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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: cultural literature
- Re: cultural literature [boodskap #6332] Wed, 24 April 1996 00:00 na volgende boodskap
Izak Bouwer  is tans af-lyn  Izak Bouwer
Boodskappe: 463
Geregistreer: January 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
In article , says...
> Hi my name is Werma Bandoo. I am an OAC (grade 13) student at Westview
> Centenial Secondary School. I am looking for any suggestions on books or
> authors of different cultures. We are trying to change our school system
> through the inclusion of more books and authors of different cultural
> backgrounds. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Hi Werma,
I saw your posting on the Afrikaans newsgroup.
I read it regularly because I was born in South Africa.
However, I am a Canadian citizen now and live in Ottawa,
not very far away from you.
I hope people in South Africa will answer you too.
However, I think I could be of limited help. But then you
you will have to tell me a few things.
(1) Are you interested in books about the South African
cultural scene written in English or French only, or
are you looking for samples of the actual language
Afrikaans? (At this stage I would like to remind you
that South Africa now have 11 official languages. So
please do not forget Zulu, Xhosa, Tswana, Sotho, Pedi,
Venda, Swazi. I hope I have that right. Two East Indian
languages are also recognized as official languages in
South Africa.)

(2) By contacting the South African High Commission
in Ottawa you could probably acquire some material
in the different languages. They will also send you
excerpts and summaries of editorials from South
African newspapers on a regular basis. It may be use-
ful for your school to start getting these. They are free.
If you e-mail me, I can contact them for you and ask
them to send you things.

(3) If you want samples of the language Afrikaans I could
perhaps also help you on a limited basis. I do not have
many Afrikaans books, and would not want to part with
them in any case. But I could e-mail you a number of
poems in Afrikaans, and provide translations for them.
Looking forward to hearing whether I can be of any help.
Gloudina Bouwer
- Re: cultural literature [boodskap #6412 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #6332] Sat, 04 May 1996 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Izak Bouwer  is tans af-lyn  Izak Bouwer
Boodskappe: 463
Geregistreer: January 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
In article , says...
> (werma bandoo) wrote:
>> Hi my name is Werma Bandoo. I am an OAC (grade 13) student at Westview
>> Centenial Secondary School. I am looking for any suggestions on books or
>> authors of different cultures. We are trying to change our school system
>> through the inclusion of more books and authors of different cultural
>> backgrounds. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
> Dear Werma
> Try the following classics:
> Lullaby for Stompie Moeketsie by Winifred Mandela
> Silent Night at McGoo's Bar by Robert McBride
> Music for Your Ears and
> The Singing Yellow Canary by Dirk Coetzee
> Electrifying Persuasion and
> Swimming in a Bucket by Staal Burger
> O'KwaMakutha by Johan Opperman
> Family Guidance by Alan Boesak
> Little Houses on the Prairie by Pietie du Plessis
> Flight of the Mutant Owl by Mary Metcalfe
> Red Flags, Ties and BMW's and
> Reconstructing the much Promised Land by Jay Naidoo
> To Beat Democracy by Sam Shilowa
> The Knight of the Rocking Horse and other Tails by Eugene Terreblanche
> Free Fall by Trevor Manuel
> The King and I by Gatsha Buthelezi
> Regards

Het jy al die volgende gelees?

“Die moord van die goeie naam van die Afrikaner
vir vier dekades” deur Kulturele Rampokker

“ Die lyding van die Ware Afrikaners binne en buite
Suid-Afrika wat moes sien hoe hulle geliefde vader-
land deur die modder gesleep word,” deur myself.

“Die gebede van die ware afrikaners binne en buite
Suid-Afrika dat die Heer se seen nou oor almal sal daal
en dat die snipperige witmense wat dink hulle is so
‘smart’ tog maar hulle goed moet vat en loop na erens
in die buiteland, en Suid-Afrika oorlaat aan die mense
wat die land werklik liefhet,” deur myself.

“Terre Blanche” deur Eugene Terreblanche

“Freefall” deur Eugene Terreblanche

“Die dag toe ek in die grond wou sak van die skaamte”
deur Eugene Terreblanche se perd.

Nou dink ek gaan ek begin lees aan een van die boeke wat
jy voorgestel het:
“The Knight of the Rocking Horse and other Tails”
deur Eugene Terreblanche.

Gloudina Bouwer
- Re: cultural literature [boodskap #6413 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #6332] Sat, 04 May 1996 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Jerry[2]  is tans af-lyn  Jerry[2]
Boodskappe: 1
Geregistreer: May 1996
Karma: 0
Junior Lid (werma bandoo) wrote:

> Hi my name is Werma Bandoo. I am an OAC (grade 13) student at Westview
> Centenial Secondary School. I am looking for any suggestions on books or
> authors of different cultures. We are trying to change our school system
> through the inclusion of more books and authors of different cultural
> backgrounds. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Dear Werma

Try the following classics:

Lullaby for Stompie Moeketsie by Winifred Mandela
Silent Night at McGoo's Bar by Robert McBride
usic for Your Ears and
The Singing Yellow Canary by Dirk Coetzee
Electrifying Persuasion and
Swimming in a Bucket by Staal Burger
O'KwaMakutha by Johan Opperman
Family Guidance by Alan Boesak
Little Houses on the Prairie by Pietie du Plessis
Flight of the Mutant Owl by Mary Metcalfe
Red Flags, Ties and BMW's and
Reconstructing the much Promised Land by Jay Naidoo
To Beat Democracy by Sam Shilowa
The Knight of the Rocking Horse and other Tails by Eugene Terreblanche
Free Fall by Trevor Manuel
The King and I by Gatsha Buthelezi

Vorige onderwerp: Afrikaans discussion at Maties
Volgende onderwerp: Toerisme en Migrasie 1995
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