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Tuis » Lekker » Sport & ontspanning » 'n Rugby ode
- 'n Rugby ode [boodskap #65608] Thu, 22 August 2002 12:43
Hantamkind  is tans af-lyn  Hantamkind
Boodskappe: 263
Geregistreer: December 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
By Pieter van Zyl.

It was just the other Saturday and I was screaming in the stand When the
bladdy stupid referee went and lifted up his hand "another penalty" he said
"and yet again against the boks" and something in my mind just snapped like
the elastic in my jocks. Piet Potch I said, ou boet you just can't let
this go someones gotta get out there and kill the flippin ou. I stumbled to
the field vision blurred with all the dop I fell clear over the advert board
and landed on my kop. No-one even checked me, no-one saw me coming and then
before I knew it I was up and running. Now remember boet, a wing I was when
I still played the game and when I hit my sprinting stride it still felt all
the same. The crowd they went ballistic, I was sure it was just for me
forgotten were the injuries, even the shaky knee. The ref he was still
blowing, the fools hand up in the air when I rounded past the scrum and
lined him up from there. I hit him like a whirlwind, all boep and balls and
grit. and down went the Irishman, that ugly little shit. I heard him
scream and whimper and even heard him cry and then that bladdy kiwi lock
went and hit me in the eye.

Corne was there too and I thought he'd come and help
and whip the bladdy Kiwi and make the bugger yelp.
but no, they went and left me to the mercy of the guards
and the jail and the courts, the whole nine yards.
would I do it again,,,you bet your broek I would
and so should you okes, you really really should
Coz the bokke are the bokke and no ref is ever ever fair
and they better just be careful to check that I'm not there
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