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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Katalogus van Winde: SIROCCO (vir Koos)
- Katalogus van Winde: SIROCCO (vir Koos) [boodskap #5902] Mon, 11 March 1996 00:00
Izak Bouwer  is tans af-lyn  Izak Bouwer
Boodskappe: 463
Geregistreer: January 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Die Sirocco ontstaan in die Sahara as 'n droe stowwerige
wind, maar tel dan vogtigheid op oor die Middellandse See
wanneer dit noordwaarts waai oor suidelike Italie, Sisilie,
en ander Mediterreense eilande gedurende die lente en die
somer. Die winde produseer dan vogtige, drukkende en
reenerige toestande. (Arabies: sharq, sharuq (ooste wind)
van sharaqa (die son het opgekom.)

Lucio Piccolo

And over the mountains, away on the horizon
a long saffron streak:
the moorish mob of winds breaks in,
rushes the big doors
the watchers on the glazed roofs,
batters the facades from the south,
convulses the kites, scarlet curtains, bloodred
pennons, opens brief interims of blue domes,
imagined forms, startles the arbors, the blazing
tiles where springwater rests in pearly jugs,
burns the buds, turns shoots into sticks,
makes trumpets of tree aisles,
swoops on the timid beginnings
of gardens, claws forsaken leaves
and infant jasmines - then grows milder
taps small drums; tassels, ribbons...

But when in the west the wild pontifical
closes its flaming margins and the last
channel of rust flakes off, on all
sides the hot night rises from ambush.
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