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Tuis » Taal » Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe » Translation for "I Quit"
- Translation for "I Quit" [boodskap #48822] Sun, 26 August 2001 14:40 na volgende boodskap
BE  is tans af-lyn  BE
Boodskappe: 4
Geregistreer: August 2001
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
I want to quit my job in style. Can anyone give me the Afrikaans
equivalent of "I quit."

Thanks in advance.
- Re: Translation for "I Quit" [boodskap #48833 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #48822] Sun, 26 August 2001 18:46 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Cornald Kruyt[1]  is tans af-lyn  Cornald Kruyt[1]
Boodskappe: 2
Geregistreer: August 2001
Karma: 0
Junior Lid (BE) wrote:

> I want to quit my job in style. Can anyone give me the Afrikaans
> equivalent of "I quit."

Ek geef op.

Spam is spam no matter who's doing it or for what reason.
- Re: Translation for "I Quit" [boodskap #48834 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #48822] Sun, 26 August 2001 19:36 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Arthur  is tans af-lyn  Arthur
Boodskappe: 609
Geregistreer: September 2001
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Senior Lid
"Danielle" schreef...
> Cornald Kruyt wrote:
>> (BE) wrote:
>>> I want to quit my job in style. Can anyone give me the Afrikaans
>>> equivalent of "I quit."
>> Ek geef op.
> Ek glo nie dis reg nie. Ongelukkig het ek dit nog altyd net in Engels
> gedoen, so ek weet nie....anders sou ek probeer help het. :-))

Kan julle nie gewoon "ek neem ontslag" sê nie?

- Re: Translation for "I Quit" [boodskap #48835 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #48822] Sun, 26 August 2001 19:42 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Thys de Wet  is tans af-lyn  Thys de Wet
Boodskappe: 211
Geregistreer: December 2002
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Wat van:

Ek loop nou

Ek bedank

Ek's klaar hier gewerk

Stuur maar my tjek

Ek wag sommer vir my tjek. By wie kan ek dit gaan haal?

Thys ( met baie opsies) by die huis

"Danielle" skryf in boodskap
> On Sun, 26 Aug 2001 18:46:50 GMT, (Cornald
> Kruyt) wrote:
>> (BE) wrote:
>>> I want to quit my job in style. Can anyone give me the Afrikaans
>>> equivalent of "I quit."
>> Ek geef op.
> Ek glo nie dis reg nie. Ongelukkig het ek dit nog altyd net in Engels
> gedoen, so ek weet nie....anders sou ek probeer help het. :-))
- Re: Translation for "I Quit" [boodskap #48838 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #48822] Sun, 26 August 2001 20:15 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Rennie Oster  is tans af-lyn  Rennie Oster
Boodskappe: 72
Geregistreer: August 2001
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
Die formele term is "Ek bedank"
Vir meer impak kan jy "Fok u almal" oorweeg

"BE" skryf in boodskap
I want to quit my job in style. Can anyone give me the Afrikaans
equivalent of "I quit."

Thanks in advance.
- Re: Translation for "I Quit" [boodskap #48840 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #48822] Sun, 26 August 2001 20:53 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Oorspronklik gepos deur:

BE wrote:

> I want to quit my job in style. Can anyone give me the Afrikaans
> equivalent of "I quit."
> Thanks in advance.

You must first tell us what the context of your "I quit" is.Do you want
to show bravado, spite, anger? Or are you
really just looking for the correct phrase? In which case
you should use: "Hiermee bedank ek."

- Re: Translation for "I Quit" [boodskap #48853 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #48834] Mon, 27 August 2001 05:18 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
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Nee Arthur, dit klink te formeel en te mooi:))
I quit! beteken die werker is taamlik vies, dus moet dit met 'n paar
vloekwoorde gepaard gaan:))))

Die regte terme is seker:
Ek dien my bedanking in.

>>> (BE) wrote:
>>>> I want to quit my job in style. Can anyone give me the Afrikaans
>>>> equivalent of "I quit."
>>> Ek geef op.
>> Ek glo nie dis reg nie. Ongelukkig het ek dit nog altyd net in Engels
>> gedoen, so ek weet nie....anders sou ek probeer help het. :-))
> Kan julle nie gewoon "ek neem ontslag" sê nie?
> Groete,
> Arthur
- Re: Translation for "I Quit" [boodskap #48854 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #48822] Mon, 27 August 2001 06:11 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
BE  is tans af-lyn  BE
Boodskappe: 4
Geregistreer: August 2001
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
> You must first tell us what the context of your "I quit" is.Do you want
> to show bravado, spite, anger? Or are you
> really just looking for the correct phrase? In which case
> you should use: "Hiermee bedank ek."
> Gloudina

Hi. Original Poster here. Thanks for all the help.
I would say spite and anger would be a nice combination.

I would like the "I quit" to indicate:

I quit this farce of a company, with its impotent managers
and its lying b*stard of an owner, who has failed to deliver
any of the promises, not to mention the contractual obligations
that were agreed upon.

Or something like that. So whatever flavor of "I quit"
implies the above is what I'm looking for.

I really appreciate this, everyone. There's a contest on to
see who can quit most creatively. As most of the others have
already done *their* runner, I'm having to work extra-hard to come
up with something original. With your collective help, I just may
win the contest.

- Re: Translation for "I Quit" [boodskap #48856 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #48854] Mon, 27 August 2001 06:57 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Spook  is tans af-lyn  Spook
Boodskappe: 76
Geregistreer: August 2001
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
"BE" wrote in message
> I quit this farce of a company, with its impotent managers
> and its lying b*stard of an owner, who has failed to deliver
> any of the promises, not to mention the contractual obligations
> that were agreed upon.

Well you can say the following:

Ek is nou gatvol vir hierdie f0k0p maatskapy met sy mofgat bestuurders en
liegbek eienaar, met hul leë beloftes. So ek f0k0ff nou, druk asb. die orige
salaris tjek so diep in jou rektum op dat jou 'n steek pyn van nostalgie sal

"Quit work and play for once."
- Re: Translation for "I Quit" [boodskap #48860 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #48822] Mon, 27 August 2001 07:10 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
David Beechey  is tans af-lyn  David Beechey
Boodskappe: 2
Geregistreer: August 2001
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Hi Be,

Someone used this (below) when they quit from our office. Maybe someone
could translate this to Afrikaans for you.

NOTE: - Be warned - This letter has some bad words but was very funny at the

Regards David.

Subject: resignation letter

This will confirm my fucking resignation with your fucked up company.
I have accepted a lucrative position with a company where being a
bitch is not a job prerequisite for managerial skills.
I am looking forward to my new position and the challenges that await
me, unlike when I worked with you assholes .

My last day of work will be when you realized I came in late last
night and clean out my desk, including all the supplies that I
and received last week.

Hopefully your dumb ass can figure out all the shit I left undone for
the new clients as well as the ongoing projects I never completed.
Once the company figures out that you don't know a damn thing, they
will not only fire my replacement, but your ass as well.
Please feel free not to say a damn thing to me should you see me on
the street, unless you want your ass kicked.

My experience with this fucking company has been very unrewarding.
I appreciate having had the opportunity to use you as a stepping
stone to a better future.

I wish you and the organization not a fucking thing, bitch-ass

Sincerely, One Happy Person!!

"BE" skryf in boodskap
> I want to quit my job in style. Can anyone give me the Afrikaans
> equivalent of "I quit."
> Thanks in advance.
- Re: Translation for "I Quit" [boodskap #48861 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #48860] Mon, 27 August 2001 07:25 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
David Beechey  is tans af-lyn  David Beechey
Boodskappe: 2
Geregistreer: August 2001
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Hi Be,

He got such a bad reaction from management to the letter above, that he
redid his resignation letter (see below - sorry but this is in English).

Regards David.


Resign who me!!!

I Love My Job!
I love my job, I love the pay!
I love it more and more each day.

I love my boss, he is the best! ''Wink Wink''
love his boss and all the rest.

I love my office and its location -
I hate to have to go on vacation.

I love my furniture, drab and gray,
And piles of paper that grow each day!

I think my job is really swell,
There's nothing else I love so well.

I love to work among my peers -
I love their leers, and jeers, and sneers.

I love my computer and its software;
I hug it often though it won't care.

I love each program and every file.
I'd love them more if they worked a while.

I'm happy to be here. I am. I am.
I'm the happiest slave of the Firm, I am.

I love this work, I love these chores.
I love the meetings with deadly bores.

I love my job - I'll say it again -
I even love those friendly men.

Those friendly men who've come today,
In clean white coats to take me away!!!!!


"David Beechey" skryf in boodskap news:3b89f1d2$0$
> Hi Be,
> Someone used this (below) when they quit from our office. Maybe someone
> could translate this to Afrikaans for you.
> NOTE: - Be warned - This letter has some bad words but was very funny at the
> time.
> Regards David.
> ---------------
> Subject: resignation letter
> This will confirm my fucking resignation with your fucked up company.
> I have accepted a lucrative position with a company where being a
> bitch is not a job prerequisite for managerial skills.
> I am looking forward to my new position and the challenges that await
> me, unlike when I worked with you assholes .
> My last day of work will be when you realized I came in late last
> night and clean out my desk, including all the supplies that I
> requested
> and received last week.
> Hopefully your dumb ass can figure out all the shit I left undone for
> the new clients as well as the ongoing projects I never completed.
> Once the company figures out that you don't know a damn thing, they
> will not only fire my replacement, but your ass as well.
> Please feel free not to say a damn thing to me should you see me on
> the street, unless you want your ass kicked.
> My experience with this fucking company has been very unrewarding.
> I appreciate having had the opportunity to use you as a stepping
> stone to a better future.
> I wish you and the organization not a fucking thing, bitch-ass
> motherfuckers.
> Sincerely, One Happy Person!!
> ---------------------
> "BE" wrote in message
>> I want to quit my job in style. Can anyone give me the Afrikaans
>> equivalent of "I quit."
>> Thanks in advance.
- Re: Translation for "I Quit" [boodskap #48874 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #48822] Mon, 27 August 2001 11:32 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Jonas  is tans af-lyn  Jonas
Boodskappe: 1070
Geregistreer: September 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Wat van die volgende..."Ek immigreer nou Kanada toe ..."

"BE" skryf in boodskap
> I want to quit my job in style. Can anyone give me the Afrikaans
> equivalent of "I quit."
> Thanks in advance.
- Re: Translation for "I Quit" [boodskap #48875 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #48822] Mon, 27 August 2001 11:32 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Oorspronklik gepos deur:

BE wrote:

> I quit this farce of a company, with its impotent managers
> and its lying b*stard of an owner, who has failed to deliver
> any of the promises, not to mention the contractual obligations
> that were agreed upon.

Dear BE. May I assume that your employer is therefore
Afrikaans-speaking? Or are you trying to quit in all the
eleven official languages?
I am really interested. If you read this newsgroup, you get
the impression that all black managers are inefficient and
a joke, and all white professionals alone worth their salt.
What is your opinion. Be honest.

- Re: Translation for "I Quit" [boodskap #48883 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #48822] Mon, 27 August 2001 12:17 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Sakkie[3]  is tans af-lyn  Sakkie[3]
Boodskappe: 488
Geregistreer: May 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Probeer: "Vat jou werk en steek dit in jou gat!"
Translated: "Take your job and shove it!"

"Danielle" skryf in boodskap
> On Sun, 26 Aug 2001 21:36:59 +0200, "Arthur"
> wrote:
>>>> > I want to quit my job in style. Can anyone give me the Afrikaans
>>>> > equivalent of "I quit."
>>>> Ek geef op.
>>> Ek glo nie dis reg nie. Ongelukkig het ek dit nog altyd net in Engels
>>> gedoen, so ek weet nie....anders sou ek probeer help het. :-))
>> Kan julle nie gewoon "ek neem ontslag" sê nie?
> Ek glo nie, Arthur. Ek dink amper dis iets soos: "ek bedank". Maar
> die ou wil dit in "styl ", "ek bedank" sal nie eintlik
> genoeg wees nie. :-)
- Re: Translation for "I Quit" [boodskap #48915 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #48822] Mon, 27 August 2001 20:16 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Dingus  is tans af-lyn  Dingus
Boodskappe: 187
Geregistreer: October 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Gat vol.

BE skryf in boodskap
> I want to quit my job in style. Can anyone give me the Afrikaans
> equivalent of "I quit."
> Thanks in advance.
- Re: Translation for "I Quit" [boodskap #48918 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #48822] Mon, 27 August 2001 20:56 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Dries Venter  is tans af-lyn  Dries Venter
Boodskappe: 299
Geregistreer: January 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
As jy *baie* formeel wil wees, kan jy so iets skryf (lw dis baie neutraal
gestel hieronder, as jy baie lekker by 'n plek gewerk het en regtig spyt is
om te loop, sal jy baie meer persoonlik wees, en 'n paragraaf insit oor hoe
lekker jy daar gewerk het en jy wens hulle alle sukses toe met hul besigheid
vorentoe, ens, ens):

"Geagte meneer,

Hiermee wens ek u mee te deel dat ek 'n betrekking by (mpy) aanvaar het, met
ingang (datum), en daarom van my huidige pos by u firma bedank, effektief op
bg. datum. Ek sal u op prys stel indien u my so gou doenlik in knnis kan
stel van enige bedrae wat dienooreenkomstig die werknemerooreenkoms
betaalbaar sal wees op hierdie datum, sodat ek my sake daarvolgens kan reël.

Die uwe,

As jy eintlik die donder in is, maar nie vir die ou die eenvinger-saluut wil
gee nie, kan jy die bedanking driftiger stel:


Ingevolge paragraaf sus-en-so van die werknemerooreenkoms, bedank ek my pos
in u mpy met ingang (datum)
Stel my onmiddellik in kennis van enige bedrae deur u mpy aan my verskuldig
sal wees op bg. datum.


(let op: geen "Die uwe" hier nie, geen polite "asseblief" of "wens" nie.
Baie onbeskof en kortaf gestel, die ekwivalent van 'n eenvinger-saluut)

As jy *rêrig* *toetentaal* die moer in is vir die ou, skryf jy:

"Steek jou werk in jou gat! Dwars!"

Dan wag jy tot die baas nie in sy kantoor is nie, en sit die papier op sy
tafel, klim bo-op die tafel en "draai 'n cone" om as papiergewig te dien.
As jy nie weet wat beteken dit om 'n cone te draai nie, hmmm..., wel jy,
err..., kak op sy lessenaar! Rêrige slu ouens sal 'n cone op sy stoel ook
los, in die hoop dat hy daarop gaan sit. Nodeloos beter jy af van die
perseel wees voordat die baas in sy kantoor terug is!

Take your pick

skryf in boodskap
> BE wrote:
>> I want to quit my job in style. Can anyone give me the Afrikaans
>> equivalent of "I quit."
>> Thanks in advance.
> You must first tell us what the context of your "I quit" is.Do you want
> to show bravado, spite, anger? Or are you
> really just looking for the correct phrase? In which case
> you should use: "Hiermee bedank ek."
> Gloudina
- Re: Translation for "I Quit" [boodskap #48941 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #48822] Tue, 28 August 2001 06:33 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
BE  is tans af-lyn  BE
Boodskappe: 4
Geregistreer: August 2001
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
> Dear BE. May I assume that your employer is therefore Afrikaans-speaking?

I am currently working overseas, and my boss is South African. Due to
the horrible management (not from my SA boss, but from the Middle
Eastern company owners), a lot of the work force is leaving.

> I am really interested. If you read this newsgroup, you get
> the impression that all black managers are inefficient and
> a joke, and all white professionals alone worth their salt.
> What is your opinion. Be honest.

Prior to the inspiration to surprise my boss with a resignation note
in his native language, I never participated in this newsgroup, so I
don't have any concept of its history, vis-a-vis black vs. white

Being from the Deep South of the US, I have grown up with my own set
of prejudices concerning black people. Those opinions are nowhere
near as strong as those of my countrymen who wind up on some talk
show, dressed in a white robe and espousing segregationist views. But
at the same time, I am completely incapable of considering dating a
black woman.

With regards to the workplace, and managers, I don't really have an
opinion. The quality of a manager really has nothing to do with the
color of his or her skin; it's the individual, and how they treat
their people, and how they "go to bat" for them.

> Or are you trying to quit in all the eleven official languages?

Well, you'll probably laugh at this, but, in the year or so that I
have been working with South Africans, it has only been whites, and
for some reason, I have come to equate Afrikaans with being white. I
guess I figured the black South Africans would all have some
completely indecipherable dialect, consisting of clicks and grunts as
per any circa 1970 National Geographic special.

So, in summary: I have no opinions about South Africans in general.
The only reason I wanted the translation was to shock and amaze my
soon-to-be-former boss, if only for a moment.

I hope I addressed all of your questions. If not, please give me a
chance to clarify. And thanks again for your help.

- Re: Translation for "I Quit" [boodskap #48967 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #48822] Tue, 28 August 2001 11:01 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Oorspronklik gepos deur:

BE wrote:

> Due to
> the horrible management (not from my SA boss, but from the Middle
> Eastern company owners), a lot of the work force is leaving.

> The only reason I wanted the translation was to shock and amaze my
> soon-to-be-former boss, if only for a moment.

Well, if you do not have poor relations with yourSA boss, please do not use all
the expletives they
have been feeding you on this newsgroup. Simply
say "Hiermee bedank ek" which means "With this
I resign" and he will be impressed and not insulted.

- Re: Translation for "I Quit" [boodskap #48969 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #48822] Tue, 28 August 2001 11:07 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
T de Wet  is tans af-lyn  T de Wet
Boodskappe: 446
Geregistreer: April 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Ek sal dit ook so doen.

Geen rede om die baas te byt as hy eintlik sy baas moet gaan byt nie.

Thys oppie Bos
skryf in boodskap
> BE wrote:
>> Due to
>> the horrible management (not from my SA boss, but from the Middle
>> Eastern company owners), a lot of the work force is leaving.
>> The only reason I wanted the translation was to shock and amaze my
>> soon-to-be-former boss, if only for a moment.
> Well, if you do not have poor relations with yourSA boss, please do not use all
> the expletives they
> have been feeding you on this newsgroup. Simply
> say "Hiermee bedank ek" which means "With this
> I resign" and he will be impressed and not insulted.
> Gloudina
- Re: Translation for "I Quit" [boodskap #48976 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #48822] Tue, 28 August 2001 14:07 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
BE  is tans af-lyn  BE
Boodskappe: 4
Geregistreer: August 2001
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
> Well, if you do not have poor relations with yourSA boss, please do not use
> all the expletives they
> have been feeding you on this newsgroup. Simply
> say "Hiermee bedank ek" which means "With this
> I resign" and he will be impressed and not insulted.
> Gloudina

Thanks for the clarification and guidance.

It must say it's intimidating to throw out what one thinks is a "quick
question", and to have generated literally paragraphs of discussion.
I just wish I could read it all.

I find it wonderfully ironic that the first word of the resignation,
"Hiermee" would, when pronounced by a Philistine such as myself, be
pronounced as "Hire me." I'm sure it's not *really* pronounced that
way, but still...

Thanks again to everyone who pitched in on this project. This
Internet is a wonderful thing.

- Re: Translation for "I Quit" [boodskap #48977 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #48822] Tue, 28 August 2001 14:40 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Oorspronklik gepos deur:

BE wrote:

> I find it wonderfully ironic that the first word of the resignation,
> "Hiermee" would, when pronounced by a Philistine such as myself, be
> pronounced as "Hire me." I'm sure it's not *really* pronounced that
> way, but still...

I really had to scratch my head to come up with
an equivalent in American English to guide you
into the pronunciation of "hiermee." Pronounce
"see" or "bee" or "teeter" of "cedar" and you come
very close to the pronunciation of "hier." It certainly
is not pronounced "hire."

- Re: Translation for "I Quit" [boodskap #48982 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #48822] Tue, 28 August 2001 15:37 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Arthur  is tans af-lyn  Arthur
Boodskappe: 609
Geregistreer: September 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Gloudina schreef...
> BE wrote:
>> I find it wonderfully ironic that the first word of the resignation,
>> "Hiermee" would, when pronounced by a Philistine such as myself, be
>> pronounced as "Hire me." I'm sure it's not *really* pronounced that
>> way, but still...
> I really had to scratch my head to come up with
> an equivalent in American English to guide you
> into the pronunciation of "hiermee." Pronounce
> "see" or "bee" or "teeter" of "cedar" and you come
> very close to the pronunciation of "hier." It certainly
> is not pronounced "hire."

How about pronouncing it "here-may" (as "come here" and "5th month of the
year) or "year-may"?

- Re: Translation for "I Quit" [boodskap #49007 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #48822] Tue, 28 August 2001 20:48 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Lou  is tans af-lyn  Lou
Boodskappe: 436
Geregistreer: July 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Cheers ek bokkerof! Stick jou job! :)

BE wrote:
> I want to quit my job in style. Can anyone give me the Afrikaans
> equivalent of "I quit."
> Thanks in advance.
- Re: Translation for "I Quit" [boodskap #49080 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #48822] Thu, 30 August 2001 05:52 Na vorige boodskap
*Sterrenkijker*  is tans af-lyn  *Sterrenkijker*
Boodskappe: 67
Geregistreer: July 2001
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
In België kan ons sê: "Salut! Ek ben weg. En de wind vanagter!"

Groetjies van

Norbert (uit Vlaanderen) (BE) schreef:

> I want to quit my job in style. Can anyone give me the Afrikaans
> equivalent of "I quit."
> Thanks in advance.
Vorige onderwerp: Afrikaans Free Dictionary
Volgende onderwerp: Free Afrikaans Dictionary
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