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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: University Adresses wanted urgently..... for a foreign Professor....
Re: University Adresses wanted urgently..... for a foreign Professor.... [boodskap #7067] Tue, 20 August 1996 00:00
Creative Minds Comput  is tans af-lyn  Creative Minds Comput
Boodskappe: 2
Geregistreer: August 1996
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Hello Jan,

Alles is moontlik in die nuwe SA.
Gaan na: beweeg deur na die Cyberjump en kies dan
South African Sites.
Ons het alle url vir Univ, technikons ens. Help jouself aan die buffet!

Marius Lubbe
Creative Minds(tm)

Jan Lamprecht wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a European friend who's a professor of mathematics who's very
> interested in finding a position at a South African university. He has a
> strong background in logic, theoretical Computer Science, etc.
> I'm currently looking for the addresses of some universities where he can
> send his CV to. I've already passed on Wits & RAU's addresses. But can
> anyone supply me with any others? e.g. UCT, Stellenbosch, UNISA, University
> of Pretoria, etc?
> If you happen to have any e-mail addresses for these Universities rather
> than snail mail, I'd also like those so that he can communicate directly.
> Cheers, Jan...
> * Ignorant people think it's the noise which fighting cats make
> that is aggravating, but it ain't so; it's the sickening
> grammar they use. (Mark Twain)
> * No one's life, liberty or property is safe while
> the legislature is in session. (Mark Twain)
> * What do politicians and porn stars have in common? They're both
> experts at changing positions in front of the camera.
Vorige onderwerp: Volledige volkslied gesoek - Dringend ! / Complete national anthem wanted urgently !
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