Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Aandag Chief Wouter Bull
Aandag Chief Wouter Bull [boodskap #45217] |
Wed, 27 June 2001 02:22  |
Oorspronklik gepos deur:
Wouter Plaasvark wrote:
> Gloudina het immers in 'n swart gebied
> gewerk. Of dit 'n reservaat was, sal net Emmy en dalk Big Chief Sitting
> Bull weet.
En Chief Wouter Bull. 'n Verskoning is in orde:Die volgende kom uit die
Dictionary of South African English:
"Reserve(s)...areas of land set aside for the occupation of
blacks, later redesignated homelands..
Quote from Louw & Kendall "South Africa: The Solution 1989
"Finally came the notorious Native Lands Act of 1913 which
demarcated 8% if South Africa's surface areas as "Native
Reserves." Blacks were forbidden to buy land in white areas
(the remaining 92%.)
Re: Aandag Chief Wouter Bull [boodskap #45227 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #45217] |
Wed, 27 June 2001 04:51  |
Ernst v Biljon
Boodskappe: 257 Geregistreer: March 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
So, Emmy gaan eintlik terug na die tydperk voor 1913? Dit sou nou wees voor
of na die apartheidsjare? (Vra maar net want apartheid kom eintlik in 1948
eintlik in werking?). Sien, die Land Claims Court in Suid Afrika gaan ook
terug na die jare 1913. Om presies te wees 9 of 12 April 1913 (Ek is nie so
seker van die dag nie). Maar, dit het eintlik niks met apartheid te doen
gehad nie. Want, die Engelse was toe nog aan bewind.
skryf in boodskap
> Wouter Plaasvark wrote:
>> Gloudina het immers in 'n swart gebied
>> gewerk. Of dit 'n reservaat was, sal net Emmy en dalk Big Chief Sitting
>> Bull weet.
> En Chief Wouter Bull. 'n Verskoning is in orde:Die volgende kom uit die
> Dictionary of South African English:
> "Reserve(s)...areas of land set aside for the occupation of
> blacks, later redesignated homelands..
> .
> Quote from Louw & Kendall "South Africa: The Solution 1989
> "Finally came the notorious Native Lands Act of 1913 which
> demarcated 8% if South Africa's surface areas as "Native
> Reserves." Blacks were forbidden to buy land in white areas
> (the remaining 92%.)
> Gloudina
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