Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: No white friens of mine
Re: No white friens of mine [boodskap #43901] |
Tue, 12 June 2001 11:48  |
Boodskappe: 11112 Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid |
Dankie Krokkie,
Ek het die storie oor die radio gehoor vanoggend - en onmiddelik gewonder -
as dieselfde toets deur dieselfde Amerikaners in Amerika gedoen sou word -
wat die uitslae sou wees?
Ek dink nie veel verskillend nie. - veral nie wat die saameet betref nie:))
Ek meen - ek kyk rolprente hier, so ek weet wat daar aangaan:))
Happiness is a state of Mind.
Krokkie skryf in boodskap news:3b25a4c5$0$
> Cape Town - A substantial proportion of black South Africans believe whites
> are racist and untrustworthy and find it hard to imagine ever being friends
> with them, according to findings of a survey.
> The survey, released on Monday, carried out for the Cape Town-based
> Institute for Justice and Reconciliation (IJR), also found that 81 percent
> of black respondents had never eaten a meal with a white person.
> The poll was aimed at evaluating people's opinions of the Truth and
> Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and its effect on South African society.
> In their analysis of the findings, researchers Professor James Gibson of
> Washington University in the United States, and IJR staffer Helen Macdonald
> said this "racial isolation" impeded reconciliation.
> "Black South Africans do not understand whites, they feel uncomfortable
> around them," they said.
> "We do not argue that to 'know' is necessarily to 'love' ... but it is
> difficult not to be suspicious of groups with which one has had little
> personal contact and experience."
> But they also said it was important to put the data into perspective by
> imagining what responses might have been like a decade ago.
> More reconciliation than expected
> "From the perspective of the vitriolic debates about race that are so
> prominent in South Africa today, the data portray substantially more racial
> reconciliation than would be expected.
> "South Africa is far from being a contented 'rainbow nation', but it is also
> a country in which many seem to reject the intense racial animosity of the
> past."
> The survey, based on 3 727 interviews, found that less than a quarter of
> blacks said they understood the customs and ways of whites. Roughly half of
> the whites, coloured and Asians asserted they did not understand blacks.
> Fifty-six percent of blacks believed whites were untrustworthy, while a
> third of whites believed the same of blacks.
> Sixty-nine percent of blacks were willing to ascribe selfish motives to
> whites, while only 45 percent of whites held similar views on blacks.
> Asked whether whites were non-racist, just over a third of blacks agreed, 22
> percent were uncertain, and 43 percent disagreed.
> Asked the same question about blacks, half the white respondents disagreed,
> 27 percent agreed, and the rest were uncertain.
> 'Hard to imagine white friends'
> Just over half the blacks found it hard to imagine ever being friends with a
> white person. For whites, the figure was 19 percent.
> Equal proportions of blacks and whites - just under a fifth of each group -
> thought South Africa would be a better place without the other race.
> However, Gibson and Macdonald said the survey also showed most South
> Africans were hopeful about their future, and a majority, or near-majority,
> of each group was hopeful as well.
> "Important issues face the country and many of these issues divide South
> Africa by race. But, most seem committed to a multi-racial South Africa. Few
> would have predicted such findings a decade ago."
> Consensus on TRC
> They found "vast racial differences" in how people evaluated the TRC.
> While 76 percent of black South Africans approved of the work of the body,
> only 37 percent of whites supported it.
> Generally speaking, most people of all colours judged the amnesty process to
> be unfair, even to the individuals seeking amnesty.
> It was thought to be particularly unjust towards those who died in the
> struggle against apartheid.
> The researchers said they were surprised by the finding that most whites
> supported a policy under which the government would pay compensation to
> victims of gross human rights abuses, which implied that they recognised "to
> at least some degree" responsibility for the past.
> Apartheid 'crime against humanity'
> Most South Africans, of all races, agreed that apartheid as practised in
> South Africa was a crime against humanity.
> However, half of the white respondents, and a "somewhat surprising" 36
> percent of blacks, believed that though there had been abuses, the ideas
> behind apartheid were "basically good".
> "This most likely means that the 'separate development' aspects of apartheid
> are endorsed, rather than the idea that a racial hierarchy is acceptable,"
> said the authors.
> They said it was consequently not surprising to find that many South
> Africans believed the struggle to preserve apartheid was just.
> The finding that a greater proportion of blacks than whites (40 percent to
> 34 percent) held this view was "unexpected", perhaps indicating that people
> accepted that each racial community had the right to a separate existence.
> South Africans of every race accepted what was probably a central conclusion
> of the TRC - that those who struggled for and against apartheid committed
> horrible abuses, and the differences between blacks and whites on this issue
> were insignificant.
Re: No white friens of mine [boodskap #43926 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #43901] |
Tue, 12 June 2001 17:12  |
Oorspronklik gepos deur:
Annette wrote:
> Amerikaners in Amerika
> Ek meen - ek kyk rolprente hier,
> so ek weet wat daar aangaan:))
Dierbaarheid Annette.Deur na Amerikaanse rolprente te kyk en dan af te
lei dat jy weet "hoe Amerikaners is" is die toppunt
van naiefgeit.
Ek kyk nou die dag na 'n TV program, waar hulle
verduidelik dat "Hollywood" in die jare dertig geskep
is deur omtrent ses studio maatskappye, aan die hoof
waarvan almal Jode was, almal van Sentraal Europa.
En dat die beeld wat Hollywood geskep het, selfs in
die cowboy films, die lewensfilosofie was van hierdie
Oos Europese Jode, wat die outsider en die hero besing
het. So, wanneer jy Hollywood sê, is die persepsies nie
altyd die van "Amerikaners" nie. In alle geval, wie is nou
eintlik die "Amerikaners." Die Amerikaner van upstate
New York is so verskillend van die Amerikaner in Texas
as die dag by die nag. Upstate New Yorkers en Oos-
Ontarions het meer in gemeen as met hulle broeders in
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