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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: this is what happens when you hand your country to subhumans
- Re: this is what happens when you hand your country to subhumans [boodskap #54428] Thu, 06 December 2001 20:23 na volgende boodskap
Frikkie Potgieter  is tans af-lyn  Frikkie Potgieter
Boodskappe: 383
Geregistreer: February 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Ja, hier beginne nou van die waarheid uitkom.
Ou Pienk Frikkie moet mos nie nou huil oor sy Maryka wat nie meer met ons is
Nee meneer, sy het langs jou gesit toe jy ons Boere uitverkoop het. Sy het
jou ondersteun meneer, so die jammerte eintlik is dat dit nie jy was nie,
want nadat sy jou bygestaan het gaan jy net nadat jy die Land verraai het en
verraai ook sommer vir ou Liefie en dit vir `n baster... Ga.... Ek kry vir
jou ou ooompie....Hierdie is maar die begin van LAAAAANg slaaploose nagte
vir jou tot die tyd kom at jy ook voor die Groot Vader sal staan en moet

Bly ek is nie jy nie "VERRAAIER".....

Die wiel draai meneer.
God werk lelik met verraaiers en jou naam is opgeskryf in die BOEK by God.

People against crime skryf in boodskap news:9uojdl$2aq$
> Finally somebody who talk some sense...
> You can see what a "fuck up" the ANC government and it's mates is making of
> the country. Just look at the exchange rates.
> Today (as of 10:00 06/12/2001)--
> US$ 1.0000 = SA Rands 11.4500
> GBP 1.0000 = SA Rands 16.2876
> 4 December 1997
> US$ 1.0000 = SA Rands 4.8450
> GBP 1.0000 = SA Rands 8.1260
> In 4 years that is a devaluation of 236.33 percent against the US Dollar
> and over 100 percent devaluation against the British Pound.
> wally wrote in message
>> same tired old myths trotted out again.
>> scientists are afraid , thanks to the stalinist atmosphere about race
>> to state the facts .
>> a good book to set you straight is the g-factor
>> whites are the greatest race on the planets .and in evolutionary terms
>> 10's of thousands of yrs more advanced than niggers . fact.
>> the internet is less censored than published books and television (all
>> controled by the enemies of truth)
>> you can find scientific papers on all these things if you look.
>> intelligence and beauty both evolved in eurasia .whites and east
>> asians have the highest density of genes for intelligence , and
>> ancient greece and rome were the greatest civilisations on earth.
>> niggers are subhumans , its a fact , face it .
>> land is wasted on them.
>> put a thousan white people on a desert island , leave them for a few
>> yrs and come back and you find a civilisation.
>> look at haiti to see what happens to blacks after they have murdered
>> their white masters and tried to live on a very rich island(before
>> they murdered the 40 thousad french , haiti was exporting more food
>> than the 13 u.s. colonies).a complete failure.
>> they are a waste of space and oxygen . you know it.
>> Phillip Pare wrote in message
> news:...
>>>> > Autopsy: Ex-Wife of Former South African President F.W. de Klerk Was Strangled
>>>> >
>>>> > Wednesday, December 05, 2001
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > CAPE TOWN, South Africa - An autopsy on the body of Marike de Klerk, the ex-wife of
>>>> > apartheid South Africa's last president, F.W. de Klerk, revealed that she had been
>>>> > strangled to death, police said Wednesday.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > De Klerk's body was discovered at her Cape Town home Tuesday afternoon, about 30 hours
>>>> > after coroners estimated she had died.
>>>> >
>>>> > The autopsy also revealed that she had a shallow stab wound in her back, police spokesman
>>>> > Wikus Holtzhauzen said.
>>>> >
>>>> > "The stab wound ... was not the cause of death," he said.
>>>> >
>>>> > There were no immediate arrests and police did not have any suspects.
>>>> >
>>>> > De Klerk's body was found when her hairdresser became concerned that she had missed an
>>>> > appointment and went to her apartment to look for her. When de Klerk did not answer her
>>>> > door, the hairdresser summoned neighborhood security guards who found the body.
>>>> >
>>>> > Nothing was missing from de Klerk's house and the motive for her killing was unknown,
>>>> > Holtzhauzen said.
>>>> >
>>>> > The de Klerks divorced in 1998 after 39 years of marriage, and F.W. de Klerk announced he
>>>> > was in love with Elita Giorgiades, the former wife of Greek shipping magnate Tony
>>>> > Giorgiades.
>>>> >
>>>> > As her husband rose through the ranks of the ruling National Party during apartheid, his
>>>> > wife also was politically active, eventually leading the party's women's organization.
>>>> >
>>>> > F.W. de Klerk gave up power to Nelson Mandela after South Africa's first all-race
>>>> > elections in 1994.
>>>> >
>>>> > President Thabo Mbeki expressed his condolences Tuesday in a statement and described de
>>>> > Klerk as a "strong, charming and dignified woman."
>>> wally wrote:
>>>> when will whites draw the line? niggers are subhuman and only fit to
>>>> be ruled by the knout.
>>> Wally sounds like a troll and at the risk of feeding it, here are some comments:
>>> Firstly, Wally, go and do some research on genetics and verify the current wisdom that there
>>> are more genetic difference within the negroid races than there are when a single negroid
>>> person's genes are compared to a caucasian.
>>> Secondly most black South Africans would be horrified at the kind of violence shown in this
>>> most brutal murder. Just look at Mbeki's comment above.
>>> Thirdly no race in the world can claim complete moral virtue. Does one really have to remind
>>> people about the races to which Hitler, Mussolini, Rhodes, Jameson, and Eugene Terblanche
>>> belonged.
>>> If still in doubt about the kind of behaviour that so called upright English people can be
>>> involved in just go and read CS Lewis' account of the goings on in English Public Schools in
>>> the early part of the twentieth century. (This is contained in his book "Surprised by Joy" ).
>>> It is so obvious that it should not bear repeating that just as any human is capable of virtue,
>>> so is s/he capable of vice.
>>> Any reasonable person will feel complete outrage at what has happened to Mrs Marike de Klerk.
>>> To express one's sympathies to the family is the least that one can do. We all need to
>>> prioritize the rebuilding of South African society on decent moral and ethical foundations.
>>> This obviously starts in our own backyards, and then proceeds to our communities, towns,
>>> provinces, and nation as a whole.
- Frikkie W de Klerk [boodskap #54430 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #54428] Thu, 06 December 2001 23:32 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Piet Pompdonkie  is tans af-lyn  Piet Pompdonkie
Boodskappe: 126
Geregistreer: October 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
"Frikkie Potgieter" Hierdie is maar die begin van LAAAAANg slaaploose nagte[/color]
> vir jou tot die tyd kom at jy ook voor die Groot Vader sal staan
> en moet verduidelik. Bly ek is nie jy nie "VERRAAIER".....
> Die wiel draai meneer. God werk lelik met verraaiers en jou naam
> is opgeskryf in die BOEK by God.

Djieepers Frikkie, waar val jy uit?
Donkies weet nou nie so baie van hierdie dinge nie, maar ons is
ook nie so stoepid dat dit nie vir my glashelderduidelik is dat jy
godsdiens 'n baie baie slegte naam gee met sulke uitsprake nie.
Probeer jy agnostici en ateïste werf?

Piet Predikandonkie

People against crime skryf in boodskap news:9uojdl$2aq$
> Finally somebody who talk some sense...
> You can see what a "fuck up" the ANC government and it's mates is making of
> the country. Just look at the exchange rates.
> Today (as of 10:00 06/12/2001)--
> US$ 1.0000 = SA Rands 11.4500
> GBP 1.0000 = SA Rands 16.2876
> 4 December 1997
> US$ 1.0000 = SA Rands 4.8450
> GBP 1.0000 = SA Rands 8.1260
> In 4 years that is a devaluation of 236.33 percent against the US Dollar
> and over 100 percent devaluation against the British Pound.
> wally wrote in message
>> same tired old myths trotted out again.
>> scientists are afraid , thanks to the stalinist atmosphere about race
>> to state the facts .
>> a good book to set you straight is the g-factor
>> whites are the greatest race on the planets .and in evolutionary terms
>> 10's of thousands of yrs more advanced than niggers . fact.
>> the internet is less censored than published books and television (all
>> controled by the enemies of truth)
>> you can find scientific papers on all these things if you look.
>> intelligence and beauty both evolved in eurasia .whites and east
>> asians have the highest density of genes for intelligence , and
>> ancient greece and rome were the greatest civilisations on earth.
>> niggers are subhumans , its a fact , face it .
>> land is wasted on them.
>> put a thousan white people on a desert island , leave them for a few
>> yrs and come back and you find a civilisation.
>> look at haiti to see what happens to blacks after they have murdered
>> their white masters and tried to live on a very rich island(before
>> they murdered the 40 thousad french , haiti was exporting more food
>> than the 13 u.s. colonies).a complete failure.
>> they are a waste of space and oxygen . you know it.
>> Phillip Pare wrote in message
> news:...
>>>> > Autopsy: Ex-Wife of Former South African President F.W. de Klerk
> Strangled
>>>> >
>>>> > Wednesday, December 05, 2001
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > CAPE TOWN, South Africa - An autopsy on the body of Marike de
> Klerk, the ex-wife of
>>>> > apartheid South Africa's last president, F.W. de Klerk, revealed
> that she had been
>>>> > strangled to death, police said Wednesday.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > De Klerk's body was discovered at her Cape Town home Tuesday
> afternoon, about 30 hours
>>>> > after coroners estimated she had died.
>>>> >
>>>> > The autopsy also revealed that she had a shallow stab wound in her
> back, police spokesman
>>>> > Wikus Holtzhauzen said.
>>>> >
>>>> > "The stab wound ... was not the cause of death," he said.
>>>> >
>>>> > There were no immediate arrests and police did not have any
> suspects.
>>>> >
>>>> > De Klerk's body was found when her hairdresser became concerned
> she had missed an
>>>> > appointment and went to her apartment to look for her. When de
> did not answer her
>>>> > door, the hairdresser summoned neighborhood security guards who
> found the body.
>>>> >
>>>> > Nothing was missing from de Klerk's house and the motive for her
> killing was unknown,
>>>> > Holtzhauzen said.
>>>> >
>>>> > The de Klerks divorced in 1998 after 39 years of marriage, and
> de Klerk announced he
>>>> > was in love with Elita Giorgiades, the former wife of Greek
> magnate Tony
>>>> > Giorgiades.
>>>> >
>>>> > As her husband rose through the ranks of the ruling National Party
> during apartheid, his
>>>> > wife also was politically active, eventually leading the party's
> women's organization.
>>>> >
>>>> > F.W. de Klerk gave up power to Nelson Mandela after South Africa's
> first all-race
>>>> > elections in 1994.
>>>> >
>>>> > President Thabo Mbeki expressed his condolences Tuesday in a
> statement and described de
>>>> > Klerk as a "strong, charming and dignified woman."
>>> wally wrote:
>>>> when will whites draw the line? niggers are subhuman and only fit to
>>>> be ruled by the knout.
>>> Wally sounds like a troll and at the risk of feeding it, here are some
> comments:
>>> Firstly, Wally, go and do some research on genetics and verify the
> current wisdom that there
>>> are more genetic difference within the negroid races than there are
> a single negroid
>>> person's genes are compared to a caucasian.
>>> Secondly most black South Africans would be horrified at the kind of
> violence shown in this
>>> most brutal murder. Just look at Mbeki's comment above.
>>> Thirdly no race in the world can claim complete moral virtue. Does one
> really have to remind
>>> people about the races to which Hitler, Mussolini, Rhodes, Jameson,
> Eugene Terblanche
>>> belonged.
>>> If still in doubt about the kind of behaviour that so called upright
> English people can be
>>> involved in just go and read CS Lewis' account of the goings on in
> English Public Schools in
>>> the early part of the twentieth century. (This is contained in his
> "Surprised by Joy" ).
>>> It is so obvious that it should not bear repeating that just as any
> human is capable of virtue,
>>> so is s/he capable of vice.
>>> Any reasonable person will feel complete outrage at what has happened
> Mrs Marike de Klerk.
>>> To express one's sympathies to the family is the least that one can
> We all need to
>>> prioritize the rebuilding of South African society on decent moral and
> ethical foundations.
>>> This obviously starts in our own backyards, and then proceeds to our
> communities, towns,
>>> provinces, and nation as a whole.
- Re: this is what happens when you hand your country to subhumans [boodskap #54431 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #54428] Thu, 06 December 2001 23:38 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
seekem desearchher  is tans af-lyn  seekem desearchher
Boodskappe: 1
Geregistreer: December 2001
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
"Frikkie Potgieter" wrote in

> Ja, hier beginne nou van die waarheid uitkom.
> Ou Pienk Frikkie moet mos nie nou huil oor sy Maryka wat nie meer met
> ons is nie.
> Nee meneer, sy het langs jou gesit toe jy ons Boere uitverkoop het. Sy
> het jou ondersteun meneer, so die jammerte eintlik is dat dit nie jy
> was nie, want nadat sy jou bygestaan het gaan jy net nadat jy die Land
> verraai het en verraai ook sommer vir ou Liefie en dit vir `n baster...
> Ga.... Ek kry vir jou ou ooompie....Hierdie is maar die begin van
> LAAAAANg slaaploose nagte vir jou tot die tyd kom at jy ook voor die
> Groot Vader sal staan en moet verduidelik.
> Bly ek is nie jy nie "VERRAAIER".....
> Die wiel draai meneer.
> God werk lelik met verraaiers en jou naam is opgeskryf in die BOEK by
> God.
> People against crime wrote in message
> news:9uojdl$2aq$
>> Finally somebody who talk some sense...

>> You can see what a "fuck up" the ANC government and it's mates is
>> making of the country. Just look at the exchange rates.

>> Today (as of 10:00 06/12/2001)--

>> US$ 1.0000 = SA Rands 11.4500
>> GBP 1.0000 = SA Rands 16.2876

>> 4 December 1997

>> US$ 1.0000 = SA Rands 4.8450
>> GBP 1.0000 = SA Rands 8.1260

>> In 4 years that is a devaluation of 236.33 percent against the US
>> Dollar and over 100 percent devaluation against the British Pound.

>> wally wrote in message
>>> same tired old myths trotted out again.
>>> scientists are afraid , thanks to the stalinist atmosphere about
>>> race to state the facts .
>>> a good book to set you straight is the g-factor
>>> whites are the greatest race on the planets .and in evolutionary
>>> terms 10's of thousands of yrs more advanced than niggers . fact.
>>> the internet is less censored than published books and television
>>> (all controled by the enemies of truth)
>>> you can find scientific papers on all these things if you look.
>>> intelligence and beauty both evolved in eurasia .whites and east
>>> asians have the highest density of genes for intelligence , and
>>> ancient greece and rome were the greatest civilisations on earth.
>>> niggers are subhumans , its a fact , face it .
>>> land is wasted on them.
>>> put a thousan white people on a desert island , leave them for a few
>>> yrs and come back and you find a civilisation.
>>> look at haiti to see what happens to blacks after they have murdered
>>> their white masters and tried to live on a very rich island(before
>>> they murdered the 40 thousad french , haiti was exporting more food
>>> than the 13 u.s. colonies).a complete failure.
>>> they are a waste of space and oxygen . you know it.
>>> Phillip Pare wrote in message
>>> news:...
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > > Autopsy: Ex-Wife of Former South African President F.W. de
>>>> > > Klerk Was Strangled
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Wednesday, December 05, 2001
>>>> > >
>>>> > >
>>>> > > CAPE TOWN, South Africa - An autopsy on the body of Marike de
>>>> > > Klerk, the ex-wife of apartheid South Africa's last president,
>>>> > > F.W. de Klerk, revealed that she had been strangled to death,
>>>> > > police said Wednesday.
>>>> > >
>>>> > >
>>>> > > De Klerk's body was discovered at her Cape Town home Tuesday
>>>> > > afternoon, about 30 hours after coroners estimated she had
>>>> > > died.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > The autopsy also revealed that she had a shallow stab wound in
>>>> > > her back, police spokesman Wikus Holtzhauzen said.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > "The stab wound ... was not the cause of death," he said.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > There were no immediate arrests and police did not have any
>>>> > > suspects.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > De Klerk's body was found when her hairdresser became
>>>> > > concerned that she had missed an appointment and went to her
>>>> > > apartment to look for her. When de Klerk did not answer her
>>>> > > door, the hairdresser summoned neighborhood security guards
>>>> > > who found the body.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Nothing was missing from de Klerk's house and the motive for
>>>> > > her killing was unknown, Holtzhauzen said.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > The de Klerks divorced in 1998 after 39 years of marriage, and
>>>> > > F.W. de Klerk announced he was in love with Elita Giorgiades,
>>>> > > the former wife of Greek shipping magnate Tony Giorgiades.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > As her husband rose through the ranks of the ruling National
>>>> > > Party during apartheid, his wife also was politically active,
>>>> > > eventually leading the party's women's organization.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > F.W. de Klerk gave up power to Nelson Mandela after South
>>>> > > Africa's first all-race elections in 1994.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > President Thabo Mbeki expressed his condolences Tuesday in a
>>>> > > statement and described de Klerk as a "strong, charming and
>>>> > > dignified woman."
>>>> wally wrote:
>>>> > when will whites draw the line? niggers are subhuman and only
>>>> > fit to be ruled by the knout.
>>>> Wally sounds like a troll and at the risk of feeding it, here are
>>>> some comments:
>>>> Firstly, Wally, go and do some research on genetics and verify the
>>>> current wisdom that there are more genetic difference within the
>>>> negroid races than there are when a single negroid person's genes
>>>> are compared to a caucasian.
>>>> Secondly most black South Africans would be horrified at the kind
>>>> of violence shown in this most brutal murder. Just look at Mbeki's
>>>> comment above.
>>>> Thirdly no race in the world can claim complete moral virtue. Does
>>>> one really have to remind people about the races to which Hitler,
>>>> Mussolini, Rhodes, Jameson, and Eugene Terblanche belonged.
>>>> If still in doubt about the kind of behaviour that so called
>>>> upright English people can be involved in just go and read CS
>>>> Lewis' account of the goings on in English Public Schools in the
>>>> early part of the twentieth century. (This is contained in his
>>>> book "Surprised by Joy" ).
>>>> It is so obvious that it should not bear repeating that just as
>>>> any human is capable of virtue, so is s/he capable of vice.
>>>> Any reasonable person will feel complete outrage at what has
>>>> happened to Mrs Marike de Klerk. To express one's sympathies to
>>>> the family is the least that one can do. We all need to prioritize
>>>> the rebuilding of South African society on decent moral and
>>>> ethical foundations. This obviously starts in our own backyards,
>>>> and then proceeds to our communities, towns, provinces, and nation
>>>> as a whole.


The wheel still has to get round to crushing you and soon will you top
posting ignoramus
- Re: this is what happens when you hand your country to subhumans [boodskap #54433 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #54428] Fri, 07 December 2001 00:33 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Oorspronklik gepos deur: .com

Jy maak alweer jou naam gat Frikkie. Jy is DOM, en hier is nie
een mens op hierdie groep wat met jou saamstem nie. Jy is n rassis
wat brabbel uitspew onder die dekmantel van godsdiens. Jy veroordeel
mense, maar sien nie jou eie afgryslike foute en blatante rassisme as
sonde nie.
Hoekom aanvaar jy nie dat apartheid verby is, en dat dit verkeerd was
nie. Probeer om in die hede te leef, en die goeie dinge te sien.

Sheesh! . . . .

Frikkie Potgieter skryf in boodskap news:3c0fd311$0$
> Ja, hier beginne nou van die waarheid uitkom.
> Ou Pienk Frikkie moet mos nie nou huil oor sy Maryka wat nie meer met ons is
> nie.
> Nee meneer, sy het langs jou gesit toe jy ons Boere uitverkoop het. Sy het
> jou ondersteun meneer, so die jammerte eintlik is dat dit nie jy was nie,
> want nadat sy jou bygestaan het gaan jy net nadat jy die Land verraai het en
> verraai ook sommer vir ou Liefie en dit vir `n baster... Ga.... Ek kry vir
> jou ou ooompie....Hierdie is maar die begin van LAAAAANg slaaploose nagte
> vir jou tot die tyd kom at jy ook voor die Groot Vader sal staan en moet
> verduidelik.
> Bly ek is nie jy nie "VERRAAIER".....
> Die wiel draai meneer.
> God werk lelik met verraaiers en jou naam is opgeskryf in die BOEK by God.
> People against crime wrote in message
> news:9uojdl$2aq$
>> Finally somebody who talk some sense...
>> You can see what a "fuck up" the ANC government and it's mates is making
> of
>> the country. Just look at the exchange rates.
>> Today (as of 10:00 06/12/2001)--
>> US$ 1.0000 = SA Rands 11.4500
>> GBP 1.0000 = SA Rands 16.2876
>> 4 December 1997
>> US$ 1.0000 = SA Rands 4.8450
>> GBP 1.0000 = SA Rands 8.1260
>> In 4 years that is a devaluation of 236.33 percent against the US Dollar
>> and over 100 percent devaluation against the British Pound.
>> wally wrote in message
>>> same tired old myths trotted out again.
>>> scientists are afraid , thanks to the stalinist atmosphere about race
>>> to state the facts .
>>> a good book to set you straight is the g-factor
>>> whites are the greatest race on the planets .and in evolutionary terms
>>> 10's of thousands of yrs more advanced than niggers . fact.
>>> the internet is less censored than published books and television (all
>>> controled by the enemies of truth)
>>> you can find scientific papers on all these things if you look.
>>> intelligence and beauty both evolved in eurasia .whites and east
>>> asians have the highest density of genes for intelligence , and
>>> ancient greece and rome were the greatest civilisations on earth.
>>> niggers are subhumans , its a fact , face it .
>>> land is wasted on them.
>>> put a thousan white people on a desert island , leave them for a few
>>> yrs and come back and you find a civilisation.
>>> look at haiti to see what happens to blacks after they have murdered
>>> their white masters and tried to live on a very rich island(before
>>> they murdered the 40 thousad french , haiti was exporting more food
>>> than the 13 u.s. colonies).a complete failure.
>>> they are a waste of space and oxygen . you know it.
>>> Phillip Pare wrote in message
>> news:...
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > > Autopsy: Ex-Wife of Former South African President F.W. de Klerk
> Was
>> Strangled
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Wednesday, December 05, 2001
>>>> > >
>>>> > >
>>>> > > CAPE TOWN, South Africa - An autopsy on the body of Marike de
>> Klerk, the ex-wife of
>>>> > > apartheid South Africa's last president, F.W. de Klerk, revealed
>> that she had been
>>>> > > strangled to death, police said Wednesday.
>>>> > >
>>>> > >
>>>> > > De Klerk's body was discovered at her Cape Town home Tuesday
>> afternoon, about 30 hours
>>>> > > after coroners estimated she had died.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > The autopsy also revealed that she had a shallow stab wound in
>> back, police spokesman
>>>> > > Wikus Holtzhauzen said.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > "The stab wound ... was not the cause of death," he said.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > There were no immediate arrests and police did not have any
>> suspects.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > De Klerk's body was found when her hairdresser became concerned
> that
>> she had missed an
>>>> > > appointment and went to her apartment to look for her. When de
> Klerk
>> did not answer her
>>>> > > door, the hairdresser summoned neighborhood security guards who
>> found the body.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Nothing was missing from de Klerk's house and the motive for her
>> killing was unknown,
>>>> > > Holtzhauzen said.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > The de Klerks divorced in 1998 after 39 years of marriage, and
> F.W.
>> de Klerk announced he
>>>> > > was in love with Elita Giorgiades, the former wife of Greek
> shipping
>> magnate Tony
>>>> > > Giorgiades.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > As her husband rose through the ranks of the ruling National
>> during apartheid, his
>>>> > > wife also was politically active, eventually leading the party's
>> women's organization.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > F.W. de Klerk gave up power to Nelson Mandela after South
>> first all-race
>>>> > > elections in 1994.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > President Thabo Mbeki expressed his condolences Tuesday in a
>> statement and described de
>>>> > > Klerk as a "strong, charming and dignified woman."
>>>> wally wrote:
>>>> > when will whites draw the line? niggers are subhuman and only fit to
>>>> > be ruled by the knout.
>>>> Wally sounds like a troll and at the risk of feeding it, here are
>> comments:
>>>> Firstly, Wally, go and do some research on genetics and verify the
>> current wisdom that there
>>>> are more genetic difference within the negroid races than there are
> when
>> a single negroid
>>>> person's genes are compared to a caucasian.
>>>> Secondly most black South Africans would be horrified at the kind of
>> violence shown in this
>>>> most brutal murder. Just look at Mbeki's comment above.
>>>> Thirdly no race in the world can claim complete moral virtue. Does
>> really have to remind
>>>> people about the races to which Hitler, Mussolini, Rhodes, Jameson,
> and
>> Eugene Terblanche
>>>> belonged.
>>>> If still in doubt about the kind of behaviour that so called upright
>> English people can be
>>>> involved in just go and read CS Lewis' account of the goings on in
>> English Public Schools in
>>>> the early part of the twentieth century. (This is contained in his
> book
>> "Surprised by Joy" ).
>>>> It is so obvious that it should not bear repeating that just as any
>> human is capable of virtue,
>>>> so is s/he capable of vice.
>>>> Any reasonable person will feel complete outrage at what has
> to
>> Mrs Marike de Klerk.
>>>> To express one's sympathies to the family is the least that one can
> do.
>> We all need to
>>>> prioritize the rebuilding of South African society on decent moral
>> ethical foundations.
>>>> This obviously starts in our own backyards, and then proceeds to our
>> communities, towns,
>>>> provinces, and nation as a whole.
- Re: this is what happens when you hand your country to subhumans [boodskap #54437 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #54428] Fri, 07 December 2001 06:11 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
Frikkie, ek dink jou haat is effens misplaas hier.
Asook jou bybelse verwysing.
Geen mens op aarde "verdien" om vermoor te word, of om tot so 'n einde
vervloek te word nie.
Sê nie veel vir jou Christelike beginsel van vergifnis nie, of hoe?

Frikkie Potgieter skryf in boodskap news:3c0fd311$0$
> Ja, hier beginne nou van die waarheid uitkom.
> Ou Pienk Frikkie moet mos nie nou huil oor sy Maryka wat nie meer met ons is
> nie.
> Nee meneer, sy het langs jou gesit toe jy ons Boere uitverkoop het. Sy het
> jou ondersteun meneer, so die jammerte eintlik is dat dit nie jy was nie,
> want nadat sy jou bygestaan het gaan jy net nadat jy die Land verraai het en
> verraai ook sommer vir ou Liefie en dit vir `n baster... Ga.... Ek kry vir
> jou ou ooompie....Hierdie is maar die begin van LAAAAANg slaaploose nagte
> vir jou tot die tyd kom at jy ook voor die Groot Vader sal staan en moet
> verduidelik.
> Bly ek is nie jy nie "VERRAAIER".....
> Die wiel draai meneer.
> God werk lelik met verraaiers en jou naam is opgeskryf in die BOEK by God.
> People against crime wrote in message
> news:9uojdl$2aq$
>> Finally somebody who talk some sense...
>> You can see what a "fuck up" the ANC government and it's mates is making
> of
>> the country. Just look at the exchange rates.
>> Today (as of 10:00 06/12/2001)--
>> US$ 1.0000 = SA Rands 11.4500
>> GBP 1.0000 = SA Rands 16.2876
>> 4 December 1997
>> US$ 1.0000 = SA Rands 4.8450
>> GBP 1.0000 = SA Rands 8.1260
>> In 4 years that is a devaluation of 236.33 percent against the US Dollar
>> and over 100 percent devaluation against the British Pound.
>> wally wrote in message
>>> same tired old myths trotted out again.
>>> scientists are afraid , thanks to the stalinist atmosphere about race
>>> to state the facts .
>>> a good book to set you straight is the g-factor
>>> whites are the greatest race on the planets .and in evolutionary terms
>>> 10's of thousands of yrs more advanced than niggers . fact.
>>> the internet is less censored than published books and television (all
>>> controled by the enemies of truth)
>>> you can find scientific papers on all these things if you look.
>>> intelligence and beauty both evolved in eurasia .whites and east
>>> asians have the highest density of genes for intelligence , and
>>> ancient greece and rome were the greatest civilisations on earth.
>>> niggers are subhumans , its a fact , face it .
>>> land is wasted on them.
>>> put a thousan white people on a desert island , leave them for a few
>>> yrs and come back and you find a civilisation.
>>> look at haiti to see what happens to blacks after they have murdered
>>> their white masters and tried to live on a very rich island(before
>>> they murdered the 40 thousad french , haiti was exporting more food
>>> than the 13 u.s. colonies).a complete failure.
>>> they are a waste of space and oxygen . you know it.
>>> Phillip Pare wrote in message
>> news:...
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > > Autopsy: Ex-Wife of Former South African President F.W. de Klerk
> Was
>> Strangled
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Wednesday, December 05, 2001
>>>> > >
>>>> > >
>>>> > > CAPE TOWN, South Africa - An autopsy on the body of Marike de
>> Klerk, the ex-wife of
>>>> > > apartheid South Africa's last president, F.W. de Klerk, revealed
>> that she had been
>>>> > > strangled to death, police said Wednesday.
>>>> > >
>>>> > >
>>>> > > De Klerk's body was discovered at her Cape Town home Tuesday
>> afternoon, about 30 hours
>>>> > > after coroners estimated she had died.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > The autopsy also revealed that she had a shallow stab wound in
>> back, police spokesman
>>>> > > Wikus Holtzhauzen said.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > "The stab wound ... was not the cause of death," he said.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > There were no immediate arrests and police did not have any
>> suspects.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > De Klerk's body was found when her hairdresser became concerned
> that
>> she had missed an
>>>> > > appointment and went to her apartment to look for her. When de
> Klerk
>> did not answer her
>>>> > > door, the hairdresser summoned neighborhood security guards who
>> found the body.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Nothing was missing from de Klerk's house and the motive for her
>> killing was unknown,
>>>> > > Holtzhauzen said.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > The de Klerks divorced in 1998 after 39 years of marriage, and
> F.W.
>> de Klerk announced he
>>>> > > was in love with Elita Giorgiades, the former wife of Greek
> shipping
>> magnate Tony
>>>> > > Giorgiades.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > As her husband rose through the ranks of the ruling National
>> during apartheid, his
>>>> > > wife also was politically active, eventually leading the party's
>> women's organization.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > F.W. de Klerk gave up power to Nelson Mandela after South
>> first all-race
>>>> > > elections in 1994.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > President Thabo Mbeki expressed his condolences Tuesday in a
>> statement and described de
>>>> > > Klerk as a "strong, charming and dignified woman."
>>>> wally wrote:
>>>> > when will whites draw the line? niggers are subhuman and only fit to
>>>> > be ruled by the knout.
>>>> Wally sounds like a troll and at the risk of feeding it, here are
>> comments:
>>>> Firstly, Wally, go and do some research on genetics and verify the
>> current wisdom that there
>>>> are more genetic difference within the negroid races than there are
> when
>> a single negroid
>>>> person's genes are compared to a caucasian.
>>>> Secondly most black South Africans would be horrified at the kind of
>> violence shown in this
>>>> most brutal murder. Just look at Mbeki's comment above.
>>>> Thirdly no race in the world can claim complete moral virtue. Does
>> really have to remind
>>>> people about the races to which Hitler, Mussolini, Rhodes, Jameson,
> and
>> Eugene Terblanche
>>>> belonged.
>>>> If still in doubt about the kind of behaviour that so called upright
>> English people can be
>>>> involved in just go and read CS Lewis' account of the goings on in
>> English Public Schools in
>>>> the early part of the twentieth century. (This is contained in his
> book
>> "Surprised by Joy" ).
>>>> It is so obvious that it should not bear repeating that just as any
>> human is capable of virtue,
>>>> so is s/he capable of vice.
>>>> Any reasonable person will feel complete outrage at what has
> to
>> Mrs Marike de Klerk.
>>>> To express one's sympathies to the family is the least that one can
> do.
>> We all need to
>>>> prioritize the rebuilding of South African society on decent moral
>> ethical foundations.
>>>> This obviously starts in our own backyards, and then proceeds to our
>> communities, towns,
>>>> provinces, and nation as a whole.
- Re: this is what happens when you hand your country to subhumans [boodskap #54448 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #54428] Fri, 07 December 2001 07:18 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Sakkie[4]  is tans af-lyn  Sakkie[4]
Boodskappe: 383
Geregistreer: November 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Agnee Frikkie, ek is ook de moer in oor al die nonsens wat FW verkoop het,
maar wat jy hier sê kan ek nie mee saamstem nie.

"Frikkie Potgieter" skryf in boodskap news:3c0fd311$0$
> Ja, hier beginne nou van die waarheid uitkom.
> Ou Pienk Frikkie moet mos nie nou huil oor sy Maryka wat nie meer met ons is
> nie.
> Nee meneer, sy het langs jou gesit toe jy ons Boere uitverkoop het. Sy het
> jou ondersteun meneer, so die jammerte eintlik is dat dit nie jy was nie,
> want nadat sy jou bygestaan het gaan jy net nadat jy die Land verraai het en
> verraai ook sommer vir ou Liefie en dit vir `n baster... Ga.... Ek kry vir
> jou ou ooompie....Hierdie is maar die begin van LAAAAANg slaaploose nagte
> vir jou tot die tyd kom at jy ook voor die Groot Vader sal staan en moet
> verduidelik.
> Bly ek is nie jy nie "VERRAAIER".....
> Die wiel draai meneer.
> God werk lelik met verraaiers en jou naam is opgeskryf in die BOEK by God.
> People against crime wrote in message
> news:9uojdl$2aq$
>> Finally somebody who talk some sense...
>> You can see what a "fuck up" the ANC government and it's mates is making
> of
>> the country. Just look at the exchange rates.
>> Today (as of 10:00 06/12/2001)--
>> US$ 1.0000 = SA Rands 11.4500
>> GBP 1.0000 = SA Rands 16.2876
>> 4 December 1997
>> US$ 1.0000 = SA Rands 4.8450
>> GBP 1.0000 = SA Rands 8.1260
>> In 4 years that is a devaluation of 236.33 percent against the US Dollar
>> and over 100 percent devaluation against the British Pound.
>> wally wrote in message
>>> same tired old myths trotted out again.
>>> scientists are afraid , thanks to the stalinist atmosphere about race
>>> to state the facts .
>>> a good book to set you straight is the g-factor
>>> whites are the greatest race on the planets .and in evolutionary terms
>>> 10's of thousands of yrs more advanced than niggers . fact.
>>> the internet is less censored than published books and television (all
>>> controled by the enemies of truth)
>>> you can find scientific papers on all these things if you look.
>>> intelligence and beauty both evolved in eurasia .whites and east
>>> asians have the highest density of genes for intelligence , and
>>> ancient greece and rome were the greatest civilisations on earth.
>>> niggers are subhumans , its a fact , face it .
>>> land is wasted on them.
>>> put a thousan white people on a desert island , leave them for a few
>>> yrs and come back and you find a civilisation.
>>> look at haiti to see what happens to blacks after they have murdered
>>> their white masters and tried to live on a very rich island(before
>>> they murdered the 40 thousad french , haiti was exporting more food
>>> than the 13 u.s. colonies).a complete failure.
>>> they are a waste of space and oxygen . you know it.
>>> Phillip Pare wrote in message
>> news:...
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > > Autopsy: Ex-Wife of Former South African President F.W. de Klerk
> Was
>> Strangled
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Wednesday, December 05, 2001
>>>> > >
>>>> > >
>>>> > > CAPE TOWN, South Africa - An autopsy on the body of Marike de
>> Klerk, the ex-wife of
>>>> > > apartheid South Africa's last president, F.W. de Klerk, revealed
>> that she had been
>>>> > > strangled to death, police said Wednesday.
>>>> > >
>>>> > >
>>>> > > De Klerk's body was discovered at her Cape Town home Tuesday
>> afternoon, about 30 hours
>>>> > > after coroners estimated she had died.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > The autopsy also revealed that she had a shallow stab wound in
>> back, police spokesman
>>>> > > Wikus Holtzhauzen said.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > "The stab wound ... was not the cause of death," he said.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > There were no immediate arrests and police did not have any
>> suspects.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > De Klerk's body was found when her hairdresser became concerned
> that
>> she had missed an
>>>> > > appointment and went to her apartment to look for her. When de
> Klerk
>> did not answer her
>>>> > > door, the hairdresser summoned neighborhood security guards who
>> found the body.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Nothing was missing from de Klerk's house and the motive for her
>> killing was unknown,
>>>> > > Holtzhauzen said.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > The de Klerks divorced in 1998 after 39 years of marriage, and
> F.W.
>> de Klerk announced he
>>>> > > was in love with Elita Giorgiades, the former wife of Greek
> shipping
>> magnate Tony
>>>> > > Giorgiades.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > As her husband rose through the ranks of the ruling National
>> during apartheid, his
>>>> > > wife also was politically active, eventually leading the party's
>> women's organization.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > F.W. de Klerk gave up power to Nelson Mandela after South
>> first all-race
>>>> > > elections in 1994.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > President Thabo Mbeki expressed his condolences Tuesday in a
>> statement and described de
>>>> > > Klerk as a "strong, charming and dignified woman."
>>>> wally wrote:
>>>> > when will whites draw the line? niggers are subhuman and only fit to
>>>> > be ruled by the knout.
>>>> Wally sounds like a troll and at the risk of feeding it, here are
>> comments:
>>>> Firstly, Wally, go and do some research on genetics and verify the
>> current wisdom that there
>>>> are more genetic difference within the negroid races than there are
> when
>> a single negroid
>>>> person's genes are compared to a caucasian.
>>>> Secondly most black South Africans would be horrified at the kind of
>> violence shown in this
>>>> most brutal murder. Just look at Mbeki's comment above.
>>>> Thirdly no race in the world can claim complete moral virtue. Does
>> really have to remind
>>>> people about the races to which Hitler, Mussolini, Rhodes, Jameson,
> and
>> Eugene Terblanche
>>>> belonged.
>>>> If still in doubt about the kind of behaviour that so called upright
>> English people can be
>>>> involved in just go and read CS Lewis' account of the goings on in
>> English Public Schools in
>>>> the early part of the twentieth century. (This is contained in his
> book
>> "Surprised by Joy" ).
>>>> It is so obvious that it should not bear repeating that just as any
>> human is capable of virtue,
>>>> so is s/he capable of vice.
>>>> Any reasonable person will feel complete outrage at what has
> to
>> Mrs Marike de Klerk.
>>>> To express one's sympathies to the family is the least that one can
> do.
>> We all need to
>>>> prioritize the rebuilding of South African society on decent moral
>> ethical foundations.
>>>> This obviously starts in our own backyards, and then proceeds to our
>> communities, towns,
>>>> provinces, and nation as a whole.
- Re: this is what happens when you hand your country to subhumans [boodskap #54450 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #54433] Fri, 07 December 2001 09:28 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Tinkerbell  is tans af-lyn  Tinkerbell
Boodskappe: 80
Geregistreer: November 2001
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
"@work" skryf in boodskap news:...
> Jy maak alweer jou naam gat Frikkie. Jy is DOM, en hier is nie
> een mens op hierdie groep wat met jou saamstem nie. Jy is n rassis
> wat brabbel uitspew onder die dekmantel van godsdiens. Jy veroordeel
> mense, maar sien nie jou eie afgryslike foute en blatante rassisme as
> sonde nie.
> Hoekom aanvaar jy nie dat apartheid verby is, en dat dit verkeerd was
> nie. Probeer om in die hede te leef, en die goeie dinge te sien.
> Sheesh! . . . .

Ek stem 200% saam.
Frikkie jou varkie..jy is 'n baie DOM rassis en maak my naar.
- Re: this is what happens when you hand your country to subhumans [boodskap #54451 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #54433] Fri, 07 December 2001 09:28 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Tinkerbell  is tans af-lyn  Tinkerbell
Boodskappe: 80
Geregistreer: November 2001
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
"@work" skryf in boodskap news:...
> Jy maak alweer jou naam gat Frikkie. Jy is DOM, en hier is nie
> een mens op hierdie groep wat met jou saamstem nie. Jy is n rassis
> wat brabbel uitspew onder die dekmantel van godsdiens. Jy veroordeel
> mense, maar sien nie jou eie afgryslike foute en blatante rassisme as
> sonde nie.
> Hoekom aanvaar jy nie dat apartheid verby is, en dat dit verkeerd was
> nie. Probeer om in die hede te leef, en die goeie dinge te sien.
> Sheesh! . . . .

Ek stem 200% saam.
Frikkie jou varkie..jy is 'n baie DOM rassis en maak my naar.
- Re: this is what happens when you hand your country to subhumans [boodskap #54459 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #54428] Fri, 07 December 2001 17:46 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
*Sterrenkijker*  is tans af-lyn  *Sterrenkijker*
Boodskappe: 67
Geregistreer: July 2001
Karma: 0
Volle Lid (wally) schreef:

> when will whites draw the line? niggers are subhuman and only fit to
> be ruled by the knout.
Bredero het geskryf: "'t Kan verkeren!.."

Die groete van

Norbert (uit Vlaanderen)
- Vark! [boodskap #54480 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #54450] Sun, 09 December 2001 07:12 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Wouter Plaasvark  is tans af-lyn  Wouter Plaasvark
Boodskappe: 1004
Geregistreer: May 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
> Hoekom aanvaar jy nie dat apartheid verby is, en dat dit verkeerd was
> nie. Probeer om in die hede te leef, en die goeie dinge te sien.

Tinkerbell : Ek stem 200% saam.
Frikkie jou varkie..jy is 'n baie DOM rassis en maak my naar.

Wouter Plaasvarkie :
Haai versigtig hoor! Hier is net een varkie op hierdie ng en hy
is nogal oulik en snoesig hoor.
- Re: Frikkie W de Klerk [boodskap #54489 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #54430] Sun, 09 December 2001 18:51 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Frikkie Potgieter  is tans af-lyn  Frikkie Potgieter
Boodskappe: 383
Geregistreer: February 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Nee my maat,
Mense wat werklik `n pad met God wil loop en nie Sondag na Sondag in die
kerke na die BAAL Priesters staan en luitster wat ons, myself oor `n tydperk
gebreinspoel het dat ek ook in `n groef was.
Moenie OP en AF met God nie,
Moenie speletjies speel met Hom nie.
Hy is Werklik, Hy is (JALOERS) en Hy gaan ook nie met Hom laat mors of
rondneuk nie.

Ps:Hierdie is maar net die begin van `n WIEL wat draai...
Sterk staan ou "pienk frikkie".............
Niemand kry jou jammer nie......

Piet Pompdonkie skryf in boodskap news:3c0fff9e$0$
> "Frikkie Potgieter" > Hierdie is maar die begin van LAAAAANg slaaploose nagte
>> vir jou tot die tyd kom at jy ook voor die Groot Vader sal staan
>> en moet verduidelik. Bly ek is nie jy nie "VERRAAIER".....
>> Die wiel draai meneer. God werk lelik met verraaiers en jou naam
>> is opgeskryf in die BOEK by God.
> Djieepers Frikkie, waar val jy uit?
> Donkies weet nou nie so baie van hierdie dinge nie, maar ons is
> ook nie so stoepid dat dit nie vir my glashelderduidelik is dat jy
> godsdiens 'n baie baie slegte naam gee met sulke uitsprake nie.
> Probeer jy agnostici en ateïste werf?
> Piet Predikandonkie
> People against crime wrote in message
> news:9uojdl$2aq$
>> Finally somebody who talk some sense...
>> You can see what a "fuck up" the ANC government and it's mates is making
> of
>> the country. Just look at the exchange rates.
>> Today (as of 10:00 06/12/2001)--
>> US$ 1.0000 = SA Rands 11.4500
>> GBP 1.0000 = SA Rands 16.2876
>> 4 December 1997
>> US$ 1.0000 = SA Rands 4.8450
>> GBP 1.0000 = SA Rands 8.1260
>> In 4 years that is a devaluation of 236.33 percent against the US Dollar
>> and over 100 percent devaluation against the British Pound.
>> wally wrote in message
>>> same tired old myths trotted out again.
>>> scientists are afraid , thanks to the stalinist atmosphere about race
>>> to state the facts .
>>> a good book to set you straight is the g-factor
>>> whites are the greatest race on the planets .and in evolutionary terms
>>> 10's of thousands of yrs more advanced than niggers . fact.
>>> the internet is less censored than published books and television (all
>>> controled by the enemies of truth)
>>> you can find scientific papers on all these things if you look.
>>> intelligence and beauty both evolved in eurasia .whites and east
>>> asians have the highest density of genes for intelligence , and
>>> ancient greece and rome were the greatest civilisations on earth.
>>> niggers are subhumans , its a fact , face it .
>>> land is wasted on them.
>>> put a thousan white people on a desert island , leave them for a few
>>> yrs and come back and you find a civilisation.
>>> look at haiti to see what happens to blacks after they have murdered
>>> their white masters and tried to live on a very rich island(before
>>> they murdered the 40 thousad french , haiti was exporting more food
>>> than the 13 u.s. colonies).a complete failure.
>>> they are a waste of space and oxygen . you know it.
>>> Phillip Pare wrote in message
>> news:...
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > > Autopsy: Ex-Wife of Former South African President F.W. de Klerk
> Was
>> Strangled
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Wednesday, December 05, 2001
>>>> > >
>>>> > >
>>>> > > CAPE TOWN, South Africa - An autopsy on the body of Marike de
>> Klerk, the ex-wife of
>>>> > > apartheid South Africa's last president, F.W. de Klerk, revealed
>> that she had been
>>>> > > strangled to death, police said Wednesday.
>>>> > >
>>>> > >
>>>> > > De Klerk's body was discovered at her Cape Town home Tuesday
>> afternoon, about 30 hours
>>>> > > after coroners estimated she had died.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > The autopsy also revealed that she had a shallow stab wound in
>> back, police spokesman
>>>> > > Wikus Holtzhauzen said.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > "The stab wound ... was not the cause of death," he said.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > There were no immediate arrests and police did not have any
>> suspects.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > De Klerk's body was found when her hairdresser became concerned
> that
>> she had missed an
>>>> > > appointment and went to her apartment to look for her. When de
> Klerk
>> did not answer her
>>>> > > door, the hairdresser summoned neighborhood security guards who
>> found the body.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Nothing was missing from de Klerk's house and the motive for her
>> killing was unknown,
>>>> > > Holtzhauzen said.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > The de Klerks divorced in 1998 after 39 years of marriage, and
> F.W.
>> de Klerk announced he
>>>> > > was in love with Elita Giorgiades, the former wife of Greek
> shipping
>> magnate Tony
>>>> > > Giorgiades.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > As her husband rose through the ranks of the ruling National
>> during apartheid, his
>>>> > > wife also was politically active, eventually leading the party's
>> women's organization.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > F.W. de Klerk gave up power to Nelson Mandela after South
>> first all-race
>>>> > > elections in 1994.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > President Thabo Mbeki expressed his condolences Tuesday in a
>> statement and described de
>>>> > > Klerk as a "strong, charming and dignified woman."
>>>> wally wrote:
>>>> > when will whites draw the line? niggers are subhuman and only fit to
>>>> > be ruled by the knout.
>>>> Wally sounds like a troll and at the risk of feeding it, here are
>> comments:
>>>> Firstly, Wally, go and do some research on genetics and verify the
>> current wisdom that there
>>>> are more genetic difference within the negroid races than there are
> when
>> a single negroid
>>>> person's genes are compared to a caucasian.
>>>> Secondly most black South Africans would be horrified at the kind of
>> violence shown in this
>>>> most brutal murder. Just look at Mbeki's comment above.
>>>> Thirdly no race in the world can claim complete moral virtue. Does
>> really have to remind
>>>> people about the races to which Hitler, Mussolini, Rhodes, Jameson,
> and
>> Eugene Terblanche
>>>> belonged.
>>>> If still in doubt about the kind of behaviour that so called upright
>> English people can be
>>>> involved in just go and read CS Lewis' account of the goings on in
>> English Public Schools in
>>>> the early part of the twentieth century. (This is contained in his
> book
>> "Surprised by Joy" ).
>>>> It is so obvious that it should not bear repeating that just as any
>> human is capable of virtue,
>>>> so is s/he capable of vice.
>>>> Any reasonable person will feel complete outrage at what has
> to
>> Mrs Marike de Klerk.
>>>> To express one's sympathies to the family is the least that one can
> do.
>> We all need to
>>>> prioritize the rebuilding of South African society on decent moral
>> ethical foundations.
>>>> This obviously starts in our own backyards, and then proceeds to our
>> communities, towns,
>>>> provinces, and nation as a whole.
- Re: this is what happens when you hand your country to subhumans [boodskap #54490 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #54433] Sun, 09 December 2001 18:55 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Frikkie Potgieter  is tans af-lyn  Frikkie Potgieter
Boodskappe: 383
Geregistreer: February 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Fok jou M8..

Jy sal op jou rug val as jy die persoonlike poste van hier af sien kom, maar
ek het niks nodig om met `n "baster" te gesels nie. Ek distansieer my elk
geval van julle.....
Gaan vee jou kombuis man?????

Bewys dat rasisme `n sonde is man.
Kom uit die Bybel laat ons dan nou sien wie is dom.....
Ek sal andere antwoord maar nie vir JOU nie....

@work skryf in boodskap news:9up2i5$jgu$
> Sheesh! . . . .


> Frikkie Potgieter wrote in message
> news:3c0fd311$0$
>> Ja, hier beginne nou van die waarheid uitkom.
>> Ou Pienk Frikkie moet mos nie nou huil oor sy Maryka wat nie meer met
> is
>> nie.
>> Nee meneer, sy het langs jou gesit toe jy ons Boere uitverkoop het. Sy het
>> jou ondersteun meneer, so die jammerte eintlik is dat dit nie jy was nie,
>> want nadat sy jou bygestaan het gaan jy net nadat jy die Land verraai
> en
>> verraai ook sommer vir ou Liefie en dit vir `n baster... Ga.... Ek kry vir
>> jou ou ooompie....Hierdie is maar die begin van LAAAAANg slaaploose nagte
>> vir jou tot die tyd kom at jy ook voor die Groot Vader sal staan en moet
>> verduidelik.
>> Bly ek is nie jy nie "VERRAAIER".....
>> Die wiel draai meneer.
>> God werk lelik met verraaiers en jou naam is opgeskryf in die BOEK by God.
>> People against crime wrote in message
>> news:9uojdl$2aq$
>>> Finally somebody who talk some sense...
>>> You can see what a "fuck up" the ANC government and it's mates is
>> of
>>> the country. Just look at the exchange rates.
>>> Today (as of 10:00 06/12/2001)--
>>> US$ 1.0000 = SA Rands 11.4500
>>> GBP 1.0000 = SA Rands 16.2876
>>> 4 December 1997
>>> US$ 1.0000 = SA Rands 4.8450
>>> GBP 1.0000 = SA Rands 8.1260
>>> In 4 years that is a devaluation of 236.33 percent against the US
> Dollar
>>> and over 100 percent devaluation against the British Pound.
>>> wally wrote in message
>>>> same tired old myths trotted out again.
>>>> scientists are afraid , thanks to the stalinist atmosphere about race
>>>> to state the facts .
>>>> a good book to set you straight is the g-factor
>>>> whites are the greatest race on the planets .and in evolutionary terms
>>>> 10's of thousands of yrs more advanced than niggers . fact.
>>>> the internet is less censored than published books and television (all
>>>> controled by the enemies of truth)
>>>> you can find scientific papers on all these things if you look.
>>>> intelligence and beauty both evolved in eurasia .whites and east
>>>> asians have the highest density of genes for intelligence , and
>>>> ancient greece and rome were the greatest civilisations on earth.
>>>> niggers are subhumans , its a fact , face it .
>>>> land is wasted on them.
>>>> put a thousan white people on a desert island , leave them for a few
>>>> yrs and come back and you find a civilisation.
>>>> look at haiti to see what happens to blacks after they have murdered
>>>> their white masters and tried to live on a very rich island(before
>>>> they murdered the 40 thousad french , haiti was exporting more food
>>>> than the 13 u.s. colonies).a complete failure.
>>>> they are a waste of space and oxygen . you know it.
>>>> Phillip Pare wrote in message
>>> news:...
>>>> > >
>>>> > >
>>>> > > > Autopsy: Ex-Wife of Former South African President F.W. de
>> Was
>>> Strangled
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > Wednesday, December 05, 2001
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > CAPE TOWN, South Africa - An autopsy on the body of Marike de
>>> Klerk, the ex-wife of
>>>> > > > apartheid South Africa's last president, F.W. de Klerk,
>>> that she had been
>>>> > > > strangled to death, police said Wednesday.
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > De Klerk's body was discovered at her Cape Town home Tuesday
>>> afternoon, about 30 hours
>>>> > > > after coroners estimated she had died.
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > The autopsy also revealed that she had a shallow stab wound in
> her
>>> back, police spokesman
>>>> > > > Wikus Holtzhauzen said.
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > "The stab wound ... was not the cause of death," he said.
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > There were no immediate arrests and police did not have any
>>> suspects.
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > De Klerk's body was found when her hairdresser became
>> that
>>> she had missed an
>>>> > > > appointment and went to her apartment to look for her. When de
>> Klerk
>>> did not answer her
>>>> > > > door, the hairdresser summoned neighborhood security guards
>>> found the body.
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > Nothing was missing from de Klerk's house and the motive for
>>> killing was unknown,
>>>> > > > Holtzhauzen said.
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > The de Klerks divorced in 1998 after 39 years of marriage, and
>> F.W.
>>> de Klerk announced he
>>>> > > > was in love with Elita Giorgiades, the former wife of Greek
>> shipping
>>> magnate Tony
>>>> > > > Giorgiades.
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > As her husband rose through the ranks of the ruling National
> Party
>>> during apartheid, his
>>>> > > > wife also was politically active, eventually leading the
>>> women's organization.
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > F.W. de Klerk gave up power to Nelson Mandela after South
> Africa's
>>> first all-race
>>>> > > > elections in 1994.
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > President Thabo Mbeki expressed his condolences Tuesday in a
>>> statement and described de
>>>> > > > Klerk as a "strong, charming and dignified woman."
>>>> >
>>>> > wally wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > > when will whites draw the line? niggers are subhuman and only
> to
>>>> > > be ruled by the knout.
>>>> >
>>>> > Wally sounds like a troll and at the risk of feeding it, here are
> some
>>> comments:
>>>> >
>>>> > Firstly, Wally, go and do some research on genetics and verify the
>>> current wisdom that there
>>>> > are more genetic difference within the negroid races than there
>> when
>>> a single negroid
>>>> > person's genes are compared to a caucasian.
>>>> >
>>>> > Secondly most black South Africans would be horrified at the kind
>>> violence shown in this
>>>> > most brutal murder. Just look at Mbeki's comment above.
>>>> >
>>>> > Thirdly no race in the world can claim complete moral virtue. Does
> one
>>> really have to remind
>>>> > people about the races to which Hitler, Mussolini, Rhodes,
>> and
>>> Eugene Terblanche
>>>> > belonged.
>>>> >
>>>> > If still in doubt about the kind of behaviour that so called
>>> English people can be
>>>> > involved in just go and read CS Lewis' account of the goings on in
>>> English Public Schools in
>>>> > the early part of the twentieth century. (This is contained in his
>> book
>>> "Surprised by Joy" ).
>>>> >
>>>> > It is so obvious that it should not bear repeating that just as
>>> human is capable of virtue,
>>>> > so is s/he capable of vice.
>>>> >
>>>> > Any reasonable person will feel complete outrage at what has
> happened
>> to
>>> Mrs Marike de Klerk.
>>>> > To express one's sympathies to the family is the least that one
>> do.
>>> We all need to
>>>> > prioritize the rebuilding of South African society on decent moral
> and
>>> ethical foundations.
>>>> > This obviously starts in our own backyards, and then proceeds to
>>> communities, towns,
>>>> > provinces, and nation as a whole.
- Re: this is what happens when you hand your country to subhumans [boodskap #54491 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #54450] Sun, 09 December 2001 18:56 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Frikkie Potgieter  is tans af-lyn  Frikkie Potgieter
Boodskappe: 383
Geregistreer: February 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Kots in `n sakkie, die M8 is nie daar om op te vee nie...

Tinkerbell skryf in boodskap
> "@work" wrote in message
>> Jy maak alweer jou naam gat Frikkie. Jy is DOM, en hier is nie
>> een mens op hierdie groep wat met jou saamstem nie. Jy is n rassis
>> wat brabbel uitspew onder die dekmantel van godsdiens. Jy veroordeel
>> mense, maar sien nie jou eie afgryslike foute en blatante rassisme as
>> sonde nie.
>> Hoekom aanvaar jy nie dat apartheid verby is, en dat dit verkeerd was
>> nie. Probeer om in die hede te leef, en die goeie dinge te sien.
>> Sheesh! . . . .
> Ek stem 200% saam.
> Frikkie jou varkie..jy is 'n baie DOM rassis en maak my naar.
- Re: this is what happens when you hand your country to subhumans [boodskap #54492 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #54437] Sun, 09 December 2001 18:57 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Frikkie Potgieter  is tans af-lyn  Frikkie Potgieter
Boodskappe: 383
Geregistreer: February 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Is so ne....
Wie beskik oor LEWE en DOOD...


Lag maar net vir jou hoor...Haha

Annette skryf in boodskap news:9upmjn$a3f3a$
> Frikkie, ek dink jou haat is effens misplaas hier.
> Asook jou bybelse verwysing.
> Geen mens op aarde "verdien" om vermoor te word, of om tot so 'n einde
> vervloek te word nie.
> Sê nie veel vir jou Christelike beginsel van vergifnis nie, of hoe?
> Annette
> Frikkie Potgieter wrote in message
> news:3c0fd311$0$
>> Ja, hier beginne nou van die waarheid uitkom.
>> Ou Pienk Frikkie moet mos nie nou huil oor sy Maryka wat nie meer met
> is
>> nie.
>> Nee meneer, sy het langs jou gesit toe jy ons Boere uitverkoop het. Sy het
>> jou ondersteun meneer, so die jammerte eintlik is dat dit nie jy was nie,
>> want nadat sy jou bygestaan het gaan jy net nadat jy die Land verraai
> en
>> verraai ook sommer vir ou Liefie en dit vir `n baster... Ga.... Ek kry vir
>> jou ou ooompie....Hierdie is maar die begin van LAAAAANg slaaploose nagte
>> vir jou tot die tyd kom at jy ook voor die Groot Vader sal staan en moet
>> verduidelik.
>> Bly ek is nie jy nie "VERRAAIER".....
>> Die wiel draai meneer.
>> God werk lelik met verraaiers en jou naam is opgeskryf in die BOEK by God.
>> People against crime wrote in message
>> news:9uojdl$2aq$
>>> Finally somebody who talk some sense...
>>> You can see what a "fuck up" the ANC government and it's mates is
>> of
>>> the country. Just look at the exchange rates.
>>> Today (as of 10:00 06/12/2001)--
>>> US$ 1.0000 = SA Rands 11.4500
>>> GBP 1.0000 = SA Rands 16.2876
>>> 4 December 1997
>>> US$ 1.0000 = SA Rands 4.8450
>>> GBP 1.0000 = SA Rands 8.1260
>>> In 4 years that is a devaluation of 236.33 percent against the US
> Dollar
>>> and over 100 percent devaluation against the British Pound.
>>> wally wrote in message
>>>> same tired old myths trotted out again.
>>>> scientists are afraid , thanks to the stalinist atmosphere about race
>>>> to state the facts .
>>>> a good book to set you straight is the g-factor
>>>> whites are the greatest race on the planets .and in evolutionary terms
>>>> 10's of thousands of yrs more advanced than niggers . fact.
>>>> the internet is less censored than published books and television (all
>>>> controled by the enemies of truth)
>>>> you can find scientific papers on all these things if you look.
>>>> intelligence and beauty both evolved in eurasia .whites and east
>>>> asians have the highest density of genes for intelligence , and
>>>> ancient greece and rome were the greatest civilisations on earth.
>>>> niggers are subhumans , its a fact , face it .
>>>> land is wasted on them.
>>>> put a thousan white people on a desert island , leave them for a few
>>>> yrs and come back and you find a civilisation.
>>>> look at haiti to see what happens to blacks after they have murdered
>>>> their white masters and tried to live on a very rich island(before
>>>> they murdered the 40 thousad french , haiti was exporting more food
>>>> than the 13 u.s. colonies).a complete failure.
>>>> they are a waste of space and oxygen . you know it.
>>>> Phillip Pare wrote in message
>>> news:...
>>>> > >
>>>> > >
>>>> > > > Autopsy: Ex-Wife of Former South African President F.W. de
>> Was
>>> Strangled
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > Wednesday, December 05, 2001
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > CAPE TOWN, South Africa - An autopsy on the body of Marike de
>>> Klerk, the ex-wife of
>>>> > > > apartheid South Africa's last president, F.W. de Klerk,
>>> that she had been
>>>> > > > strangled to death, police said Wednesday.
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > De Klerk's body was discovered at her Cape Town home Tuesday
>>> afternoon, about 30 hours
>>>> > > > after coroners estimated she had died.
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > The autopsy also revealed that she had a shallow stab wound in
> her
>>> back, police spokesman
>>>> > > > Wikus Holtzhauzen said.
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > "The stab wound ... was not the cause of death," he said.
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > There were no immediate arrests and police did not have any
>>> suspects.
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > De Klerk's body was found when her hairdresser became
>> that
>>> she had missed an
>>>> > > > appointment and went to her apartment to look for her. When de
>> Klerk
>>> did not answer her
>>>> > > > door, the hairdresser summoned neighborhood security guards
>>> found the body.
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > Nothing was missing from de Klerk's house and the motive for
>>> killing was unknown,
>>>> > > > Holtzhauzen said.
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > The de Klerks divorced in 1998 after 39 years of marriage, and
>> F.W.
>>> de Klerk announced he
>>>> > > > was in love with Elita Giorgiades, the former wife of Greek
>> shipping
>>> magnate Tony
>>>> > > > Giorgiades.
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > As her husband rose through the ranks of the ruling National
> Party
>>> during apartheid, his
>>>> > > > wife also was politically active, eventually leading the
>>> women's organization.
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > F.W. de Klerk gave up power to Nelson Mandela after South
> Africa's
>>> first all-race
>>>> > > > elections in 1994.
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > President Thabo Mbeki expressed his condolences Tuesday in a
>>> statement and described de
>>>> > > > Klerk as a "strong, charming and dignified woman."
>>>> >
>>>> > wally wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > > when will whites draw the line? niggers are subhuman and only
> to
>>>> > > be ruled by the knout.
>>>> >
>>>> > Wally sounds like a troll and at the risk of feeding it, here are
> some
>>> comments:
>>>> >
>>>> > Firstly, Wally, go and do some research on genetics and verify the
>>> current wisdom that there
>>>> > are more genetic difference within the negroid races than there
>> when
>>> a single negroid
>>>> > person's genes are compared to a caucasian.
>>>> >
>>>> > Secondly most black South Africans would be horrified at the kind
>>> violence shown in this
>>>> > most brutal murder. Just look at Mbeki's comment above.
>>>> >
>>>> > Thirdly no race in the world can claim complete moral virtue. Does
> one
>>> really have to remind
>>>> > people about the races to which Hitler, Mussolini, Rhodes,
>> and
>>> Eugene Terblanche
>>>> > belonged.
>>>> >
>>>> > If still in doubt about the kind of behaviour that so called
>>> English people can be
>>>> > involved in just go and read CS Lewis' account of the goings on in
>>> English Public Schools in
>>>> > the early part of the twentieth century. (This is contained in his
>> book
>>> "Surprised by Joy" ).
>>>> >
>>>> > It is so obvious that it should not bear repeating that just as
>>> human is capable of virtue,
>>>> > so is s/he capable of vice.
>>>> >
>>>> > Any reasonable person will feel complete outrage at what has
> happened
>> to
>>> Mrs Marike de Klerk.
>>>> > To express one's sympathies to the family is the least that one
>> do.
>>> We all need to
>>>> > prioritize the rebuilding of South African society on decent moral
> and
>>> ethical foundations.
>>>> > This obviously starts in our own backyards, and then proceeds to
>>> communities, towns,
>>>> > provinces, and nation as a whole.
- Re: this is what happens when you hand your country to subhumans [boodskap #54493 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #54448] Sun, 09 December 2001 19:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Frikkie Potgieter  is tans af-lyn  Frikkie Potgieter
Boodskappe: 383
Geregistreer: February 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Jou opinie,
Fok my maat, hoekom het julle nie so gehuil oor die Boere nie, Soldate en
jong seuns, nee julle kom tjank hier oor `n teef wat pienk frikkie bygestaan
het toe my Kamerade op die grens doodgeskiet is a.g.v. hierdie bliksems wat
ons verraai het. Syt selfs saam met winnie koffie gedrink uit hulle fancy
koppies uit man.
Ag kry lewe man.

Sakkie skryf in boodskap news:3c106e3b$0$
> Agnee Frikkie, ek is ook de moer in oor al die nonsens wat FW verkoop het,
> maar wat jy hier sê kan ek nie mee saamstem nie.
> Sakkie
> "Frikkie Potgieter" wrote in message
> news:3c0fd311$0$
>> Ja, hier beginne nou van die waarheid uitkom.
>> Ou Pienk Frikkie moet mos nie nou huil oor sy Maryka wat nie meer met
> is
>> nie.
>> Nee meneer, sy het langs jou gesit toe jy ons Boere uitverkoop het. Sy het
>> jou ondersteun meneer, so die jammerte eintlik is dat dit nie jy was nie,
>> want nadat sy jou bygestaan het gaan jy net nadat jy die Land verraai
> en
>> verraai ook sommer vir ou Liefie en dit vir `n baster... Ga.... Ek kry vir
>> jou ou ooompie....Hierdie is maar die begin van LAAAAANg slaaploose nagte
>> vir jou tot die tyd kom at jy ook voor die Groot Vader sal staan en moet
>> verduidelik.
>> Bly ek is nie jy nie "VERRAAIER".....
>> Die wiel draai meneer.
>> God werk lelik met verraaiers en jou naam is opgeskryf in die BOEK by God.
>> People against crime wrote in message
>> news:9uojdl$2aq$
>>> Finally somebody who talk some sense...
>>> You can see what a "fuck up" the ANC government and it's mates is
>> of
>>> the country. Just look at the exchange rates.
>>> Today (as of 10:00 06/12/2001)--
>>> US$ 1.0000 = SA Rands 11.4500
>>> GBP 1.0000 = SA Rands 16.2876
>>> 4 December 1997
>>> US$ 1.0000 = SA Rands 4.8450
>>> GBP 1.0000 = SA Rands 8.1260
>>> In 4 years that is a devaluation of 236.33 percent against the US
> Dollar
>>> and over 100 percent devaluation against the British Pound.
>>> wally wrote in message
>>>> same tired old myths trotted out again.
>>>> scientists are afraid , thanks to the stalinist atmosphere about race
>>>> to state the facts .
>>>> a good book to set you straight is the g-factor
>>>> whites are the greatest race on the planets .and in evolutionary terms
>>>> 10's of thousands of yrs more advanced than niggers . fact.
>>>> the internet is less censored than published books and television (all
>>>> controled by the enemies of truth)
>>>> you can find scientific papers on all these things if you look.
>>>> intelligence and beauty both evolved in eurasia .whites and east
>>>> asians have the highest density of genes for intelligence , and
>>>> ancient greece and rome were the greatest civilisations on earth.
>>>> niggers are subhumans , its a fact , face it .
>>>> land is wasted on them.
>>>> put a thousan white people on a desert island , leave them for a few
>>>> yrs and come back and you find a civilisation.
>>>> look at haiti to see what happens to blacks after they have murdered
>>>> their white masters and tried to live on a very rich island(before
>>>> they murdered the 40 thousad french , haiti was exporting more food
>>>> than the 13 u.s. colonies).a complete failure.
>>>> they are a waste of space and oxygen . you know it.
>>>> Phillip Pare wrote in message
>>> news:...
>>>> > >
>>>> > >
>>>> > > > Autopsy: Ex-Wife of Former South African President F.W. de
>> Was
>>> Strangled
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > Wednesday, December 05, 2001
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > CAPE TOWN, South Africa - An autopsy on the body of Marike de
>>> Klerk, the ex-wife of
>>>> > > > apartheid South Africa's last president, F.W. de Klerk,
>>> that she had been
>>>> > > > strangled to death, police said Wednesday.
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > De Klerk's body was discovered at her Cape Town home Tuesday
>>> afternoon, about 30 hours
>>>> > > > after coroners estimated she had died.
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > The autopsy also revealed that she had a shallow stab wound in
> her
>>> back, police spokesman
>>>> > > > Wikus Holtzhauzen said.
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > "The stab wound ... was not the cause of death," he said.
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > There were no immediate arrests and police did not have any
>>> suspects.
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > De Klerk's body was found when her hairdresser became
>> that
>>> she had missed an
>>>> > > > appointment and went to her apartment to look for her. When de
>> Klerk
>>> did not answer her
>>>> > > > door, the hairdresser summoned neighborhood security guards
>>> found the body.
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > Nothing was missing from de Klerk's house and the motive for
>>> killing was unknown,
>>>> > > > Holtzhauzen said.
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > The de Klerks divorced in 1998 after 39 years of marriage, and
>> F.W.
>>> de Klerk announced he
>>>> > > > was in love with Elita Giorgiades, the former wife of Greek
>> shipping
>>> magnate Tony
>>>> > > > Giorgiades.
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > As her husband rose through the ranks of the ruling National
> Party
>>> during apartheid, his
>>>> > > > wife also was politically active, eventually leading the
>>> women's organization.
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > F.W. de Klerk gave up power to Nelson Mandela after South
> Africa's
>>> first all-race
>>>> > > > elections in 1994.
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > President Thabo Mbeki expressed his condolences Tuesday in a
>>> statement and described de
>>>> > > > Klerk as a "strong, charming and dignified woman."
>>>> >
>>>> > wally wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > > when will whites draw the line? niggers are subhuman and only
> to
>>>> > > be ruled by the knout.
>>>> >
>>>> > Wally sounds like a troll and at the risk of feeding it, here are
> some
>>> comments:
>>>> >
>>>> > Firstly, Wally, go and do some research on genetics and verify the
>>> current wisdom that there
>>>> > are more genetic difference within the negroid races than there
>> when
>>> a single negroid
>>>> > person's genes are compared to a caucasian.
>>>> >
>>>> > Secondly most black South Africans would be horrified at the kind
>>> violence shown in this
>>>> > most brutal murder. Just look at Mbeki's comment above.
>>>> >
>>>> > Thirdly no race in the world can claim complete moral virtue. Does
> one
>>> really have to remind
>>>> > people about the races to which Hitler, Mussolini, Rhodes,
>> and
>>> Eugene Terblanche
>>>> > belonged.
>>>> >
>>>> > If still in doubt about the kind of behaviour that so called
>>> English people can be
>>>> > involved in just go and read CS Lewis' account of the goings on in
>>> English Public Schools in
>>>> > the early part of the twentieth century. (This is contained in his
>> book
>>> "Surprised by Joy" ).
>>>> >
>>>> > It is so obvious that it should not bear repeating that just as
>>> human is capable of virtue,
>>>> > so is s/he capable of vice.
>>>> >
>>>> > Any reasonable person will feel complete outrage at what has
> happened
>> to
>>> Mrs Marike de Klerk.
>>>> > To express one's sympathies to the family is the least that one
>> do.
>>> We all need to
>>>> > prioritize the rebuilding of South African society on decent moral
> and
>>> ethical foundations.
>>>> > This obviously starts in our own backyards, and then proceeds to
>>> communities, towns,
>>>> > provinces, and nation as a whole.
- Re: this is what happens when you hand your country to subhumans [boodskap #54494 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #54490] Sun, 09 December 2001 19:18 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Oorspronklik gepos deur: .com

Frikkie Potgieter skryf in boodskap news:3c13b2e7$0$
> Fok jou M8..
> Jy sal op jou rug val as jy die persoonlike poste van hier af sien kom, maar
> ek het niks nodig om met `n "baster" te gesels nie. Ek distansieer my elk
> geval van julle.....
> Gaan vee jou kombuis man?????
> Bewys dat rasisme `n sonde is man.
> Kom uit die Bybel laat ons dan nou sien wie is dom.....
> Ek sal andere antwoord maar nie vir JOU nie....
> @work skryf in boodskap news:9up2i5$jgu$
>> Sheesh! . . . .
Frikkie, jy moet vergewe en vergeet. Jy moet met jou pastoor/predikant gaan
praat en hom vra
om jou te help met veral die vergewe storie man, mens kan nie met soveel
haat deur die lewe gaan
nie. Hoekom doen jy nie sendingwerk nie, dan kan jy leer dat "hulle' nie
soveel anders as "ons' is
nie. Met dieselfde vrese, hoop, verwagtings en terleurstellings in die
lewe. Ja daar is slegtes onder
"hulle" maar ook onder ons, en alle nasies. Intussen bid ons vir jou dat jy
dinge kan aanvaar
en vorentoe kyk met moed. En moet asb. nie os vloek nie man!
- Re: this is what happens when you hand your country to subhumans [boodskap #54497 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #54490] Sun, 09 December 2001 23:25 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
bouer  is tans af-lyn  bouer
Boodskappe: 4791
Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Frikkie Potgieter wrote:

> Fok jou M8..

> @work skryf in boodskap news:9up2i5$jgu$
>> Sheesh! . . . .

Frikkie, my dier, jy verwar my met iemand anders.
Ek is nie @ work (wat van mindspring af pos nie.)
Ek is deesdae @ rogers. Ruk jou reg, ou Frikkie.

- Re: this is what happens when you hand your country to subhumans [boodskap #54500 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #54492] Mon, 10 December 2001 04:16 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
Frikkie, jy het 'n fout in jou antwoord aan my gemaak - jy het vergeet om te
So, as God dan oor lewe en dood beskik, wie gee jou die reg om vir hom te
besluit of selfs aan te beveel hoe wie moet gaan?
Jy kan maar lag, maar jy is tans besig met iets veel ergers as FW.

Frikkie Potgieter skryf in boodskap news:3c13b370$0$
> Is so ne....
> Wie beskik oor LEWE en DOOD...
> NET GOD...
> Lag maar net vir jou hoor...Haha
> Annette wrote in message
> news:9upmjn$a3f3a$
>> Frikkie, ek dink jou haat is effens misplaas hier.
>> Asook jou bybelse verwysing.
>> Geen mens op aarde "verdien" om vermoor te word, of om tot so 'n einde
>> vervloek te word nie.
>> Sê nie veel vir jou Christelike beginsel van vergifnis nie, of hoe?
>> Annette
>> Frikkie Potgieter wrote in message
>> news:3c0fd311$0$
>>> Ja, hier beginne nou van die waarheid uitkom.
>>> Ou Pienk Frikkie moet mos nie nou huil oor sy Maryka wat nie meer met
> ons
>> is
>>> nie.
>>> Nee meneer, sy het langs jou gesit toe jy ons Boere uitverkoop het. Sy
> het
>>> jou ondersteun meneer, so die jammerte eintlik is dat dit nie jy was
> nie,
>>> want nadat sy jou bygestaan het gaan jy net nadat jy die Land verraai
> het
>> en
>>> verraai ook sommer vir ou Liefie en dit vir `n baster... Ga.... Ek kry
> vir
>>> jou ou ooompie....Hierdie is maar die begin van LAAAAANg slaaploose
> nagte
>>> vir jou tot die tyd kom at jy ook voor die Groot Vader sal staan en moet
>>> verduidelik.
>>> Bly ek is nie jy nie "VERRAAIER".....
>>> Die wiel draai meneer.
>>> God werk lelik met verraaiers en jou naam is opgeskryf in die BOEK by
> God.
>>> People against crime wrote in message
>>> news:9uojdl$2aq$
>>>> Finally somebody who talk some sense...
>>>> You can see what a "fuck up" the ANC government and it's mates is
> making
>>> of
>>>> the country. Just look at the exchange rates.
>>>> Today (as of 10:00 06/12/2001)--
>>>> US$ 1.0000 = SA Rands 11.4500
>>>> GBP 1.0000 = SA Rands 16.2876
>>>> 4 December 1997
>>>> US$ 1.0000 = SA Rands 4.8450
>>>> GBP 1.0000 = SA Rands 8.1260
>>>> In 4 years that is a devaluation of 236.33 percent against the US
>> Dollar
>>>> and over 100 percent devaluation against the British Pound.
>>>> wally wrote in message
>>>> > same tired old myths trotted out again.
>>>> > scientists are afraid , thanks to the stalinist atmosphere about
> race
>>>> > to state the facts .
>>>> > a good book to set you straight is the g-factor
>>>> >
>>>> > whites are the greatest race on the planets .and in evolutionary
> terms
>>>> > 10's of thousands of yrs more advanced than niggers . fact.
>>>> >
>>>> > the internet is less censored than published books and television
> (all
>>>> > controled by the enemies of truth)
>>>> > you can find scientific papers on all these things if you look.
>>>> >
>>>> > intelligence and beauty both evolved in eurasia .whites and east
>>>> > asians have the highest density of genes for intelligence , and
>>>> > ancient greece and rome were the greatest civilisations on earth.
>>>> >
>>>> > niggers are subhumans , its a fact , face it .
>>>> > land is wasted on them.
>>>> > put a thousan white people on a desert island , leave them for a few
>>>> > yrs and come back and you find a civilisation.
>>>> > look at haiti to see what happens to blacks after they have murdered
>>>> > their white masters and tried to live on a very rich island(before
>>>> > they murdered the 40 thousad french , haiti was exporting more food
>>>> > than the 13 u.s. colonies).a complete failure.
>>>> >
>>>> > they are a waste of space and oxygen . you know it.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > Phillip Pare wrote in message
>>>> news:...
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > > Autopsy: Ex-Wife of Former South African President F.W. de
> Klerk
>>> Was
>>>> Strangled
>>>> > > > >
>>>> > > > > Wednesday, December 05, 2001
>>>> > > > >
>>>> > > > >
>>>> > > > > CAPE TOWN, South Africa - An autopsy on the body of Marike de
>>>> Klerk, the ex-wife of
>>>> > > > > apartheid South Africa's last president, F.W. de Klerk,
> revealed
>>>> that she had been
>>>> > > > > strangled to death, police said Wednesday.
>>>> > > > >
>>>> > > > >
>>>> > > > > De Klerk's body was discovered at her Cape Town home Tuesday
>>>> afternoon, about 30 hours
>>>> > > > > after coroners estimated she had died.
>>>> > > > >
>>>> > > > > The autopsy also revealed that she had a shallow stab wound
>> her
>>>> back, police spokesman
>>>> > > > > Wikus Holtzhauzen said.
>>>> > > > >
>>>> > > > > "The stab wound ... was not the cause of death," he said.
>>>> > > > >
>>>> > > > > There were no immediate arrests and police did not have any
>>>> suspects.
>>>> > > > >
>>>> > > > > De Klerk's body was found when her hairdresser became
> concerned
>>> that
>>>> she had missed an
>>>> > > > > appointment and went to her apartment to look for her. When
>>> Klerk
>>>> did not answer her
>>>> > > > > door, the hairdresser summoned neighborhood security guards
> who
>>>> found the body.
>>>> > > > >
>>>> > > > > Nothing was missing from de Klerk's house and the motive for
> her
>>>> killing was unknown,
>>>> > > > > Holtzhauzen said.
>>>> > > > >
>>>> > > > > The de Klerks divorced in 1998 after 39 years of marriage,
>>> F.W.
>>>> de Klerk announced he
>>>> > > > > was in love with Elita Giorgiades, the former wife of Greek
>>> shipping
>>>> magnate Tony
>>>> > > > > Giorgiades.
>>>> > > > >
>>>> > > > > As her husband rose through the ranks of the ruling National
>> Party
>>>> during apartheid, his
>>>> > > > > wife also was politically active, eventually leading the
> party's
>>>> women's organization.
>>>> > > > >
>>>> > > > > F.W. de Klerk gave up power to Nelson Mandela after South
>> Africa's
>>>> first all-race
>>>> > > > > elections in 1994.
>>>> > > > >
>>>> > > > > President Thabo Mbeki expressed his condolences Tuesday in a
>>>> statement and described de
>>>> > > > > Klerk as a "strong, charming and dignified woman."
>>>> > >
>>>> > > wally wrote:
>>>> > >
>>>> > > > when will whites draw the line? niggers are subhuman and only
> fit
>> to
>>>> > > > be ruled by the knout.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Wally sounds like a troll and at the risk of feeding it, here
>> some
>>>> comments:
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Firstly, Wally, go and do some research on genetics and verify the
>>>> current wisdom that there
>>>> > > are more genetic difference within the negroid races than there
> are
>>> when
>>>> a single negroid
>>>> > > person's genes are compared to a caucasian.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Secondly most black South Africans would be horrified at the
> of
>>>> violence shown in this
>>>> > > most brutal murder. Just look at Mbeki's comment above.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Thirdly no race in the world can claim complete moral virtue.
>> one
>>>> really have to remind
>>>> > > people about the races to which Hitler, Mussolini, Rhodes,
> Jameson,
>>> and
>>>> Eugene Terblanche
>>>> > > belonged.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > If still in doubt about the kind of behaviour that so called
> upright
>>>> English people can be
>>>> > > involved in just go and read CS Lewis' account of the goings on in
>>>> English Public Schools in
>>>> > > the early part of the twentieth century. (This is contained in
>>> book
>>>> "Surprised by Joy" ).
>>>> > >
>>>> > > It is so obvious that it should not bear repeating that just as
> any
>>>> human is capable of virtue,
>>>> > > so is s/he capable of vice.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Any reasonable person will feel complete outrage at what has
>> happened
>>> to
>>>> Mrs Marike de Klerk.
>>>> > > To express one's sympathies to the family is the least that one
> can
>>> do.
>>>> We all need to
>>>> > > prioritize the rebuilding of South African society on decent
>> and
>>>> ethical foundations.
>>>> > > This obviously starts in our own backyards, and then proceeds to
> our
>>>> communities, towns,
>>>> > > provinces, and nation as a whole.
- Re: this is what happens when you hand your country to subhumans [boodskap #54502 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #54428] Mon, 10 December 2001 07:30 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
Hy moet miskien sommer die bybel ook weer gaan lees.

Sakkie skryf in boodskap news:3c145cc6$0$
> Some of our non-Afrikaans posters have their South African political history
> all screwed up. It was actually FW de Klerk that turned South Africa around
> from minority white rule to what it is today. Mandela and de Klerk were
> given the Nobel award for this. Just maybe a good book on recent South
> African history will fix your misconceptions.
> "Nitab" wrote in message
>> (wally) wrote in message
> news:...
>>> when will whites draw the line? niggers are subhuman and only fit to
>>> be ruled by the knout.
>>>> Autopsy: Ex-Wife of Former South African President F.W. de Klerk Was
> Strangled
>>>> Wednesday, December 05, 2001
>>>> CAPE TOWN, South Africa - An autopsy on the body of Marike de
> the ex-wife of
>>>> apartheid South Africa's last president, F.W. de Klerk, revealed
> she had been
>>>> strangled to death, police said Wednesday.
>>>> De Klerk's body was discovered at her Cape Town home Tuesday
> afternoon, about 30 hours
>>>> after coroners estimated she had died.
>>>> The autopsy also revealed that she had a shallow stab wound in her
> back, police spokesman
>>>> Wikus Holtzhauzen said.
>>>> "The stab wound ... was not the cause of death," he said.
>>>> There were no immediate arrests and police did not have any suspects.
>>>> De Klerk's body was found when her hairdresser became concerned that
> she had missed an
>>>> appointment and went to her apartment to look for her. When de Klerk
> did not answer her
>>>> door, the hairdresser summoned neighborhood security guards who
> the body.
>>>> Nothing was missing from de Klerk's house and the motive for her
> killing was unknown,
>>>> Holtzhauzen said.
>>>> The de Klerks divorced in 1998 after 39 years of marriage, and F.W.
> Klerk announced he
>>>> was in love with Elita Giorgiades, the former wife of Greek shipping
> magnate Tony
>>>> Giorgiades.
>>>> As her husband rose through the ranks of the ruling National Party
> during apartheid, his
>>>> wife also was politically active, eventually leading the party's
> women's organization.
>>>> F.W. de Klerk gave up power to Nelson Mandela after South Africa's
> first all-race
>>>> elections in 1994.
>>>> President Thabo Mbeki expressed his condolences Tuesday in a
> and described de
>>>> Klerk as a "strong, charming and dignified woman."
>> Of course your racist assumption is a black man did it. I wonder how
>> many people died under the DeKlerks rule? It is sad that she died
>> like that but any death is a sad affair. Millions of African children
>> died under the rule to the White Aparthied Government. Stephen Biko
>> was tortured and murdered for his political beliefs. Unfotunately
>> what goes around comes around.
- Re: this is what happens when you hand your country to subhumans [boodskap #54810 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #54428] Fri, 21 December 2001 02:05 Na vorige boodskap
Oorspronklik gepos deur:

Roy McNab

Castiglione has many a frontier.

The white five hundred and five
Eyes of Christ on the warm hillside
Are blinding in Bologna's light.

Marble and Brescia stone
Shackle an anchor to our load,
And distant as Damascus now
Bologna and our private road.

High in the blazing Appennines,
Before the forest's grasping cone,
The sword embedded in the cross
Sings of a sacrifice in stone,
Permanent as del Robbia sky,
And singing it centres
The century's wrong
Nails my conscience
to its song.

O Paul, Paul ons dood lê hier
Onder die grond se skaduwee,
Stand unshod on their mountain bier,
Salute the symbol of the tree.

So we come to our first frontier;
The cemetery looms like a customs shed,
Have I anything to declare
To the marshalled dead?
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