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- Afrikaans Syntax [boodskap #6440] Sun, 12 May 1996 00:00 na volgende boodskap
Paul Reed Smith  is tans af-lyn  Paul Reed Smith
Boodskappe: 1
Geregistreer: May 1996
Karma: 0
Junior Lid

I'm working on a report about the linguistics of Afrikaans. I think
I've got the phonology, morphology and sociolinguistics of it down, but
I'm having trouble with the syntax. It's been easy finding information
on everything but syntax. I need information on the syntax of
Afrikaans as compared to Dutch.

I think that Afrikaans is mostly the same as Dutch in syntax (sentence
structure, as opposed to grammar). It's a V2 language with an SOV
D-structure. I also think it's an underlying Adv-V language. I think the
headedness of CP, IP, VP is the same as Dutch. However, unlike Dutch, I
don't think it requires a COMP filter rule.

Can any of you help me with these issues or recommend good resources?
I'd particularly like to see D- & S-structure trees of Afrikaans
compared with other Germanic languages; especially Dutch.

Also, I find the use of double negatives and reduplication are
fascinating differences from Dutch. Any other interesting syntactical

Baie dankie,

- Re: Afrikaans Syntax [boodskap #6441 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #6440] Sun, 12 May 1996 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Roger Thijs  is tans af-lyn  Roger Thijs
Boodskappe: 3
Geregistreer: April 1996
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Paul Reed Smith wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm working on a report about the linguistics of Afrikaans. I think
> I've got the phonology, morphology and sociolinguistics of it down, but
> I'm having trouble with the syntax. It's been easy finding information
> on everything but syntax. I need information on the syntax of
> Afrikaans as compared to Dutch.
> I think that Afrikaans is mostly the same as Dutch in syntax (sentence
> structure, as opposed to grammar). It's a V2 language with an SOV
> D-structure. I also think it's an underlying Adv-V language. I think the
> headedness of CP, IP, VP is the same as Dutch. However, unlike Dutch, I
> don't think it requires a COMP filter rule.
> Can any of you help me with these issues or recommend good resources?
> I'd particularly like to see D- & S-structure trees of Afrikaans
> compared with other Germanic languages; especially Dutch.
> Also, I find the use of double negatives and reduplication are
> fascinating differences from Dutch. Any other interesting syntactical
> differences?
> Baie dankie,
> Paul
> __-
aybe somebody in the newsgroup nl.taal is willing to help you.
I'm already forwarding your question to that newsgroup.
- Re: Afrikaans Syntax [boodskap #6450 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #6440] Mon, 13 May 1996 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Izak Bouwer  is tans af-lyn  Izak Bouwer
Boodskappe: 463
Geregistreer: January 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
In article , says...
I assume your report on the linguistics of Afrikaans
is based on computer analyses, and I cannot help you
there. I am however interested in whether your report
integrates some of the following facts about Afrikaans:

(1) With the near complete disappearance of the Imperfect
in Afrikaans, the language could suffer from a sometimes
unwieldy accumulation of past participles. However, the
problem is solved by frequently using the praesens form
with the necessary subjuncta ( especially TOE) when
writing in the past tense.
Wanneer hy sing (when he sings)
Toe hy sing (when he sang)

(2) In Afrikaans ASPECT (inchoative, durative, perfective)
becomes an increasingly important vehicle for the expres-
sion of the spatial and time content of verbs.
Ek sing Ek het gesing
Ek begin eet Ek het begin eet.

(3) The way MODALITY is handled idiomatically in
Afrikaans makes it an extremely tricky language to
learn in its later stages.

(4) Sintactical accentuation is of far greater frequency then
in ABN:
tot hier toe
in die huis in
al lank al
Nie Jan nie, maar Piet

Gloudina Bouwer
- Re: Afrikaans Syntax [boodskap #6451 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #6440] Mon, 13 May 1996 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Ruud Harmsen[2]  is tans af-lyn  Ruud Harmsen[2]
Boodskappe: 4
Geregistreer: May 1996
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
In article Roger Thijs writes:

Er is een (nogal drukke, toen ik hem nog las) mail list in/over Afrikaans. Aan
te melden door de mededeling:
subscribe afrikaans naam@provider
te sturen naar
Nogmaals, het is al weer wat maanden geleden, dus ik weet niet of het nog
>> I'm working on a report about the linguistics of Afrikaans. I think
>> I've got the phonology, morphology and sociolinguistics of it down, but
Vorige onderwerp: What is a kia?
Volgende onderwerp: AANDAG ALLE 10 TOT 15 JARIGES !!!!
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