Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Big Brother
Big Brother [boodskap #47351] |
Thu, 26 July 2001 19:29  |
Boodskappe: 8 Geregistreer: July 2001
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
Neem kennis. Hiermee sal ons almal nou skielik "openlik en deursigtig" raak.
Issued by: Parliament of the Republic of South Africa
18 July 2001
Press statement issued by Adv. Johnny de Lange, MP and Chairperson of the
Portfolio Committee on Justice & Constitutional Development.
The Interception and Monitoring Bill has been introduced in Parliament and
is referred to the Portfolio Committee on Justice and Constitutional
Development for consideration.
The Bill aims to regulate the interception and Monitoring of certain
communications; to provide for interception of postal articles and
communications and for the monitoring of communications in the case of a
serious offence or if the security or other compelling national interests of
the republic are threatened; to prohibit the provision of certain
telecommunication services which do not have the capacity to be monitored;
to regulate authorised telecommunications monitoring; and to provide for
matters connected therewith.
If any person or organisation would like to make written representations on
the Interception and Monitoring Bill he or she should do so by no later than
13 August 2001. Anyone who would like to give further oral evidence to the
Committee in regard to his or her written submissions should notify the
Committee by no later than 13 August 2001.
If the need should arise public hearings will provisionally be scheduled to
take place during the third term of parliament in 2001.
The Committee requests all persons and institutions that wish to send
submissions to make 30 copies available to the Committee, if possible.
It should be pointed out that the Committee reserves the right to decide:
Whether or not to hold public hearings on the Bill
Whether or not to give individuals or representatives of organisations the
opportunity to appear before it, and
The date, time, venue, duration and form of the hearing.
All correspondence in this regard should be addressed to:
The Secretary to Parliament
PO Box 15
Cape Town
All correspondence should be marked for the attention of Collette Herzenberg
or Zodwa Zenzile (fax 021-462 2142). Copies of the Bill may, upon
availability, be obtained from Ms Herzenberg and Ms Zenzile.
Issued by Adv Johnny de Lange, MP
Zodwa Zenzile (
Tel: 021-403 3660
Collette Herzenberg (
Tel: 021-403 3669
Re: Big Brother [boodskap #52223 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #52183] |
Tue, 23 October 2001 05:16  |
Frikkie Potgieter
Boodskappe: 383 Geregistreer: February 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Ja dit is darem `n lelike ding daardie ne.
Ek sien tot ou kader asmal het uitgevaar teen haar maar daar sal seker niks van kom nie.
Daar is blykbaar ook persone wat een of ander hofsake teen haar gemaak het as gevolg van die rasistiese uitlatings wat sy gemaak het.
Sal maar sien wat daar gaan uitbroei.
Spook® skryf in boodskap news:9r0tbn$lph$
Hulle het nie miskien 'n komkommer tuin ook begin nie.
"Frikkie Potgieter" skryf in boodskap news:3bd26093$0$
Last week another Big Brother house was started in Soweto with 10 people.
This week they had 320 people.
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