf honderd rand per maand van die
> drankwinkel vir empties. Steeds sukkel hy finansieel.
> DD
Re: Glas, glas, glas ... [boodskap #71355 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #71324] |
Sun, 05 January 2003 16:09 |
Boodskappe: 2948 Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Ek het nou nie van die werkloses gepraat nie. Baie skole maak glasbottels
en blikkies bymekaar om te gaan inruil as deel van fondsinsameling - hoekom
plaas die skole dan nie 'n advertensie in die "local" koerantjie en vra vir
mense om hulle ongebruikte glas en blikke aan te dra nie?
Dis darem ook nie net Consol wat glas herwin nie, hulle was maar 'n
voorbeelde wat ek gebruik het, daar's 'n hele paar herwinningsfabrieke in
die land, maar ek hou van jou idee van 'n "glasmonitor".
Ek gebruik baie keer my glasbottels weer, ons is nie bierdrinkers nie, maar
ons het altyd 'n bietjie drank in die huis vir onsself (sal nou nie
skynheilig wees nie), en vir gaste. Ek sal bv. 'n leë (ronde) wynbottel in
warm seepwater sit om die "labels" maklik af te kry en gebruik dit dan as
koekroller, werk soos 'n bom. Net jammer my "koekrollers" verdwyn nogal
gereeld :)) Tequila bottels maak nogal mooi "vase", maak net seker jy spoel
die bottel ordentelik uit, anders vrek jou blomme. My kleinsussie maak
kershouers van ou glasbottels en sy maak nogal oulike versierings met
gekleurde sand en goete wat sy in en om die huis versamel; sy's ook lief
daarvoor om op glas te verf. Kyk maar net 'n bietjie rond en gebruik jou
verbeelding, jy sal altyd weer 'n "use" vir jou glasbottels kry.
"Annette" skryf in boodskap news:av8oai$cufoc$
> Ek hou baie van glas - ek versamel dit;))
> Ry Nuwejaar op die pad van Hermanus terug Kaap toe en daar langs die pad
> staan 'n bierbottel ewe netjies langs nie pad. Iemand moes dit goedgedink
> het om die bottel daar te gaan plaas en miskien sou hy later terugkom om te
> sien of iemand die bottel omgery het.
> Glas is mooi en goed, en uistekende herwinbare materiaal.
> Dis net die gebruikers wat van vooraf geskool moet word wat om met die
> produk na gebruik te maak.
> Daar is bitter baie mense wat se enigste inkomste is om lêe bottels in te
> gee. Maar hulle kan niks doen as dit stukkend is nie., en
> Dit is ook werklik onprakties om van mense te verwag om na Consul te ry om
> die glasgoed daar af te lewer.
> Veel eerder moet Consul en ander dergelike besighede houers by alle
> straathoeke beskikbaar stel en 'n glasmonitor vergoed.
> Sodoende is daar meer mense wat 'n inkomste het, daar is minder glas om TJ
> te vervies, en die glasplekke kry baie meer glas in om te herwin.
> Annette
Re: Glas, glas, glas ... [boodskap #71379 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #71284] |
Mon, 06 January 2003 06:10 |
Boodskappe: 1579 Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
TJ, jy vat die woorde so uit my mond uit! Nou die da, so op pad na die
binneland toe [jy ry reguit oos] dan blink die son op die weggegooide
bottels aan die kante van die pad soos die son daarop weerkaats. Dis al 'n
ding wat lankal krap. Kyk jy egter mooi na die bottels wat daar lê, dan is
dit 99,9% bottels wat nie 'n deposito op het nie. Jy sal nie maklik 'n
Coke of ander koeldrankbottel daar vind nie. Ook nie Quart-bierbottels nie
want daar is ook 'n deposito op en mens gooi nie geld weg nie. Die
kleiner bierbottels, soos dumpies, het g'n deposito nie en dit is dit wat by
die venster uitgegooi word.
Ek dink wel die vernatwoordelikheid lê direk by die biervervaardigers.
Plaas sê 'n R1 deposito op elke bier vir sy bottel [al word die bottel nie
twee keer gebruik soos met die dumpies nie] en gee vir die suiper sy R1
terug as hy die bottel terugbring, en ek waarborg jou ons gaan bitter skoon
paaie hê! Die mooi van die storie is dan dat niemand sy R1 gaan verloor as
hy dit so wil nie. Dit maak ook nie sy bier duurder nie....dit dwing hom
net om sy bottel te gaan ingee en as hy nie wil nie, sal daar gewillige
hande wees wat die bottels vinnig sal optel!
"TJ" skryf in boodskap news:3e16bea6$0$
> Glas, glas, stukke glas orals.
> Gebreekte bottels (ex-misielle) in Hillbrow,
> glas op ons strande, in ons parke en zoos (sommige parke is zoos),
> glas in my (woongebied) straat (roekeloos uitgegooi vanaf 'n verbygaande
> voertuig).
> Hoekom het hierdie alkoholiese drank houers nie 'n terugkeer (deposito)
> waarde nie? Daar moet 'n ekonomiese waarde wees vir gebruikte (herwinbare)
> glas? Daar is suksesvolle besighede wat kuns en funksionele glas voorwerpe
> skep van afval.
> Hoekom nie die bottel fabriek (verskaffers/bemarkers) skuldig maak nie? Vir
> die ekonomiese (opruiming vir toerisme), fisies (beserings) en omgewings
> skade.
> Wat van strenger toegansbeheer by publieke areas - GEEN glas houers! Daar is
> 'n wet teen die drink (van alkohol) in die publiek, maar niks word gedoen
> oor die aksie/s daarna nie wat op wetelose vandalisme (breek van
> glasbottels) ly nie.
> Waar sal ons begin? Vergeet die opvoedingsaksie. Prosedeer die varke! OF hou
> bottels heel, gee dit in vir 'n deposito vir hergebruik of herwinning.
> TJ
> ---
> People think of glass as one of the "true recyclables" along with newspapers
> and aluminum and steel cans, but changes in the economics of recycling and
> recycling collection systems have removed glass from that list in many
> American communities.
> Rather than let glass bottles return to the waste stream, some communities
> are trying other means of glass recovery. While bottle-to-bottle recycling
> may not be feasible in some areas, crushed bottle glass is being used in
> asphalt, concrete, septic system filters, flooring material and other
> engineering and building applications.
> Reduce, re-use and recycle. Recycle waste material into useable products.
> Glass is 100 percent recyclable. Household bottles and jars are made from a
> melted mixture of silica (sand), soda ash and limestone. Glass manufacturers
> can use your old glass in this process.
> Sources: Internet
> ---
> glass recycling : an industry perspective
> The recovery and recycling of used glass containers has always been of
> critical importance to Consol Glass. Over the past years it has invested a
> great deal of finance and staffing in ensuring that glass recycling moves
> forward from strength to strength. As part of its social responsibility and
> community development programmes Consol is committed to ensuring that
> recycling of glass continues to benefit entrepreneurs throughout Southern
> Africa. The reasons for this are both environmental and financial as
> outlined below:
> Conserves our irreplaceable natural resources
> Although the ingredients of glass are plentiful they cannot be replaced.
> Cullet allows the glass manufacturers to supplement these raw materials at
> rates varying between 25 - 70 %. Glass is 100% recyclable.
> Saves energy through lower melting temperatures
> Reduction in energy costs as cullet melts at a lower temperature. The
> factories therefore require less oil etc to melt the same quantities of
> glass.
> Conserves landfill space
> Reduction in energy costs as cullet melts at a lower temperature. The
> factories therefore require less oil etc to melt the same quantities of
> glass.
> Conserves landfill space
> Glass is estimated at comprising 4.5% of the waste stream. Recycling this
> valuable product allows for the better management of landfill sites, which
> in turn will benefit the lifespan of the site.
> Reduces litter
> Entrepreneurs collect glass containers off the street which have been
> improperly disposed of by the user.
> Has educational value
> Our children will grow up in the recycling way - caring for their
> environment and fellow mankind.
> Is linked to job creation and income generation
> Unemployed persons are able to provide an informal income by way of
> collecting and selling the glass to the processor. No capital outlay or
> formal qualifications are necessary to collect this glass.
> Generates funding for charities, schools, and welfare organisations
> These organisations are remunerated for glass collected from their depots.
> This funding is often utilised to purchase much needed computers and other
> equipment.
> An amazing fact about using cullet (recycled glass) is that there are no
> fusion losses in the melting process. In other words one ton of cullet will
> generate the ability to remake one ton of bottles. In contrast it takes
> approximately 1.2 tons virgin batch material to manufacture 1 ton of glass.
> What is Recyclable Glass?
> In essence all glass bottles and jars are recyclable through the glass
> packaging furnaces. Plate/Flat glass is recyclable through other companies.
> Materials that are not recyclable through Consol are:
> Ceramic cups, plates and pottery
> Clay garden pots
> Laboratory glass
> Crystal and opaque drinking glasses
> Mirrors, windshields and window glass
> Heat-resistant ovenware (for example, Pyrex or Visionware)
> Light bulbs
> Before recycled glass is melted, the following contamination is removed
> through processing:
> Ceramic and wire caps for beer bottles
> Lead collars from wine and champagne bottles
> Stones and dirt
> Metal caps, lids and neck rings
> Collections
> Glass is collected throughout Southern Africa and bought by the Glass
> Packaging Industry. For further information on your local collector/agent
> please contact the Glass Recycling department on 011 874 0000. Collections
> are performed through appointed agents. As part of an awareness initiative
> stakeholders in glass recycling have invested in 1,200 bottle banks in urban
> towns throughout South Africa to assist in domestic recoveries.
> Consol's Involvement Consol Glass has many planned activities to aid in
> increasing the volumes of recycled glass. Some of these are highlighted
> below:
> Township Growth
> There are currently 40 formal glass collecting agents in Gauteng townships
> collecting no less than 500 tons per month. Through further investment and
> links with government department Consol intends on providing more
> entrepreneurial opportunities in growing this market to even greater
> heights. Expansion into the Western Cape and Greater Durban areas are to be
> initiated.
> Kerbside Collections
> Consol will be analysing the possibility of performing domestic kerbside
> collections. With the possibility of government legislation being imposed
> onto glass separation at source may be implemented to assist.
> Statistical Performance
> Currently the Glass Packaging Industry, Consol Glass and Nampak Glass,
> produces glass sales of 540,000 tons per annum. Of this around 105,000 tons
> (20%) is recovered and recycled. A statistical graph at
> shows the historical trend
> over the past 16 years.
> Source:
Re: Glas, glas, glas ... [boodskap #71382 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #71379] |
Mon, 06 January 2003 07:56 |
Boodskappe: 723 Geregistreer: January 2004
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Hoor, hoor - maar hul (die regering?) moet dit wet (verpligtend) maak dat al
die bottels moet teruggeneem word deur die verskaffer teen die verskaffer se
Oorsee maak hul dit verpligtend op elektroniese toerusting en so meer dat
die verskaffers moet opdok en sorg dat items amper 100% herwin word of hul
moet betaal vir die skade.
Jy is reg - die koeldrankbottels word nie stukkend gegooi nie - daar is 'n
les (boodskap) hier/daar en dis waarom ek veral verwys het na die
alkoholiese drankies se bottels.
Re: Glas, glas, glas ... [boodskap #71388 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #71382] |
Mon, 06 January 2003 08:55 |
Boodskappe: 11112 Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid |
Hoekom moet ons wag dat die regering die mense dwing om te doen wat hulle
vanself behoort te doen?
"TJ" skryf in boodskap news:3e1936e2$0$
> Hoor, hoor - maar hul (die regering?) moet dit wet (verpligtend) maak dat al
> die bottels moet teruggeneem word deur die verskaffer teen die verskaffer se
> koste.
> Oorsee maak hul dit verpligtend op elektroniese toerusting en so meer dat
> die verskaffers moet opdok en sorg dat items amper 100% herwin word of hul
> moet betaal vir die skade.
> Jy is reg - die koeldrankbottels word nie stukkend gegooi nie - daar is 'n
> les (boodskap) hier/daar en dis waarom ek veral verwys het na die
> alkoholiese drankies se bottels.
> TJ
Re: Glas, glas, glas ... [boodskap #71391 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #71284] |
Mon, 06 January 2003 09:05 |
Threeships Mcduck
Boodskappe: 244 Geregistreer: June 2002
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
On Sat, 4 Jan 2003 12:58:57 +0200, "TJ"
served the following to the group:
> Glas, glas, stukke glas orals.
> Gebreekte bottels (ex-misielle) in Hillbrow,
> glas op ons strande, in ons parke en zoos (sommige parke is zoos),
> glas in my (woongebied) straat (roekeloos uitgegooi vanaf 'n verbygaande
> voertuig).
ek het begin dink dis net ek wat dit agterkom. ek ry fiets en dit
irreteer die hel uit my uit. tussen kersfees en nuwejaar het ek eendag
gaan ry en moes 3 punctures regmaak voordat ek weer by die huis was.
jis toe vloek ek sulke lang woorde hoor.
Threeships Mcduck
Re: Glas, glas, glas ... [boodskap #71417 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #71388] |
Mon, 06 January 2003 16:06 |
Boodskappe: 240 Geregistreer: February 2002
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Om iemand te hê om te blameer as dit nie werk nie...
> Hoekom moet ons wag dat die regering die mense dwing om te doen wat hulle
> vanself behoort te doen?
> Annette
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